Sarah Toland, 22, from Lisburn, is on a work
placement at the Star while she takes a year out from her studies at the
University of Ulster in Coleraine where she has been studying English with
Psychology. She is a keen golf player and is a member of Dunmurry Golf
What do you like doing on your day off?
If it's a good day I like to play golf then head out
for dinner and a few drinks finishing the night on the dance floor until
my shoes come off-literally.
If you were to choose your favourite meal what
would it be, where
and why?
Chicken Korma and chips, probably from Jaharna
because It's the best korma I've ever had.
What has been your proudest moment?
Not dying on the Gold Duke of Edinburgh in Wicklow!
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
When my dad got mugged in Naples, Italy.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
Feminine but comfortable, I'm not a stiletto girl.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
See the world in style
with my family and friends and invest the rest for interest.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I lack shame so I actually can't remember any.
What music do you like?
Anything I can dance to although I do love R'nB.
What sports person do you most admire?
Tiger Woods, I admire his mental strength.
Describe your best ever holiday? What would be
your dream holiday be?
Skiing in Austria with my family. My dream
holiday would have to involve plenty of adventure, I'm not a sun
worshipper and it would have to last for at least 3 months.
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
To become a good journalist and to get my handicap
down to scratch.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity who would
you choose?
Colin Farrell every time.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3
things would you want with you?
A boat, my best friend and Bacardi.
Car- | Bentley Continental Supersports |
Film- | The Negotiator |
Comedian- | Dara O'Brian |
CD- | Michael Jackson's History |
Book- | Cecilia Ahern's The Gift |
Actor- | Samuel L Jackson |
Actress- | Julia Roberts |
Drink- | Bush and Ginger |
Ulster Star