Aine McGuinness, 23, is a Fine Artist (Drawing) and works at the Studio
23 centre in Derriaghy. Studio 23 gave two 12 month residencies to recent
graduates and Aine is one of them. Aine can use of all of the studio's
facilities is exempt from rent for a year. This scheme was designed so that
artists may concentrate on developing personal work, both artists specialise
in Fine Art Print.
What do you like doing on your day off?
I go to the Ulster Museum (to draw), galleries, and markets. If I am at
home in Meath I go for walks to take photos and try and find inspiration
and research material.
If you were to choose your favourite meal what would it be, where and
My Mum is a great cook, her Chicken Chasseur is one of my favourites.
It's a French dish but she customizes it in her own way like most dishes
Makes. If I was eating out my favourite place at the moment Would
definitely be Pichet on Trinity Street in Dublin, a contemporary take on
the classic bistro.
What has been proudest moment?
To date, probably our degree show in June (2011) in University of
Ulster, Belfast. Then off course the icing on the cake personally was
when Mrs. McDevitt, Director at Studio 23 in Derriaghy offered me the
opportunity of an artist residency at Studio 23 for the following 12
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
I work as a lifeguard part-time with Meath County Council, and
frightening moments are quite a regular occurrence.
How would would you describe your taste in clothes?
I suppose i'm quite alternative. I like mixing things up a bit so my
wardrobe's pretty eccentric at a Glance. It ranges from bohemian, to
punk, to 80's retro, to vintage and classic influences.
What would you do if you won a million?
Firstly donate £500,000 to Goal who has been responding to the SomaIi
humanitarian crisis since January 2011 and its only now when it has
reached this critical stage of epic proportion have the media really
taken notice.
If I had any left I would buy a little cottage in Donegal or Clare
somewhere beside the Coast that I could share with friends and family to
What was your most embarrassing moment?
My friend Caroline and myself were walking into town from the Lisburn
Road direction to the University and as we reached City HalI, a parked
taxi driver started to yell out the window at me. I didn't know what he
was saying, I thought I had done something wrong and started looking
around for clues, Caroline went over to has window to talk to him and he
called me over and whispered 'Love, your dress is caught up behind your
school bag.
What music do you like?
Villagers, Yeasayer, Beirut, Cold War Kids, The XX, Bon Iver, Laura
Marling, Leonard Cohen, Ella Fitzgerald, Imelda May, Best Coast, Lykke
Li, O Emperor a mix of indie, Soul and electro I guess.
What sports person do you most admire?
Rory McIlory, at 22 he has made a big "impact already.
Describe your best ever holiday. What would your dream holiday be?
Inter-railing in 2008 with my friend Laura was amazing we got see some
great Cities in Europe. I would love to visit Havana in Cuba for its
culture and history.
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
As an artist, one of my greatest ambitions, would be to create a piece
that could be meaningful and accessible to all and maybe considered
timeless a hundred years down the line.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you choose?
Noel Fielding the talented 'cockney ragamuffin' comedian.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you
want with you?
My camera, a good book and lots of strawberries.
Favourite things
Ulster Star