BRIAN Elwood, 39, a partner in Elwood & Capper Ltd. Funeral Directors in
Dunmurry. Originally from Dunmurry Brian now lives in the village of
Black-scull. He is married to Trudi and between them have 7 boys.
What do you like doing on your day off?
I love hill-walking and spend as many days off as I can on the Mournes in
Co. Down.
If you were to choose your favourite meal what would it be, where and
I love pizza and the nicest one I ever tasted was in Cincinnati, Ohio about
17 years ago. So I'd like to go there and try another one of those.
What has been your proudest moment?
The day Elwood & Capper opened, which was 5th May 2005.
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
I asked Trudi to marry me at the top of the Empire State Building and I was
really frightened that she's say no. But she said yes.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
1980's or whatever my wife buys for me.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
New house, holiday, new car, the list is pretty long.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I once met Richard Branson but thought he was Noel Edmonds and asked him
what it was like in Crinkley Bottom.
What music do you like?
All kinds really but I love singer/songwriters and I'm a big, big fan of
Justin Currie from Del Amitri.
What sports person do you most admire?
Not into sport but I suppose I'd pick the late Joey Dunlop. A true gentleman
and hero of his sport.
Describe your best ever holiday. What would your dream holiday be?
My best was a simple little holiday I had with Trudi and the boys in
Scarborough at a Haven Resort two years ago. I'd love to go to Australia or
visit relatives in South Africa.
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
To be talked about and regarded in the same manner as my late father. If I
can continue his legacy that'll do for me.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you choose?
Jeremy Clarkson
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you want
with you?
My iPod, a deck of cards and some high factor sun lotion.
Favourite things
Ulster Star