CHRYSTAL Carter, 33, a busy Lisburn mum, entrepreneur, and aspiring
novelist embarked on a Japanese adventure in 1999 at the age of 21 when she
spent three years working as an English teacher. On her return she decided
to record her story, with a little added extra entitled, 'Louisa's Guide to
Japan'- She is currently writing the comic trilogy about adjusting to life
in Japan.
What do you like doing on your day off?
Visiting beautiful places like Silent Valley and exploring off the beaten
track with my family and the family dog.
If you were to choose your favourite meal what would it be, where and
It would have to be an authentic Italian tomato and basil pasta, served up
in an outdoor café in a beautiful Italian city. The Italians know how to
cook and enjoy life to the fullest.
What has been your proudest moment?
Telling my Mum and Dad that I had just given birth to their grand daughter,
Emily. They couldn't be there at the birth as I lived in Scotland at the
time, but they were straight on the plane to help me out with the new baby.
What was your most frightening moment?
I was watching my first 18 rated horror movie, Nightmare on Elm Street, at
aged 12. I had turned the bedroom lights off but left the hall one on. My
dad and sister kept turning it off, and I kept turning it back on, on my
third trip both of them jumped out at me from behind the door, scaring the
life out of me.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
Casual and convenient, but on the rare occasion I am actually allowed to
leave the house for a night out, then I do like to glam up, and have been
known to go on a mrnr shopping spree for just such an event.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
Buy a house in Melbourne, Australia and build an English school in China,
where I'd teach for 9 months of the year and take 3 months off to holiday
Down Under. The kids would have to come too and learn the true value of
money, luxury and the importance of humanitarianism.
What music do you like?
I am a kid of the 90's so bands like Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, RHCPs bring
back fond memories of lumberjack shirts friendship bracelets and boys who
don't wash their hair.
What sports person do you most admire?
Tom Daley.
Describe your best ever holiday.
Japan was work so, although amazing, doesn't really count. I did go on a
week long excursion to South Korea, which was pretty cool. My dream holiday
would be a tour of China, Hong Kong, Shanghai, The Great Wall, The Forbidden
City. There are so many places to visit there, you could see why I'd want to
live there for a while to fully experience everything China has to offer.
Greatest ambition?
To be a published author, and get paid to write about all fantastic places,
people and things I visit around the world.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you choose?
Anthony Robbins, he's my iPod gym buddy. One day with him and all of my
phobias and limiting beliefs would be ancient history, and he wouldn't have
to ask me twice to do the 'Fire Walk!' I'm game.
Three things to take to a desert island?
My solar powered laptop, with built in satellite broadband, the recipe for
Ferrero Roche and a copy of 'The Dummies Guide to Surviving on a Desert
Favourite things
Ulster Star