INGRID Freeburn, from Drumbeg, has started a new Slimming World group in
Ballymacash Primary School on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm. She is married,
with two children and worked for the health service for over 20 years before
leaving to take up part-time work to suit the needs of her family. She lost
four stone at a local Slimming World group in 2010 and earlier this year
started a new career as a Slimming World consultant.
What do you like doing on your day off?
I very rarely have a day off but when I do, I like to relax with a good
book, ideally out in the garden with a long, cold drink on a sunny day.
If you were to choose your favourite meal what would it be, where and
It's hard to pick one but I suppose I would have to say chicken curry
with rice accompanied by an ice cold glass of white wine. I love the
North Coast and we go up there pretty often so I think my preference
would be to have it anywhere up there with a view of the ocean.
What has been your proudest moment?
The opening night of my first Slimming World group. It was amazing to
think that I had enough confidence to stand up there in front of a crowd
of strangers and explain how I lost weight with the help of Slimming
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
I can now be more adventurous in what I buy as I can choose from a
greater variety of shops. I like to look sophisticated for work so I
generally go for high heels and dresses.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
Buy the family a house with plenty of land around it so my son could
have a gym, my daughter could have a horse, my husband could play music
at any volume at any time of the day without risk of irritating the
neighbours and I would have the room to have as many dogs as I like.
What sports person do you most admire?
Mary Peters.
Describe your best ever holiday.
My honeymoon in Sri Lanka. It was absolutely idyllic and we met a lovely
local man who acted as our tour guide and with whom we have kept in
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
To see my children successfully settled into their chosen careers and to
enjoy a happy and healthy retirement with my husband.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you choose?
Lord Alan Sugar — he seems such a character.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you
want with you?
Contact lens solution, moisturiser and a mobile phone to ring for help.
Favourite things
Ulster Star