Kelly-Louise Flynn, 19, recently won the title Miss Lisburn City at the
Miss Northern Ireland heat held at Drumbo Park. Kelly-Louise will now
compete at the grand final of the Miss Northern Ireland competition later
this month. Kelly-Louise is a former pupil of Fort Hill College and now
works as a hairdresser at Toni & Guy, Lisburn Road.
What do you like doing on your day off?
I like to go shopping on my day off. I also like to socialise
with my
If you were to choose your favourite meal what would it be, where and
My favourite meal is a Christmas dinner. At Christmas my family get
together at my mum's house, relax and enjoy ourselves with a few board
What has been your proudest moment?
So far, my proudest moment has been winning the title Miss Lisburn City
What was the most frightening moment of your life?
The most frightening time of my life was two years ago when I was
involved m a car accident.
How would you describe your taste in clothes?
My taste in clothes and fashion is unique, girly and individual. I like
to try clothes on before I buy them, if it looks good on me, I buy it.
What would you do if you won a million pounds?
I would like to travel around the world and take care of my family.
Cancer has had a large impact on my family's life for several years,
with my dad being diagnosed back in 2004. I would donate some money to
Action Cancer and Cancer Research.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
My most embarrassing moment was when I mistakenly got into the wrong car
thinking it was my dad's. The shock on the driver's face was priceless
as I was in mid conversation with the driver of the car who I thought
was my dad. When I realised what I had had done I couldn't get out of
the car quick enough.
What music do you like?
I like listening to pop, power ballads and R'n'B
What sports person do you most admire?
Janet Gray — I think she is inspirational and an excellent role model
for Lisburn.
Describe your best ever holiday. What would your dream holiday be?
My best holiday was in Turkey last summer and my dream holiday would be
going to Australia.
What is your greatest remaining ambition?
My greatest remaining ambition is to win Miss Northern Ireland 2011.
If you could spend a day with a celebrity whom would you choose?
It would have to be Taylor Lautner from the film Twilight.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you
want with you?
A pilot's licence, plane and runway.
Favourite things
Ulster Star