First World War Period 1914-19
In common with all other sporting bodies Lisnagarvey was
badly hit by the outbreak of war. By 1915 the Ulster
Branch decided to suspend all competitive fixtures and a
growing number of members joined the armed forces. The
Club held its Annual General Meetings yearly and the
same committee and officials were re-elected with
substitutes for those on active service. The two grounds
were kept in commission and a number of friendly
fixtures were arranged, some against service sides. It
was decided that the running expenses should be met
entirely from the subscriptions of members living in
Lisburn, and that such cash reserves as existed were to
be kept intact. Later �35 from this source was invested
in War Loan. Every year money was raised from donations,
concerts, and other functions to send Christmas parcels
and other gifts to all serving members. As usual the
Ladies played their part, though the Ladies Section
ceased to function from the playing point of view for
the duration.
For such a comparatively small Club it is remarkable
how many members joined up. Of these four were killed in
active service, Corporal Quentin Dunlop, Lieutenant
Edward Brown, R.I.R; Lieutenant Douglas Morrow, R.
Garrison, Artillery; and Captain D. Mitchell, R.I.
Fusiliers. Four others were discharged unfit for further
service, F. T. W. Rice, W. G. Allen, H. Campbell and
Stanley Boyd. Also serving were: J. B. Alexander, Dick
Allen, G. W. Bannister, Ernest Boyd, C. Carson, Ernest
Duff, D. J. Fullerton, Frank Garrett, Charles Garrett,
Sydney Goldsmith, Oliver Goldsmith, E. S. B. Hamilton,
Joe Harrison, G. Harvey, Jack Hobson, F. G. Hull, W. W.
Hull, P. R. Keightly, N. B. Kilpatrick, Harry Kinkead,
Tom Malcolmson, Hugh Morrow, W. P. Murray, R. P.
McGregor, Nelson Russell, Harold Russell, J. H. Simpson,
E. M. Smith, R. N. Stevenson, G. Thompson, W. Tyler, W.
J. Wilson, W. A. Wilson, T. H. Wilson and W. Wilgar, a
grand total of 43.
Four of these received the Military Cross for bravery
in action, Captain Hugh Morrow, Captain E. B. B.
Hamilton, Lieutenant R. P. McGregor, and Lieutenant
Nelson Russell. For the first time in the season 1917-18
no games of any kind were played by the Club. At the
General Meeting held in 1918, a certain feeling of
depression was evident. No one, of course, was to know
that the end of the War was only two months ahead. It
was decided that if hockey was not restarted by the 1st
November, 1921, or one year after the declaration of
peace, steps should be taken to realize club assets and
that it might be necessary to wind up the club and
devote these assets to any charitable or sporting object
in Lisburn on which the committee might decide. The
meeting concluded by endorsing the committee's action in
expelling four members for misconduct, gambling on the
playing field.
The ending of hostilities on 11th November, 1918
completely altered the situation, and there was no
further talk about winding up the Club. The declaration
of peace and the return of so many members from the
forces led to a great resurgence of morale and hope for
the future.

Between the Wars 1919-39
With the prospect of a speedy return to full scale
competitive hockey, there were high hopes for the
future, but no one could have forseen what a great
breakthrough was to come within the next few years.
Several enthusiastic General Meetings were held in
1919-20 to get the club into full working order. New
Office bearers were elected with George Bannister as
Captain. As the second ground and Pavilion had been
disposed of, it was decided to concentrate on improving
the Magheralave Road Ground. It was suggested that the
erection of a new Pavilion should be put out to contract
but as this proved to be beyond the financial
capabilities of the Club, it was decided that in the
usual 'Garvey way, the members would do the work
themselves. With rising inflation the subscription of
playing members was increased to 12/6d except for
original members, and it was made a firm ruling that
their subscriptions should never be raised. A new
category was also created, that of old members living in
Lisburn who no longer played regularly, but contrived to
take an interest in the Club, their subscription was
fixed at 5 shillings and they were to have full voting
rights. Before the end of this meeting, speaking on
behalf of all who had joined up, Fred Rice expressed
their deep appreciation of the interest the Club had
taken in their welfare and particularly of the yearly
gifts at Christmas time.
The membership was increasing rapidly, reaching 100
in 1922. It is not surprising that considerable
attention was paid to a revision of Club rules with an
enlarged committee. A code of conduct was laid down for
playing members, on and off the field. Those who failed
to turn out when selected could be fined up to one
shilling, and be suspended until the fine was paid. Even
in these days vandalism seems to have raised its ugly
head and members could be fined for defacing or damaging
Club property. Persistent breaches of rules would be
punished by expulsion.
In 1920 the Ladies Club was revived with a membership
of 42. Miss Dunlop became Captain and other officials
included Miss Boyd, Miss S. Kirkwood, Miss Mulholland,
Miss Rice and Miss L. Ogle. They entered the Junior
League and were granted Senior status the next year and
finished in second position in their first Senior year.
Two at least of their players were later capped for
Ireland, the Misses Sylvia and K. Kirkwood.
With the help of the Ladies a very successful Bazaar
was organized. No further details have come to light
except that the sum raised put the financial position of
the Club on a sound basis. An attempt was made to secure
another ground on the Antrim Road because of the
impossibility of getting a long lease for the
Magheralave Road Pitch. This attempt fell through and
the Magheralave remained the playing headquarters until
the thirties. Later a five year lease was secured which
made some improvements possible. There seems to have
been a considerable extension of social activities
within the Club. In the earlier days some members had
conscientious objections against the holding of dances
or what used to be called soirees. One prominent member
went on record that he would not contribute a single
penny to a
soiree to be held in Sloan Street Church Hall. In the
more permissive atmosphere of the 1920's annual dances
and dinners became a feature of Club life.
1921-22 saw at last a return to competitive games.
With the 1st XI finishing 3rd in the Senior League and
the 2nd XI reaching the finals of both the Braddell
Shield and the Ulster Section of the Junior Cup and
winning the Junior League (McMeekin Cup) for the first
time, the future seemed more than promising and so it
proved to be.
The following year saw the big breakthrough which the
1st XI had so long waited for. They annexed all the
Ulster Trophies, the Senior League, the Anderson and
Kirk Cups and in the process achieved that great
ambition to lay the "Bann bogey". Banbridge had their
revenge in the Ulster Final of the Irish Cup. The 3rd XI
won their section of the Minor Cup, but were unluckily
beaten in the play off by Ards III. Nelson Russell and
the immortal Gregor McGregor made their first
appearances for Ireland with Gregor being singled out as
the most dangerous forward in Ireland, and Miss Sylvia
Kirkwood won the first of her caps. To mark these
successes a well attended dinner was held in Ye Old
Castle Resturante in Belfast. Among the guests were the
chief officials of the Ulster Branch.

The following year was something of an anti-climax.
Due to a new set-up in the League and persistent bad
weather, the League programme was not completed. Antrim
beat them in both the Anderson Cup and Ulster Final, but
Cliftonville were defeated by 2-0 in the final of the
Kirk Cup. One great achievement was the dual friendly
success over leading Leinster Club, Three Rock Rovers by
4-1 in Dublin, and 5-2 in Lisburn. The Club sustained
serious loss in the death of their esteemed President,
Mr. Robert Bannister whose family had been associated
with'Garvey from its inception. He was succeeded in this
office by Mr. Hugh Mulholland. In his Annual Report, the
Hon. Secretary Ernest Browne singled out the 1924-25
Season as the greatest in Club history. "The phenomenal
success of the 1st XI engendered unprecendented local
interest and enthusiasm among those who had hitherto
appeared indifferent and good feeling both within and
toward the Club". Very wisely, he was not slow to point
out that when years slowed down the players and a
transition period would ensue then would come the test
of loyalty. Time was to show how prophetic this warning
There were those who believed that the feat of the
1923-24 team would never be surpassed. Yet within two
years their feat had been equalled and surpassed with
the Irish Cup joining the three Ulster trophies. The
full playing record was:
They also drew 1-1 with a powerful Ulster XI, their
victims in the Irish Cup were Limerick P.Y.M.A., but
only after two drawn games were they defeated at Foxrock.
Perhaps the most pleasing feature of all was the comment
from a neutral source at the end of the season, "We
applaud them highly for their success and it is just as
gratifying to us to record that it was obtained by those
fair and gentlemanly methods which characterized the
Club at its outset". Also from a high ranking Dublin
official came the statement regarding the thrice-played
Final, "they have brought out fine sportsmanship ....
cleaner games I have never seen".
Naturally, the team received a rousing welcome from
the people of Lisburn. At the annual Dinner in late May
the occasion was marked by a presentation by the
President, Mr. Hugh Mulholland, of tie-pins engraved "L.H.C.
Undefeated 1925", while the Captain, Mr. J. L. Alderdice
on behalf of the Club gave each player a suitably
engraved miniature Cup. The original members gave an
order to the Captain for 12 framed photographs of the
victorious side.
For the Scottish match G. McGregor was joined in the
Irish team by C. A. Gamble. Due to two successive wet
winters it was found necessary to returf part of the
pitch and carry out drainage. In spite of the heavy
rental a further 5 year lease was obtained.
One disquieting feature was that the Ladies ran into
a certain amount of trouble including the loss of a
number of members but it was decided to persevere. After
the Lord Mayor's Show! the next season was one of real
frustration. The 1st XI suffered by injuries to key
players, which in time weakened the junior sides.
Nevertheless, they finished equal on points with
Banbridge in the League but lost the play off. Banbridge
also ousted them from the Irish Cup, while they went
down to Cliftonville and Antrim in the
other Cup competitions. Friendly games were played with
Limerick P.Y.M.A. in Lisburn and Three Rock R. in
Dublin. McGregor and Gamble were again capped along with
R. T. S. Bailey winning them against Wales. The Ladies
Club had another difficult year with the defection of
some players to Belfast Clubs.
In 1926-27 the 1st XI was back in business. Under R.
T. S. Bailey they began in brilliant form with McGregor
hitting three successive hat-tricks in League games and
four out of five in the Connaught Inter-provincial.
After two drawn games they lost 2-1 to Banbridge in the
Final of the Anderson Cup, and they also made an early
exit from the Kirk Cup. These disappointments were more
than made up for with a second success in the Irish Cup.
The Final against Railway Union in Dublin was a
memorable one. The score was 2-1 after extra time and
was a really pulsating game. Behind at half time,
Lisnagarvey equalized through McGregor and the same
player put them ahead in extra time with an unsaveable
shot from a long corner. They hung on grimly, and in the
dying seconds Railway Union forced a corner and the
resulting shot from one of the Sully brothers hit the
post but went past.

After various celebrations in Dublin and in the train
coming North, the players were greeted by hundreds of
their fellow townsmen including several members of the
Urban Council. They were escorted to the Assembly Rooms
where an impromptu reception took place and the Cup was
twice displayed to the large crowd outside. The winning
side was H. Greenfield; G. W. Bannister; F. T. W. Rice;
E. Browne; W. P. Bullick; W. Allen; J. L. Alderdice; S.
Black; G. McGregor; R. T. S. Bailey (Capt.); Joe Bowden.
At a League match against South Antrim an additional
medal was presented to a player called Sailes who had
played in all the earlier matches but missed the Final
through injury.
Unfortunately, the season 1927-28 was to set the
fashion for some years to come. An early departure was
made from all Cups and the side languished near the
bottom of the League until a late run raised them to a
reasonable fourth position. During this year Harry
Greenfield gained the first of many caps. The lack of
success would have been even worse had it not been for
the performance of this brilliant `keeper'.
In the following year Mr. Tom Malcolmson succeeded Mr.
H. Mulholland as Club President. By 1930 the brilliant
Cup team had been almost completely broken up. Several
like Ernest Browne were lost by ill health or injury and
others retired. Lack of success on the playing field had
the results which had been forecast, a falling off in
interest both on and off the field, and a reduction of
membership. Summing up the Season 1930-31, local hockey
critic "Spectator" in the Lisburn Standard was scathing
in his remarks ... "Both local sides ('Garvey and South
Antrim) have fallen far short of expectations ... play
far below senior standards ... is hockey locally what it
used to be and is the same enthusiasm displayed in the
part of so-called supporters?" To both theoretical
questions he gave an emphatic negative.
Luckily there were members and officials who did not
lose heart. As the 4th XI had folded up, the Hon.
Secretary Gerry Leonard formed a school boys section,
many from his own Market Square Primary School, and in
the next year the Annual General Meeting created a new
category of players "Junior Members (U.15) paying a
nominal subscription of 1/6d. That year the Annual Dance
was held in the Orange Hall and it is interesting to
note that the starting time was eight o'clock and the
subscription half-a-crown.
G. W. Bannister was now a leading Umpire and was
honoured by being selected to handle the
Scotland-England International. Another outstanding
International referee later connected with the Club was
the late Dick Megran.
Perhaps the lightest spot in these lean years was the
Senior debut of a fifteen year old player. This was Jack
Bowden who made an immediate impact, and began a most
distinguished senior career covering more than two
decades. In those days he figured at outside-left, and
it was when he moved to inside-left to partner Brian
Raphael that he reached his full potential and this
combination became the scourge of defences all over
Ireland and beyond.
The rebuilding programme soon paid dividends, though
in the following season the 3rd XI no longer played in
competitive games. The reconstitution of the Ladies Club
was very helpful after a lapse of 8 years.
In 1933-34 the 1st XI under J. H. Kerr made a clean
sweep of all the Ulster trophies, a feat which was
marked by a special dinner at the Grand Central Hotel in
Belfast. During that year the Club without much warning
were informed that the Magheralave Road would no longer
be available and a move was made to a former home of the
Club in the Antrim Road, the property of the Corken
family. With the help of Mr. Callaby of the Golf Club
the pitch was moved further up the field, and
considerable work was done in preparing it for the
coming season. So this became the Club headquarters for
the next twenty years. It was by no means an ideal
playing surface with a distinctive slope and inclined to
be "guttery" in wet weather. This defied all attempts to
drain it properly. Improvements were made difficult as
here too it proved impossible to obtain a really long
lease. In spite of this many exciting games took place
there attracting crowds which would surprise present day
fans. It was never popular with visiting players and it
was one of these who remarked "seeing that 'Garvey have
learned to play good hockey on that so-and-so mud heap,
they can play it anywhere". The succession of four
letter words has been omitted!
With practically the same personnel as in the
previous year much was expected from the 1st XI but it
did not show either the same skill or enthusiasm and had
a poor enough year. The one bright spot was the improved
form of the 2nd XI, no trophies were won but a number of
promising young players were introduced. Another quiet
year followed although much work was done to improve
both the financial position in the Club and to improve
the pitch. To build up the stamina of the players the
services of a professional boxer from Belfast was
employed as trainer but the attendance at the training
sessions was disappointing. In 1937-38 the pendulum
swings again. The 1st XI under Eric Jefferson began
brilliantly and eventually annexed both the Senior
League and the Anderson Cup. Jack Bowden was capped for
the 1st time and later was to figure in three Triple
Crown successes for Ireland. After nearly 10 years as
Hon. Treasurer J. M. Allen retired to be replaced by
William Fletcher.
In the last season of peace Kenneth Raphael elder
brother of Brian led 'Garvey to futher success. They
defeated Antrim by 2-1 at Dunmore Park in the Final of
the Kirk Cup and again won the Keightley Cup. The run in
for the Senior League was a nail-biting one. Needing
three points from their last two games they just scraped
home by 2-1 against bottom of the table, East Antrim,
but then went to Banbridge and deservedly took that
vital point at that most difficult of venues for
visiting teams.

The Second World War 1939-45
The outbreak of war was to bring many headaches,
particularly during the first two years. The membership
was depleted due to those who left to join the armed
forces. However, the situation never became as serious
as in 1914-18 as far as Lisnagarvey was concerned as
there never was a complete shut down. The decision of
the Ulster Branch to discontinue all competitions was
strongly criticized in some quarters as precipitate.
Admittedly petrol rationing and other travel
restrictions would have posed problems, but experience
was to prove that these were not insuperable. It was
decided to keep the Antrim Road ground in commission and
to run A and B teams playing friendly matches, some
against service teams. With many servicemen stationed in
and around Lisburn, the Club ran a series of dances,
mainly through the work of the Bowden family. These
raised a considerable amount of money which was to prove
very useful in later years.
Some other Clubs found it impossible to function
under wartime conditions and among those which closed
down for the duration was South Antrim. A number of
their players joined Lisnagarvey and some of these
remained after the war. Among these was Jim Lappin who
was to make his mark both as a player and in
Unlike the 1st World War period which was extremely
well documented there is little information about those
who served in 1939-45. There are a number of references
to the large number of members on active service, but
few names have come to light. A former member Lieutenant
R. N. C. Scott was killed in action. A member, Captain
M. F. McHenry, Royal Engineers, died of natural causes
in Larne. The Club sent its condolences to a former
Captain, Mr. G. L. Alderdice and Mrs. Alderdice on the
death of their son, Pilot-Officer George Alderdice who
was killed in action. Brigadier Nelson Russell received
the D.S.O. He had a remarkable career both as a soldier
and sportsman. He had been decorated as a Junior Officer
in World War I and reached the very senior rank of
Brigadier. Like Jack Bowden he was a double
international, both in hockey and cricket and during his
army career he had the distinction of both commanding a
battalion of the Royal Irish Fusiliers and leading the
regimental hockey team to success in the All-India Gold
Cup. This, as far as can be ascertained was the only
occasion in which this highly prized trophy, open to all
units of the Indian Army and of the British Army serving
in India, was won by a British Army team.
With only friendly games being played in 1940-41,
interest tended to languish. There seems to be something
in the Irish temperament which demands the competitive
element. That things were kept going was due mainly to
the efforts of two men, Jack Bowden who captained the A
team, and Gerry Leonard. It was a serious blow when
later in the War, Gerry gave up the Secretary-ship
though he remained a member of the Committee for some
In 1940 Friends School had their first of many
successes in the Burney Cup. Among the Stars of this win
were the Haughton brothers. Friends, of course, were to
emerge as a prolific nursery for the developing
Lisnagarvey Club which owes a great deal to the School
and to their coach for many years, Mr. Arnold
In 1940-41, Ulster Clubs again entered for the Irish
Senior Cup (only Newry Olympic had competed the previous
year). The Ulster Final between Banbridge and 'Garvey
was a real thriller. 'Garvey seemed home and dry when
they went into an early 3-0 lead, but Bann fought back
in typical style to equalize by netting three times in
10 minutes after the interval, but further goals from
Brian Raphael, the man of the match, and Jack Bowden
took 'Garvey to the Final against Limerick P.Y.M.A. A
long spell of frost and snow caused a postponement and
the Saturday eventually decided on was that following
the "Easter Blitz" in Belfast. With a number of players
engaged in A.R.P. and other war work, Lisnagarvey were
unable to travel and offered to scratch, but very
generously the Irish Hockey Union ruled with the support
of Limerick that the trophy should be shared by both
The following year saw a resumption of Cup
competitions under the Ulster Branch, but the Senior
League was not played. 'Garvey lost 1-0 to Banbridge in
the Ulster Final of the Irish Cup, but won the Kirk Cup.
The next year saw a full return to competitive hockey
in the North. 'Garvey celebrated by collecting all 3
Ulster trophies. The Anderson Cup Final against Queens
at Banbridge was marred by the deplorable state of the
ground, and by the even more deplorable behaviour of the
spectators who twice invaded the pitch. Queens were
beaten 2-1 but threw the match away by missing three
penalty bullies in the closing stages. After disposing
of Millbrook in the All-Ireland Semi-Final, they were
outclassed by a brilliant Dublin University side to the
tune of 5-0, their heaviest ever defeat in a Final.
However, one important development came from this
debacle. After the game a long discussion took place
between past and present players who came to the
conclusion that if Lisnagarvey was to have any future it
must have a ground of its own, and one more in keeping
with the reputation of the Club. As in 1923-24 and
1933-34 the 1st XI under Brian Raphael lost only one
game. Unfortunately during the year the Club lost its
esteemed President, Mr. Thomas Malcolmson.
The following year was somewhat disappointing though
the Keightley Cup was retained and the 2nd XI joined in
the act by winning the Intermediate Cup for the first
time. In a way this season marked the end of an era. In
New Zealand one of the original members, Mr. Bertie
Boyd, died, and in Lisburn came the death of Mr. Gregor
McGregor at the early age of 44. Born at Greenock, he
moved with his family to Lisburn when only two years of
age. This explains why a man with the name of Gregor
Guthrie McGregor came to win 19 caps for his adopted
country. As a Greenock paper said in his obituary "he
was qualified to play for Ireland both by residence and
accent, if not by birth". Among his goal scoring records
was 10 goals in one inter-provincial series.
The last year of the war saw 'Garvey end on a most
successful note. Under Davy Paul, the 1st XI avenged
their earlier defeat by turning the tables on Dublin
University in the Irish Cup Final. They also won the
Senior League and Kirk Cup. These successes were
celebrated when the players and officials attended a
complimentary Dinner as guests of the Old Members.