On looking back on the story of 'Garvey over the last
75 years, it is only natural to try to pin-point what
were the factors which helped its growth from humble
beginnings to its present eminence in the world of
Hockey. What makes 'Garvey tick? This is not the easiest
of tasks but a few salient features do emerge.
By far the most important, it might be suggested, was
the continuing growth of a 'Garvey tradition though what
that is, is hard to define. Reference has been made to
the tribute paid to the Club from outside sources after
the 1924-25 Final. Also it is illuminating to quote from
the Hon. Secretary's Report written by Mr. R. C.
Bannister in 1909.. . "we hope to have a better season
than last, but whether good or bad it is to be hoped
that fair play and good sportsmanship may ever
characterize the Lisnagarvey Hockey Club". On the whole
this tradition has been maintained down the years,
opponents can testify that 'Garvey teams can play it
hard, but the Club has always frowned on any of its
players who might be prepared to use questionable or
unfair tactics and has been prepared to discipline such
players. Another facet has been the capacity to come
from behind. Witness the final against Pembroke
Wanderers when they came back to wipe out a two goal
defeat and won 4-3 in extra time. Equally memorable was
the first Blaris Final against Three Rock Rovers, though
regarded as the rankest of outsiders the Blaris side set
off at a searing pace and so knocked their opponents out
of their stride that they won decisively by 4-2. But
this tradition goes beyond the field of play. Three men
in particular personify it. Reference has already been
made to the personalities of R. V. Hamilton and Ernest
Browne. In more recent times, there was the late Jimmy
Corken. It was not only his prowess and fairness as a
player and Captain, but his personality off the field.
As a Club administrator he was a man of few words, but
when he did speak it was frank, honest and to the point.
His many friends have never forgotten the shock of his
untimely death by drowning at San Remo in Italy. The
plaque erected to his memory by the Supporters Club at
Blaris bears the words "a sportsman at heart". I would
have preferred the word "gentleman", but perhaps the two
are synonymous. Right down the years there have always
been a number of members prepared to work "above and
beyond the call of duty". This is necessary in any
organization, but Lisnagarvey has been particularly well
served. It is remarkable the amount of actual hard graft
that members gave to the maintenance of grounds etc., in
the years when the Club was less affluent than it is
today. There are still officials prepared to give an
inordinate amount of time and mental effort to Club
affairs, not always conclusive to domestic bliss. There
were those who in the early days laid the foundations
and took up the burden after the War. In the
Intermediate period were Gerry Leonard and the Bowden
family, not only the brothers but the sisters who worked
so hard.
After the second World War Bobby Totten set up a
record that will never be bettered. He was captain of
the 3rd XI 1948-57 and a Committee member till 1965.
During that time he never missed a single meeting. In my
own small way I established something of a record. I
became a Committee member in 1948, was Hon. Secretary
1949-65 and again on the Committee until domestic
difficulties led to my resignation in 1970. Outstanding
service also came from Milne Jess and Lindsay Woods, and
there are three men whose service covers more than a
quarter of a century, Bobby Howard, Jim Lappin and
Ronnie Jess. The present generation has produced men
like John Kennedy, David McClements, John Waring, Billy
Lowry, Jim Reid, Bobby Richardson and Jim Clarke.
Another feature is the strong family tradition within
the Club. Originally there were the Bannisters, the
Boyds, the Hannas, continuing with the Bowdens, the
Raphaels, Haddens, Corkens, Jesses, Howards, Lappins and
the Quinns. Surely pride of place must go to the Bowdens.
In addition to other offices three of the brothers-Joe,
Harry and Jack - are past 1st XI Captains, while Billy
is our current genial and highly respected Patron. A
younger relation Michael is still very much to the fore
as a player. Almost as outstanding are the Howards.
Bobbie and Stan both Captained the 1st XI, Alan led the
Seconds to some of their most notable successes, while
their father Mr. James Howard was President of the
Supporters Club and is now Club President. It is a very
encouraging thing to see names like Jess, Corken, Woods,
Raphael among the younger generation of players. One of
the great strengths of the Club has been the presence in
the town of at first one and now two hockey nurseries.
There is no doubt that the playing success of
Lisnagarvey was based in the constant flow of
well-coached players from Friends School supplemented
since the early 1950's by a second stream from Wallace
High. The rise of Friends School Old Boys almost stopped
recruitment from the former source but during these last
few years it is flowing again. The Club owes a great
deal to the work of School Coaches such as Arnold
Bennington, Eric Shier, Brown Shaw, George Henry and
Billy Lowry.
Another outstanding feature is that the Club is
firmly based on Lisburn people and players. Naturally
recruits have come from outsiders who settled here, but
wisely it has never gone out of its way to attract
members from outside. Admittedly it has benefited from
players who had no direct connection with Lisburn or the
two schools in it. The names of Gilbie Smyth, Moreland
Kennedy, Davy Paul, Jerry Thompson, Henry Mercer and
Stanley Green come to mind and in more recent times
those of Norman Crawford and Neil Dunlop. By and large
however, the great nucleus of the playing strength is
still drawn from Lisburn people, or those with local
connections. Club morale has benefited and this explains
along with the phenomenal success of the 2nd XI, why so
many players of Senior status have been prepared to stay
and play for the Seconds, and to work to gain a place in
the Senior side.
Perhaps those of our generation are not with it and
are too rigid and conservative in our views, but there
are those who are somewhat alarmed at the present
proposition that the Hockey Club be merged in a more
elaborate sports complex. The danger might be that it
could lose its identity and with it, its tradition.
Whatever the outcome it is to be hoped that it will
flourish in the next 75 years as it has done in the
past, and will attract the same dedicated service as it
always has done. May those who do so derive the same
satisfaction and pleasure as their predecessors enjoyed.

Famous Players past and Present
The number of Lisnagarvey players who obtained
International honours is a long and imposing one:
F. J. Hull
Coburn Carson
G. G. McGregor
G. W. Bannister
E. Dillon
N. Russell
W. H. Greenfield
G. A. Gamble
R. T. S. Bailey
E. Coates
T. Kirkwood
Joseph Bowden
Jack Bowden
Brian Raphael
F/O Stanley Green
James Corken |
John Sturgeon
Gerry Thompson
Brown Shaw
Steven Johnson
Wally Mercer
Peter Wilkin
Derek Shaw
Michael Bowden
Reggie Quinn
Noel Quinn
Eric Priestley
John Clarke
Ian Raphael
Alan Tolerton
Neil Dunlop |
Ray Quinn was
also capped, but not with Lisnagarvey. |
One topic of conversation which often arises when
past and present members come together is which was the
best Club side ever to represent the Club. Many old
timers would plump for the "immortals" of the 1920's.
Others support the claims of the 1940 side and others
the phenomenally successful elevens of the 1950's and
early 60's. Such questions cannot really be answered but
one thing is certain down the years 'Garvey has not been
short of players whose skill and temperament would have
brought success at any period or in any company.
It would be impossible to single out all of these and
perhaps I may be forgiven for selecting my own list of
"greats". The present generation cannot, of course, know
a great deal about the very early players but one of
these does have a unique place in Club history in the
person of Fred Hull, the first' Garvey man to play for
his country. In the 1920's there was the man with the
ultra Scottish name who became a legend in his own
lifetime, Gregor McGregor. He was recognized as the most
dangerous centre forward in these islands. I saw him
play only once in the twilight of his career in an
inter-provincial in Derry. I remember little of the game
except that he got three half chances all of which
finished in the back of the net. I have heard him
described as the "Joe Bambrick of Irish Hockey", not a
bad description of a born opportunist, so deadly
anywhere near goal. Lisnagarvey has not produced many
really great goalkeepers but one who was outstanding was
Harry Greenfield, who was Ireland's last line of defence
in the late twenties and early thirties. The next
generation produced probably the most talented all-round
player in Club history. Jack Bowden starred in various
forward positions particularly at inside left. He was
then good enough to even win back his place at
centre-half keeping out such a talented player as George
McElroy who succeeded him when he retired. He had also a
brilliant career as a cricketer for Lisburn and Ireland.
He served the Club for many years as Captain, Hon.
Treasurer, in succession to his brother Joe, and as a
committee member. The war unfortunately cost him many
caps in addition to the 21 he did win.
Few really great outside lefts have come from
'Garvey, but all time "great" in this position was Brian
Raphael. He made up for his lack of physique by sheer
artistry. Who will forget his brilliance against a star
studded Oxford University side at Thiepval on a
water-logged pitch? With Jack Bowden he formed the most
dangerous left wing combination in Irish Hockey. It is
not surprising that South Africa, particularly asked for
their inclusion in a combined Oxford/ Cambridge XI which
toured the Union and Rhodesia. It is a travesty of
justice that Brian gained only one Cap. He was
unfortunate to have to compete for his place against
George McVeigh. His career was brought to a premature
end by ill health while the War also deprived him of
other honours. High in the list must come the name of
Jimmy Corken. He overcame the handicap of severe illness
to return to Hockey and even his place in the Ulster and
Irish side, and to lead his club to some of its greatest
triumphs. He was both a maker and scorer of goals. Like
all great players he was often the victim of tough
tactics but was never known to retaliate.
A famous contemporary was Steven Johnson, an
outstanding full back who made the position his own in
the Irish side for a considerable period. He was not a
typical full-back. Though he looked frail, he was a
fearless tackler with a remarkable turn of speed. He was
the first one of only two Irish players to gain Olympic
honours, playing with distinction in the Melbourne
Olympiad. Another notable full-back was Wally Mercer who
successfully captained Ireland including their last win
in the International Home series.
In later days there were Derek Shaw and Reggie Quinn.
There are those who think that Derek's self-imposed
retirement from the international scene was premature.
Happily he is still playing for the first eleven. It was
a great blow when at the height of his career Reggie
decided to emigrate to Canada. Another former
International, Johnnie Sturgeon also lives in the
There have also been many great players who were on
the fringe of International honours. Some who spring to
mind are Eric Jefferson, a great centre-half, Davy Paul,
an equally great full-back. There was also Bobby Howard,
who like Brian Raphael in the other wing was of frail
physique and who, although without a really strong shot,
scored innumerable goals by his capacity to read a game
and be in the right spot. Most outstanding of all was
David McClements "the greatest full-back never to have
played for Ireland". He announced his retirement from
Senior Hockey after the visit to Rome, but was persuaded
to come back and is playing as well as ever.

Club Captains
1976-77 |
R. C. Bannister, replaced by W.
S. Duncan
A. Ernest Boyd
A. Ernest Boyd
F. G. Hull
J. H. Wilson
R. V. Hamilton
F. G. Hull
H. B. Hanna
B. Boyd
F. G. Hull
J. G. Hanna
F. T. W. Rice
J. C. Carson
All existing officials re-elected
S. W. Bannister
F. G. Hull replaced by F. T. W. Rice
G. G. McGregor
Nelson Russell
E. Browne
L. Alderdice
W. H. Greenfield
R. T. S. Bailey
W. P. Bullick
G. W. Bannister
G. W. Bannister
T. Kirkwood
Joseph Bowden
J. H. Kerr
Harry Bowden
Rev. R. S. H. Kennedy
Rev. R. S. H. Kennedy
E. Jefferson
K. Raphael
Jack Bowden
Jack Bowden
Jack Bowden
G. B. Raphael
G. B. Raphael
D. G. Paul
D. G. Paul
Jack Bowden
M. Jess
John Hadden
J. Lappin
J. Corken
J. Corken
S. Johnson
J. Corken
R. Howard
H. B. Mercer
R. W. Jess
S. Johnson
L. Woods
D. McClements
P. Wilkin
R. B. Shaw
A. Bolas
D. McClements
S. Howard
W. Mercer
Derek Shaw
A. Bolas
W. Mercer
M. Bowden
D. McClements
W. Mercer
T. Lappin
Derek Shaw
Derek Shaw
A. Tolerton
M. Bowden |

Club Chairmen |
1972-73 J. Kennedy |
1973-74 J. Kennedy |
1974-75 J. Lappin |
1975-76 D. McClements |
1976-77 D. McClements (June - September) W.
R. Howard |
XI Captains |
1906-7 |
R. McGregor |
1907-8 |
L. Goldsmith |
1908-9 |
W. Murray |
1909-10 |
T. Garrett |
1910-11 |
R. McGregor |
1911-12 |
D. McGregor |
1912-13 |
D. McGregor |
1913-14 |
S. W. Bannister |
1914-15 |
S. Boyd |
1921-22 |
Rev. W. A. McNutt |
1922-23 |
J. C. Malcolmson |
1923-24 |
D. Duff |
1924-25 |
J. Gillespie |
1925-26 |
W. Patterson |
1926-27 |
H. Bowden |
1927-28 |
J. F. Alexander |
1928-29 |
J. F. Alexander |
1929-30 |
B. Wilson |
1930-31 |
S. Stockman |
1931-32 |
W. Fletcher |
1932-33 |
N. Allen |
1933-34 |
W. V. Halliday |
1934-35 |
R. Newell |
1935-36 |
J. Browne |
1936-37 |
C. Evans |
1937-38 |
W. V. Halliday |
1938-39 |
W. Crawford |
1939-40 |
- |
1940-41 |
R. Johnston-Smyth |
1941-42 |
H. Cregan |
1942-43 |
J. Taylor |
1943-44 |
J. Taylor |
1944-45 |
S. Wilson |
1945-46 |
E. Kee |
1946-47 |
I. Hadden |
1947-48 |
J. Jess |
1948-49 |
J. Welch |
1949-50 |
K. H. Hood |
1950-51 |
W. Corken |
1951-52 |
G. D. Smith |
1952-53 |
R. Spence |
1953-54 |
C.Stevenson |
1954-55 |
J. Hadden |
1955-56 |
M. Christie |
1956-57 |
P. Wilkin |
1957-58 |
I. Hadden |
1958-59 |
D. Boomer |
1959-60 |
J. Lappin |
1960-61 |
L.Jess |
1961-62 |
A. Howard |
1962-63 |
J. Reid |
1963-64 |
J. Kennedy |
1964-65 |
K. Watt |
1965-66 |
R. Howard |
1966-67 |
L.Jess |
1967-68 |
A. Howard |
1968-69 |
W. Lowry |
1969-70 |
I.Wells |
1970-71 |
A. Boyd |
1971-72 |
A. Boyd |
1972-73 |
S. Howard |
1973-74 |
S. Howard |
1974-75 |
S. Howard |
1975-76 |
N. Shaw |
1976-77 |
S. Howard |

Trophies won by the Club
1924-25 (L. Alderdice) |
1954-55 (J. Hadden) |
1926-27 (R. T. S. Bailey) |
1955-56 (M. Christie) |
(1940-41 (Jack Bowden) |
*1957-58 (I. Hadden) |
(Limerick P.Y.M.A.) |
1958-59 (D. Boomer) |
1944-45 (D. G. Paul) |
*1959-60 (A. Bolas) |
1945-46 (D. G. Paul) |
*1961-62 (A. Howard) |
1950-51 (J. Corken) |
1962-63 (J. Reid) |
1951-52 (J. Corken) |
1966-67 IIB (G. Pelan) |
*1957-58 (S. Johnson) |
*1969-70 (I. Wells) |
*1959-60 (D. McClements) |
1971-72 (A. Boyd) |
*1961-62 (R. B. Shaw) |
1972-73 (S. Howard) |
(Three Rock Rovers) |
1973-74 (S. Howard) |
1965-66 (W. Mercer) |
1974-75 (S. Howard) |
1969-70 (M. Bowden) |
1970-71 (D. McClements) |
With 13 wins (2 shared) Lisnagarvey hold the lead over
Dublin University -11 and Three Rock Rovers - 8.
Lisnagarvey 2nd's 12 wins are followed by Dublin
University 8, but'Garvey's have all come during this
last 21 years. Lisnagarvey
has done the double on 4 occasions against Dublin
University's 3.
No other Club has had this honour. Railway Union had the
chance last year but the 1st XI lost to Cliftonville in
the Senior Final.

Other Senior Trophies
1922-23 |
1922-23 |
1922-23 |
(Winners |
1924-25 |
1924-25 |
1923-24 |
Ulster |
1933-34 |
1933-34 |
1924-25 |
Section |
1937-38 |
1934-35 |
1933-34 |
Irish |
1938-39 |
1937-38 |
1938-39 |
Senior |
1942-43 |
1942-43 |
1941-42 |
Cup) |
1943-44 |
1945-46 |
1942-43 |
1957-58 |
1944-45 |
1946-47 |
1944-45 |
1958-59 |
1949-50 |
1951-52 |
1945-46 |
1959-60 |
1950-51 |
1953-54 |
1947-48 |
1961-62 |
1951-52 |
1954-55 |
1952-53 |
1965-66 |
1952-53 |
1955-56 |
1953-54 |
1969-70 |
1953-54 |
1957-58 |
1955-56 |
1970-71 |
1958-59 |
1959-60 |
1960-61 |
1972-73 |
1959-60 |
1960-61 |
1961-62 |
1973-74 |
1962-63 |
1963-64 |
1963-64 |
(Total 9) |
1964-65 |
1975-76 |
1970-71 |
1965-66 |
(Total 17) |
1972-73 |
1969-70 |
1973-74 |
1971-72 |
(Total 19) |
(Total 20) |

(Winners Ulster
Section Irish
Junior Cup) |
1955-56 |
1943-44 |
1968-69 |
1956-57 |
1950-51 |
1969-70 |
1957-58 |
1953-54 |
1970-71 |
1960-61 |
1955-56 |
1971-72 |
1961-62 |
1956-57 |
1972-73 |
1962-63 |
1957-58 |
1973-74 |
1963-64 |
1958-59 |
1974-75 |
1964-65 |
1959-60 |
(Total 7) |
1965-66(IIB) |
1963-64 |
1966-67 |
1964-65 |
1967-68 |
1965-66 |
1968-69(IIB) |
1966-67 |
(Total 12) |
1970-71 |
1947-48 |
1971-72 |
1972-73 |
1973-74 |
1974-75 |
1975-76 |
(Total 18) |
1906-7 (1st XI)
1957-58 |
1959-60 (3rd XI) |
1912-13 (2nd XI)
1958-59 |
1966-67 (3rd XI) |
1948-49 (3rd XI)
(Total 2) |
(Total 2) |
1957-58 |
1963-64 |
(Total 5) |
1973-74 (3rd XI)
1971-72 (4th XI) |
1904-5 (1st XI) |
1909-10 (2nd XI) |
1921-22 (2nd XI)
1957-58 (4th XI)
1958-59 |
1960-61 |
(Total 4) |
This makes a grand total of 147 Trophies since the
inception of the Club. This does not include trophies
won in various Festivals, Sixes Tournaments or Indoor
June 1976.

Mr. Cecil Pearson and Mr. Desmond Simon of the Ulster
The Linenhall Library, Belfast.
The Lisburn Historical Society and Mr. Trevor Neill.
The Ulster Star.
The Committee of the Lisnagarvey Hockey Club.
Mrs. Mary Corken.
Mr. Robert Lavery.
Lisnagarvey Hockey Club
extend their grateful thanks to all our Advertisers and
ask our readers to support them generously.
(The list of Advertisers is in order of appearance)
Henry Brown & Son
Robbie's Men's Fashions
Heatherington Bros. Ltd.
Speedy Cleaners
Spectrum Electronics
Steven Johnson Agencies Ltd.
Cottage Garden Centre
Moore's Caravan Sales Ltd.
Snoddons Construction Limited
George C. Baxter
James McKeown & Co. Ltd.
H. Geddis & Son
J. McConnell & Son
S. Rankin & Co.
Bass Ireland Ltd.
McCall Travel Limited
W. M. Larmour
Northern Excavators Limited
Robert W. McCall and Sons
Drayne Bros.
David W. Corry Limited
Walter S. Mercer & Son Ltd.
H. F. H. Motors Limited
James Thompson & Sons
Blessington Fair & Co.
E. & M. Tubular Products
Sports Council for N. Ireland
Manchester and Midland
John F. McCall & Sons Ltd.
Osborne King & Megran
C. Walker & Sons (Ireland) Ltd. |
Milk Marketing Board
A. & S. Donaldson (N.I.) Ltd.
Evans Musical
Ernest R. Wilson
Woodlands Hotel
McKibben & Co.
Ulster Bank Limited
Richardson & Cardy
Rock Brick Limited
Alexander Boyd Displays Limited
Travan Engineering Limited
The Lisburn Jeweller
C. W. S. Design
Eric Johnston
Valentine Florists
Wm. Franklin & Son (N.I.) Ltd.
John McClean & Son (Lisburn) Ltd.
Ford Motor Company
Niagara Cafe
Redmond Jefferson Ltd.
L. J. McKelvie & Co. Ltd.
S. J. Anderson
J. Wood Stuart
Bank of Ireland
G. H. Fieldhouse
Smyth Patterson Ltd.
D. M. K. Products
Style n' Value
N.I.S. Fertilisers Ltd.
News Letter
Century Books
Outside Back Cover Gallahers |
