Crumlin Bazaar
Priest and Religous from the Parish of glenavy
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th OCTOBER, 1914.

- BY
TUESDAY, 6th Inst., at ONE o'clock.



The Grand Bazaar and Fancy Fair in the New Schools, Crumlin may seem an unlikely title to arouse the enthusiasm of the local historian, but one has only to peruse this book for a few moments in order to realise its importance. First published in 1914, this book has been virtually unobtainable in recent years and one will search in vain among the book shelves of the Linenhall Library for a copy. The Killultagh Historical Society have always maintained that it is vital to make accessible to the general public all out-of-print publications relevant to our area. In fact, it has taken the Society two years to obtain a copy in good enough condition to facilitate a reprint.

Within this book you will find an Historical Sketch of the Parish of Glenavy along with articles on Sir Neal O'Neill and Mrs. M. T. Pender, plus poems and songs relating to Aldergrove, Glenavy and Ballinderry. One of the contributors was Francis Joseph Bigger, that noted antiquarian of Ardrigh, Belfast, who describes Bonnie Portmore in his own inimitable way. The supplement to the book also makes fascinating reading, containing 45 pages of the names of all those who donated money and gifts in aid of the Bazaar.

The Killultagh Historical Society would like to take this opportunity to thank Davidson Books of Spa, Ballynahinch for their advice and expertise in the reprinting of this book and also the Lisburn Arts Advisory Council for the financial assistance which they have given the Society in the past year.

Thomas Lamb, (Honorary Secretary)

This is a facsimile reprint of the original 1914 edition

Davidson Books, 34 Broomhill Road, Spa, Ballynahinch, Co. Down BT24 8QD.
Telephone (0238) 562502

Unfortunately I do not have a suitable Gaelic font available but when I have been able to obtain one I will reprint these pages where necessary.  JGC



THE PARISH OF GLENAVY lies along the eastern shore of Lough Neagh. On the north it is separated from the Parish of Antrim by the Donore River, and extends southward into the Civil Parish of Ballinderry beyond Portmore Lough. On the north-east it is separated from Templepatrick by the Clad)' Water. It is bounded on the east by Tullyrusk, Stoneyford, and Magheragall. On the south-east it extends to within five miles of the town of Lisburn. Measuring, as the crow flies, from the Donore River on the north to Galwey's Gate on the south, or from Langford Lodge Point on the shore of Lough Neagh to the confines of Ligoniel Parish, we have in either case a distance of eleven miles. But perhaps the fact that there are houses at different ends of the parish separated by a journey of sixteen miles will give a better idea of its size. The Ecclesiastical Parish of Glenavy includes the Civil Parishes of Glenavy, Camlin, and Killead, and the greater part of the Civil Parish of Ballinderry. This extensive parish contains two Catholic churches - one at Glenavy and the other at Aldergrove - and has at present a Catholic population of 1,850.


The Territory of the Cruithni.
The Parish of Glenavy is rich in legendary and historical associations. The ancient name of the territory lying along Lough Neagh andSt. Josephs Church Glenavy. stretching from Larne to Magheralin was The Country of the Cruithni (Cp�oc na SCpuitne), or of the Irish Picts.* The earliest inhabitants of this territory of whom we have any record are described in the Book of Lecan as the race of Conall Cearnach. They claimed descent, therefore, from one of the noblest of the Red Branch Knights, Conall the Victorious (Conall Ceapnad). The old Irish genealogies trace their descent back to another of the Red Branch Knights, Keltar, who lived near Downpatrick, at a place still called Rath Keltair ; they tell us that Neim, the daughter of Keltar, was the wife of Ailinn, son of Conall Cearnach. These Red Branch Knights, according to the ancient legends, were the great warriors of the North about the time of Christ. Their King, who ruled the Province of Ulster, was Conor Mac Nessa, and his residence was the famous Palace of Emania. Navan Fort, about two miles outside the city of Armagh, still marks the place where the palace stood. In all the wars that Conor Mac Nessa waged against Queen Maeve of Connacht and the other provinces, Conall Cearnach, Leary, Keltar, and the mighty hero Cuchullain were ever foremost in the fray. And when the enemies of the Ulster King were beaten off and peace restored, the victorious chieftains would return home each to his own stronghold, and there they led a gay and enterprising life. Now they would feast and revel with their retainers, and the banquet-hall would ring with merry song and boisterous laughter. Again they would ride forth with wavy crest and glittering spear to hunt the wild boar over mountain, wood, and glen. Such was the life of chieftain and warrior in those far-off days in Heroic Ireland, when Patrick had not yet set foot on Irish soil, nor had the light of Christianity come to dispel the gloomy clouds of Paganism : for Paganism, with all its careless., joy and revel, left the minds of thoughtful men a prey to-dread anxiety as to the unseen world to come.

* The word Clunt is supposed to mean "colour," and hence " Picti " or "Pictores," would be the Latin equivalent of Cluntn�.

The Territory of Dalmunia
St. James's Church, Aldergrove.
The Civil Parish of Glenavy lay within the boundaries of the ancient Dalmunia. (Oal mDuinne = the race of Buinne, son of Fergus Mac Roy). This gives it another link with the legendary past. The territory of Dalmunia, or, as it is sometimes called, Dalboyn, included also Kilultagh, Kilwarlin, Hillsborough, and Lisburn, and was peopled by the race of Fergus Mac Roy. Fergus was King of Ulster about the beginning of the first century, .A. D. He wished to marry the beautiful widow Ness. She would not give her consent unless on the understanding that her son Conor, then a mere boy, should be allowed to be king for a year. To this Fergus, with the consent of the nobles, agreed. When the year was up, the queen-mother had guided her son so wisely in the use of his power that the nobles now refused to supersede Conor. This is what the mother had anticipated. And so Conor Mac Nessa remained King of Ulster Fergus Mac Roy acquiesced in the situation, and became chief-counsellor of Conor and tutor of the infant-hero Cuchullain. Some years later, when war broke out between Conor and Maeve of Connacht, we find Fergus as chief-counsellor of Queen Maeve. He had abandoned the service of Conor, and not without good reason. Naoise, one of the nobles, had eloped with Deirdre, the most beautiful of the women of Erin, who was destined to be the wife of King Conor himself. "Therefore, accompanied by Deirdre and his own two brothers, Ainle and ,Ardan, the sons of Ushna, he fled from the anger of Conor into Scotland. They remained in exile many years, and Conor and Fergus pledged their word of honour that, if they returned home again, they would be unharmed. Deirdre had a foreboding of evil, but the sons of Ushna calmed her fears, and they all returned home. In spite of the royal guarantee, however, they were foully put to death. Fergus Mac Roy could not brook to be a party to such treachery, and it was for this reason he abandoned the Ulster King and took service with Maeve of Connacht.

These are but specimens of the numerous legends that group themselves around the ancient inhabitants of Antrim, Down, and Armagh. No one to-day would venture to put them down as serious history. But the folk-lore of a people cannot be utterly discarded. The stories of the ancient heroes reveal the ideals of a remote antiquity, and the events described must have been founded on real deeds of heroism that were exaggerated and glorified as they were told and retold round the hearth to each succeeding generation.


In ancient times Glenavy was extensively wooded. The names of so many places in and around the parish suggest this at once :Rev. Francis M'Bride, P.P. Kilultagh (Coin ULcaC) means the wood of the Ulstermen or men of Uladh ; Ballinderry (baile arn'Ooire) is the townland of the oakwood; Feymore (an �io-� 1l1611), the great wood; Derrymore (an noire T11�11), the great oakwood; Derryola (aoilie ��ta), the oakwood of Fola ; Derryclone (noire ~tuain), the oak meadow ; Derryhirk ('Doire tuqic), the oakwood of the boar; Derrynaseer (ollie na Saop), the oakwood of the tradesmen; Magheramesk (Tllacailie Illear�s), the plain of acorns. That these woods still covered the country at the time of the Plantations is clear from various documents written at that time. In 1586 Sir Henry Bagenal, in his description of Ulster, says :-" Kilultoe is a very fast countrey full of wood and bogg; it bordereth upon Loghe Eaghe and Clanbrasell." A note on the corner of an old map published about 1592 informs us that " along this river (Lagan) be the space of 26 miles groweth much woodes as well as hokes (oaks) for tymber and hother woodde."


The First Church and the First Parish Priest.
Parochial House, Glenavy.The ancient name of the Parish of Glenavy was Lann  Avwy (Cann 4,t' ai), the Church of the Dwarf. The G  was prefixed to the word at a comparatively recent date.  In all English documents up to the seventeenth century the name is found in some such form as Lenavy, Lynavy, or Lennewy. The tradition is that when St. Patrick was preaching in the district, he made many converts, and left a church there under the care of his disciple, Donal the. Dwarf (aorhnaU. Ab.a�), called also Patrick's Angel, on account of his angelic purity. The site of the church founded by St. Patrick is said to be a little outside the village, at the angle where the Pigeontown Road meets the main road between Glenavy and Ballycessy. The Protestant church occupies a site that was used in Catholic times, but the ancient church was most probably on the opposite side of the Glenavy Road. St. Patrick, it would seem, had a lingering affection for the scenes where he spent six or seven years of his boyhood. The descendants of the Red Branch Knights could not have failed to retain at least some of their chivalry and natural virtues, and the boy-slave, in moving amongst them, must have noticed and admired many a noble trait and generous characteristic.

Certain it is, at all events, that Patrick spent a long time preaching amongst the people of Dalaradia (Dal, Riada), in North Antrim, andSt. Joseph's New Schools, Crumlin. founded many churches in the neighbourhood of Sliav Mish (Su ) slid-). He was proceeding south-wards on his mission of love along the eastern shore of Lough Neagh, and at his word the fierce inhabitants of Dalaradia (~)dL n-.Ninsr6e) were yielding to the gentle influence of the Gospel, when he encountered unexpected opposition. The pagan King of Uladh, Saron son of Caelbadh, treated Patrick with insult and contumely, and tried to prevent him from building a church in his territories. He seized the hand of the Saint to expel him from the place. " but Patrick," says the Tripartite Life, " took Heaven and land from him ;" that is, he predicted that he would be excluded from Heaven when he died, and would even lose his land during his lifetime. The church was founded, and the place was called Lahair Padruic (1 ttra1t p S-oput5 = Patrick's Site), and sometimes Leitir Padruic Let~tlt rJ s-oltats = Patrick's Slope). Afterwards the church and parish came to be known as Lann ,Ati atS, in memory of the saint who was left by St. Patrick as the first parish priest of the place, and who laboured and died there, and was buried amongst his people. Thus does the name Glenavy bring us back to the days when our National Apostle was planting the Faith amongst the Pagan inhabitants of Dalaradia.

Other saints of Glenavy.
We find other saints on the Irish Calendar in connection  with the Parish of Glenavy. The Martyrology of Donegal commemorates, onBallymacrickett National School, Glenavy. November 6, " Aedhan son of Colgan, of Lann Abhaigh, in Uladh." The Fetére of Angus commemorates, on the 22nd January, the daughters of Comhghall (Comgall), and adds : " At Leitir, in Dalaradia, they are buried, and from Dalaradia they are sprung." The Martyrology of Donegal has at the same date : " Colman, Bogha, and Laisrc, three sisters and three virgins, of the sept of Comhghall, and they were disciples of Comhghall of Bangor, and they are interred at Leitir, in Dalaradia, according to the poem beginning : ` The Hagiology of the Saints of Inis-Fail.' " We may take it for certain that the reference is to Leitir Padruic, or Glenavy. It is to be feared that we could not write in our day what Father John Colgan, the historian, wrote in the middle of the seventeenth century : " At Leitir these saints are worshipped." There is no escape from the truth that these saints are no longer remembered amongst the hills and valleys where they once prayed and laboured for the salvation of souls ! With the loss of our native language, we have lost also the traditions it enshrined. We have almost forgotten that it was St. Patrick himself who first preached the Gospel in these parts, and that his labours in the district were fruitful in saintly lives.

The Native Tongue is shrinking from the race that gave it birth,
Like the tide receding from the shore, or the spring-time front the earth ;
From the island dimly fading, like a circle o'er the wave -
Receding as its people lisp the language of the slave ;
And with it, too, seem fading - as sunset into night -
All the scattered rays of glory that lingered in its light !


So much for the first church of Glenavy and the saints whose sacred dust commingles with the soil of the parish where their lives were spent. Ancient records tell us of a holy well that sprang forth at the word of St. Patrick near the site of the church that he had founded. According to the Tripartite Life : " In the same place he brought forth out of the earth a fountain which, from the numerous cures received by those who drank of its waters, was called Sian (healthful)." Father Colgan writes that there was no trace of this well in his day.

He mentions three miraculous wells in the Diocese of Connor frequented by pilgrims and by the people. One of these was in the parish of Schire (Skerry) Patrick, another in the parish of Creamchoill (Cranfield), and a third in the town of Connor.


We are not certain who was King of Uladh at the time that Patrick was a swineherd on Sliav Mish. However, when he returned fromFeymore National School. the Continent, where he was preparing for the priesthood and for his apostolate to the Irish, the kingdom of Uladh had passed to the two sons of Caelbadh, Saron and Connla.

We have already seen how Saron tried to thwart Patrick, and prevent him from founding a church in Glenavy. Connla, on the other hand, did not show the same hostility to the Apostle's teaching. He was ashamed of his brother's conduct, and offered Patrick lands for a church in his own territory. Accordingly, Patrick founded the Church of Cumar ('OoiilnaO Cum ip) on the lands given him by Connla. This, according to some, was the origin of the famous Monastery of Muckamore (m1 Cumaip = the Plain of the Confluence). According to others, the reference is to Comber, in which place also there was an ancient monastery. Patrick blessed Connla, and promised that from him kings and chiefs of that province would be descended. The Catalogue of Kings of Uladh states that no less than eight of them were descended from this Connla. The race of Connla is represented by the Magennises of Iveagh (tilt) e,\ (WI,) in whose family the lordship of Iveagh was hereditary.


Its Historical Importance.
The subsequent history of Glenavy is closely connected with that of the Kingdom of Uladh or Ulidia. The Kings of Uladh were proclaimed on the Crew Hill, on the eastern side of the parish. The coronation-stone is still to be seen on the summit of the hill, but the "spreading tree," under which the ceremony took place, and from which the place itself (Clwou LuI ~) is named, vas cut down in 1099 by the Kinel-Owen, the hereditary enemies of the Ulidians. There is a large rath, which may have been the royal residence, on the south side, as you approach the top of the hill. On the summit there have been discovered some stone-lined graves belonging to the Pagan period. Nothing more remains to mark the scene where many a time the clansmen of Uladh gathered round their king from far and wide, to be drilled and marshalled for many a fierce encounter.

Then and Now.
Proposed new Parochial House, Aldergrove.The hill itself rises to a height of 629 feet, and commands a view of the entire parish. From the top of the Crew the scene that lies before the visitor on a summer's day is one not easily to be forgotten. On the west, Lough Neagh stretches away in the distance to where Sliav Gallion and the grey-blue hills of Derry and Tyrone are dimly visible. Ram's Island, with its clump of trees reflected in the water, seems to float upon the placid surface of the lake ; while here and there a flying sail betrays the Lough Neagh fishermen. In the centre of a picturesque landscape, that lies between us and the shore of the lough, we notice Chapel Hill - an eminence crowned by the Parish Church and Parochial House. The sheltered homesteads of the farmers seem to be within easy reach of one another ; while at some little distance towards the north we see the village of Glenavy half-hidden amongst the trees. We turn towards the south, and the rich plains of Down are stretching out before us. Here and there are towns and villages nestling amongst the woods and by the streams. In the distance far south our view is bounded by the Mourne Mountains, that keep eternal sentinel along the Irish Sea. On the north, the fertile tract of country lying around Crumlin, Antrim, and Templepatrick meets our view, and on a clear day the hills of Mid-Antrim are outlined upon the horizon. The eastern side of the hill presents a contrast to the other three. Here one sees the bleak mountainous district of the Rock ;and Stoneyford, threaded by the lonely roads that lead from Glenavy to the busy city of Belfast. Truly, it was a site well-chosen - this ancient stronghold of the Kings of Uladh. The traveller to-day, as he gazes on the quiet country-side, with its fields of golden corn and verdant pasture-lands forgets that these fair plains were many a time and oft the scene of furious battles.


The Fall of Emania.
The Crew Hill came into prominence in Irish history after the destruction of Emania, in 335 A.D. Up to that time Emania was the centre of royal power for the whole Province of Ulster. Its King, according to the Book of Rights, had the privilege of sitting by the side of the King of Erin, and held first place in his confidence. The Palace of Emania yielded in fame and magnificence only to the Palace of the High-King at Tara. At the dawn of history it had a storied past. It had been founded by Queen Macha of the Golden Hair three centuries before the Christian era. It reached its highest glory in the time of Conor Mac Nessa and his Red Branch Knights.

For six centuries, therefore, the King of Emania was Sovereign of all Ulster and sometimes also High-King of Leland. But in the century before St. Patrick evil days came upon it. The three Collas made war upon the Ulster King, plundered his territory, and burned the palace, around which centred the romantic tales of the Red Branch Knights. The Ulidians were driven eastwards over Glenree, or the Newry River. They took their name with them into their circumscribed territory. From this time onward the term Ulidia, or Uladh, is applied to the tract of country lying to the east of Lough Neagh and the Newry River. Sometimes the Plain of Muirtheimhne, or North Louth, was included ; but indeed the boundaries of territories in those days were continually fluctuating, according to the power of each new sovereign to annex the territory of his neighbours.

The King of Uladh, then, who was crowned and proclaimed on the Crew Hill, had subject to him the Kings of Dalaradia, of Dalriada, of Dalmunia, of Dufferin, of the Ards, of Lecale, of Iveagh, and of several minor provinces.

Circumscribed Uladh.
It would take too long to follow the fortunes of the Kingdom of Uladh through all its chequered history. The law of succession was a fruitful source of strife at home. According to the Irish custom, the heir to the throne was not the eldest son, but the member of the royal family, or royal blood, who was adjudged most worthy. This gave a constant pretext to rival claimants. And the enemy abroad was ever on the watch. The Kinel-Owen were ready at all times to take advantage of Uladh's difficulty or temporary weakness. Hence, as years went on, the King of Uladh, who had at first aspired to regain his lost sovereignty over Ulster, found himself at length unable to hold his power over his tributary kings and princes.

Battle of the Crew Hill.
One or two events cannot be passed over. The first is the Battle of the Crew Hill, in 1003 A.D., in which the Ulidians were defeated by their old enemies, the Kinel-Owen. From the account of the Four Masters, we see what enormous forces were engaged : " In this battle were slain Eochy, son of Ardghair, King of Uladh, and Duftinne, his brother; the two sons of Eochy, Cuduiligh and Donal ; Garvey, lord of Iveagh ; Gillapadruig, son of Tumelty ; Kumiskey, son of Flahrey Dowling, son of Aedh ; Calhal, son of Etroch ; Conene, son of Murtagh ; and the most part of the Ulidians in like manner ; and the battle extended as far as Duneight and Druimbo. Donogh O'Linchey, lord of Dal-Araidhe and royal heir of Uladh, was slain on the following day by the Kinel-Owen. Aedh, son of Donal O'Neill, lord of Aileach and heir-apparent to the sovereignty of Ireland, fell in the heat of the conflict, in the fifteenth year of his reign and the twentieth year of his age."

Brian Boru at the Crew Hill.
Two years later another important event occurred--the visit of Brian Boru to the Crew Hill. It was nine years before the Battle of Clontarf. Malachy, of the Southern Hy-Niall, had been deposed from the High-Kingship, and Brian acknowledged in his place by almost the whole of Ireland. The Kinel-Owen and the Kinel-Conall still sympathised with Malachy and his adherents. The King of the Kinel-Owen had fallen in the Battle of Crew Hill, and Brian thought the time opportune to march northward and secure the submission of the Ulster chieftains. The expedition arrived at the Crew Hill in 1005 A.D., and the Ulidians tendered their allegiance. The Wars of the Gael with the Gall describes the provisions supplied to the army of Brian while he was encamped there : "They supplied him there with twelve hundred beeves, twelve hundred hogs, and twelve hundred wethers ; and Brian bestowed twelve hundred horses upon them, besides gold and silver and clothing. For no purveyor of any of their towns departed from Brian without receiving a horse or some other gift." But although Brian was well received by the Ulidians, he had to depart from Ulster again without receiving the submission of the Kinel-Owen or Kinel-Conall.


Another century passed by, and the fortunes of the Kingdom of Uladh were on the wane. Against the Crew Hill the enemies of the Ulidians seemed relentless in their attacks. In 1099 Donal O'L.ochlainn led an army of the Northern Hy-Niall across Toome into Ulidia. He reached the Crew Hill and found the Ulidian forces ready for battle. In the engagement that followed the Kinel-Owen were victorious. The victory gave them an opportunity of inflicting a lasting humiliation on their old enemies. They cut down the Sacred Tree of the Crew Hill, and compelled the Ulidians to give hostages.

Twelve years later the Ulidians had recovered so far as to be able to retaliate for the insult offered to their national honour. In 1111 A. D. they led an army into the territories of the Hy-Niall, and cut down the sacred trees of Tullaghogue (Os), under which from time immemorial the Kings of the Kinel-Owen were inaugurated.

O'Rorke and O'Carroll at the Crew.
The Kinel-Owen had their revenge. They came in 1148 under Murtagh Mac Loughlin and dethroned Cuuladh O'Donlevy (Cu Ut pit � Oonnjrtelt)e), King of Uladh, and set up Donacha, a prince of the same family, in his place. Tighernan O'Rorke and Donogh O'Carroll came with an army to the assistance of the ill-fated monarch. They established him again on his throne ; but no sooner were they gone than Cu-uladh was expelled by the Ulidians themselves, It was this same Tighernan O'Rorke, Prince of Breffney, who four years later was doing the penitential exercises on Lough Derg, when his wife Devorgilla eloped with the infamous Dermot Mac Murrough. It may be remarked in passing that Devorgilla soon afterwards retired to the Abbey of Mellifont, where she spent the rest of her days in works of penance and charity. O'Carroll, who accompanied O'Rorke to Craobh-Tulcha, was the King of Oriel that endowed the famous Cistercian Abbey of Mellifont.

Fuit llium.
After this we hear no more of the Crew Hill in Irish history. Its fame and munificence and hospitality had been the theme of minstrels in the days of King Connor Mac Nessa. With the falling fortunes of its chiefs Craobh Tulcha lapsed into oblivion. Its very site was almost forgotten. So much so that an otherwise accurate and painstaking antiquarian of the last century wrote : " It would appear that the place (Cp sob CuLOt) lay towards the north of the modern county of Down, somewhere in Castlereagh."

A Poet of the Fourteenth Century.
Here are a few lines translated from a topographical poem written in praise of the chieftans of Uladh by John
Mor O'Dugan, who died in 1372 A.D.

" Let us lift our heads towards Creeve-Roe.
The chief Kings of Uladh let us name,
The lands of hospitality and spears,
The Dunlevys and the Hoeys.

" Of their nobles are men of slaughters,
The O'Haddys: and the Keogans.
Great are the spoils they bring from plunder,
The O'Laverys and O'Lawlors.

The O'Lynches have proud champions,
And the O'Mornas red-complexioned,
We have visited their territories,
Let us cease from naming the High-Kings.''


De Profundis Clamavi.
It is needless to tell hotu religion and morality must have suffered during the constant wars that devastated the Province of Ulster. It is when matters seem nearing their worst, however, that the providence of God manifests itself. For instance, in the case of the Norman Invasion, when Danish wars and incessant strife had wrought havoc in the Province of Leinster, and prepared the way for the foreigners, God raised up a holy and learned ecclesiastic - the great St. Laurence O'Toole - to be shepherd over His flock during the terrible crisis. He showed a similar providence in regard to the people of Antrim, Down, and Armagh, whilst the Kingdom of Uladh was tottering to its ruin amidst the clash of arms. The Prelate who saved religion in the North at the time of the downfall of Uladh was St.

St. Malachy.
Malachy O'Morgair.
We have a beautiful account of the life and times of this Saint, written by his friend St. Bernard. St. Malachy was born in 1094, and spent his youth at the famous School of Armagh. Sprung from pious parents, he was from the first a man of prayer and a diligent student. At the age of 25 he was promoted to the priesthood. Soon after, he was entrusted by the Archbishop Celsus with the serious duty of correcting the various abuses that had grown up during years of incessant war. He re-established the public singing of the Canonical Hours, and urged upon all the frequent reception of the Sacraments.

His Zeal.
" Behold him," says St. Bernard, " plucking up and pulling down and scattering with the hoe of his eloquence, making the crooked ways straight and the rough ways plain. You would say he was a raging fire burning down the rank weeds of crime. His eye spared not disorder, indecorum, nor what was wrong wheresoever it presented itself ; but as hail sweepeth the green figs from the fig tree, and as the wind scattereth the dust from the face of the earth, so did he exert all his might to remove from before his face and blot out from amongst his people all abuses, and in their place, like a good legislator, he established the laws of the Church." The ancient Monastery of Bangor, which had been reduced to ruins by the Danes in 812, he restored to something like its former glory.

Bishop of Connor.
He was made Bishop of Connor at the age of 30. " He soon discovered," writes St. Bernard, " that it was not to men, but to beasts, that he had been sent�Christians in name, but Pagans in reality." What the fruits of his zeal were, we are told by St. Bernard : " Churches were rebuilt and supplied with priests. The rites of the Sacraments were duly administered, confession was practised, the people attended the church, and concubinage was suppressed by the solemnization of marriage. In a word, so completely were all things changed for the better that you can apply to that people now what the Lord said by His Prophet : They who were not my people are now my people."

Archbishop of Armagh.
From the See of Connor he was promoted to the Arch-Archbishop of bishoprick  He accepted this dignity only under .
obedience. when he felt that his mission was accomplished in the Primatial City, he retired to the Bishopric of Down. There he hoped to end his days in peace amongst the monks he had established at Downpatrick. But he was not allowed to remain undisturbed in his beloved retreat. He had to make two journeys to Rome in connection with the organization of the Irish Church. When he reached the Monastery of Clairvaux, on the second journey, the sickness of death was upon him. In the holy atmosphere of this monastery that he loved, and attended in his dying moments by his friend St. Bernard, he passed to his reward on the Feast of All Souls, 1148.


When Dr. Madden, of Waterford, author of The Lives of the United Irishmen, was searching for materials for a projected Life of the Venerable Oliver Plunket, he found in the Archives of the Franciscan Convent of St. Isidore, in Rome, a manuscript relating to Ireland, which contained a prophecy of St. Malachy. This prophecy is supposed to have been made a few weeks before the Saint's death, and to have been written down afterwards for St. Bernard, when he was compiling the The Life if St. Malachy. The existence of the document was known to the Venerable Oliver Plunket, who suffered martyrdom at Tyburn in 1681, and its authenticity is vouched for by the learned Mabillon, who wrote to Dr. Plunkett in defence of it. The substance of the prophecy is : " The Church in Ireland shall never fail. With terrible discipline shall she be purified for a week of centuries, but afterwards far and wide shall her magnificence shine forth in cloudless glory." Whether the prophecy is genuine or not is, of course, an open question. But the gloomy part of it has been verified to the full. The Church in Ireland lay under a cloud for seven centuries. Her enemies continued to oppress her from the death of St. Malachy till the granting of Catholic Emancipation in 1829. John de Courcy, the Norman adventurer, who put to death Rory Mac Dunlevy, the last King of Uladh, at Downpatrick, in 1200, is styled in the native Annals " the plunderer of Churches and territories." Arch-bishop Healy writes :�" De Courcy, De Burgo, and De Lacy swooped down on the North, and amid the blackness of its desolated schools, they extinguished the lamp of Celtic learning in the blood of the slaughtered scholars of Armagh." Turmoil and confusion were not lessened when the Clannaboy O'Neills crossed over the Bann in the beginning of the fourteenth century, and annexed what they could of Antrim and North Down. 'Then came the first instalment of the penal laws in the reign of Henry VIII., and during the three centuries that followed the most drastic and cruel measures were passed with the avowed object of clearing every vestige of Catholic Faith and practice out of the British Isles. The stone altar on the hillside and in the glen bears silent testimony to the treatment meted out to those who clung to the religion of their fathers. The State Records keep undying evidence of the barbarity of the penal laws and of the numbers of prelates, priests, religious, and laity who suffered imprisonment, confiscation, exile, and death for the crime of professing the Catholic Faith. " The suppression of the native race," writes Lecky, " was carried on with a ferocity that surpassed that of Alva in the Netherlands, and was hardly exceeded by any page in the blood-stained annals of the Turks." Edmund Burke stigmatised the Penal Code as " a machine of wise and elaborate contrivance, and as well fitted for the oppression, impoverishment, and degradation of a people, and for the debasement in them of human nature itself as ever proceeded from the perverted ingenuity of men."

Thomas Davis, the poet, always showed himself, like Burke, on the side of the oppressed, as in the following lines :

" Oh ! weep those days, the penal days,
When Ireland hopelessly complained.
Oh ! curse those days, the penal days,
When Godless persecution reigned.

" They bribed the flock, they bribed the son,
To sell the priest and rob the sire ;
Their dogs were taught alike to run
Upon the scent of wolf or friar.
Among the poor,
Or on the moor,
Were hid the pious and the true,
While traitor, knave, Apostate, slave
Had riches, rank, and retinue.


There is a picture sweet and old
I see through mists of rose and gold,
And angel wings of snowy fold,
And a child's dreams of heaven untold.
And lo ! the years are backward rolled,
And I, a child once more, behold,
Shining and star-like, limned in love,
Thy picture--dear, old Aldergrove

A little church where four roads met,
Within a grove of alders set,
That shielded it from every storm -
A lowly chapel, cruciform.
Dove-white its walls, its roof just seen
Above the tree-tops waving green ;
But high o'er all majestic soared
The Sacred Sign of Christ the Lord.

No heaven-scaling spire was there,
Nor moulded arch, nor buttress fair,
Nor oriel deep, nor marble stair,
Nor sculptured shrine, nor fresco rare,
Nor Grecian column, proud to bear
In stately plan, its stately share.
No�just a meek, white-nested dove,
Warm-bosomed, thou, dear Aldergrove.

And well 'twas thought a goodly place,
For 'twas the first since penal days -
Though but a child I knew it well,
For so I'd heard my mother tell -
When the cold stone high on the hill,
Whence men might spy approaching ill,
Our altar was, and heaven's blue woof
Bending above, our only roof.

And often when the wild winds came
And smote the candle's flittering flame
And on the altar rain would pour,
Some peasant doffed his coatamore -
What king or angel had such grace? -
And with it screened the sacred place.
Christ knew it shelter for a God
Those days on Ireland's sainted sod !

Within, it was an earthen floor
The Christ-child's cradle had no more -
In sooth a lowly, holy place,
All pure and spotless as God's grace.
Whisper was there of angel wings,
And silent speech of holiest things.

And often as a child I thought,
When kneeling on that sacred spot,
No need to lift the soul in prayer
To higher heaven, for heaven was there.
In love He came, and we to Him,
And angels sang and cherubim.
The Breath of Life breathed everywhere,
And prayer was love, and love was prayer,
And every humblest worshipper
Knew that the Lord of Hosts was there.
His chosen House - even as
He came That night to star-lit Bethlehem.

A sweet-voiced choir, an altar white,
With freshest flowers and candles bright,
A white-robed priest - his chasuble -
Methinks it holds me spellbound still -
That crimson cross - its gorgeous blaze
So wonder-struck my childish gaze.

And that dear priest, our father, friend,
From life's beginning to its end !
No words - nought but the heart could tell
How well-beloved he was, how well
That love was earned. Around his head
Ever I saw a halo shed.

August he was, though meek and mild,
Simple and playful as a child;
But when he preached, or when he prayed,
God spoke in every word he said ;
The gentle Christ shone from his brow,
That brighter shines in heaven now.

He baptised me - ah, well-a-day !
And married me. And now I pray
That when                  the last clear call shall come,
His father-hand shall help me home.

Temples of God I've seen since then,
The God-like works of God-like men,
Where wealth of genius and of Kings,
And Great Lives' votive offerings
Were wrought to make a dwelling fit
For Him who should inhabit it.

But though entrancing soul and sense,
Their glory, pomp, magnificence,
Yet none e'er warmed my soul to love,
As thou did'st, dear, old Aldergrove !


REV. FRANCIS M`BRIDE was born in Greenans, Parish of Culfeightrin, May 12th, 1857. When fifteen years of age he went to study in St Malachy's College, Belfast. On September 8th, 1876. he entered the Class of 2nd Year's Philosophy in the College of Maynooth ; was ordained in the Diocesan College, by Most Rev. Dr. Dorrian, February 13th, 1881. He was appointed C.C. of Randalstown, March 1st, 1881 ; appointed C.C. of St. Malachy's, Belfast. and Chaplain to the Belfast Workhouse, November 1st, 1884; appointed C.C. of St. Peter's, Belfast, September 1st, 1890. On June 1st, 1894, he was appointed Parish Priest of Ballygalget, where he remained fifteen years, and came, on December 1st, 1909, as Parish Priest, to Glenavy and Killead.

Naturally his first anxiety on coming to his new parish was for the spiritual welfare of his flock. Seeing the large area over which his people were scattered, he applied to the late Most Rev. Dr. Tobill for a second Curate, who should remain in Aldergrove, so that the faithful of that district might have an opportunity of hearing daily Mass and of having the Blessed Sacrament constantly in their midst. With the same object in view, he arranged to have Mass offered up in Feymore and Kilcross, districts which, owing to their remoteness from the churches, were in great need of this special attention.

After this he directed all his efforts towards other works which were absolutely essential to the well-being of the parish, viz. :�New schools in Crumlin, a new Parochial House in Aldergrove, and large improvements to the Parochial House in Glenavy ; these, being more immediately urgent, were the first to be undertaken. He has still in contemplation the erection of new schools in Glenavy and Aldergrove and the enlargement of the schools in Feymore. In his unremitting labours to accomplish these onerous undertakings, he has met with the hearty co-operation of his parishioners. Mrs. M'Areavy, Ballyginniff, and Mr. James M'Larnon, British, both offered sites for the schools in Crumlin. The ground presented by Mrs. M'Areavy was accepted because it is more central for the pupils. With a generosity "which was equally laudable, Mr. Daniel Magill, Ballymacilhoyle, offered a site for the schools and Parochial House in Aldergrove, but as the ground could not be acquired owing to the objections of the landlord, Father M'Bride was compelled to purchase a small farm adjoining the church at a cost of £575.

It will be easily seen that the completion of all these schemes will entail the expenditure of a large sum of money - so large, that it would be scarcely just to impose the paying of it all at once on people who have given generous assistance to improvements made in other parishes of the Diocese. Hence Father M'Bride was rightly of opinion that those, who have been so considerate towards their neighbours in the past, should now be assisted by the charitable, when the burden is heavy upon themselves. It was for this reason that he initiated the present Sale of Work, and the success which it has achieved from the beginning, auguring well, as it does, for a more successful finish, is a clear proof that he was correct in his views, and that the charitable public appreciate his efforts.




THERE are few records to preserve to us the names of the priests that lived and laboured in the different parishes of Ireland during the dark days of persecution. From the time of Elizabeth to the beginning of the nineteenth century the Irish priests instructed the people, celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and administered the Sacraments at the peril of their lives. Their deeds, their self-sacrifice, their heroism, their sorrows, and their joys are known to God alone. To those who do not under-stand the Catholic Faith it must be a source of wonder that during all those centuries of persecution so many priests were to he found, in various disguises, ministering to an oppressed people in spite of the vigilance of the Government, and bringing them the consolations of religion without hope of earthly reward. For the little we know of these shepherds, who laid down their lives for their sheep, we have to depend on scanty and fragmentary documents.

FATHER IRIAL O'HUGHIAN was Parish Priest of Glenavy at the beginning of the 18th century. He was born about 1640 ; went to study on the Continent, and was ordained in Brussels in 1667 by Dr. Edmund O'Reilly, Archbishop of Armagh. He was registered at Carrickfergus in 1704 as Parish Priest of Glenavy, Killead, Camlin, and Tullyrusk. Little else is known of him beyond a reference to him in Primate Oliver Plunket's Report to Rome in 1670, in which he is styled junior.

FATHER WHITE was Parish Priest of Glenavy in 1750 ; but we have no record of the priests that immediately succeeded Father Irial O' Hughian.

FATHER O'NEILL succeeded Father White.

FATHER JOHN M'LOGAN was Parish Priest of Glenavy, Camlin, and Tullyrusk in 1766. This we learn from a Report to the House of Lords made by the Protestant ministers in obedience to an injunction to return a list of the several families in their parishes the first Monday after recess, distinguishing which are Protestants and which are Papists ; and also a list of the several reputed Popish Priests and Friars residing in their parishes." It is interesting to note that, if the Report be true, there were then in Glenavy 131 Protestant families and 145 Papist families ; in Camlin, 13 Protestant families and 43 Papist families ; in Tullyrusk, 77 Protestant families and 17 Papist families. This Father M'Logan was a native of Ballinderry, and was educated in Flanders. He died about the year 1783, and was interred in the ancient cemetery of Ballinderry.

THE REV. JAMES KILLEN, a native of Cluntagh, in the civil parish of Tyrella, succeeded Father M'Logan. He was ordained by Dr. M 'Cartan, at Seaforde, in 1768. He was Parish Priest of Glenavy from 1783 till 1786, when he resigned the parish. He died in the Parish of Kilmore, where he had formerly been Parish Priest, and his remains were interred in Bright.

FATHER O'HANLON officiated for a year in Glenavy, but whether as Parish Priest or Administrator cannot be ascertained.

THE REV. WILLIAM CRANGLE became Parish Priest of Glenavy in 1787. He was a native of Sheepland, in the Parish of Dunsford. According to a custom common in those days, when clerics were forbidden to study for the priesthood at home, he was ordained before going abroad. He studied in the College of St. Vadastus, in Douay, where he obtained the Bachelorship of Philosophy in the University of Douay. He returned to Ireland in 1783, and commenced his mission in Belfast. On 25th May, 1787, he came to Glenavy as Parish Priest. The Church at Glenavy was burned in 1797 by the Wreckers. He re-erected it, and also built the Chapel at Aldergrove. He died in 1814, and was interred in Glenavy Church.

THE REV. PATRICK. BLANEY, a native of Ballywalter, in the Parish of Ballee, succeeded Father Crangle. At the end of about five years Father Blaney resigned the parish, though he afterwards officiated in various parishes of Lecale. He fell a victim to cholera when discharging his duties in the Parish of Saul, and died on 14th October, 1832.

THE REV. JAMES MACMULLAN became Parish Priest of Glenavy in 1819, on the resignation of Father Blaney. He was born in 1780 in Ballylough, near Castlewellan. He studied for some time in his native parish under the Rev. Patrick MacMullan, afterwards Bishop. He was ordained in 1797, and sent to complete his studies at Salamanica He was appointed Parish Priest of Glenarm in 1805, and from that he was transferred to Glenavy in 1819. He officiated as Parish Priest of Glenavy till his death in 1841. His remains were interred in front of the Altar in the Church of Aldergrove. His tombstone bears the following inscription


THE REV. RICHARD HANNA, who had been ordained in 1838 and sent as Curate to assist Father M'Mullan in Glenavy administered the parish until 15th September of the same year (1841). when he was forced to resign through ill health. He returned to his father's residence in Kilclief and died in the following year (on the 18th June,1842 ), aged 29 years.

THE REV. JOSEPH CANNING was Administrator of the Parish of Glenavy until February, 1843, . He was it native of Ballymoney : studied in St. Malachy's College, which had been opened on the 3rd November, Feast of St. Malachy 1813 ; entered the Logic Class in Maynooth 1836 and was ordained by Dr. Murray in Maynooth on the 5th June, 1841.

THE REV. JAMES DENVIR. P.P. of Lower Ards, was appointed Parish Priest of Glenavy on 9th February, 1843. He was a native of Kilclief ; entered the Logic Class in Maynooth on the 25th August. 1826, at the age of 21; and was ordained in Belfast by Dr. Crolly in 1829. After various appointments, he accepted the Parish of Glenavy in 1843 ; and remained there for two years, till he was transferred to the Parish of Kilkeel, where he died in July, 1855, at the age of 51 .

THE REV. MICHAEL M'CARTAN, Who had been Curate under Father Denvir, was Administrator of Glenavy from 1845 till 1848 when Father Pye was appointed. Father M'Cartan was a native of Kilcoo. After studying in St. Malachy's College, he entered Maynooth in 1838 ; was ordained by Dr. Murray on June 18th, 1843, and was appointed to the Curacy of Glenavy. In 1848 he was appointed Parish Priest of Derriaghy.

THE REV. GEORGE PYE entered on his duties as Parish Priest of Glenavy on 16th March, 1848.

THE REV. PATRICK RYAN was appointed Curate of Glenavy immediately after his ordination, in the summer of 1851. He was a native of Ballycahill, County Tipperary. He was later Administrator of Whitehouse, where he built the church of St. Mary Star of the Sea.

THE REV. PATRICK PHELAN was appointed Curate of Glenavy in December, 1854, and was transferred to the Curacy of Lisburn in February, 1855. He was subsequently Parish Priest of Saintfield.

THE REV. JOHN AHERNE was appointed Curate of Glenavy in November, 1856, and transferred to the Curacy of Duneane in September, 1862.

THE REV. JOHN MACAULAY was appointed to the Curacy of Glenavy in November, 1862. In November, 1866, he was appointed P. P. of Ardkeen and Ards.

THE REV. Wm. CLOSE succeeded in November, 1866 ; he was transferred to the Curacy of Lisburn on 20th September, 1868. He died in the same year, at the age of 40, and was buried at Tullyrusk, in his native parish.

THE REV. WM. O'DOHERTY succeeded, and was Curate of Glenavy when the Oblate Fathers gave a Mission in 1869, and erected the Mission Cross in the Graveyard. On the 21st March, 1870, Father O'Doherty was removed to the Curacy of Hannahstown.

THE REV. JOHN M'CANN was removed from the Curacy of Aghagallon to that of Glenavy on 21St March, 1870. After four months both Father O'Doherty and Father M'Cann returned to their former Curacies. The Most Rev. Dr. Dorrian erected Stations of the Cross in St. Joseph's Church, Glenavy, on Sunday, 11th September, 1870.

THE REV. JOHN CANAVAN, of St. Malachy's, Belfast, succeeded the Rev. Wm. O'Doherty on 7th October, 1870.

THE REV. RICHARD FITZSIMONS succeeded on 25th February, 1871, and left in June, 1872.

THE REV. THOMAS JONES succeeded on August 2nd of the same year, and was changed to Lisburn on the 1st August, 1874.

THE REV. ROBERT JOHN RUSSELL was appointed in the place of Father Jones, and left for Hannahstown on the 8th September, 1877.

THE REV. BERNARD MaCartan was appointed from the Curacy of Portaferry to that of Glenavy, entering on his duties on the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, 1877. A Mission given by the Passionist Fathers in 1878 began in Glenavy on 20th October and ended on 3rd November ; in Aldergrove it began on 3rd November and ended on the 10th. In Glenavy there were 1,800 communicants ; in Aldergrove, 500. The Holy Family was established by the Passionist Fathers in Glenavy and Aldergrove during this Mission. Renewal of the Mission given by two Passionists, 12th to the 26th October, 1879. Jubilee granted by Leo XIII. began in March and continued for three months in 1879.

The REV. DANIEL Ferris, C.C., Greencastle, was, on 24th February. 1882, appointed to succeed Father Bernard MacCartan, who went to be C.C., Lisburn.

THE REV. HUGH HANVEY succeeded Father Ferris, but was changed to Saintfield, 31st July, 1882.

THE REV. JAMES GREENE., who was ordained on 26th July, was appointed to Glenavy for the first Sunday of August, 1882. He was transferred to Aghagallon at the end of July, 1 883.

THE REV. EUGENE BRADY succeeded Father James Greene in July, 1883.

THE REV. FRANCIS C. HENRY entered upon his duties as C.C. of Glenavy on the 6th August, 1888. He had been C.C. of Antrim from May, 1886. After Glenavy, he officiated as Curate in Larne, St. Peter's, and St. Malachy's, and as Administrator of the Holy Family, from which he was appointed in September, 1905, to be P.P., Carrickfergus.

THE REV. PATRICK A. MULLAN was sent as a second Curate to Glenavy, owing to the illness of Father Pye in 1889. A Mission was given in Glenavy and Aldergrove in April, 1890, by the Jesuit Fathers Butler and Hughes.

THE VERY REV. GEORGE PYE, P.P., V.G., Glenavy, died on Sunday, 25th May, 1890, having been pastor of the parish for 42 years. Father Pye was born at Grangecam, near Downpatrick, in the year 1819. The surroundings in which he was brought up were specially favourable for the development of the high vocation that manifested itself in his early boyhood. Dr. Crolly, who was then Bishop of Down and Connor, was a native of the same locality, and marked him out as one admirably suited for the priesthood. The boy was, accordingly, sent to learn the rudiments of classics and mathematics at the school of Mr. Nelson in Downpatrick. From this school he passed to St. Malachy's College, where his eminent qualities of mind and heart won him the life-long admiration of his class-fellows and associates. He entered the Logic Class in Maynooth on 25th August, 1836. His course was completed before he had attained the canonical age for ordination, and he was appointed Professor in St. Malachy's College. He was ordained afterwards by Dr. Denvir in Downpatrick on October 28th, 1842. For a period of about six years he devoted himself to the work of teaching and preparing young levites for the ministry. Not only the ecclesiastics who studied under him, but the many lay students of the College who passed from Vicinage to positions of eminence in the learned professions, ever after-wards held his memory in veneration. As Parish Priest of Glenavy he was beloved by young and old, and during his illness in the spring of 1890, which at length proved fatal, many a fervent prayer was offered up that he might be spared to his flock for some time longer. He was consoled during his last illness by the constant ministrations of Father Henry and Father Mullan, and he died the death of a saint on Sunday, 25th May, 1890. On Tuesday following Solemn Requiem Mass was celebrated in Glenavy Church. His Lordship Dr. M'Alister presided. The Celebrant of the Mass was Rev. Andrew Macaulay, P.P., Aghagallon; Deacon, Rev. J. M'Ilvenny, C.C., St. Malachy's; Sub-Deacon, Rev. F. M'Bride, C.C., St. Malachy's ; Master of Ceremonies, Rev. D. M'Cashin, Adm., St. Malachy's. Rev. G. Conway, P.P., Carnlough, assisted at the throne. The Very Rev. A. M`Mullan, P.P., V.G., Ballymena, preached a beautiful panegyric on the occasion, afterwards the remains were conveyed to their last resting-place, under the shadow of the Mission Cross in Glenavy Churchyard.

THE REV. GEORGE CONWAY succeeded the late Father Pye on September 1st, 1890. On July 25th, 1891, Dr. M'Alister confirmed 54 boys and adults and 49 girls and adults ; total, 103.

THE REV. PATRICK DARRAGH succeeded Father Henry, who was changed to Larne on September 1st, 1890. On December 7th of the same year, Father Mullan was changed to Duneane.

On May 18th, 1893, I)r. M'Alister confirmed 26 boys and 18 girls ; total, 44. On June 25th Father Tom Quinn gave a few days' Retreat in Glenavy and Aldergrove.

THE REV. HUGH HEFFRON succeeded Father Patrick Darragh, who was changed to Downpatrick, on July 1st, 1893. Father Darragh is at present P.P., Dunloy.

THE REV. P. J. O'Neill was sent as second Curate to Glenavy on February 7, 1894.

THE REV. GEORGE CONWAY resigned the Parish of Glenavy on the 12th March, 1894.

THE REV MICHAEL O'MALLEY, P.P. of Cushendun, vas appointed to the Parish of Glenavy on the 1st June. Father Heffron changed to Downpatrick ; he died when he was C.C., Glenarm, on January 2nd, 1902.

THE REV. JAMES SMALL, was appointed C.C. of Glenavy on 21st January, 1895. Father P. J. O'Neill was appointed Professor in St. Malachy's College at same date. He became President in 1907, and under him the College has maintained its place amongst the most successful Seminaries in Ireland.

THE REV. HUGH M'GRATH, C.C., St. Mary's, Belfast, succeeded. Father Small was appointed C.C., Cushendun, on 1st November, 1895. He was afterwards Curate in Ballymoney, St. Mary's, and St. Patrick's, and Administrator in the Holy Family. He was appointed P.P., Ballintoy, on 2nd September, 1911.

THE REV. E. MOLLUMBY was C.C., Glenavy, from the 1st till the 21st August, 1896. Father M'Grath, whom he succeeded, died on June 28th, 1906.

THE REV. J. J. M'KINLEY was appointed C.C., Glenavy, on 21St August, 1896. He died when C.C., Holy Rosary, October 30th, 1911 .

THE REV. E. MOLLUMBY returned to be C.C., Glenavy, in succession to Father M'Kinley, in May, 1898.

THE REV. JOHN WALSH was ordained in Maynooth on 18th June, 1899, and was appointed to succeed Father Mollumby, who returned to his native diocese of Waterford.

THE REV. DANIEL M'EVOY was transferred from Lisburn to Glenavy on 1st August, 1899. He was changed to Downpatrick on 1st February, 1902. He was subsequently C.C., St. Paul's, and is now C.C., St. Patrick's.

THE REV. JOHN ROONEY, B.A., was appointed to Glenavy on 1st February, 1902. He was afterwards Curate in Ligoniel and Randalstown, and is now C.C., Holy Rosary.

THE REV. DANIEL MAGEEAN, B.A., B.D., was appointed to Glenavy on 10th July, 1907, and transferred to St. Malachy's College on 1st September of the same year.

THE REV. THOMAS MACGOWAN, C.C., St. Brigid's, succeeded Father Mageean. He was transferred to his present Curacy, the Holy Rosary, on the 12th April, 1909.

THE REV. JOSEPH J. M'GLAVE., C.C., Kilclief, succeeded Father M'Gowan. On November 30th, 1909, the Rev. George Conway, late P.P. of Glenavy, died at ballynafeigh.

THE REV. GEORGE CONWAY was born in the Parish of Dunsford in 1827. He entered St. Malachy's College in 1845, and, after pursuing the usual course of studies there, went to the Irish College, Paris, in September, 1847. He was ordained, along with Father Eugene MacCartan, by Dr. Whelan, Bishop of Bombay, in Clarendon Street Chapel, Dublin, in October, 1852. At Christmas of the same year he was appointed Curate of St Patricks, Belfast Administrator of Ballymacarrett in November, 1866 ; Parish Priest of Derriaghy in November, 1869 ; Parish Priest of Carnlough in Nov., 1889, from which he was appointed Parish Priest of  Glenavy. The duties of this extensive parish became too heavy for him, and failing health compelled him to resign the parish after four years. He passed the evening of his life at Nazareth House, Ballynafeigh. There for many years he diffused happiness amongst the old people, and comforted them by his spiritual ministrations. He and Father John Macaulay, who had resigned Ballymacarrett, and was then living in the vicinity, were inseparable companions in their old age. These two veterans in the army of the Church had done giant work in their day, and both had ministered to the people of Glenavy. Father Conway celebrated the golden jubilee of his priesthood in 1902, and was called to his reward on November 30th, 1909, at the age of 83.

THE REV. FRANCIS M'BRIDE, P. P., Ballygalget, became Parish Priest of Glenavy on the 1st December, 1909, in succession to Father O'Malley, who had accepted the Parish of Randalstown.

 THE REV. MICHAEL O'MALLEY was born in the townland of Towerhill, Parish of Cappamore, County Limerick, in 1845 ; studied in the College of Thurles ; entered Rhetoric Class in the College of Waterford in 1864 ; was ordained by Dr. Dorrian in St. Malachy's Church, Belfast, on the Sunday within the Octave of All Saints, 1870 ; was appointed Curate of Lisburn the same year ; Curate of St. Peter's, Belfast, in 1874 ; Curate of Whitehouse in 1882 ; Parish Priest of Cushendun on 28th July, 1883. On the resignation of Father Conway, he was transferred to the Parish of Glenavy. For fifteen years he laboured with zeal amongst the people of Glenavy. He was an effective preacher and favourite confessor, and Was often called upon to give retreats in the neighbouring parishes. Pastoral work in the extensive parish under his care told on a constitution never too robust. Feeling himself unequal to the severer duties of Glenavy, he accepted Randalstown when it became vacant in 1909. At the end of another year his health was visibly giving way. In his last illness he was consoled by the unfailing solicitude of Father M`Glave, who had been his Curate in Glenavy, The news of his death, which occurred on February 7th, 1911, cast a gloom of sorrow over the generation that grew up in Glenavy under his priestly care.

THE REV. PATRICK F. O'KANE, B.A., C.C., Kilcoo, was appointed Curate of Glenavy on the 1st August, 1910, in succession to Father M`Glave, who was transferred to Randalstown, and subsequently to his present Curacy of Ballymena.

THE REV. JOHN A. M'LAVERTY, C.C., Killyleagh, was appointed on the 1st August, 1910, to be Curate of Aldergrove. He was ordained on 20th June, 1909 ; appointed C.C., Loughinisland, on 26th June, 1909; C.C., Killyleagh, on 13th November, 1909, whence he was transferred to his present Curacy.

THE REV. PATRICK M`NAMARA, C.C., Antrim, was appointed on the 1st August, 1911, to succeed Father O'Kane, who was appointed C.C. of Loughgiel. Father M`Namara was ordained on the 1st November, 1907 ; was appointed C.C., Dunsford, and afterwards C.C., Antrim, whence he was transferred to his present Curacy.