Last century a number of Derriaghy people, in common with many of
their fellow countrymen, emigrated to America.
Among them was John McBride of Bridge End (the house
has since been demolished) who sailed from Belfast on 6th May 1819 and
landed at Quebec on 15th June. For a number of years he wrote home
regularly. Mr. Charles McKinstry has in his possession an impressive
collection of his letters. In them John mentions other Derriaghy
emigrants as well as making interesting comments on life in America and
the political scene in Ireland as viewed from across the Atlantic. His
beautiful copper plate writing is still quite legible. Some of the
letters are written both across and down the pages. His turn of phrase
and powers of description, as well as his interest in affairs, speak
highly of his Derriaghy education.
The following are a few extracts from his letters.
"There is no Protestant church here; there is a
Presbyterian church, a Dutch Reformed church and a house where
Methodists meet." (In those days Protestant was equivalent to Anglican).
He has this to say about American ladies�and breaks into
or at least quotes verse.
"The people here and all places of America I have
seen dress very fine (in particular the ladies who are foolish in that
article). I have seen the mill girls dressed all in their silks with
veils over their faces and some fans in hand; they are in general most
shamefully proud.
When they work in the mills you'll scarce see them for
frills With their frocks and their tippets so gay There is English and Scotch, French, Irish and Dutch
Thus to pride great attention they pay In their dress they are neat but they're still not complete
They wish to dress well as the best No caps they do wear but will stick in their hair As many combs as there's in a wasp's nest."
He warns his father that far-away fields are not
always as green as they seem although later he did well at his trade
which was weaving.
"Dear father the people of Ireland are sorely
mistaken about this country; from what I have seen and of it I would
not allow anyone to come here unless they had some friend before
them who would have a place ready for them; if times are not a great
deal worse than they were when I left it, there is no man if he
would be as industrious at home as he has to be here but would be a
great deal better".
Even in those days Ireland's troubles were making the
headlines across the world and this Derriaghy man has his own comments
to make on them.

In June 1822 he wrote:-
"The disturbances in the South of Ireland I hear
as regular as you do; there is a ship now leaves New York four times
each month for Liverpool and we get the news here very regular; in
some of our last papers brought by the ship which brought your
letter there are extracts from Belfast papers which represent
Ireland (the south) to be actually starving for want of food and the
numbers are given from different baronies in the counties of Clare,
Cork, etc. which are in actual want; instances are mentioned of them
killing their only cow to stop the mouths of their crying hungry
children; may God in mercy relieve them some way or other; such a
state of things cannot long continue.
"The accounts from the South of Ireland continue
most miserable, they have raised a subscription in New York to send
Ireland; it has to be sent off on the 14th of this month. In
Baltimore they were just in the act of raising a subscription for
the same purpose when an alarming fire broke out and consumed, I
believe, 100 houses so I suppose that would stop their humane design
for the present. I think the British government might be ashamed (if
there was any shame left) to see a new country like this sending
charity to their subjects but I believe they have lost both shame
and feeling."
In June 1823 the rising cost of living and church
disunity share a paragraph.
"Provisions of all kinds are dearer than when I
last wrote. Paper such as this I am writing on is 25 cents the
quire; it is made the next house to the shop I work in. This place
is improving very fast; we have two churches and the subscription is
out for a third which is for a sect called universalists who contend
that all men will be finally happy in a future state, let their sins
be ever so great; they are very numerous here; I have heard them
preach sometimes but be their doctrine true or false I think it
leads too much to dissipation among the ignorant and wicked part of
mankind who are willing to join with anything which will quiet their
guilty conscience. The Methodists and Presbyterians are at open war
with the Universalists who have a semi-monthly paper printed in this
village for the purpose of promulgating their opinions and it is a
doctrine that is spreading over many parts of this country but I am
no "theologist" and I have little to say about these matters; I
leave them to them who have more time and better information, hoping
and trusting that God will so guide and direct me through life that
I may not be afraid at my latter end."
Again in 1825 he wrote:-
"I did not think that the County Antrim of all
others required such an immense number of Constables. III fated
country, will religious differences and broils formented by
superstitious bigotry never have an end. Thank heaven I am far
removed from such scenes in this land of liberty and toleration;
there are no religious distinctions, no sect is placed by law above
another and all have the right to worship the God of all as they
please. Each pays their own minister; there is no tithe system here,
that source of a great deal of the discontent which pervades for
Ireland. This is my opinion and I freely express it though I may be
blamed by some for doing so."
He did not take kindly to the idea of Catholic
"I see by late accounts that the Catholic bill
has passed the Commons and was once read in the House of Lords (may
it never get further). Our editors think it will pass but indeed
they know little about it; they speak as they would wish, all sects
being on a level in this country; they think it should be so with
you. They seem to forget how the Catholics have acted in every age
and in every country where popery is the established religion; look
at France at this day and priest ridden Spain where no crime is too
bad to be committed. Yesterday read an account of the French king's
coronation and to us plain people who live in this country, it is in
fact disgusting; only let one of our Presidents have such a pompous,
parade, even old Farmer would pull up his breeches and scratch his
head exclaiming "this must put down the next election" and every
press from Maine to Missouri would be railing at their elected
servants�but such cannot be the case here."
John's sister Charlotte joined him in America and
some of her letters and those of her husband William are also in the
Another brother, James, moved from Bridge End to
Mosside House on his marriage in 1828. William John, son of James, was
rate collector for the district and lived at Milltown House.
There was a sister, Sarah, born in 1803. The medal
she was presented with in 1816, for being "A Good Girl" came into the
rector's possession some time ago (given by the late James Brown,
Milltown). It was possibly a Sunday School prize and appears to be made
of pewter.
The McKinstry surname came through the marriage of a
daughter of James McBride into a Magheragall family in 1857.

CAUSES OF DEATH 1845, 1854 and 1926
Among the parish records are burial registers and day
books (kept by the sextons, probably) for the years between 1837 and
1926 each giving the cause of death as well as the age of the person at
each interment.
In 1845 there were 76 burials in the churchyard.
Among the causes of death given were:�Decline 27, Scarletina 22, Age 9,
Contracted or contrac (t) 6, Drops on the brain 1, Whitesurling 1.
31 of the deaths were of those under 10
years |
40% |
6 of the deaths were of
Teenagers |
8% |
57 had died before their 50th
birthday |
75% |
3 only had passed their 80th
birthday |
4% |
In 1854 there were 72 burials in the churchyard.
Among the causes of death given were:�Decline 20, Cholera 9, Age 9,
Dysentry 5, Inflammation of the lungs 5, Contacted or contrac (t) 5,
Accidents, Measles, Dropsy, Whooping cough, Water on the brain, 2 each,
Heart Disease 1.
37 of the deaths were of those under 10
years |
51% |
6 of the deaths were of
teenagers |
8% |
62 of those buried died before
their 50th birthday |
86% |
4 only had passed their 80th
birthday |
4% |
In 1926 there were 61 burials in the churchyard.
Among the causes of death given were:�Old Age 16, Heart failure 12,
Bronchitis 3, Stroke 2, Apendicitis 2, Pneumonia 2, Diphtheria, Sleeping
sickness, Diabetes, Dropsy, Tuberculosis, 1 each.
4 of the deaths were of those
under 10 years |
7% |
3 of the deaths were of
teenagers |
5% |
18 of those buried died before
their 50th birthday |
30% |
14 had passed their 80th
birthday |
20% |
In 1973 there were 38 burials:-
1 of the deaths was of a person under 10
years |
3% |
No deaths of teenagers |
1 had died before his 50th birthday |
3% |
10 had passed their 80th birthday |
27% |
4 had passed their 90th birthday |
10% |

By the middle of the nineteenth century the old
church, which does not seem to have had a specific name or dedication,
needed replacement.
In his Memoir (see Appendix 5) Thomas Fagan states
that in 1837, when he was writing, the side walls of the church were not
perpendicular and were spreading either from age or bad architecture;
the construction of galleries on the interior of the North and West
walls must have added to the strain on the fabric. The church moreover
must have been very overcrowded. Its external measurements are given by
Fagan as 60 feet long and 23 feet 3 inches wide in the East end and 22
feet 3 inches in the West end. The internal area could not have been
more than about 1,200 square feet and into this area according to Fagan
were fitted 27 pews averaging 18� feet in length. When space is allowed
for the Communion Table, font and pulpit a simple calculation will show
how little free space there was; this contrasts with the situation 100
years earlier when a vestry minute of 1725 lists 19 pews in the church,
including 4 in the chancel.
In a minute of 1864 we are told that the Vestry was
convened -
"to receive a report of what had been done
and consider what should be done, in the matter of the long
delayed new Parish Church. (Also the problem of the burial of
strangers in an already over-crowded graveyard.)"
The Vicar (Rev. Henry Stewart) reported that as long
ago as 1858 negotiations had begun with the Marquis of Hertford
requesting a grant of land and a contribution towards the erection of a
new Church, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners having promised �2,000 if
there were parochial contributions.
Dean Stannus, Rector of Lisburn, the Marquis' agent
after an interview with the Marquis, reported that he would give the
land but no contribution.
"A spot of ground in the field occupied by Mr.
John Phillips was marked out and for long was regarded as the site
but the necessary lease was never made out, the Dean urging that the
Church should be built on another site or else on the site of the
present Church which the Ecclesiastical Commissioners pronounced
impossible. Equally impossible is it to have the New Church at any
distance removed from the present situation as all the subscriptions
were promised only on condition of vicinity thereto." '
"Nothing was therefore affected."
"The Dean, however, stated publicly to the Bishop
that the vicar was holding up the building as he was ready to give
him any field except Philips' and suggested the other side of the
road known as Boomer's Hill."
"This was accepted by the vicar as satisfactory to
the subscribers and the parishioners in general."
That would seem to have resolved the problems of a
site for the new Church but six years later, in October 1870, we find
that the vestry again returned to the problem.

"At a vestry meeting convened to consider what
steps must now be taken in reference to the long since proposed new
Parish Church for which above Eleven years ago the Ecclesiastical
Commissioners promised a grant of above �2600 (sic) at the instance
of the late Primate, and above ten years ago the Dean of Ross
promised any site the Vicar of the Parish might select, but never
fulfilled his engagement so that it now seems out of the question;
through transfer of the Property to another family than that of the
Seymours, it was resolved that under existing circumstances
as there appears no probability whatever of the promised site in the
field adjoining to the Churchyard being obtained in the present year
and all the grant agreed by the Commissioners of Church
Temporalities depends upon the rebuilding being arranged before 1871
arrives, it is the unanimous opinion of the Vestry that the vicar
should at once apply to the Commissioners to commence the work
immediately in the Churchyard at the present site, together with any
addition which can be made without interfering offensively with the
existing graves."
Christ Church, Derriaghy, thus occupies its site at
the result of difficulties in negotiating with the Hertford Estate. The
attitude of the Dean of Ross is strange throughout. At the time, we
learn from the vestry minutes that the parish was having similar
problems in their dealings with him regarding the lease of the site for
Stoneyford Church and School-house, resulting in the Church there being
allowed to fall into considerable disrepair.
The Dean was rector of Lisburn from 1835 to 1876
having previously been rector of Ballinderry. The Deanery of Ross,
County Cork, had no duties attached to it, nor was there any house for
the residence of the Dean. He held the Deanery from 1830 to his death in
1876, while being rector of Lisburn.
No doubt we might find excuse for the Dean's
attitude, if we knew the whole story. He must have been well on in years
at the time of the Derriaghy negotiations. (It is suggested that bad
relations with Henry Stewart, the rector, a very forceful character,
were partly to blame).
Christ Church cost �3,600 to build. It seats about
500 people against 447 in the previous Church. The Foundation Stone
(presumably buried underground) was laid by Mr. William Charley, J.P.,
Seymour Hill, on 24th July, 1871. A silver trowel used on the occasion
is in the possession of the family. The date of consecration of the
church was Thursday 17th October, 1872. The preacher was the Rev.
Achilles Daunt, B.D., incumbent of St. Matthias, Dublin, and Chaplain to
the Bishop of Meath.
The church bell has on it the date 1871 and the
maker's name�Sheridan, Dublin, with the Irish phrase `ERIN GO BRAGH' and
a harp. There is a tradition that this bell was intended for Hannahstown
Roman Catholic Church and that the Christ Church bell was sent here.
The choir and organ were situated on the gallery
until 1904 when several changes were made. The organ chamber was then
added, the gift of Canon Stewart in memory of his parents, his father,
the Reverend H. Stewart, having been Rector until his death a few months
before the Church was built. A two-manual hand blown organ was installed
and a raised platform to form a chancel and sanctuary was built. Choir
stalls were added.
At the fiftieth anniversary in 1922 a brass eagle
lectern was presented by James Stewart Reade and his wife. There are
five memorial windows; the East window in memory of William Charley,
J.P., Seymour Hill; the Pulpit window in memory of Thomas Henry
Johnson, Ballymacash, and his children; the Gallery window in memory of
Maria Corkin, grand-daughter of Dr. Cupples, Rector of Lisburn
17961835/6, of Ingram (a house on Harmony Hill, now demolished and until
recently the home of the late Roger Johnson Smith); a North-West window
in memory of the Johnson family, Ballymacash; the South wall window in
memory of Edward Johnson Charley, Seymour Hill.
Removed in the recent Centenary renovations was a
memorial on the East Wall to Miss Annie Helena Fletcher who died in
1838. It consisted of four panels on which were painted the Creed, the
Lord's Prayer and The Commandments, set in a large wooden frame. (See
Appendix 3).
The memorial had to be raised when the choir platform
and sanctuary were installed in 1904. This caused difficulties in that
it obscured the bottom of the East window. Since then, on a number of
occasions, its removal was mooted but was not finally decided upon until
The new reredos, in memory of the late Mr. J. Frazer
Larmor, is of much lighter construction. It includes a shelf or
're-table' on which flower vases can be placed.
The brass Alms dish was the gift of Isabel Ferrar in
1922. The Communion Silver, consisting of a flagon dated 1768, two
chalices, one large and two small patens, and the Baptismal Font, were
all in use in the previous church.

From the Consecration of Christ Church (1872) to
the end of the Second World War (1945)
The chronological limits proposed for this chapter
may perhaps seem unnecessarily arbitrary; but in fact the appearance and
composition of the parish have been so dramatically changed since the
end of the last war that the year 1945 might well be regarded as marking
the end of an era. The period from 1872 to 1945 was indeed itself a time
of significant change, though it was change at a much slower pace than
after 1945. Stoneyford became a separate parish in 1887, taking with it
several townlands from the mother church; the enormous Hertford estate
was sold in 1899, nine years after the death of Sir Richard
Wallace, the last landlord, and almost three centuries after it had been
granted to the first Conway; the long agitation for Home Rule eventually
produced a partitioned Ireland; and two long world wars brought sorrow
to many homes in the parish.
Extracts from the Minutes of the Vestry 1871-1945
The extracts from the vestry minutes which follow
contain reference to some of these major matters as well as to the
everyday affairs of the parish. We devote separate sections to the
establishment of Stoneyford Parish and to Canon J. A. Stewart, curate
for more than fifty years.
The minutes of 1871 and 1872 report very little about
the building of the present church. Much of the Vestry's concern centred
around the allocation of seats about which they sought advice from the
Primate. Regarding the keeping of allocated seats, "his Grace does not
recommend that the Seats should be kept vacant after the service is
begun to suit the carelessness and dilatoriness of those who are late in
coming to Church".
1873 Proposed that Mr. Richardson Long's service as
Organist be continued at the rate of �20 per annum. Mr. Henry Boomer
requested to act as Sexton at a Salary of �8.
Parochial Schoolmaster �4 for acting as Parish Clerk.
Rector (Samuel M. Moore) reported that as requested he had visited the
Establishment of Cox and Co. when in London and seen a Set of Tables
containing the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and the Ten Commandments which
he thought could be worked into wainscotting in the Chancel so as to
meet the kind offer of Jonathan Richardson Esq. to expend �25 on a
Memorial to Miss Fletcher.
Address presented to Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., M.P.,
9th September, 1873:
We desire to offer to you our most sincere
congratulations on your accession to the ownership of the Hertford
Estate. This parish forms about one fifth part of the estate and
comprises 12,480 acres with a population of about 4,700. It includes
some of the most fertile lowlands in the Valley of the Lagan, and
also a portion of interesting landscape such as Collin, Aughrim and
White Mountain. The population is chiefly Protestant some of whom
are descendants of those, who in times less tolerant than our own,
were compelled to seek a refuge in these countries from persecution
abroad, and brought with them much of their industrious habits and
manufacturing skill, which have since then so distinguished this
neigbourhood always noted for its superior husbandry.
Your recent arrival amongst us to take possession
of this Splendid property was hailed by us in common with your other
tenantry, and we may say all the residents in this district, as an
event of great interest and importance.
The personal presence of one whose noble
character and disposition, as well as refined taste, as
is so universally acknowledged must have a most beneficial
influence, and we hope that you, Lady Wallace, and Captain Wallace,
will be often amongst us and spend some portion of each year on your
Irish Estate. In conclusion we offer our best and most cordial
wishes for the happiness of yourself and family.
Saml. M. Moore, M.A., Vicar
of Derriaghy
1874 Rector's income �350.
1876 Note to the Easter Vestry minutes.
I entered into residence at Vicarage on 29th May,
1876, the entrance Gate and avenue being subsequently completed, and
Garden Wall connecting House with Lower Yard, also done at joint
expense of the Vicar and Mr. William Charley. The planting, making
of garden, railing off House and Curtelage from field and other
improvements to complete the whole work, the cost of which was
largely defrayed by the Charley family.
M. Moore
(until then he had lived at Rosemount, Dunmurry)
1881 In this year the metal numbered discs still marking some graves
were bought for the churchyard.

The Vestry did not confine its discussions to the
maintenance of the parochial buildings but recognized that it had a much
wider responsibility in the community and so we find the following entry
for 2nd April 1882.
Early Closing 2nd April 1882
Proposed by Rev. S. M. Moore.
Seconded by Rev. Joseph A. Stewart and passed
unanimously That in the opinion of this Vestry the good results of
the Irish Sunday Closing Act, so far exceeding the most sanguine
expectations of its advocates, and so completely falsifying the
desired predictions of its foes, afford the amplest justification
both of its original adoption and of the demand for its renewal and
extension, and we therefore respectfully but urgently call upon the
Government to take the necessary steps for its reenactment and
extension to the whole of Ireland next session.
Again in 1888 they feel compelled to express their
opinion in another matter.
It was proposed by Mr. John MacHenry, C.E.
Seconded by Mr. James Philips, and passed
unanimously "That this Select Vestry having heard with surprise and
regret that a site for a new County Lunatic Asylum has been enquired
for at Glenburn, Dunmurry, on land adjoining their Parish desire to
express their strong disapproval of this proposal. While feeling
deep sympathy with the unhappy inmates of such an Institution, the
Vestry cannot see any necessity for its removal to this
neighbourhood, and would suggest instead the enlargement of the
present buildings, or the removal, if at all, to a less populous and
improving neighbourhood.
No doubt with the advance of medical science we would have taken a
very different view to-day.
1882 Sexton to be supplied with two bearers for carrying coffins at
funerals in cases where necessary.
1886 �1000 left to the parish by Miss Mary Charley.
1887 Proposed to utilize the house at the Foot of the Hill for
Parochial Reading-Room. (since demolished)
Derriaghy Young Men's Christian Society's Library had
been established in 1862. The catalogue of books and the address to the
members by the Rev. D. S. Donovan in 1865 are among the parish records.
The Founder and President of the Library was Canon J. A. Stewart.

1888 Concern about finance.
Proposal to put a window in wall behind the pulpit (before the
organ chamber was added).
1889 Proposed a collection be taken up at each service morning
and evening on Sundays, and that the Special offertory at Holy
Communion be handed to the Vicar for distribution to the poor.
Circular issued and collectors appointed to increase
Rector reported impossible to find "competent
teachers to conduct the Parochial Schools as hitherto in connection
with the Church Education Society and had reluctantly come to the
determination to place the schools in connection with the National
Board" ...
"Hoped in a few weeks to open the new school
house with its complete staff of teachers". He appealed to the
Vestry to support the effort to secure for the benefit of the
Children of the Church especially, but also all comers, a superior
1889 Church repainted by Messrs. Bullick and Sons.
1890 Death of Mr. Richardson Long who was organist "for upwards of
twenty years".
Applications sought for the post � "After some
remarks it was put to the meeting whether or not a lady organist
should be considered eligible for the situation, when it was ruled
by a majority that a lady organist was ineligible".
Mr. Robert Stewart appointed.
Death of Sir Richard Wallace and Mr. William
The following glowing tributes to both men show that the
Vestry was not lost for words to express its feelings.
Death of Sir Richard Wallace, Bart. and
William Charley Esq. D.L., 1890
Sir Richard Wallace's death is felt by us, in common
with all the Parishes of the Estate, of which he was a large hearted and
liberal supporter.
A wide circle still mourns his loss, as that of one
who devised, and with a Princely liberality supported, schemes of
benevolence, and Public Utility, in various places and countries.
In the removal of Mr. William Charley, D.L., we feel
that keen sense of personal loss, that his constant presence with us,
warm attachment to his own Parish and its claims, earnest and unfailing
efforts to promote its interests and prosperity, call forth.
By his own liberal gifts, and steady support, and the
handsome contributions that passed thro' his hands, notably from members
of his own family, we behold the evidences of his constant care,
fore-thought, and wisdom, in our goodly Parish Church, Substantial
Vicarage, and handsome Parochial School-House. His loss too will be more
widely felt in our Diocesan Council, Synod, and the General Synod of our
As a Public man many will miss his wise councils and
liberal aid.
It was proposed by Mr. John MacHenry, C.E., seconded
by Mr. Philip Chapman and unanimously resolved that the foregoing be
entered in our minutes and that our chairman be requested to convey to
Lady Wallace and Mr. Charley's family our deep and respectful sympathy
and our earnest prayer that Almighty God will sustain and support them
by His Grace in their sad bereavement.

Death of Bishop Reeves, Vestry Meeting 19.1.1892
At this first meeting of Select Vestry since the
lamented death of the Lord Bishop of the United Dioceses, who since his
consecration resided in this parish, worshipped, and often ministered in
our Parish Church, we feel we cannot separate without placing upon
record our deep sense of loss sustained by the whole Church of Ireland,
and our own United Dioceses and Parish in Particular; and our deep
sympathy with Mrs. Reeves, Miss Reeves, Mrs. Richardson and the other
members of his family.
It was moved by the Vicar, seconded by Mr. John
MacHenry, C.E., and passed unanimously.
That this expression of your feeling be entered on
the minutes and a copy thereof conveyed to Major Reeves for
communication to the bereaved members of our honoured revered and deeply
lamented Bishop's family.
1892 The Vestry congratulated 'The Rev. Thos. J.
Welland, D.D., on being chosen to be our bishop'.
That year we read for the first time of a
congregational social and a children's entertainment, both organised by
a Mr. John Robinson, who seems to have been entertainments organiser for
a number of years. He died in 1894.
1893 The choir got free tickets and sang at the
soiree and the curate, Mr. Woodward, gave the children a most amusing
'Magic Lantern Exhibition'.
1893 Sexton, Parish Clerk and Organ Blower
reappointed at the same salaries.
The Sustenation Fund is falling behind and ways
must be found to increase the number of subscribers.
1893 The West Window (the rose window) caused
trouble. Miss Corken asked to contribute towards the cost of repairs but
she declined. It was eventually fixed for �4 18s. Od.
1894 It was proposed, seconded and adopted that the
General Synod be asked to amend Canon 36 as Security against evasion of
the law.
(Canon 36 forbade the placing of a cross on or
behind the Holy Table. In asking for this Derriaghy was 70 years
ahead of the times as permission to have such a cross was not
granted by the General Synod until 1964).
1895 Map of the graveyard not yet ready (begun in
1887) .
1896 Curatage built. Plans drawn up by Mr. John
MacHenry, C.E.
1896 Organist resigns because Vestry complain that
there is no weekly choir practice and the standard has been
Mr. W. J. A. Roberts offered the post
temporarily until the end of the year and to await confirmation of
the appointment until New Year, and accepts. However, at Vestry
meeting in December 1896 we find that a Mr. McBratney should be
retained till New Year. He was eventually appointed at �20 per
1897 Protest at the attempt to alienate the Erasmus
Smith endowments (see under education).
1898 Death of Vicar � Canon Moore.
Graveyard still not mapped but matter left in the hands of Mr.
John MacHenry.
1899 Map ready for claimants.
The sale of the Hertford Estate and the question
of making permanent provision towards the endowment of the various
churches upon the estate.
Mr. F. W. Capron, Estate Agent, proposed giving
�300 3s. 4d. to the Representative Church Body. The Vicar and a
deputation had this increased to �763. Mr. McBratney is refused a
rise in salary and resigns. Mr. Robert Marks (?) appointed.
The Vestry left no one in any doubt where they stood
in the political issues of the day, particularly at the end of last
Gladstone's first Home Rule Bill which failed to pass
into law, being rejected by the House of Lords in 1886, is echoed in the
Easter Vestry of that year:-
It was moved by Wm. Charley, Esq., seconded by
Mr. David MacHenry and resolved "That this Easter Vestry of the
Parish of Derriaghy desire to express our devoted loyalty to the
Queen and Constitution and our dread of any movement of Repeal of
the Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland. We feel
that the existing laws for governing this country are founded on a
desire to do justice and that if any real grievance existed the
British House of Commons would be willing and able to examine into
and rectify in a proper spirit without any interference with the
Legislative Union. We also feel the movement for Separation being
objected to almost unanimously by the Protestant population that
there must be Something more than equal laws wanted by the
Parnellite Party and that a desire for supremacy over everything
British and Protestant is now evidently the real object of the Home
Rule leaders in Ireland."
Later, in 1893, they recorded 'not one dissenting
vote' against a Protest circulated to all parishes in connection with
'The Government of Ireland Bill'.

Church of Ireland
Protest Against the "Government of Ireland Bill"
We, the Select Vestry of Derriaghy, in the Diocese of
Connor, hereby declare our unswerving adherence to the principles set
forth in the Resolutions unanimously adopted by the Bishops, Clergy and
Laity of the Church of Ireland at a Meeting of the General Synod,
specially convened for that purpose on the 23rd March 1886; and we,
therefore, consider it a duty, pending the next Meeting of the General
Synod, to protest without delay against the measure which has just been
introduced into the House of Commons, under the title of "The Government
of Ireland Bill". We are convinced�in common, as we know, with large
numbers of our fellow-countrymen who do not belong to our Church�that
the revolutionary changes proposed in that measure, if carried into
effect, would seriously imperil the safeguards of civil and religious
liberty, the security of property and life, and the integrity of the
great Empire of which this United Kingdom is the centre. We also believe
that these changes would tend to impoverish, if not expatriate, many of
those on whose support the maintenance of our Church, under God,
depends, and would thereby disable her in the efforts she is making to
supply the spiritual needs of her people. And we make this protest, not
as the adherents of a party, not on behalf of a class, but as members of
a Church numbering more than 600,000 Irishmen who, while holding various
political opinions, and following many different callings, are united in
a common allegiance to the Throne, and a common desire for the honour
and welfare of their native land.
Saml. M. Moore, A.M.,
Vicar of Derriaghy
John MacHenry, C.E., Secretary
This stand, together with that of many other
parishes, was of no avail. The Liberal Government of Mr. Asquith
succeeded in having the Home Rule Bill passed some thirty years later in
1914. But the Act did not come into operation for Great Britain was now
at war.
1900 Garden extension to the Churchyard made. Glebe
lands vested in the Representative Body.
1901 Choir get �6 for their excursion.
Sexton's salary increased by �4.
1902 "That the lodges at present meeting in the Old
Schoolhouse viz. District L.O.L. No. 11 L.O.L. 137, L.O.L. 837, R.B.P.
No. 2, and the band be permitted to carry out necessary repairs etc.
1902 Bishop suggests a new organ at the front of the
Church. (At that time choir and organ were in the gallery). Decided that
all seats should be free at Evening Prayer.
1902 The Rev. J. A. Stewart offers a new organ
chamber in memory of his father's ministry.
1903 Choir platform proposal passed (�77).
Heating system changed but gratings in the aisle left to reduce
Tender accepted for new organ �379.
1904 Old organ sold for �10 to Canon Kernan.
1905 James Hall resigns as organ blower and William Torney appointed.
All seats in church declared free.
1906 Parochial Library wound up and books given to the school.
1907 Edward Hull appointed sexton.
Proposed to place a memorial in the Church to the
late Sexton Mr. Henry Boomer. �32 16s. collected. Plaque placed at
West End of Church.
Mention made of Woodlands Mission Hall. (Situated
opposite Carman's Row which was near Bell's Lane on the
Belfast-Lisburn Road. Sunday School was held in the hall.)
�2 voted to clear the debt on it.
1908 Rev. J. A. Stewart appointed Canon of Kilroot.
1908 Death of sexton, Edward Hull.
Johnson Cairns appointed sexton.
Logan Cairns appointed organ blower.
William Wood appointed organist on the
resignation of Robert Stewart who although appointed in 1890 was
replaced in 1896. Apparently in the meantime he had been
1908 Benovelent Fund begun.

1909 Mr. Kerr is organist but resigns to go to All Saints, Belfast,
and Mr. R. J. Field is appointed.
Much Vestry time was taken up with the allocation
of seats, the transfer of burial rights and the problems of Parish
Vestry minutes do not record the effect of World War
I or the Irish Rebellion on the parish. But the War Memorial in the
Church testifies to the many men who fought and those who died in France
between 1914 and 1918, many being killed at the Somme in July, 1916. A
number of them would have been members of the Ulster Volunteer Force
which was formed with the intention of protecting the North in the event
of the Home Rule Bill becoming law.
1917 Death on active service of Lieut. Edward Brown
of Pond Park and 2nd Lieut. Joseph Laverty, Principal of Castlerobin
National School.
1921 Curate (Rev. H. C. Marshall) shared with Lambeg parish because
of lack of funds in the parish.
Miss Mills appointed organist fo St. Mark's.
1922 The Rev. H. C. Marshall leaves for
England�thanked especially for his work among the young people. Church
repainted (Messrs. Bullick & Sons) �151. 18s. 6d.
1922 Fiftieth Anniversary of consecration of the Church. Font moved
to the West Door.
New brass Lectern presented.
Pillars covered in wood (work done by Mr. J. F. McCall).
War Memorial dedicated.
1926 Schools transferred to the Local Education Authority.
1932 Rangers' Cottage at the bottom of Church Hill sold for �45.
1934 Electric light installed in the Church, Vicarage and old School
�182. Rev. C. I. Peacocke, rector.
1937 Proposed that a Hall be erected in memory of Canon C. E. Quin.
1939 �100 collected for the Hall.
World War II saw men of the parish again serving in
the forces of the Crown; army, navy and air force. A list of names has
been collected and although there is no war memorial, they have been
recorded for the future. The parish shared in the war effort. Evacuee
children were billeted with a number of families, troops were stationed
in the area, the black-out and the shortages and restrictions were
experienced in common with other parts. One part of the parish on which
the scars of war still remain is Colin mountain which was a beautifully
wooded area, still remembered as a place for picnics and family outings,
now denuded of all trees and shrubs which were cut down as part of the
war effort.
1940 Proposed that the Curatage be sold for �700 or
1941 Aughrim Hall used for Belfast Refugees.
1944 Vicar (J. G. King) raised the question of a
place of worship in Colin and Castlerobin districts. Regarded as a
matter of prime importance. Mr. Wm. Richardson thanked for his offer of
a site for the proposed new church for Colin and Castlerobin districts.
Congratulations and good wishes to the Rev. J. L.
Spence, B.D., on his appointment to Carnlough.
1945 Full lighting restored in Church (end of black-out). Miss
Dickson resigns as organist.
Stanley Graham resigns as organ blower.
Mr. Caughey appointed organist.

When Stoneyford was made a separate parish in 1887 it
was formed from the following parishes:�Tullyrusk, Derriaghy,
Magheragall, Ballinderry and Glenavy. Derriaghy gave the following
townlands:�Tornaroy, Slievenagravery, Slievenacloy, Upper and Lower
Tornagrough, Upper and Lower Ballymacward, Island Kelly, Bovolcan,
Drumankeily, with as much of the White Mountain as lies north of the
road commonly called the Sheepwalk.
On 7th December 1837 a licence was granted to the
"Rector and the curate of Derriaghy publicly to celebrate divine service
in the public school room in Stoneyford, during the pleasure of the
ordinary to serve the people of Stoneyford or Islandkelly, Ballymacash
and Mullaghglass who are hindered by feebleness, infirmity or other good
and sufficient cause from attending divine worship in the parish
St. John's Church, Stoneyford, was opened on 6th
October 1841 by the Rev. Savage Hall, vicar of Derriaghy, and
consecrated by Bishop Knox on 28th October 1874. It cost �554. 16s to
build and holds 300 people. There were then 700 church people in the
In 1862 the Primate, as Patron of Derriaghy,
consented to the Rev. H. Stewart endowing Stoneyford with a Tithe Rent
Charge of �50. The rectory was also purchased in 1862.
The first rector of the parish was Rev. H. McKnight.
The present rector is the Rev. D. Stranex.
The church was renovated in 1934 and again since Mr.
Stranex became rector, when it was re-roofed, a new heating system and
organ installed and the graveyard greatly improved.
The records of the parish for the years before it
became a separate incumbency in 1887 are preserved at Derriaghy. The
Vestry minute books tell of the protracted negotiations with Dean
Stannus, agent for the Hertford Estate, in acquiring land at Stoneyford
to build the church and school. Some of the remarks in the first
preachers' book make interesting reading and reveal that relationships
between vicar and curate were not always cordial. It would seen that a
central figure in the dispute was the local schoolmaster, James
Armstrong, who was also parish clerk. June 7th 1857, 'The clerk of the
Church did not come to the Lord's Table. Present 238 people.' Henry Knox
Hutchinson was then the curate of the Stoneyford district of Derriaghy.
When Robert Lindsay arrived in 1858 things took a more serious turn. He
would appear to have been a most popular curate. Con- gregations in 1860
were frequently over 300, sometimes over 400 and at his last service on
the evening of 30th December over 500. The 'Observations' in the
preachers book suggest tension mounting. Stoneyford preferred the curate
to the vicar.
'The congregation have engaged to contribute annually
the sum of �20 towards the clergyman's salary for the privilege of a
Sunday Evening Service, and thereby exonerate the Rev. Henry Stewart,
Vicar, from any expense whatever connected with the district of
Stoneyford'. February 1st 1860.
'The Vicar came to do the duty at Stoneyford with the
avowed intention of superseding Mr. Lindsay's services; but when he
ascended the pulpit more than 300 of the congregation simultaneously got
up and left the church'. August 26th 1860.
That Sunday Henry Stewart left blank the column for
the number of those present! When Mr. Lindsay returned in the evening
there were 427 in the congregation.
The same occurred on 25th November when the vicar
next came back; the congregation walked out during the service. In the
evening Mr. Lindsay had 485 present.
On 2nd December 1860 when the newly appointed curate
of Derriaghy went to Stoneyford to celebrate Holy Communion the
'Observation' is "I could not think of administering the Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper to-day in the present disturbed state of the
The climax came in December 1860. There is a full
page of 'Observations'.

All money matters settled up to this date.
Dec. 27th 1860. |
R. Lindsay. |
Not settled with me. |
Henry Stewart, Vicar. |
Since Easter 1860 I have administered the Communion
of the Lord's Supper to 658 Comts. in Stoneyford Church, besides seven
times privately for which I have received from Rev. Henry Stewart one
dozen of pint bottles of wine. Dec. 27th 1860. R. Lindsay, Curate of
The Vicar immediately below adds 'Quarts.' and
continues�The Gentleman! wrote me he thought he had wine for the
Administration in May. I then sent 12 quarts, not pints of wine, and was
surprised when he wrote for more wine for October, for I am sure 6
quarts would have sufficed, and I concluded his pet schoolmaster
Armstrong had stolen it. I cannot say what came of the remainder as Mr.
L. acknowledges to have got 12 bottles which I can swear were not pints
but quarts�he wrote to me that he would not apply the Church wine for
private administration and I told him I should be ready to supply from
my private Cellar what was necessary for the purpose. Where the fraud
lies I do not pretend to say. H. Stewart. Vicar.
A few days later Mr. Lindsay left the parish to
become curate of Lisburn Cathedral, congregations at once dropped to
slightly over 100, sedom again reaching as high as 150 and observations
came to an end, except for one a few years later, 'I found the book in
this dirty state'. H. W. Lett.
Front row (from left). Rector, Mrs. Dawson, Miss
Hilary Barr, ,Miss Patricia Glass, Miss Clare Glass, Mrs. Partridge,
Mrs. Johnson, Miss Spence, Miss Margaret Hanthorne, The Bishop.
Middle row (from left): Rev. V .G. Stacey, Mrs. Barr
(organist), Miss E. Waters, Mrs. Lloyd, Mrs. Hull, Miss Beattie, Mrs.
Fell, Mrs. Gibson.. Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Jardine, Mrs. Kershaw, Mrs. Graham.
Back row (from left): Mr. S. Graham, Mr. T. Young,
Mr. D. Johnson.. Mr. N. Smith, Mr. T. H. Lloyd, Mr. W. Beattie, Mr. G.
Fell, Mr. W. Dawson.
Another remarkable person among the clergy of
Derriaghy was Canon Stewart. He spent over fifty years ministry in the
parish. He was curate from 1862-1863 and again from 1866-1915.
He was certainly the most wealthy. His Will published
in 1915 gave the gross value of his estate at �107,788. 1s. 9d. During
his curacy (he was never rector) he contributed to many parochial
enterprises. The organ chamber was his gift, Ballymacash Mission Hall
and Church were largely supported by him; he supplied a teacher for many
years for Castlerobin School and, according to a newspaper cutting, for
many years maintained at his own expense a scheme for pensions for the
aged in his district.

He lived at Killowen House, now Killowen Hospital.
Previously he had lived at Pond Park House. Many parishioners still
recall the Canon, his wife and brother. He provided employment in
Ballymacash for many families who helped to run and maintain the house
and farm.
In his Will there are numerous bequests to local
people and to many charitable and Church societies. His leaseholds at
Cheapside, in London, inherited from his father, were left to a
relative, the wife of George Bernard Shaw. But Derriaghy only features
in �50 left for the poor of the parish.
At the death of his father, the Rev. Henry Stewart,
rector of Derriaghy, in 1872, strong feeling was aroused in Ballymacash
and Castlerobin because he had not been appointed to succeed him. We are
told that some children were taken from Castlerobin school and
sent to Stoneyford.
A few years ago a former parishioner in America sent
a handbill which was distributed in the parish at the time. It stated
A public meeting of the Parishioners of the
Stoneyford District was held in Stoneyford Church upon Monday
evening, the 27th of May 1872. Mr. John Maze, Jun., in the Chair;
and owing to the indefatigable exertions of the Chairman, assisted
by the expansive abilities of John Hunter Esq., there was a large
attendance, and the following Resolution was unanimously adopted:
"Resolved � That we, the undersigned Parishioners
of Derriaghy, solemnly pledge ourselves to use every legitimate
means to frustrate the designs of William Charley, J.P., and his
Colleagues, to destroy the peace and harmony of the Parish of
Derriaghy; and we further pledge ourselves to continue our
opposition so long as the nominee of the said William Charley, J.P.
(the Rev. S. M. Moore) continues to fill the Pulpit of our Parish
"The spirit of the above Resolution was fully
appreciated by being immediately signed by large numbers".
The resolution, however, did not alter the choice of
rector nor did it in any way affect Canon Stewart's work and interest in
the parish, which continued for another forty years.
Canon Stewart is buried in the family vault at Killymoon
(Cookstown) .
His wife outlived him by many years. She came under
the influence of the sect of Rayburnites and attended their meetings
regularly in Belfast. `Bishop' Rayburn was a very forceful American
evangelist who settled in the city and died there aged ninety-four in
1930. In her latter days it is said that the old lady was persuaded to
take up lessons on playing the harp to prepare for the next world! It is
also reported that she died in poverty. She is buried in Derriaghy
Churchyard in an unmarked grave.
Mr. W. S. Corken adds the following note:
Canon Stewart had family connections with
Derriaghy, his kinsman, Colonel Stewart of Carrickfergus, having
married a daughter of Robert Duncan of Magheralave. The John Hunter
mentioned in the protest meeting was also a descendant of Robert
Duncan, and William Charley's wife, Isabella, was a grand-daughter.

The period from the end of the Second World War has
seen changes in the parish greater perhaps than any it has experienced
since the seventeenth century. In the pages which follow will be found a
brief but it is hoped accurate account of the vast house building
programme which has brought thousands of new inhabitants to the parish,
the industrial development which has provided work for some of them, and
the formation of new parishes to provide for their religious needs. In
addition the vestry minutes are continued in extract form up to the
culminating point of the celebrations in 1972 of the centenary of the
consecration of Christ Church.
Housing Development and Consequent Parochial
The first major house building projects were the Killeaton Estate
built by Messrs. J. F. McCall & Sons in the 1950's and the Fairview
Estate beside it; they alone added more than 200 homes to the parish. A
further 300 or so were provided in the Milltown Estate built by the
Rural Council in the early 1960's.
A Curate's bungalow was built at St. Andrew's and,
with the help of a Stewardship Campaign, a new and commodious parochial
hall was built at Christ Church. It was opened by the late Mr. J. Frazer
Larmor who, over his lifetime, had devoted much time and energy to the
parish as Sunday School teacher and lesson reader, as well as holding,
at some time, practically every lay office. He was a most generous
contributor to many parochial and community causes.
The Moss Road and Belsize Road areas, where house
building has continued for a number of years, became an independent
parish in October 1963 under the Rev. Bertran Livingston. It is now
served by St. Columba's Church Hall and has taken the name Derryvolgie.
Lambeg Presbyterian Church, Minister the Rev. Alex Watson, was built on
Moss Road in 1965 to serve this area.
In January 1967 the area served by St. Mark's,
Ballymacash, became independent under the Rev. T. F. Callan, who had
been curate there. A new rectory was purchased to replace a house bought
a few years earlier. A new church is in process of erection, to replace
the existing one, in the field which had been bought in 1961.
Ballymacash is a fast growing suburb of Lisburn. The first rector, the
Rev. T. W. W. Jones, was appointed in 1970. He is a former curate
returned to the area, having been there when the present Church was
consecrated in 1954. It had been built in 1892, largely at the expense
of Canon J. A. Stewart of Killowen House, but only dedicated at the
time. Previously services had been held in Ballymacash Mission Hall, now
converted into a private house, on Nettlehill Road.
Two other boundary changes of recent years can be
noted. Seymour Hill, formerly the estate of the Charley family, was
ceded to Dunmurry parish in 1956 as building began on the estate. The
first service was held in Kilmakee Orange Hall that year. St. Hilda's
Church Hall was built to serve the community. On 1st August 1964 it
became a separate parish, taking the name Kilmakee. Now a new Church of
modern design has been built. The first incumbent was the Rev. J. Moore.
The present incumbent is the Rev. R. S. J. H. McKelvey. A Presbyterian
and a Methodist Church have also been built. A Free Presbyterian Church
is in process of erection.
The area occupied by Thiepval Barracks, Lisburn, was
transferred by the Diocesan Council to Lisburn Cathedral in the early
1960's. The parish thus reduced consists of the townlands of Ballycollin,
Mullaghgass, Poleglass, Lagmore, Killeaton, Derriaghy, parts of
Aghalislone, Magheralave and Whitemountain. Other townlands were detached to form
Stoneyford Parish in 1887.
The most recent development in the parish is the
growth of a large estate to number almost 3,000 homes at Stewartstown
Road and called Twinbrook, begun in 1970. It was considered unwise to
build a Church in the area as it is near existing Churches and it was
felt that the Church of Ireland Community would not be large.
The present arrangement is that, together with the
Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church, we rent a portable
prefabricated building, which we share as a Church. Services are
conducted on a rota basis. Until July 1973 we rented a similar building
as a parochial hall. The Church furniture has been provided from the old
St. Hilda's Church Hall.
The present troubled state of the province has had an
adverse effect on the number of Protestant families coming to live in
the estate but it is hoped that enough people will remain to enable the
Church to be maintained in use.
(Since writing the above, it was decided to close the
Church as from the end of November 1974, three years from its opening).

Christ Church Parochial Hall
Industrial Development
Before 1945 the parish was a quiet agricultural area.
The older industries of weaving, corn milling, paper making and spade
forging had closed down and there was little scope for employment except
on the land. Today Derriaghy is an area of high employment. Some firms
have moved out of Belfast and built premises at Derriaghy, and a number
of firms completely new to this country have come to Derriaghy. On the
Industrial Estate, still growing, we already have such firms as Electro
Photonics, Gascoigne Gush and Dent, Garrett, Grundig, Tilley Lamp,
Wandleside Cables, Matbro, Textile Prints, Dunelin Engineering, Hire
Plant, Hazlett's, H. R. Ayton, Rowntree's, Lavery's Bottling Plant and
Kraft Cheese Depot. One of the largest Supermarkets in Northern Ireland
now stands on what was, until recently, McGredy's Rose Garden, beside
the Rose Garden Centre.
The latest development for the area is an elaborate new
road system which is still at the planning stage.
If the various plans materialise (but they change
frequently!) a motorway will virtually cut the parish in two, coming
from Black's Road, Dunmurry, and crossing the Barnfield Road near
Milltown House. The 'osier cross' at Christ Church is to be replaced by
a roundabout with a new road trisecting the farm at Derriaghy Cottage
and crossing Belsize Road with another new road forming the 'main
artery' of the new Twinbrook Estate while to the north of Stewartstown
Road in the townlands of Poleglass and Lag-more it is proposed to build
another housing and industrial complex for almost 20,000 people.
Doubtless the making of these roads and houses will
provide much work for the quarries of the parish at Castle-robin and
Colin, but they will change yet more the familiar look of the district.
During the past twelve years the considerable changes
in parish life, and the building and centenary programmes undertaken
,have meant much work and responsibility for members of the Select
A warm tribute is due to the succession of church
wardens, to the Freewill Offering recorders, the honorary treasurers; to
those who have given liberally to their time and expert knowledge; and,
not least, to the honorary secretary of the Select Vestry, the late Mr.
T. J. Kelly, who held office continuously from 1964 until the end of
1973 when ill-health forced him to resign. He died on 8th April 1974.
In all this the Vestry has had the enthusiastic
support of the parishioners who, through stewardship campaigns, special
donations, fetes, concerts, and other efforts, enabled the work to be
We are conscious of the fact that buildings do not
make a parish and that success it not to be equated either with feverish
activity or a healthy balance sheet. A parish is primarily a community
of people and its value can only be measured by the extent to which
parishioners accept and fulfill their Christian calling and
responsibilities. All else is subservient to this end.
The new generation of Derriaghy people will find
themselves living in a neighbourhood which will be scarcely recognisable
from the quiet country parish of pre-war years.
One thing, however, they will find there still is the
parish church reminding them that the Gospel does not change; the
slender spire pointing them up to higher things and the bell calling
them to the worship of Almighty God whose children we are and to whom we
must all give an account of our stewardship.

1946 Rector, Rev. J. G. King, appointed to Larne.
Rev. P. A. G. Sheppard appointed rector.
Roy Gibson resigns as organ blower and E. Parte is
Rev. J. R. Musgrave and Rev. D. J. O. Barr welcomed
to first vestry meeting.
1947 Mr. John Waring bequeaths �2000 to Colin District for Church
1949 Old Stables converted into a parochial hall by the Vicar and
voluntary workers.
Col. H. R. Charley proposed that all members of
the Select Vestry should be prepared to take their turn in reading
the lessons at the services in the Church and the Vicar and Church
wardens should keep a roster.
Proposed that an electric blower be installed for
the organ.
1950 Decided to purchase Mr. Wm. Richardson's field
for the proposed new Church hall for the Colin and Castlerobin district
of the parish.
1951 Credence Table presented by Mr. K. D. Levis in memory of his
1952 Resignation of Mr. Caughey as organist.
Resignation of Miss Y. Balmer as orgainst of St. Mark's. Miss Sheila
Spence appointed organist at Christ Church.
1953 Plans for the Extension of St. Mark's, building of Colin Church
and the Canon Quin Hall.
Vicar reported on new housing throughout the parish.
1953 John White Megarry appointed sexton.
1954 St. Mark's Church consecrated.
1955 T. W. Rodgers appointed sexton � resigned same year.
Mr. H. W. Dean appointed sexton.
1956 Mr. S. Keery appointed sexton.
1957 Opening and Dedication of St. Andrew's Church Hall, Colin,
Friday 21st June, 8 p.m.
First Chapel wardens: Messrs. J. McKinstry and
Wm. Richardson. Miss A. Orr who had been organist at Aughrim Hall
appointed organist of the new Church Hall. Mr. R. Quinn appointed
Death of Mr. Arthur Murtagh. Many tributes to his
outstanding work were paid by members of the vestry. He had been
secretary for ten years and had scarcely missed a meeting. For many
years, helped by Mr. M. Fleming, he had been registrar of the
graveyard. He was also synodsman and churchwarden.
Men's Fellowship begun. (Indoor Bowling 1958).
Canon Quin Memorial Hall dedicated.
Subscriptions to erect a hall in memory of Canon
C. E. Quin had been collected in the late 1930's and plans for a
building behind the rectory had been drawn up. World War II meant a
delay of almost 20 years and abandonment of the original plans and
site. The present Quin Hall, on the site of the old 1830 school, was
planned and built of artificial stones especially constructed by
Messrs. J. F. McCall and Sons.

1958 Mothers' Union Branch begun. (Mrs. Magill, enroling member) .
1959 Mr. Wm. Glass resigns as secretary of the Vestry Housing
Development at Moss Road.
Reported that bus from Moss Road was running at a loss and should
be taken off.
Question of a church site for the area raised by
the Church Extension Committee but the Vestry did not approve such a
1960 November � The Rector, The Reverend P. A. G.
Sheppard left the parish to become rector of Ballydehob in Co. Cork.
The Vestry wished him well and thanked him for
his service to the parish during his time both as curate and rector.
1961 The Rev. W. N. C. Barr welcomed as rector.
Field at St .Mark's purchased (�950).
Plans for curate's bungalow at St. Andrew's and new parochial
hall at Christ Church discussed.
Consecration of Graveyard extension.
Stewardship Campaign by "Wells, Fund Raising Company".
Curate's Bungalow contract placed (�2,945).
Two plots in the graveyard reserved for the burial of ashes after
1962 Miss E. Refausse resigned as Freewill Offering Treasurer for St.
Miss K. Hayes resigned as Freewill Offering Treasurer for Christ
Extension of St. Mark's Parochial Hall.
Decision to purchase a curate's house at St. Mark's.
1963 Moss Road area became a separate parish, taking the name
1964 Sanctuary carpet made and presented by Col. M. Rea.
1965 Work commenced on the parochial hall at Christ
Church. Total cost expected to be about �20,000 including furnishings.
First Broadcast Service from Christ Church.
W. Burrows took up duty as sexton.
1966 Presentation to Mr. Logan Cairns who was associated
with the choir for over fifty years.
Oil-fired heating plant installed in Christ Church.
Miss Sheila Spence resigned as organist and was
succeeded by Mrs. Barr who agreed to act temporarily; (still at the
Sanctuary kneelers made by a group of ladies,
under the guidance of Mrs. Rea; dedicated by the Rural Dean, Canon
R. C. R. Ellis.
New Parochial Hall at Christ Church dedicated in
1967 Ballymacash became a separate parish and its parochial
boundaries were decided upon.
Lisburn Rural Deanery divided to become Lisburn and Derriaghy
Rural Deaneries, Derriaghy being composed of seven parishes,
Dunmurry, Kilmakee, Lambeg, Derryvolgie, Glenavy and Derriaghy.
1968 R. Quin, first sexton of St. Andrew's, died.
1969 Flower Festival held in Christ Church. Her
Excellency The Lady Grey, wife of the last Governor of Northern Ireland,
paid an official visit to the Festival.
1970 Branch of the Flying Angel League (Missions to
Seamen) formed, Mrs. Surgeon, secretary.
John Herron resigned as Sunday School
superintendent on leaving the parish and was succeeded by William
1971. Presentation to Jim Fleming on the completion
of twenty-five years as leader of the Cub Pack.
Twinbrook temporary church and church hall came
into use in October, shared with the Methodist and Presbyterian
Churches: organist Mrs. Bethel, morning services average eighty
Because of the escalation of violence in the
province and particularly in Belfast since 1969, contingency plans
were made to house evacuees in the parochial halls. Sympathy was
expressed with those who suffered injury and bereavement in the
continuing bombings and shootings and with those who had lost
1972 Thrift Shop (in Lisburn) made �840 for the
Centenary Fund.
Grand total for the fund was almost �8,000.
Centenary of Christ Church celebrated on Sunday,
15th October (two days early!).
St. Andrew's Church Hall
And Curate's Bungalow |
Andrew's Choir
With Vestry Members |
(Left to right): Mr. D. Thompson, Mr.
W. McCall, Mrs. J. Dunn, Miss V. Addis, Rev. V. G.
Stacey, Miss A. Morrow, Miss S. Dunn, Mrs. N. McCaughey,
Mrs. S. Orr, Mrs. A. Russell, Mrs. J. Kirkwood
(organist), Mrs. W. Fletcher, Miss J. Dunn, Mrs. T.
Field, ,Mrs. E. Ingram, Mrs. B. Morrison, Mr. W.
Richardson, Miss C. Gordon.
