Recollections of the Parish of Drumbeg
Diocese of Down
by Matthew Neill
(Proceeds, after costs of production, to Drumbeg
Parish Church)
This Series of 21 Recollections is Dedicated to the
Memory of
who shared with me sixty years worship in Drumbeg,
fifty two of them as my wife.
In these times when 'window' is a hackneyed word, I
hesitate to describe the articles in this publication as windows, and
yet that is exactly what they are: a series of windows shedding a little
light upon past events and upon the lives of those who served God in
Most of the articles are based on parish records and
personal recollections. Where other sources have been consulted, they
have been acknowledged.
The production of this book has been made possible
only by the cooperation of many who have given me access to records
relevant to the history of the parish: the Rector and Churchwardens; the
Public Records Office for Northern Ireland; the Linenhall Library; the
Central Library, Belfast; the South Eastern Education and Library Board,
Ballynahinch; the Diocesan Office staff; local historians, Eileen Black
and J. Fred Rankin; and those who have supplied personal records, family
histories and photographs. All have given me the most courteous
assistance, for which I am greatly indebted. Most of all I want to thank
Mrs Collette McKee, who endured the trauma of preparing this manuscript
for publication over a period of two years. To Dr Brian Turner for
reading and commenting on the final script, my grateful thanks. To Mr J.
Fred Rankin whose corrections and criticisms compelled me to re-examine
the text and present a more accurate history, I am much indebted; any
remaining errors are mine! I am also grateful to Mrs Susan Irvine of
Dromara, for the loan of the drawing of the 1798 church, used on the
cover of this book and to Mr Jim Neill and Dr Colin Boreham for their
invaluable help with photography.
Matthew Neill
9 Rural Cottages,
The Bishop of Down and Dromore
The Rt. Revd. Dr. Gordon McMullan I am privileged to write this word
of introduction to Mr. Matt Neill's delightful pen portrait of the
Parish of Drumbeg. His life-long association with the Parish and area
provides the quality of insight and knowledge invaluable to the writing
of local history. His love of the community in that setting is the ideal
emotional and empathetic context for a recollection of people and
events. His fond links to the Parish Church of St. Patrick have shaped
his interpretation of life in all its moods and seasons.
Behind the authorship of this publication there is an immense amount of
hard work in researching facts, interpreting their significance and
weaving them into a pattern that is interesting as well as informative.
Matt Neill has accomplished these various tasks with excellent results.
I offer him my congratulations and my thanks that in one more Parish of
Down and Dromore Diocese the setting, events and people who comprise the
Church have had their story recorded for present as well as future
generations to read and enjoy.
+ Gordon Down and Dromore.

Interior plan of the present Church |
RATHMORE Because of the images this word conjures up, the earliest
days of human occupation of the Lagan Valley are visualised in the Great
Rath. But long before the more static civilisation implied by the word Rath,
an earlier people left us tangible evidence of their way of life within
the parish in the Glenburn area which was surveyed by Claire Sloan'
under the supervision of an archaeologist from the Ulster Museum. This
prehistoric site yielded worked flints from the Mesolithic and Neolithic
eras and a partially worked leaf-shaped arrow head of the Bronze Age
period.2 In 1928 C B Whelan had uncovered a Neolithic hearth, worked
flints and 38 fragments of undecorated Neolithic pottery, regarded by
Humphrey Case as the earliest Neolithic pottery in Ireland.3 These
prehistoric people were largely nomadic, moving along rivers, lakes or
coastlines, hunting and gathering and living for short periods in
temporary seasonal camps. They predated the Rathmore homestead type of
dwelling by thousands of years. The early Irish circular earthworks
called Raths were the occupation sites of more settled peoples. Though
as many as thirty
or forty may have existed in our parish area in the
early Christian era, only one or two have been partly excavated. Most
were destroyed in the cultivations of the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries. Nevertheless the name Rathmore implies a precedence over
all the others and suggests a sort of headquarters of the important
personages of the times. Just outside the parish boundary, the `Giants
Ring' at Ballynahatty is another vivid reminder of the ancient peoples
who were the inhabitants of what we now regard as our parish, the Parish
of Drumbeg. The history of the parish may be said to date from the
taxation of 1306 but, in order to get a better idea of its creation and
development, it will help to look briefly at the earlier history of the
Irish church. The seven centuries from the time of St Patrick until
the beginning of the 12th Century may be called the Celtic period, when
the church was monastic in character in a distinctive way4,
not bound by ties of poverty and obedience, but independent of Rome. She
differed from Rome in the way Easter was determined, in the way the
monks shaved their heads, in the method of ordination (one bishop
sufficing in the Irish church where three were required in Roman
practice), in the question of married clergy, in baptism, in confession,
which was public; and in Ritual and Liturgy.5 During this
period, the great flowering of monastic art and missionary zeal earned
for Ireland the name of the Isle of Saints and Scholars.
The division of Ireland into Dioceses and Parishes is generally regarded
as having begun at the Synod of Rathbraisail in 1111 and from 1140
onwards Roman practices were gaining ground. Malachi, Bishop of Connor
and later Archbishop of Armagh, desired to have diocesan structures
reinforced and put under papal control. At Skerries in 1148 he gathered
a small synod at which it was decided to ask for `Palls'6
from Rome. The synod of Kells held in 1151 confirmed the decision, and
agreed to ask for four `Palls'.6 Again, at the synod of
Cashel held in 1171 with the Papal Legate presiding, the Irish Church
was brought into line with Rome on the main issues that had divided the
Celtic church from Roman practices in Baptism, Confession, Celibacy,
Ritual and Liturgy.7 It was probably around this time that
the first church was built in Drumbeg.
* Palls - Pallia: Vestments worn about the
shoulders showing that the Archbishops held their authority from the
Pope. In 1152 they were bestowed on four Archbishops - Armagh, Tuam,
Cashel and Dublin.
The Papacy, fighting wars in the Holy Land, had begun
to incur heavy losses and, in order to finance the depleted Vatican
treasury, a series of taxations was introduced, the best known of which
was by Pope Clement V in 13068.

In the list of parish valuations for Down, Connor and
Dromore edited by Dr Reeves, noted scholar and historian and later
Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore (and who incidentally lived for a
time at Conway House near Dunmurry), the Diocese of Down had 126
Rectories, Vicarages and Chapels divided into five deaneries, one of
which, Dalboyn, contained the Parish of Drumbeg and one other named as
Cloncolmac, which is believed to have been near Dunmurry, but the site
is now forgotten.
In 1306 the parish of Drumbeg was tithed at one mark
for a payment of 16 pence. That is the first record of the church and
parish in ecclesiastical history and may be said to be the beginning of
recorded history, continuing into our own time, almost 700 years.
However, the next three centuries are nearly blank as
far as our knowledge of the developments within the parish are
concerned. There was a gradual decline in the fortunes of the church.
The country was impoverished and subject to raiding campaigns by the
English. The Bruce wars of 1315-18 left a trail of unbroken tribulation
and havoc. The Dioceses of Down and Connor were united in 1441 in an
effort to preserve this north eastern corner as a viable unit.9
The general state of Ulster was one of anarchy. To obtain a wider
knowledge of the secular history of Ulster would entail a repetition of
the internecine strife between the O'Neills north and south and the
various clans who sought dominance over several centuries, the effects
of the Viking attacks on them and on the countryside, the coming of the
Normans between 1169 and 1300, the establishment of the Anglo-Norman
`Earldom of Ulster', and much more than the limited scope of this study
of our own church's history would permit. The many excellent histories
of Ireland available to those who wish to delve more deeply into these
chaotic years can be found on the shelves of libraries everywhere. Of
course, these events disrupted the ancient Celtic church, modified its
structure, destroyed much of its culture and eventually changed its
practices for hundreds of years but that, too, is a subject for those
who wish to study in depth.
Bubonic plague struck Ireland in 1348, presumably
carried by rats into the ports, from where it spread to the whole
country. The symptoms of the disease were hideous: foul-looking boils,
abscesses, swellings under the armpits, and fever which led in a matter
of days to delirium and death. The plague appears to have been more
serious in urban areas than in the countryside but it is probable that
in Ireland, as elsewhere in Europe, one third of the population died of
the `Black Death'. 10
In their efforts to subdue the unruly clans of
Ulster, several English Kings promoted continuing unsuccessful attempts
to reduce the Irish and the Anglo-Normans to obedience to the Crown and
English Law.
The destruction of churches, monasteries and
Christian foundations without discrimination went on during these
incursions and wars. The reorganisation of the chapters of the
Cathedrals of Down, Connor and Dromore was begun when James I granted a
charter on 20th July 1609, establishing a Dean and chapter for each of
these three dioceses.11 The dedication of Down Cathedral was
changed from St Patrick to the Holy Trinity, which had been the original
dedication prior to the foundation of the Benedictine monastery by John
De Courcy in 1183. The chapter was to consist of one Dean, four
dignitaries and three Prebendaries, all of whom should be priests. Each
of the dignitaries was granted a number of Rectories and Vicarages. In
the charter of 1609, John Blakeborne was ordained Archdeacon and granted
the rectories and vicarages of Killclief, Kilbegg, Rosglas, Drumbo,
Drumbegg and the chapel of St Malachie with all their rights, members
and pertinences. John Blakeborne was therefore the first Rector of
Drumbeg, holding the incumbency as Archdeacon of Down. The duties of
caring for the souls in the parish was carried out by Curates who are
listed under `Curates and Rectors'. Thus, for just over 200 years, the
title of Rector was properly ascribed to the Archdeacon of Down until
the dissolution enacted in the church Temporalities Act of 1834. This
arrangement continued until the death of Archdeacon Mant in 1834, from
which date the incumbent of the parish is referred to as Rector.

The history of the parish can now best be traced
through the records of Visitations and Inquisitions carried out from
time to time. The first of these, in 1622, was the visitation of Bishop
Echlin and contains this information on the dignities of the Archdeacon:12
Ettlia de Killcleef ruind |
a rectory not impropriate |
All these are valued in is
Maties books at 8� estimated to be worth |
Jon Christian M. of Arts,
archdeacon of Down incumbent |
Killbegg alias
Killbert ruind
Rossglas ruindDrumbo ruind
Drumbeg repaird
Capella Sancti
Malachia ruind |
impropriate to the abbacy
of Saul possessed resident by the Countess of Kildare
rectories not impropriate |
John Curlott cur. of Kilcleif &
resident |
Wm. Firbus M. of Arts,
Drumbo and Drumbegg |
curate of &
The procuration of the Archdeaconry of the Lord
Bishop: |
�. |
s. |
d. |
Kilclief |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Killbegg alias Kilbirt |
3 |
4 |
Rossglas |
1 |
6 |
Drumboe |
13 |
4 |
Drumbegg |
6 |
0 |
Capel St Malachi |
2 |
0 |
Out of a total of 112 churches and chapels in the
Diocese of Down in this year, all but 10 are described as ruined:13
50 were united in eight large unions connected with the Cathedral and 17
had no curate at all. The 10 which were in repair and fit for worship
Down - Parish Church |
Belfast |
Drumbeg |
Bangor |
Killyleagh |
Holywood |
Talpeson (Ballyhalbert) |
Movilla and Newtown |
Donaghadee |
Comber |
It will be observed that the parish of Drumbo had no
church in repair at this time and that William Firbus (Forbes) is listed
as Curate of Drumbo and Drumbegg. Fred Rankin, writing in the 'Heritage
of Drumbo', states that Drumbo had been without its own place of worship
for almost 600 years (in 1792) and was united to Drumbeg which possessed
a church in repair.

An account preserved for us in the Lewis's Topographical
dictionary (1837), page 511, adds the following information:
The Lagan navigation from Belfast to Lough Neagh
passes through the parish. The principal seats, beside those noted
under the heading `Dunmurry', are Glenburn, the residence of F.
Crossley, Esq.; Wilmont, unoccupied; Finaghey, of J. Charley, Esq.;
Larkfield, of Henderson Black, Esq.; Drumbeg Rectory, of the Revd.
J.L.M. Scott; Drum House, of W.H. Smyth, Esq.; and Belvidere
Cottage, a neat and commodious residence, lately built on the
property of A. Durham, Esq. Ballydrain, the beautiful demesne of
Hugh Montgomery, Esq., though not in this parish, is within 200
yards of the church, and with the adjoining grounds of Lakefield,
the residence of Miss Richardson, and Lismoyne, of Mrs Callwell,
presents one of the finest landscapes in the neighbourhood of
Belfast. A court leet and court baron are held every third week at
Four Land Ends, for the manor of Drumbracklin, by a seneschal
appointed by Narcissus Batt, Esq., lord of the manor, with
jurisdiction for the recovery of debts under �20, extending over the
town lands of Doneight and Lisnoe in the parish of Hillsborough,
Ballyaulis in this parish, and Ballycairn, Ballylesson, Molough, and
Knockbreccan in Drumboe. The living is a rectory, in the diocese of
Down, and is the gift of the Bishop; a part of the rectorial tithes
is impropriate in W. Charley, A. Durham, and Narcissus Batt, Esqrs.,
as lessees under the Marquess of Donegal. The tithes now amount to
�336. 16. 6., of which �94. 13. 6. is payable to the impropriators,
and the remainder to the incumbent: the Glebe-house was built in
1826, by a gift of �415 and a loan of �46 (British) from the late
Board of First Fruits, exclusively of �450 expended by the incumbent
in building and improvements; the glebe comprises eight statute
acres. The church was rebuilt by subscription in 1795, by aid of a
gift of �461 (British) from the same Board: it has a tower
surmounted by a spire, which having been blown down in 1831, was
rebuilt at the expense of J. Charley, Esq. About 300 children are
educated infive public schools, , two of which are on Erasmus
Smith's foundation.
In the `History of Co Down' by A Knox,
the parish is described like this:14
The Church of Drumnow, now the parish of Drumbeg,
derives its name from the Irish, Druin beag, a little ridge. Part of
this parish is in the Country of Antrim but the County Down portion
contains a population of 2,444 persons, the total inhabitants
amounting to 3,627.
A part of the ancient manor of Drumbrackan, or
Downbreaklyn, was in this parish, the remainder being in the
parishes of Hillsborough and Drumbo. Drumbeg, from being intersected
by the river Lagan, was sometimes called 'Drom in the Lagan'. Hugh,
the second Lord Viscount Montgomery, in 1639, granted in trust for
his brother, Captain George Montgomery, the manor of Downbreaklyn,
and all the `townes', lands and hereditaments, thereto belonging,
with the power to hold Courts leet, and baron, of the said manor,
with all the usual appurtenances of castles, houses, fishings, etc.
George Montgomery built a house at Drumbrackley where he resided. He
was called by `ye agnomen of Kinnshoker, Anglice, hawk head, from
Ceann, a head, and Scabhae, pronounced showak, a hawk'* . He was
buried at Newtownards.
In more recent times the courts leet and courts
baron were held at Four loan ends, the appointments of officers
being made by Mr Batt of Purdy's Burn, into whose possession the
manor had passed by purchase. The church of Drum corresponds
principally with the modern parish of Drumbeg.
* Nicknames were very common.
To continue the chronological sequence from the 1622
visitation when William Forbes is described as curate of Drumbegg and
Drumboe, the next date is 1638, when Symon Chichester is mentioned as
Vicar. In 1674 Cladius Gilbert is given as Rector of Drumbeg, presented
by the Earl of Donegal. In the 1694 visitation of Bishop William King of
Derry the united parishes have Oliver Frennd as curate.15
Thomas Finlay is listed as curate in 1733 - 38.
William Vesey Hamilton is listed in 1742 and again in
1744. He was born in Carrickfergus in 1706 and educated in Lisburn at Dr
Clarke's school. He entered Trinity College Dublin at 16 years of age on
8th March 1722, obtained his B.A. degree in 1726 and M.A. in 1729. He
was curate of Tickmacrevan in Connor diocese in 1731 and became curate
of the joint parishes of Drumbeg and Drumbo in 1742. He was Prebendary
of Connor from 1772 - 1775.17

How long was he incumbent of the joint parishes?
Despite extensive research we do not know. The question is of more than
academic interest, since his successor presents quite a problem in
determining how long he was curate. In the visitations of 1757/8 and
again in 1760, Vesey Hamilton is given as Curate, but in the visitation
held in the parish church Lisburn, on Thursday 16th August 1781, William
Lindsay is listed as Curate of Drumbo and presumably Drumbeg.18
Now to look at his career and see the difficulty.
William Lindsay was born in 1747. He became Curate of
Tullylish in 1770 and of Donacloney in 1772. As we saw above, he is
listed as Curate of Drumbo in 1781, before he is mentioned as Curate of
Drumbeg in 1817. In Connor succession lists he was Rector of Layde from
1797 - 1822. He died on 15th December of that year. According to the
Belfast Newsletter, he had been incumbent of Drumbeg for fifty years.
And that, as they say, is the snag. How could he have been 50 years in
Drumbeg and 25 years as Rector of Layde which is fifty miles away? And
why did he leave us when a new church was being built?
If he did, we have no record of any other who
ministered in Drumbeg from 1797 until the appointment of the Revd. J. L.
M. Scott in 1823. The Revd. Wm. Lindsay is mentioned (as above) curate
of Drumbeg in 1817. So it would appear that whatever the answer may be,
he was most probably our spiritual leader when the church was built in
1798.* That auspicious date allows us to examine the momentous events of
the times.
Lisburn Historical Society Journal,
December 1979, Vol. 2.
- Whelan, C.B. (1928) The Prehistoric Hearth of Greenoge.
Dunmurry. Irish Naturalist Journal, Vol. 1-2, 1928.
Humphrey Case (1968) Settlement Patterns in the
North (Neolithic). Ulster Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 32, pages
The Church of Ireland - A History. Kenneth
Milne, page 4.
Synopsis of Irish History - Glenavy Past and
Present. Charles Watson, M.A., B.D. (T.C.D.), 1892, page 45.
The Church of Ireland - A History. Kenneth
Milne, page 12.
Synopsis of Irish History - Glenavy Past and
Present. Charles Watson, M.A., B.D. (T.C.D.), 1892, page 46.
Reeves: Ecclesiastical Antiquities, Dublin
A History of Drumbo. J. Fred Rankin, page 12.
- A Traveller's History of Ireland. Peter Neville, pages
- A History of Drumbo. J. Fred Rankin, pages 12-13.
- P.R.O.N.I., D104/23/1/1.
- Mant, W.B. Memoirs of The Rev. Richard Mant, page 16,
Dublin 1857.
- A. Knox History of Co. Down.
- The Heritage of Drumbo. J. Fred Rankin.
- Leslie Swanzy, Succession Lists.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
* Mr J F Rankin has researched this conundrum and
concludes that the duties at Layde were carried out by Curates, with
Revd. Wm. Lindsay as Rector in absentia.

"On Sunday last, the Drumbridge Volunteers under Mr
Alex George Stewart and Mr Francis Jordan attended Divine Service at
Drum Church".1
When the rebellious Americans defeated the British
Forces under Burgoyne at Saratoga late in 1777, France and Spain
realised that the colonists were worthy of their support against
Britain, and it was the presence of French, Spanish and American
shipping off the coasts of Ireland which led the people of Belfast to
form their own defensive volunteer company in March 1778.2
The Belfast Volunteer Company were undertaking the
traditional roles of local and national defence. Soon others were
formed. They were a fairly exclusive club, since only men of some
substance were able to bear the expense of belonging to a civilian army
dependant on its own resources. They were armed with flint lock muskets
five feet in length or seven feet with bayonet fixed. Having to buy
their own uniforms, arms and sundry kit, as well as losing earnings
while serving, meant that only the more prosperous levels of society,
well-to-do merchants and tradesmen, students, better off tenants of the
local landlord's estates, and so on were able to afford to belong to the
local Volunteer Company. The Drumbridge Volunteers belonged to the Reds
battalion of the Sixth Ulster Regiment, which had another battalion, the
Blues, in its Constitution.3 The Reds wore a red uniform with
blue facings. As they marched down the Bell Hill, over the Lagan bridge
to the old pre-1798 church, past the Bell Inn where a great crowd had
gathered to watch the procession, they were indeed a resplendent
spectacle. Once inside the little, long, narrow church there was hardly
room for those hoping to get in. A fortnight later they paraded to
Divine Service at Drumbo meeting house where they heard an excellent
sermon preached by the Revd. Mr. McKee and also a exhortation well
suited to the present times.
We meet them again on manoeuvres in the article on the
Drum House.
1 Belfast Newsletter 26th October, 1779
2 McCance Family Records - John McCance M.P., page 7
3 Belfast Newsletter 14th November, 1780
For further reading: P.R.O.N.I. Education
141 - 160 The Volunteers
41 - 100 The United Irishmen
The 98 Rebellion

A famous ghost story - as told by M. Neill
When Lieutenant James Haddock died unexpectedly on 18
December 1657, he left his affairs unfinished. He had been in the
process of finalising a lease of his property from Lord Donegal in
favour of his son, John. Now the administration of his estate was left
in the hands of his neighbour, Jacob Davis.
Seeing an opportunity to acquire the property for
himself and his heirs, Davis soon married James Haddock's widow,
Arminell, and set about changing the lease and will of James Haddock. By
the time the legalities were nearing completion, Arminell bore him a son
whose name he inserted into the lease instead of James Haddock's son,
John. Rumour of this perversion of justice had circulated amongst
Haddock's fellow officers and friends but, since Davis had the affairs
in his own hands, little could be done to prevent the miscarriage of
James Haddock had been dead for four years when one
evening a sturdy young fellow named Francis Tavener was riding home
towards Belfast at the end of a busy day attending to some business
connected with the estate of Lord Donegal, whose servant he was. He may
have been meditating on the stories he had heard about James Haddock's
betrayal or maybe he was recalling the day of Haddock's funeral to
Drumbeg churchyard four years earlier when he had been one of the
mourners along with many of Haddock's friends and a contingent of Crown
Forces. At any rate, as he journeyed along past Drumbeg churchyard it
was getting late in the day, and although he considered pausing for a
refreshment at the Bell Inn just outside the church grounds, he decided
to press on in order to get through the heavily wooded stretch of road
ahead, up the Bell Hill and on to Malone. Thus it was that, in the
gathering dusk, as he passed over the Drum Bridge his horse suddenly
shied violently and became so agitated that Tavener dismounted and
soothed the animal. As he stood on the road at the horse's head, he
became aware that the horse had become rigid and gradually a shadowy
figure materialised from the gloom beside him. Although Tavener was
badly scared he nevertheless demanded to know who or what was happening
and a voice answered him which he instantly recognised as that of
Haddock, who demanded that Tavener take action against the perversion of
justice which was being done and instructed him to have his son restored
to his legal inheritance.
Tavener tried to break away from his ghostly detainer
but the apparition threatened to haunt him until justice was done. At
last Tavener managed to remount and ride quickly to his home. For some
days afterwards, Francis Tavener tried to put the whole episode into the
back of his mind, persuading himself that thinking about the whole
matter, together with the lateness of the hour and his tiredness, had
contributed to an insubstantial hallucination on that notorious stretch
of road. But, just as he was beginning to get easier in his mind, James
Haddock appeared to him in his own home, repeating that, until justice
was done, he would never cease to haunt him.
In desperation Francis Tavener went to lodge with a
shoemaker friend named Pierce, who had a house close to the docks in
High Street in Belfast, and here he hoped to have given the ghost the
slip. Not so. Shortly, as the two friends sat around the turf fire one
evening, Haddock appeared again, demanding why Tavener had not done as
he had requested and assuring Tavener that if he failed to convince
Jacob Davies and Arminell that they must restore the inheritance to his
son he was then to take the case to Carrickfergus court, when Haddock
would provide a witness. Although the shoemaker had heard and seen
nothing, he was aware of his friend's distress and together they went
next day to consult with Lord Donegal's curate. He referred them to Dr
Lewis Downes, Vicar of Belfast, who was convinced of the genuineness of
the visitation and, having failed to persuade Jacob Davis to alter his
mind, he prepared a case for the Ecclesiastical Court at Carrickfergus.
On the day of the hearing, a great crowd had
assembled, as news of the litigation had spread through the countryside,
and all were speculating as to how the case would be concluded. When the
witness for Haddock's application was required, there was a roar of
laughter inside the courtroom as the usher stood up and shouted `Call
James Haddock' for all present knew that Haddock had been dead for five
years. The laughter was mixed with cat-calls as the usher shouted 'Call
James Haddock' for the second time. Complying with the law, the usher
for the third time shouted 'Call James Haddock.' Immediately there came
a blinding flash of lightning accompanied by a deafening peal of
thunder. The building was shaken by a great gust of wind, a hand
appeared on the Bible and a voice said `Is that enough?' It was enough.
Jacob Davis left the court a disgraced man, to the jeers of the crowd,
and in his fury spurred his horse cruelly. Attempting to negotiate a
tricky piece of laneway, he was thrown heavily over his mount's head and
broke his neck.
Haddock has never been seen since, but the tombstone
in Drumbeg churchyard lies flat and tilted at an angle. You will find it
on the left hand side of the little path that leads to the new graveyard
from the back door of the church. Eventually the Lord Bishop, the famous
Jeremy Taylor, set up a commission to enquire into the strange story and
the conclusion was reached that it was an instance of an 'authentic

The Select Vestry minute book containing the earliest
records of the parish is a most handsome volume finished in tooled
leather and inscribed, on an embossed raised maroon centre in gold
lettering, as follows:
This rectangular centre piece is enclosed by intricate
scrollwork and finished with two border lines - all in gold.
However the most interesting things about this book are
the first inscriptions inside. Page one - Church Wardens' oath;
I A.B. do swear that I will truly,
impartially and faithfully execute the office of church warden
of the parish of Drumbeg in respect of the parochial rates and
assessments, and the collections and management of the same, and
the other property and monies of said parish. So help me God.
Signed: William Hunter
John Kelsey - 16th April 1827
And now for the first minute:
At the vestry which was duly called and held in the
Parish Church of Drumbeg on Monday 13th March 1823, being Easter Monday
- the Minister, Church wardens and parishioners, on behalf of themselves
and the other land holders in the said parish - resolved that William
Hunter and William Macklin do serve as Church Wardens, John Watson and
William McVickers sides men, and James Murdock to act as Constable for
the ensuing year - and that the following sums be applotted and levied
of the inhabitants of said parish at the rate of 2
� d. per acre:
Parish clerk |
�7 10 0 |
B/F |
�10 17 7 |
Sexton |
� 2 0 0 |
Contingencies |
� 1 2 9 |
Elements etc. |
� 1 7 7 |
Repairs |
� 2 5 6 |
�10 17 7 |
�14 05 10 |
Resolved that this Vestry be adjourned till first day of May next.
Signed: |
George Armstrong
(Minister) |
William Hunter ) |
William Macklin)
(Church Wardens) |
and four other
signatures as well. |

The next Vestry meeting, held on first
day of May 1823, has no mention of a minister present. The Rector, James
L.M. Scott, signed as minister.
Was George Armstrong just a temporary cleric prior to a proper
On 18th April 1825 a very useful piece of information is given of the
applottments as follows:
Acres |
� |
s. |
d. |
Drumbeg |
222 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
Ballygowan |
117 |
2 |
3 |
10 � |
Ballyaughlis |
178 |
3 |
6 |
9 |
Dunkilmuck (Hillhall) |
180 |
3 |
7 |
6 |
Co Down |
697 |
Dunmurry |
190 |
3 |
11 |
3 |
Oldforge |
300 |
5 |
12 |
6 |
Ballyfinaghy |
377 |
7 |
1 |
4 � |
Co Antrim |
867 |
1564 |
29 |
6 |
6 |
11th April 1825 |
by Thomas
Pattison (Jnr.) |
However, by the 7th day of April 1829 the acreage is
declared as 2522 English and it is so described for the next few Vestry
meetings. On 30th April 1827 there would appear to have been some
acrimony in the proceedings of the Vestry:
'A Vestry being called to be held in Drum church
on 30th day of April 1827 the incumbent being present and refusing
to act as Chairman of the Vestry, no business was proceeded with.'
Signed by eight Church Wardens. To the side of the
signatures a note is added:
The minister availed himself of the option left him
by law, to decline taking the chair in consequence of the unkindly
spirit manifested towards him (by/and) some of the more notable
parishioners at the Easter Vestry.
Signed: J.L.M. Scott (Incumbent).
To add to the appearance of conflict, someone has
written at right angles across this addition a further note:
There was not any unkind feelings manifested to J.
incumbent by the Parishioners on the occasion alluded to.
Signed W.E. (Church Warden). This was William
Emerson. one of the wardens.
Although it was only 29 years since this church had
been built, there must have been substantial repairs needed according to
the Church Wardens' account for 1827:

Unfortunately, further information of the proceedings
of the various Vestry meetings is confined to the basic essentials.
The observant reader will have noted the apparent
discrepancy in dates. The first minutes, and indeed nearly half of the
minutes in this book, refer to the years 1823 - 1850, yet the outside
cover, already described, is dated 1850. It would appear that the
previous binding had become too tattered to hold the pages together, so
the Rector and Church Wardens had the book recovered by George Harrison
& Co., 51 High Street, Belfast, and a most excellent job they made of

1823 - 1870
Although this period embraced the Rectorship of four
incumbents and spanned a time of great social change from the famine
years to the rebuilding of the church in 1870, the information gleaned
from the minutes of the Select Vestries is scant indeed. Often the
formula of `Meeting held on (date), Rector presided, appointments made,
meeting closed' presents us with not a glimpse of the events which were
shaking and shaping society during these years. Only one or two give us
a clue about the effects of the terrible poverty of the famine years. On
3rd April 1839, part of the minute reads 'It was resolved that the
foundling child lately thrown upon the Parish should be provided for by
Several references are made to pauper graves. Extract
from minutes of Select Vestry held on Easter Monday, 17th April 1843:
'Resolved that a half-penny per acre be levied on the parish for the
purpose of paying a debt due by the parish for coffins for the poor, and
meeting a similar expense that may arise for that purpose'.
At the Select Vestry meeting held on 8th April 1844,
the names are given of seven people for whom coffins were supplied. On
12th April 1852, Officers of Health were appointed. From these few
references to the 'poor' it can be seen that the famine years affected
the Parish of Drumbeg, perhaps in a lesser degree than some Northern
parishes and considerably less than other parts of Ireland; but in some
degree that time of terrible poverty and deprivation must surely have
disrupted the lives of many of our parishioners. We find it hard to
imagine the conditions which prevailed in the poorest homes in the
parish, and what few church records we have, shed little light on one of
the greatest tragedies to befall the people of Ireland.
On 24th April 1848, the minutes contain the
information that the wall around the churchyard had been completed and
noted that the land contained for the churchyard had been conveyed from
Letitia Maxwell to the church wardens, John Charley and John Kelsey, and
their successors for ever, confirmed by Act of Council 2nd December
The first incumbent of our parish that we know for
certain was James Leslie Montgomery Scott, M.A. The son of James W.
Scott of Londonderry, his mother was Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of
the Right Revd. James Leslie, D.D., Bishop of Limerick, and a sister of
Sir Edward Leslie, Bart, of Tarbert House, Co Kerry.
He was born on 10th August 1796 and he entered
Trinity College, Dublin at the age of 17 years on 1st November 1813. He
obtained his B.A. degree in 1819 and M.A. in 1832. He was appointed
curate of Drumbeg in 1823 and remained as Rector from 1825 until 1843.
The parish Register of Baptisms commences at 17th
August 1823 and the last entry on this page is of the baptism of
Elizabeth Ann, daughter of J.L.M. Scott and Elizabeth. It is signed by
James L.M. Scott, as are the succeeding pages, until 6 November 1836.
Marriages also begin to be recorded from 23rd October
1823. At the bottom of this first page and succeeding pages until 31st
December 1836 is inscribed 'Copied from old registry book, James L.M.
Scott'. These entries are all in the same handwriting and obviously
written up from earlier records, now unfortunately lost. He continued to
write up this register in meticulous detail until 1845. The register of
burials commencing in 1818 until 1828 is also in the same handwriting.
We are therefore indebted to the Revd. J.L.M. Scott for writing these up
from earlier records; as the grandson of a bishop this would have been
an essential exercise.
His ministry embraced the earlier years of the famine
when there was great poverty and want, and this may have contributed to
the rundown of the parish which was complained about by his successor.
He left Drumbeg in 1843 to go to Portaferry and
became Chancellor of Down Cathedral in the same year. He died at the
rectory in Portaferry on 18th October 1885 at the age of 90 years.

THE REVD. G.W. TYRELL (1843 - 1856)
The Revd. Gerald Wensley Tyrell M.A. was instituted
to the incumbency of Drumbeg on 12th April 1843. The son of George
Tyrell of Robinstown, Co Westmeath and Catherine, daughter of Wensley
Bond, Dean of Ross, he was born in Dublin, educated at Drogheda School
and entered Trinity College Dublin on 14th October 1822, aged 16 years.
He graduated B.A. in 1827, qualified for his Master's degree in 1832,
was ordained as a deacon in 1830 in Down and as a priest in 1831 in
Dromore. He was instituted on 12th April 1843 and served 13 years in
Drumbeg before resigning for the Prebendary of Tullybrackey, Limerick
where he served from 1856 - 1884. He married Isabella Louise, daughter
of Clifford Trotter of Greenwood, Clough. Her mother was Lady Mary St.
Laurence, daughter of William, 2nd Earl of Howth.
His incumbency at Drumbeg was marked by deep personal
sorrow. Three years after his institution, on 17th August 1846, his son
George died, aged nearly 15 years; on 3rd November 1848 his wife died,
aged 36 years, and Catherine, his mother died in 1854. Shortly before he
left Drumbeg, he was again bereaved by the death of his daughter
Geraldine Sophia who was only 13 years of age.
Premature death was no stranger to the Rectory at
Drumbeg, then or indeed for many years to come. We are awed by this
glimpse of resolute faith which enabled George W. Tyrell and some of his
successors to bear the burdens laid upon them and continue Christ's
faithful soldiers and servants until their lives' end. Reflecting on the
incidence of early death in the rectories of our province makes us more
aware of the things we take so much for granted. Inoculations,
antibiotics, hygienic handling of food and the elimination of
tuberculosis as a rampant killer, are among the blessings in these last
years of the 20th Century.
Although little information is to be gleaned from the
Parish records of this period, his ministry embraced the worst years of
the famine. It was he who would have had the unenviable task of giving
spiritual comfort to the seriously ill, preparing for the burial of the
victims within the parish and supplying comfort to the bereaved.
Elsewhere we have considered the implications of the bare statement in
the vestry minutes of the provision of coffins for the poor. It is true
that a clergyman's ministry is always to console, comfort and carry our
Lord's message of peace to all who are in need at all times but, when
the accounts of the terrible tribulations of those times available to us
in the many publications relating to the years of the potato famine are
considered, the burden laid upon doctors and priests of all
denominations must have been at times almost too much to bear.
Especially is this so of George W. Tyrell who had so much grief of his
own to carry. He resigned from Drumbeg in 1856. His successor, the Revd.
Thomas Walker, who was Prebendary of Tullybrackey, in the Diocese of
Limerick, exchanged with G.W. Tyrell and was instituted in Drumbeg on
21st January 1856.

THE REVD. THOMAS WALKER A.M. (1856 - 1864)
The porch tablet referred to elsewhere gives the bare
essentials of his coming to Drumbeg in the words 'former Rector of this
Parish'. He was instituted on 21st January 1856 in succession to the
Revd. George W. Tyrell with whom he had exchanged pulpits as it were. He
came from the Prebendary of Tullybrackey to Drumbeg and Tyrell went as
Prebendary of Tullybrackey. Both must have been willing to make this
exchange but why, or for what gain, is not now known.
The Revd. Thomas Walker, son of James Walker, Gent,
was born in Kings County and entered Trinity College, Dublin, on 18th
November 1824 at the age of sixteen. He obtained his B.A. degree in 1829
and M.A. in 1835. Ordained in 1831 as Curate to the Revd. W. Higgin of
Roscrea (who was afterwards Bishop of Limerick and eventually Bishop of
Derry) he, became incumbent of Drumbeg in 1856. During his eight years
ministry the general poverty of the times took its toll upon the parish.
The church was becoming dilapidated, the schools were struggling to
survive with reduced teachers and partly ruinous buildings. It was clear
that he was finding the conditions tough. It is also clear that he was
held in high regard as this account of the Address and Presentation in
the Belfast Newsletter relates:
Address and Presentation to the Rev. Thomas
Walker, A.M., Rector of Drumbeg, County of Down: Rev. and Dear Sir -
We, your parishioners and members of your Congregation in the Parish
of Drumbeg, cannot permit you to leave us without expressing our
regret at your removal.
We have for upwards of eight years had the
advantage of your ministry, and enjoyed your friendship; and,
whether we look back on your earnest Gospel preaching in the pulpit,
your kind and comforting visits to the sick room, or your social and
gentlemanlike demeanour as a friend, we cannot but sincerely regret
that our connection is so soon to terminate.
But while we must feel sorrow at our separation,
we are truly gratified that your removal is so much for your
personal advantage, and we are satisfied that if it please God to
spare your valuable life, the same qualities that have endeared you
to us will ensure you warm friends and affectionate parishioners in
the larger field of usefulness to which you are called.
Permit us also to express our gratitude to Mrs
Walker and every member of your family for their exertions among us.
Their instruction in the Schools, and valuable aid in the Choir,
will leave a memorial behind them in the hearts and lives of many
that will not be easily effaced.
We would, in conclusion, beg your acceptance of
the accompanying Silver Salver. Its intrinsic value is small; but we
would desire to mark our esteem not by its value, but by its
enduring qualities, and can assure you that, on your departure, you
and yours will bear with you our best wishes and earnest prayers for
your temporal and eternal prosperity.
Signed on behalf of Parishioners of Drumbeg: H
Montgomery and Geo. McDonagh (Churchwardens); Drumbeg, County
Down, 21st April, 1864.
He had married Sarah Jane, daughter of William Higgin,
now Bishop of Derry, and it was probably at the instigation of his
father-in-law that he left Drumbeg to become Rector of Tamlaght-o-Crilly
in Co Derry until 1872. In 1866 his daughter, Isabella Folingsby,
married Thomas Montgomery J.P., D.L. of Ballydrain who was High Sheriff
of Down in 1885, thus forging a link with one of the great benefactor
families of Drumbeg. When Thomas Walker A.M. died at Buxton on 18th
August 1874 his body was returned to Drumbeg and buried in the burial
ground of his son-in-law, Thomas Montgomery. The marble tablet which was
erected in the porch is his memorial.

THE REVD. G. T. PAYNE (1864 - 1888)

In many ways the year 1864 was almost as important in
the history of the parish as the year when the new church was built
which, of course, was six years later. Into the flyleaf of the register
of baptisms, marriages and deaths in 1875 the Revd. G.T. Payne, who was
instituted Rector of the parish on 1st May 1864, has written in his own
inimitable handwriting the following information:
The Rev. G.T. Payne A.M. Vicar of Templecrone and
Kilroot was appointed to the rectory of Drumbeg on 1st May 1864. He
found the church very much out of repair, requiring considerable
outlay. The Hillhall and Ballyfinaghy schoolhouses were in a most
deplorable state. No master in either schools. This Hillhall school
was perfectly restored at the outlay of �220 raised by public
subscription, and the school reopened on 13th February 1865. The
Ballyfinaghy school was restored at an outlay of �109 raised also by
public subscription. It opened in November 1864. The Rectory was
also in many parts dilapidated requiring a new roof etc. The walls
were therefore raised three feet and a new roof put on of the very
best materials. A new coach house, stables, etc were built at the
same time. The entire amount expended upon the Glebe at this time
amounted to �658.16.2.
A classic example of the new broom, perhaps!
Clearly the Revd. G. T. Payne, whose portrait we are
fortunate to be able to reproduce here, had his work cut out for him,
and he set about doing it. He was born in Kilkenny, the son of George
Payne, a farmer. Entering Trinity College Dublin in 1833 at the age of
16, he obtained his B.A. degree in 1842 and his M.A. in 1863. In 1843 he
was ordained curate in Lincolnshire and priest in Worcestershire in
1844. Returning to Ireland, he became Chaplain at Carrickfergus from
1845 - 1847. As he says above, he was Vicar of Templecrone and Kilroot,
where he had ministered for seventeen years. He thus brought
considerable experience to the task of restoring the various properties
in need of repair, which with his enthusiasm and vigour was soon
accomplished. The response from his churchwardens and parishioners in
achieving these most needed improvements must have been a great encouragement
to him as he tackled the most important work of all. It was apparent to
him that the old barn-type building was mostly beyond repair, so he
envisaged the provision of a completely new church. It Was fortunate for
him that he knew of a most excellent architect, Drew of Dublin, who had
already made a considerable reputation for himself. Thomas Drew was the
son of an eminent cleric, the Revd. Thomas Drew LL.B., M.A., D.D.,
Precentor of Down, and was thus well qualified to undertake the
rebuilding of Drumbeg church. He and the Rector and churchwardens
examined various plans for the new church and eventually
agreed on the retention of the tower and spire and their incorporation
into the new building. Instead of trying to reconstruct the old
barn-type nave and chancel, they decided to demolish them altogether
and, using the tower as the entrance, they placed the new nave and
chancel with transepts to the north of the old building and thus gave us
what we now regard as one of the loveliest churches in the Church of
Ireland. Even so, a few modifications were needed to complete the work
satisfactorily. Subject to the approval of Thomas Drew, in 1875 a
lightning conductor was supplied and erected by Mr John Faulkner and
again in 1906, following a fall of plaster from the ceiling (presumably
a lath and plaster original) the spaces between the rafters were filled
with a white board called sequoia wood by the architect who had used
this effectively in St Anne's Cathedral.
In order to gain the maximum interest in the
provision of this new church, the Rector and churchwardens sent out a
circular around the parish which read as follows:

Drumbeg Parish Church
Diocese of Down
To be Consecrated 20th December
The Building which immediately preceded the New
Church of Drumbeg was of comparatively modern date and was insubstantial
and of no architectural merit, but this in its turn, was erected on a
very ancient site. In the celebrated taxation of Down made in 1306, and
so carefully collated by the Revd. Dr. Reeves "Ecclesia de Drum",
figures as being rated at one mark, the tithe whereof was 16d. The site
of one wall of this ancient edifice is in all probability indicated by
the line of the raised graves, which border the walk on the southern
side of the New Church. The name Drumbeg signifies the little ridge
while the epithet "beg" being in all probability added to distinguish
this Church from that of the adjoining Parish of Drumbo ("The Ridge of
the Cow").
The same interesting document makes reference to
another Church in the Parish, the site of which it is difficult to
identify, named "Ecclesia de Cloncolmoc - Cluan Colmoc - the plain of
Colman". A Church is known to have existed in the town land of Old-forge
near Dunmurry; while again Hillhall marked on an ancient map "Down
Kilmuck" is supposed by some from the resemblance of the name to be the
place indicated.
In the patent erecting the Cathedral chapter of Down
in 1609, Drumbeg is again casually mentioned. One John Blackburne a
Master of Arts, being nominated as Archidiaconus primus etc., and the
Archdeaconry endowed with the Rectories of Kilcliff (Kilclief), Kilbeg
alias Kilbert, Rossglass, Drumbo, Drumbeg and Capella Scanti Malachiae,
now Hillsborough.
The Parish remained attached to the corps of the
Archdeaconry until a comparatively recent period. The New Church which
is charmingly situated over the Drum Bridge in the Valley of the Lagan,
is of simple architectural detail, such as prevailed in the 13th
Century, and so far as it possesses distinctive character, is designed
with some of the characteristics of style, which in all probability
distinguished its ancient predecessor; the ancient churches of this
Diocese and part of Ireland, having possessed a somewhat distinctive
style of architecture. The church is built in the simple and convenient
form of the letter T, transepts being without intervening Arches, and
the cross intersecting at that of the nave. Beyond the top of the T the
building is somewhat prolonged and terminated with the apse forming five
sides of an octagon figure. This portion of the Church opens into the
nave with a lofty and elegant Chancel Arch. The nave internally
measuring 62 feet by 23 feet, the transepts 23 feet by 19 feet. A little
apart from the southwest angle stands the tower of the former Church, a
picturesque object in the landscape, grouping and harmonising pleasingly
with the new building. The Spire was built by the late John Charley
Esq., during the incumbency of the Revd. J.L.M. Scott and is now applied
as the principal entrance to the Church, being connected with it by a
short intervening passage; the old door has been removed and a new porch
with a double recessed pointed arch and gable, surmounted by a finial,
brings this portion of the structure into harmony with the New Church; a
ceiling of moulded beams and timber stained and varnished serving as a
floor for the bell-ringers has been added. At the east side of the south
transept stands the Vestry, which has a separate porch, robing room
etc., underneath is placed an apparatus by which the whole building is
satisfactorily heated with hot water. The chancel internally constitutes
the principal feature of the Church: it is of the same width as the nave
and some nine feet in depth: its area however being conveniently
prolonged into the nave, as a kind of platform surrounded by a stone
curb, which brings the Pulpit and Desks well out in front of the
transepts. The floor is laid with encaustic tiles at the expense of a
member of the congregation. Each side of the Apse towards the east,
south-east and north-east, is finished with a gable filled with a
traceried window. Each of these windows has been filled with stained
glass of great brilliancy and tone, executed by the well-known artists
Messrs. Heaton, Butler & Bayne of London, the subjects being in each as
follows: north-east the Sacrifice of Isaac, and the Brazen Serpent; east
the Passover, and the Institution of the Lord's Supper; south-east the
Agony, and the Journey to Emmaus. The southern transept has two long
lancet lights, also filled in with stained glass by the celebrated Ward
and Hughes, the subjects being the covenant between David and Jonathan,
and the death of Jonathan in battle. The western gable which is the
principal feature seen from the road has in the lower portion an arcade
of six lights. In the tympanum of the gable is a long lancet light, and
it is surmounted by a cross of Irish character. Internally the roofs are
open timbered and stained, and in a combination of carved struts with
the beams and string posts moulded and rounded-like columns; the seats
are also open and stained. The chancel arch is of two orders and springs
from columns of red-tinted stone with richly sculptured capitals.
The pulpit is of stone, circular in plan, and
enriched with sculpture. The font, presented by a member of the
congregation, is of Caen stone, beautifully executed in accordance with
the general style of the building. The Bible desk and Prayer desk adjoin
each other; both of Oak, executed by Mr Digges of Dublin, from the
architect's design, the former being presented by a member of the
congregation, the latter by the architect. The Chancel chairs are of
similar handsome and substantial character, and specially designed, and
the gift of a member of the congregation.
The Church has been erected at an expense of about
�2,500 from the design of Thomas Drew Esq., M.R.I.A., and it must be
acknowledged by all who have judgement in such matters, that he has
succeeded in
producing one of the most perfect structures of its
kind in Ulster. Captain Montgomery, besides his subscription to the
building fund, has given to the Parish at a nominal rent, the strip of
land between the Church and the road, so as to afford a suitable
approach. The cost of erecting a boundary wall, entrance and gate
together with the lighting of the Church and some other incidental
expenses, will require a sum of �200; and we trust on the 20th inst.,
(the day of consecration) those who are interested in this locality, as
the Burial-place of their ancestors and who have not yet subscribed, as
well as the friends of the Church generally, will give a helping hand to
the congregation who have so munificently aided in this good work.

The press report preserved in parish records used much
of this in this article:
Consecration of Drumbeg Parish
(from our own Reporter),
Drumbeg Tuesday (20th December, 1870)
Today, at 12 o'clock, the New Church for the Parish
of Drumbeg was consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor and
Dromore. The new church, which is charmingly situated over the Drum
Bridge, in the Valley of the Lagan, is of simple architectural detail,
such as prevailed in the 13th Century, and so far as it possesses
distinctive character, is designed with some of the characteristics of
style which, in all probability, distinguished its ancient predecessor.
The ancient churches of this diocese and part of Ireland possessed a
somewhat distinctive style of architecture, the churches built in the
simple and convenient form of the letter T, transepts being without
intervening arches, and the cross intersecting with the nave. Beyond the
top of the T the building is somewhat prolonged and terminated with an
apse, forming five sides of an octagon This portion of the church opens
into the nave with a lofty and elegant chancel arch. The nave internally
measures 62 feet by 23 feet, the transepts 23 feet by 19 feet. A little
apart from the south-west angles stands the tower of the former church,
a picturesque object in the landscape, grouping and harmonising
Pleasingly with the new building. The spire was built by the late John
Charley, Esq., during the incumbency of the Rev. J.L.M. Scott, and is
now applied as the principal entrance to the church, being connected
with it by a short intervening passage; the old door has been removed,
and a new porch with a double recessed pointed arch and gable, surmounted
by a finial, brings this portion of the structure into harmony
with the New Church; a ceiling of moulded beams and timber stained and
varnished serving as a floor for the bell-ringers has been added. At the
east side of the south transept stands the Vestry, which has a separate
porch, robing room etc., underneath is placed an apparatus by which the
whole building is satisfactorily heated with
hot water. The chancel internally constitutes the
principal feature of the Church: it is of the same width as the nave and
some nine feet in depth: its area however being conveniently prolonged
into the nave, as a kind of platform surrounded by a stone curb, which
brings the Pulpit and Desks well out in front of the transepts. The
floor is laid with encaustic tiles at the expense of a member of the
congregation. Each side of the Apse towards the east, south-east and
north-east, is finished with a gable filled with a traceried window.
Each of these windows has been filled with stained glass of great
brilliancy and tone, executed by the well-known artists Messrs. Heaton,
Butler & Bayne of London, the subjects being in each as follows:
north-east the Sacrifice of Isaac, and the Brazen Serpent; east the
Passover, and the Institution of the Lord's Supper; south-east the
Agony, and the Journey to Emmaus. The southern transept has two long
lancet lights, also filled in with stained glass by the celebrated Ward
and Hughes, the subjects being the covenant between David and Jonathan,
and the death of Jonathan in battle. The western gable which is the
principal feature seen from the road has in the lower portion an arcade
of six lights. In the tympanum of the gable is a long lancet light, and
it is surmounted by a cross of Irish character. Internally the roofs are
open timbered and stained, and in a combination of carved struts with
the beams and string posts moulded and rounded-like columns; the seats
are also open and stained. The chancel arch is of two orders and springs
from columns of red-tinted stone with richly sculptured capitals. The
pulpit is of stone, circular in plan, and enriched with sculpture. The
font, presented by a member of the congregation, is of Caen stone,
beautifully executed in accordance with the general style of the
building. The Bible desk and Prayer desk adjoin each other; both of Oak,
executed by Mr Digges of Dublin, from Mr Drew's design. The former was
presented by a member of the congregation, and the latter by the
architect, Mr Drew. They are both very handsome and seem substantial
pieces of work.
Now that the church that we know today had been built,
the question of funds to provide for the debts incurred and to finance
the continuing expenses of ministry was pressing. The Select Vestry
surveyed the seating accommodation and decided to set up a committee to
classify and assess seats, with a view to placing relative pew rents in
each area, not however with the approval of the Rector. On 29th January
1892, a letter which had been sent to each member of the committee was
read by Mr Payne, addressing each with the caution 'the letting of seats
in parish churches is illegal unless all of the parishioners agree and
with the consent of the Rector and church wardens'. Mr Payne adds that a
letter from the legal authority in Ulster Chambers, Belfast, had advised
that a similar attempt to charge pew rents had been tried at
Hillsborough and had been successfully contested by Archdeacon Gibbs of
Hillsborough. Furthermore, a letter was read from 74 members of the
congregation of Drumbeg, an extract from which reads, `we are willing to
pay what we can afford in a voluntary manner, but we will not agree to
being classed as paupers in our own parish church'. The committee was
discharged and nothing further is heard of the `pew rents'
issue. Instead, on 12th February 1872, a delegation was appointed to
visit the parishioners and solicit subscriptions. The first recorded
parish visitation!

With extensive property - 4 schools: Ballyfinaghy,
Drumbeg, Hillhall and Ballymacbrennan, Sunday schools at Dunmurry Hall,
the Bridge House in Drumbeg and at Hillhall as well as the parish church
itself to maintain, it is not to be wondered at that the question of
renovating and repairing exercised the minds of the church wardens and
Select Vestry very greatly at this time. All of us who have served on
the Select Vestry know only too well the continually recurring theme of
capital expenditure of a `non-recurring nature'. As we would say today
'there is no such animal'. And so it proves, year after year, first one
thing needs doing, then another and another: leaks in roofs, plaster off
walls, leaks in chancel windows, all solved apparently for good until
some years later the refrain begins again. All of this means money and
of course the Rector and Select Vestries take up a lot of time
discussing the pros and cons of how to make ends meet. Add to that the
considerations of a new boundary around the church, the provision of a
new rectory and parochial hall in Drumbeg and the growing population in
Dunmurry, necessitating an urgent solution to their demand for a new
church of their own, and we can readily see that the years following the
building of the new 1870 church were full of problems and developments:
July 1875 - Lightning conductor added to church, with
the approval of the architect Thos. Drew.
October 1877 - William Smyth of Drum House and Thomas
Montgomery of Ballydrain joined in a lease in perpetuity consigning an
acre of ground between the church and the public road to the Rector and
church wardens for making a suitable entrance to the church. The Lych
gate, a notable landmark in Drumbeg, was erected in 1878 by Ellen
Caldwell, in memory of her brother John Ferguson Montgomery.
Against this background of achievements, we look at
the personal details of the life of G.T. Payne. He had married in 1845
Emily Burton, second daughter of the Revd. A.S. Adamson. She died at
Dunany Glebe, having had one daughter Emily Burton Payne. His second
wife was Charlotte Ismena, youngest daughter of Henry Purdon M.D. whom
he married on 1st February 1848. He was a man who had known deep
personal sorrow, as three of his children died at a very early age. The
small memorial stone just outside the back door of our church records
their deaths. Nannie Payne died 15th November 1856, aged 8 years;
William Samuel Payne died 5th December 1856, aged 4 weeks; Louis Crommelin
Payne, aged 5 years. Looking back on the accomplishments of his
ministry, we are again left to wonder that in the midst of so much
personal tribulation this strong, kindly, devout man should have been
enabled to hand on to us a heritage of which we are justly proud.
At the Easter Vestry in 1888 the Select Vestry noted
with sincere regret the absence of the Rector and sympathised with him
and his family on his weakness. They recorded their indebtedness to him.
The minutes are signed by Alex. R. Ryder on
The Revd. G.T. Payne M.A. died at Beechcroft,
Holywood, on 27th August 1888, at the age of 69, having given
twenty-four years of his ministry to the Parish of Drumbeg. He left many
outstanding achievements for us to enter into, epitomised by the
cruciform church on the little hill that is our spiritual refreshment
home Sunday by Sunday.

1888 - 1918

Alexander Roderick Ryder was born on 21st February
1852. He was the son of the Revd. Roderick A. Ryder, Perpetual Curate of
Errismore in the diocese of Tuam. He obtained a scholarship in Trinity
College, Dublin in 1872, continued an exceptional academic career with
the Vice Chancellor's Latin Medal in 1872, B.A. Junior Modern Classics
1873, Archbishop King's Divinity Prize (2nd) in 1874, Divinity
Testimonium (2nd) in 1877, Downes Prize (1st) in written composition
1877, Liturgy (1st) in 1878, M.A. in 1878, Bachelor of Divinity in1895
and Doctor of Divinity in 1911, these last two after he had been
appointed to Drumbeg. He was nominated on 29th May and instituted on 7th
July 1888, having been ordained Deacon in 1877 and Priest in 1878 in
Down. His first position was as a Master at Armagh Royal School from
1874 - 1876. Following his ordination in 1877 for the Curacy of
Seapatrick, he was Rector of Scarva from 1880 - 1882 and Rector of
Tullylish from 1882 - 1888. After this succession of relatively short
term appointments, he appears to have found a congenial atmosphere at
Drumbeg. He was to remain with us for thirty years.
Although he came into a parish that, by the
leadership of his predecessor had weathered the storms of
disestablishment, had a new church, much improved schools with good
attendances, there was yet a great deal to be done. He was most
certainly a very learned academic but he did not lack in energy, driving
force or leadership. The photograph of him which we treasure shows him
as a dynamic achiever, and that is what he was.
The year 1895 was a very eventful one for Canon Ryder
and the parishioners of Drumbeg. It began very badly. January and
February saw the worst snowfalls for quite a while, with the result that
attendances at services were well below normal. That is easily
understood when most parishioners had only 'Shank's mare' to get to
church, even if Canon Ryder had a pony which he stabled at the church
during services. However on Sunday 13th January there was no service at
6pm because of 'deep snow'.
The severe winter was followed by a really good
summer, at least as far as the main events were concerned, and they were
certainly milestones for Drumbeg. Vested in the R.C.B. were a new
Rectory at a cost of �1800 of which �1100 was given by Mrs Stevenson and
Miss Charley and �700 was realised from the sale of the old Rectory.
Canon Ryder moved in on 21st January 1895, presumably with a lot of
difficulty due to the `deep snow'. The new rectory comprised: Rectory
with outbuildings, garden, stables and gate lodge - all for �1800!
Also vested in that year were the Parochial Hall
(cost �800) and a new day school at �800. This was the Charley Memorial
School, erected in 1892 by the generosity of Mrs Stevenson and Miss
Charley in memory of their brother Wm. Charley, D.L. of Seymour Hill.
On 22nd June of this good summer, 92 candidates were
confirmed at 3.30pm by the Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore. There
were 46 from Drumbeg, 45 from Drumbo and 1 from St George's. We have to
move forward to the second triennial held on 29th June 1901 for a really
big day (St Peter's Day). Again the weather favoured the events.
This is the report of the day's events given by the
Rector and Churchwardens in the Annual `Statement of Accounts' for the
year 1901:

Perhaps never before in the history of Drumbeg
Parish and Church, which can be traced for five hundred years, was
the impressive Service of Ordination held in Drumbeg Church. The
Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Right Revd. T.J. Welland, D.D., on
the 29th of June, 1901, chose Drumbeg Church for the admission of
Laymen to Deacon's Orders and Deacons to Priest's Orders. There were
a large number of Clergymen and other friends of the newly Ordained
Ministers present. The Sermon was preached by the Revd. C.E. Quinn,
B.D., the candidates presented by the Revd. Canon Moore, M.A., and
part of the Service was read by the Revd. A.R. Ryder, B.D. The
Ordination Service included a
Communion Service, in which all the newly
Ordained Clergy and their friends and many parishioners took part.
The occasion was a memorable one in the history of many present.
On the 29th June, 1901 the Lord Bishop of the
Diocese held a confirmation in Drumbeg Church, at which were
presented 57 from Drumbeg, 33 from Drumbo, 33 from Lambeg, and one
from St Jude's, Ballynafeigh, Belfast. The day was exceedingly fine,
and the Church was filled t overflowing. The following Clergymen in
robes took part in the procession - The Lord Bishop of Down, Revs.
A.R. Ryder, B.D.; W.H. Davies, B. Banks, G.D. Mitchell, A.W.V.
Birney (C.M.S., India); J.D. Morrow. During the entrance of the
Bishop and Clergy the hymn, 'O happy day that fixed my choice' was
sung. The Revd. G.P. Mitchell read the Lesson, Acts viii. Then came
the hymn, 'O Jesus, I have promised to serve Thee to the end'. The
Lord Bishop from his chair at the Chancel Steps, delivered a deeply
spiritual and impressive address. The Preface to the confirmation
service was read by the Revd. A.R. Ryder. The Bishop explained to
the candidates the nature of the question at confirmation, and asked
the appointed question, and the reply of the candidates was clear
and unanimous. The confirmation was then proceeded with. The Revs.
W.H. Davies, G.P. Mitchell, B. Banks, H.W.V. Birney, and J.D. Morrow
assisted in bringing up the candidates, whose conduct was most
reverent and devout. The service was brought to a conclusion by the
singing of the hymn, 'Thine for ever, God of love', by the
congregation kneeling and the benediction pronounced by the Lord
Bishop. After confirmation service, in the adjoining Drumbeg
Parochial Hall, all the Clergy, the Church Choir, and the candidates
from all the four parishes were entertained at tea. Short addresses
were given by the Revs. A.R. Ryder, B.D.; G.P. Mitchell, and B.
Banks. Some of the ladies of the parish decorated the tables with
flowers, and presided at the tea tables. On the following day, in
Drumbeg Church, was held a special communion service for the
newly-confirmed young people, and their relatives and friends, and
nearly all those who had been confirmed on the previous day partook
of their first communion, accompanied by members of their families.
The congregation was the largest seen in Drumbeg Church for years.
The collection at the offertory was devoted to the fund for
assisting the poorer parishes of the united dioceses.
What a day for the Bishop, what a day for the Rector,
organist and choir and what a day for the ladies of the parish who
provided tea for the clergy after the morning service and tea for the
candidates and their parents after the afternoon service! Can you see
them with the old black boilers which were placed on the coal fire with
a couple of others on the brick temporary fires outside the hall? A
memorable day indeed! A good day to have your picture taken, as our
reproduction shows. In his address, printed in the preface to the
Statement of Parochial Accounts for the year 1896, Canon Ryder, under
the heading `Sunday Schools' notes:

`There are five Sunday schools with the following
numbers -
Parochial Hall Morning |
on Roll |
110 |
good attendances |
60 |
Hill Hall School |
on Roll |
6 |
good attendances |
42 |
Parochial Hall Afternoon |
on Roll |
112 |
good attendances |
44 |
Dunmurry Morning School |
on Roll |
88 |
good attendances |
37 |
Dunmurry Afternoon School |
on Roll |
214 |
good attendances |
120 |
The Finaghy School |
on Roll |
37 |
good attendances |
18 |
623 |
311 |
The words `good attendances' indicate that the scholars have attended
at least on thirty five Sundays in the year in one Sunday school.
We have to thank Mr Reade for a Magic Lantern
entertainment for the children in the Bridge House in March last, which
was much appreciated.
Mr Montgomery gave a most enjoyable fete to members of
the Sunday school in July'.
These fetes at Ballydrain were also noted in the 1893
report as were the summer outings for the Sunday schools for many years,
Mr Maynard Morrison continuing the custom after the Montgomery family
left Ballydrain. Indeed, some of our parishioners recall these fetes in
detail and even yet get a lot of pleasure out of going over the day's
events. 'Waking up in the morning with the lovely butterfly feeling in
the tummy. On with best dresses or suits and well polished shoes ready
to assemble at the Parochial Hall and soon get into line for the march
down past the church, over the bridge and on to Ballydrain front
entrance at the top of the hill. Here we rest our banner which has been
carried by a couple of the sturdy boys and on which is the white
lettering on a crimson background DRUMBEG S.S. About a yard square, it
flutters in the breeze whilst we await the Dunmurry contingent, and they
are headed by a band as well as their banners'. Recollection falters.
Was it a bugle band or a flute band? Probably flute is the answer.
Now can you see these 300 or so pupils with their
teachers, and of course attendant clergy, as they process up the long
avenue to the field adjoining Ballydrain House where their host and
hostess await them. The activities are carefully shepherded and
controlled: swings, games, and races, and tea and buns, and of course
the interminable speeches. At long last, tired and heavy with food and
excitement they all march home to their various areas. At the Parochial
Hall another muster for the final prayers and thanksgiving for the
blessings of the day.
1901 - The statement of parochial accounts for the
year begins with Canon Ryder's address: 'A new reign; a new century; a
new year'. As we take a look back now over that period of our church's
history, it would seem that the activities listed inside the cover of
the magazine (which is reproduced here) are surely too much for one
clergyman and a curate to handle even with the assistance of Mr John
Brown, the Scripture Reader, especially as the means of travel between
Dunmurry, Finaghy and Hillhall, for most parishioners, was limited to
Ryder and the Church Wardens always conclude with a vote of thanks to
the many people who make these weekly meetings possible: Sunday school
teachers (at this time about twenty), organist and choir, sexton, and
all those who devote their time and abilities to the successful running
of the Parish to the glory of God. Of course succeeding Rectors and
Church Wardens continued to give thanks each year, but it seemed so much
more demanding then than now: no transport, no electricity, no running
water, and of course no radio or television either, indeed none of the
amenities which we take for granted, and yet the enthusiastic
participation of all the Parishioners in so many activities makes us
wonder how they did it, and perhaps feel a little ashamed of our own
sometimes half-hearted sharing in the extension of Christ's Kingdom in
our parish, with the advantages that we have today.
In the introduction to the Annual Report for the year
1900, he wrote the following:

'THE NEW CENTURY 1901. A new reign; a new
century; a new year; new opportunities to serve God; new and unthought
ways of advancing His kingdom; all to arouse us to renewed exertion,
they call us to be watchful and strengthen the things that remain; to
say `this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and
reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the
mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus'. He who
has blessed us in the past is waiting to be gracious to give us new
strength and to win greater victories in His name'. The year had only
started when the cycle of life and death is remembered. On 27th January
prayers for King Edward VII were read in church for the first time. At
the Easter Vestry a motion of sympathy was passed to R.H.S. Reade, High
Sheriff of Co Antrim, on the death of his son Lieut. Robert Ernest
Reade, King's Royal Rifle Corps, in the South African War.
On 13th March 1902 sincere sympathy was expressed to
Mr & Mrs Victor Coates of Rathmore on the death of their son Capt.
Frederick Coates, Northumberland Fusiliers, who was killed in the Boer
War. The Boer War, like the Crimean War before it, brought bereavement
and grief to our Parishioners and only a few more years remained before
the war to end all wars had devastated the flower of Ulster's youth.
Some of this was still in the future when Canon Ryder
wrote the introduction to the new century. In the parish the four
day-schools, six Sunday schools, men's bible class (Tuesday evenings in
Dunmurry, Thursdays in Drumbeg), women's bible class (in Dunmurry on
Wednesday evenings and at Drumbeg on Thursday evenings), schoolhouse
meetings (Hillhall every Sunday evening, Finaghy every Monday evening),
missionary sewing classes (in Drumbeg and Finaghy at 4 o'clock on
Saturdays), choir practice (each Monday evening in the Church) and, most
importantly of all, the Sunday services, (Morning Prayer at 11.30am and
Evening Service at 5.30pm) present a picture of intense activity.
During the year (1900) meetings were held in Dunmurry
Hall and the Parochial Hall. As a general rule the meetings were
missionary meetings, devotional meetings, services of song and
occasional lectures and concerts. A Gleaners' Union had been formed for
the Church Missionary Society, of which Miss Oakman was secretary. The
Drumbeg branch of the Temperance Society had 100 senior members and 45
junior members enrolled. These meetings were intended to be `pleasant
evenings for the people' and were heartily appreciated and generously
supported by the numerous ladies and gentlemen who kindly assisted with
the musical programmes. Reading rooms at Drumbeg and Dunmurry had 50
members in each. The Parish magazine based on `Home Words' edited by the
Revd. Charles Bullick, was taken by 90 subscribers. The annual report
for 1900 contains detailed lists of subscribers to the Parish,
alphabetically arranged, followed by financial accounts for the
Sustentation Fund, Scripture Readers' account, schoolhouse meetings'
account, day and Sunday schools account, bequests and interest from
bequests, lists of collections for various missionary and parochial
objects; Protestant Orphan Society, Zenana Missionary Society, Jews
Society, Church Parochial Mission Society, Irish Church Missions, Irish
Society, Special Sermons Income, with detailed collections and preachers
on fourteen occasions within the year, every month except January and
August, two in July, three harvest thanksgivings, and three in December;
there follows the account of the Treasurer of the Select Vestry, and
finally the Summaries of Collections, subscriptions and donations given
between 1st January and 31st December in each year. How is that for the
Honorary Treasurer and his helpers to present each year for at least
thirty years, with some variations as the years go on? The early years
of this century were not only very busy ones indeed, but significant in
that they give us a glimpse of the bursting-at-the-seams which was to
culminate in the secession of Dunmurry and eventually Finaghy as
separate parishes.

With the coming of the railway and the improvement of
the main road between Belfast and Lisburn, the little village of
Dunmurry began to grow rapidly. Under the influence of the establishment
of the various linen processing plants in the neighbourhood and
Crawford's Print Works on the hill, the population had increased
dramatically in the nineteenth century and the desire of the resident
Drumbeg parishioners to have a church of their own can easily be
Thus is was not an unexpected development when at the
Select Vestry meeting held on 28th December 1903, a delegation from
Dunmurry attended the meeting. Let the minute of the proceedings speak
for itself. `Next a deputation from Dunmurry, consisting of Dr Gaussen,
Messrs. William Coates, St. John Herd, James Press and James Gray were
introduced. The petition was presented by Dr Gaussen in the following
Memorial from the members of the Church of
Ireland resident in Dunmurry to the Select Vestry of Drumbeg,
December 28th 1903.
We the undersigned members of the Church of
Ireland resident in the neighbourhood of Dunmurry, respectfully
request the Select Vestry of Drumbeg to take into their earnest
consideration the question of providing church accommodation in this
village. We recognise fully the advantage which we already possess
in the evening service held in Dunmurry Hall. But we think the time
has come where the necessities of Church work in the district
require the provision of a permanent church with a morning service
and celebration of the Holy Communion. New families coming to the
District have been reluctantly compelled to seek accommodation in
other parishes, some have been led to join other Christian bodies,
and many of our parishioners from varying circumstances such as old
age or infirmity are entirely precluded from coming to the Lord's
Table or attending Morning Prayer.
In the event of the Select Vestry giving
favourable consideration to our memorial, we pledge ourselves to
support heartily any approved scheme for providing a District church
in Dunmurry and maintaining services therein'.
Signed by the 56 Heads of Families representing 261
The Select Vestry passed the following resolution:
'Resolved - That the Rector and Select Vestry
have heard with deep interest the memorial presented by Dr Gaussen
on behalf of the parishioners resident in Dunmurry and regard with
sympathy the desire to provide a church for the considerable
population resident in that District, and undertake if the effort to
erect a District church should prove successful, that they will
afford all possible facilities to the new congregation for the
Conduct of Public Worship'.
Naturally, when the grown-up daughter wishes to leave
the family home, two questions exercise the minds of the parents. Can
she afford to go out on her own? And can we afford to lose her? For a
year or two these questions would appear to prevent a decision on the
matter. The daughter, as usual, is impatient to be free while the
parents drag their heels on the question of providing financial backing.
27th June 1906:A deputation from Dunmurry attended
the Select Vestry meeting. The Chairman read a printed circular
requesting subscriptions for a proposed new church for Dunmurry. The
circular stated 'an exceptional opportunity for taking up the work has
now arisen, owing to the great generosity of Mr Victor Coates of
Rathmore, who has most kindly offered to provide a site free of charge.
It is estimated that a sum of �1,000 would provide sufficient
accommodation for present needs. The new church would be so designed as
to allow a considerable extension at a future date'.
Having thanked Mr Victor Coates, the Chairman stated
that he was requested to bring forward another generous offer. Miss
Charley and the trustees of the Charley family desired to offer to the
Representative Body, the building known as Dunmurry Hall and the grounds
belonging to it for the purpose of being altered into a proposed new
church for Dunmurry.

In the event neither site was chosen. Upper Falls was
anxious that any new church should be sited in the village so as not to
infringe on their congregations. It was finally decided to build the
church on land acquired from the Northern Bank, that is the site of St
Colman's Church in Church Avenue today. However it was still only a
proposition and it was not until 28th February 1907 that plans were
submitted to the Select Vestry. The plan of an oblong church 95 feet by
38 feet sent in by Mr Jury was approved, and Dr Gaussen, Messrs. William
Coates (Rathmore) St. John Herd and John Rolson were appointed Trustees
for the site.
On the 19th December 1907, Dr Gaussen reported on the
position of the Chapel of Ease in Dunmurry. He read a letter from the
Lord Bishop consenting to open the Chapel of Ease on condition:
- That the church and grounds be vested in the Diocesan Trustees;
- That a further effort be made to reduce the debt to the Northern
It was decided to thank the Bishop and to ask him
what further sum would be required to be raised before he consented to
open the Chapel of Ease. At this meeting, the design of a font for the
Chapel of Ease offered by Miss Charley was approved and Miss Charley
thanked for her generous gift. The building committee also approved the
design of the stained glass for the three lights over the font. At the
Easter Vestry 1908, Dr D.P. Gaussen, M.D. was appointed Rector's
Chapelwarden and Mr St. John Herd People's Chapelwarden for the Chapel
of Ease.
Approval of Miss Treanor as organist, for six months
from the date of the Easter Vestry 1908, was given. James Waring was
appointed Sexton of Dunmurry. Gifts of table linens, hymn boards and
books were also accepted.
On the 14th October 1909, a letter was read from Mrs
Andrew Carnegie offering to pay half of the cost of an organ at St
Colman's Dunmurry, when the other half had been collected by the
congregation. On the 31st January 1910, the Select Vestry approved an
application to the Lord Primate for a grant from the Marshall Beresford
Fund of �100 towards a spire or tower and a bell for St Colman's church.
The following resolution was agreed at the Easter
Vestry 1911:
That the best thanks of the Easter Vestry be
given to the organist and choir of St Colman's Church, Dunmurry for
the way in which they render the praises of God in church,
especially at Christmas and Easter. The special music at Christmas
and Easter and the careful preparation for these festivals by the
organist and choir deserve special mention and meet with our
We have to turn to the Preacher's book for the date of
the consecration of St Colman's on 26th April 1908. The organ was
installed and opened on Saturday 19th March 1910. The Chapel of Ease in
Dunmurry was obviously greatly appreciated by the parishioners in
Dunmurry but it was to be twenty two years before the parish was created
on the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6th 1932, when the Revd. R.C.
Ellis was appointed as rector.

Now to return to the Church at Drumbeg. The
coronation o1 Edward VII was celebrated in fine style on Thursday 26th
June 1902 by a fete held in Ballydrain, commencing at 3 o'clock, as the
picture of the souvenir programme reproduced here shows. The judges,
whose decisions in every case were to be considered as final, were R.H.
Reade Esq., Wilmont; Thomas Montgomery Esq., Ballydrain; Robert Thompson
Esq., Drum House and G.N. Callwell Esq., of Larkfield. The Treasurer was
Lindsay Johnston, and the Secretary, Robert Gurd. The programme
commenced with the 100th Psalm and the National Anthem, followed by
drill and the presentation of medals to the schoolchildren, presentation
of 'Coronation' mugs, then the refreshments for the schoolchildren. Sack
races, handicap races, boot races, three-legged races, egg and spoon
races, bicycle races, for boys, for girls and after tea for the
schoolchildren, a competition for bouquets of wild flowers, pig race,
race for men, race for women, consolation races and a donkey race. To
finish the day there was a display of fireworks and a bonfire. That was
a day to remember! The chairman and leading member of the Sports
Committee of twelve men was Canon A.R. Ryder.
The great Confirmation and Ordination Service of 29th
June 1901 referred to elsewhere, was followed by a 'Quiet Day' for the
Belfast Junior Clerical Society on 19th May 1903, taken by the Revd.
R.H.S. Cooper. There were seventeen present. On 20th May 1910 a Memorial
Service was held for the late King Edward VII, followed on 25th April
1911 by a Coronation Service celebrating the accession of King George V.
Some indication of the enthusiasm of the laity in
participation of church activities has already been noted in the Harvest
attendances and it is also reflected in the large attendances at the
Confirmation Services of those years. Even allowing for the inclusion of
boys and girls from Dunmurry, Drumbo, and sometimes one or two from
other parishes, they were memorable occasions. On 19th June 1904, 92
young people were confirmed, on 29th June 1907, confirmees numbered 102,
and on 28th June 1913, 106 boys and girls were confirmed.
Another great Confirmation Service was held on 28th
June 1913 at which 54 boys and 52 girls were presented for confirmation
by Canon Ryder to the Bishop of Down, the Right Revd. Charles Frederick
D'Arcy. Although the Great War had begun, nothing in the records of the
Parish gives us a hint of its impact on the everyday life of the church.
Indeed on 16th May 1915, perhaps incongruously one might be forgiven for
thinking, a Flower Service was held in Drumbeg. It was not the kind of
Flower Service we would understand by the name today. These flowers were
the spring and early summer flowers from the gardens around the
countryside, gathered by the Sunday school children and brought to
church on that special Sunday. Some of the bouquets were of wild flowers
offered as a gift to God 'for the beauty of the earth'. Even in the
worst times of this war the life of the church had to go on. One of the
largest Confirmation Services ever held in Drumbeg took place on 8th
July 1916, when 49 boys and 65 girls were confirmed, a total of 114
young people not all, of course, from our parish. About half of those
confirmed were usually from Drumbo Parish, but in this instance the
Bishop had written in the Preacher's Book 'Confirmation of 49 boys and
65 girls from the Parishes of Drumbeg and Drumbo with Killaney'.
The Great War changed a great many things and swept
away the flower of youth of a generation, while the parish suffered
curtailment by the creation of Dunmurry as a separate curacy, reducing
the numbers attending the Parish Church of Drumbeg. Some indication of
these changes is given in the numbers being prepared for confirmation.
On 4th May 1919, there were 21 boys and 28 girls confirmed and on 4th
July 1922, a total of 79 were confirmed; Drumbeg prepared 28 boys and 29
girls while Drumbo sent 6 boys and 16 girls. In 1925, 57 were confirmed
and, again, in 1928 52 were confirmed. Now that the church at Dunmurry,
and soon the new church of St Polycarps, Finaghy had reduced the parish
to its present size, it was no longer necessary to have a curate and no
longer were the large Confirmation Services held. We had been
re-established as the Parish of Drumbeg and our boundaries curtailed,
but many great years were still ahead.

Canon Ryder was married at St Barnabas, Kensington on
15th August 1917 to Beatrice Louise, daughter of George Bennett, of 44
Holland Park, Kensington. During the war 'Home Words' published a series
of cards depicting, in a rather gaudy way, the risen Saviour bearing
comfort to the families of the men serving in the army. By the kind
consent of a relative of one of the recipients of these cards, we are
able to use them to illustrate our text. Both were sent or given by
Canon Ryder; one at Christmas 1916 and the other personalised one at
Easter later, probably 1917. These tangible evidences of the compassion
which prompted our rector to obtain and distribute them are reminders of
the grim task often undertaken in those sombre days by the clergy as
they carried the ministry of consolation to the bereaved. On the reverse
side of the cards Canon Ryder has written 'Please remember Holy
Communion 8.30, 11.30.' This was typical of this good, devout Christian
man, whose thirty years ministering to the parishioners of Drumbeg were
nearing an end. At the Easter Vestry 1918 a motion of sympathy was
passed on the deaths of Miss Charley and Mrs Montgomery, and a letter
from Canon Ryder was read in which he referred to the loss sustained by
the parish in their passing. A vote of sympathy was passed to him
expressing the earnest wish that he might soon be restored to health.
Canon A.R. Ryder D.D., Prebendary of Dunsford in the
Cathedral Chapter of Down since 1906 tendered his resignation as from
1st August 1918. Just over a year later, on 25th November 1919, he died
at 48 Osborne Park, Belfast. He was 66 years of age and had given most
of the years of his ministry as incumbent of Drumbeg Parish. A warm
recollection of his genuine godliness persisted for many years after he
had been called to higher service.
At the Select Vestry held on 30th October 1918, it
was resolved that a committee of ladies be requested to provide tea
after the Institution Service of the Revd. C.C. Manning on Friday 8
November 1918.

Canon Ryder's Wartime Cards.