Present Staff Reminisce
Hillhall Primary School
Hillhall Primary School - rural school, good fun, happy times
Important, enthusiastic, conscientious pupils, Learning for life � our mission every day,
Laughter, the spice of life, along the way. High quality ethos, strong community links,
Auctions, car boot sales, fashion shows and barbecues. Lucy danced us to Saintfield, Stormont and The Lord Laird Cup.
Lunch lady- Mrs Fleming served the meals, supervised too!
Plays, pantomimes, concerts and great show stoppers Reach for the stars with Miss Halliday, along the yellow brick
road! In tune on Monday, Mrs Casement's choir, carol singing, recorders.
Mrs McAteer, "Who's for dinner today?" in true secretarial mode.
And Mary groans, "the glitter's on the floor." We await our fate!
Recipient of the James McCord Art Bursary and UTV experience.
Yellow bus at the gate, "Hurry Ernie won't wait!"
Swimming, cycling, Good News Club and resident artists too.
Computer accreditation-Mrs Moore �you're nearly through!
Hold on Mrs Young, it'll be all right! Space mountain-a bit
tight! Open farm visits, Streamvale, Slievenalargy and the Ark
Off again aquarium, museum, Tayto, London, Paris or the park?
Long live the memories of Hillhall Primary School!
Mrs Heather Young
Teacher 1997 � 2007
There is one word that can sum up my memories of Hillhall Primary and
that is `happiness'. It came in many different forms: camaraderie and
laughter in the staff room; playground duty watching the children play
their games and being told all their latest news; school trips near and
far; Lucy teaching the Scottish Dancing routines; listening to the
children singing in the classroom (and trying to sing along � just glad
Mrs Casement couldn't hear me!) while I did my paperwork or counted the
monies in the office; afternoon chats with Mary; hearing the children
laughing in Mrs Moore's classroom as she made learning fun; toast on a
Wednesday morning; the amazing artwork on the walls; and the end of term
productions. But most of all, happiness was part of just belonging to
the `Hillhall Family'.
My single, most favourite memory is that of looking down onto the
West Strand Beach in Portrush, on a brilliantly sunny June afternoon, on
the last trip of the school year, to see all the children and several of
the staff with their socks and shoes off and trousers rolled up to their
knees, laughing, splashing and paddling in the water � pure magic � just
like Hillhall Primary!
Mrs Catherine McAteer
School Secretary 2002 � 2007
I was first introduced to Hillhall as a final year student in 1998
and here I have remained for the last eight years.
So many memories.....
- Plays and productions - the first play...the production of
Joseph. The room might have been small but the enthusiasm was huge!!
Things grew from there and the ideas got bigger especially with the
arrival of our very own musical magician Mrs C who could make the
piano dance and the children perform way beyond their wildest
- Trips and outings- near and far. Our school has visited most of
the `places of interest' on the Northern Ireland tourist guide and
all gained truly brilliant experiences.
- Fun and laughter - learning in Hillhall was always combined with
fun! Laughing children, playtime on the grass and through the trees
in summertime and building snowmen in the winter.
- Brilliant children - smiling happy children who just brought so
much to Hillhall and made the school special.
- Great staff - friendship and `Craic' made working much more
............Hillhall has been a truly unique and amazing experience
and one, which I will remember forever!!
Miss Suzanne Halliday
Teacher 1999 � 2007

I first came to school when my nephew Andrew Simpson was in P1 and I
remember having to change both his and Simon Bruce's shoes into the
black slippers we then wore.
I became Caretaker in 1989 and I have always enjoyed supporting
everything that has happened in school � the plays, the concerts, the
church services and even going on the odd trip both in the 80's and
since I became Caretaker.. I always tried to fit in when I could.
Two memories that stand out are, coming to school one morning to find
the TV in the playground � we'd had visitors during the night! Then one
New Year's Day when the school pipes burst in every toilet - the
toilets, cloakrooms and office had water everywhere.
I will always remember the boys and girls playing under the trees and
playing football � I still don't know what hacking is! But most of all I
will remember the fun and laughter with both pupils and staff Miss you
Mrs Mary Simpson
Caretaker 1989 � 2007
Musical memories have got to be the highlight of my time at Hillhall.
In my four years at the school we have put on four Christmas Nativities
and three summer musical productions.
Christmas Nativities and three summer musical productions. We have
`Sparkled' over Bethlehem, sailed with `Pirates' on the briny sea, gone
over the rainbow to see `The Wizard of Oz' and flown with `Peter Pan'.
All the children in the school have been given the opportunity to star
and have shone radiantly with their talent.
We have also had occasion to sing with other Lisburn schools and
perform in a large choir at the Island Centre in aid of the Red Cross. A
great night, not only really enjoyable for us, but also beneficial to
others. Our biggest success, however, must have been winning 3rd place
in the Lisburn Choir of the Year competition in 2006. A worthy
achievement for such a small school.
However, it is not just the public face of the music that I will
remember, but also the happy, smiling faces as the children banged,
shook, hit, blew and sang their way through music lessons with
instruments of all types, from drums to triangles and xylophones to
recorders. I just hope that their musical memories will be as happy as
Mrs Lynda Casement
Teacher 2003 � 2007
I have many memories of Hillhall from over the years. One of my
favourite memories is of the year the school produced The Wizard of Oz
because my little Cairn Terrier, Oscar, was used to play Toto. Another
is of Clair Lindsay who so enjoyed the custard that I called her my
Custard Kid. I will really miss the children that I have watched grow
over the past eighteen years � some of whom already have babies of their
own. They have been a joy to know and I will take their hugs and
laughter with me wherever I go. Working in Hillhall has been so good
that it has ruined all other schools for me. Good luck to all my

Patricia Fleming
Supervisory Assistant 1989 - 2007
The Staff of Hillhall Primary 2007
From left to right
Front row: Mrs Adeline Carson (Classroom Assistant,)
Mrs Mary Simpson (Caretaker), Mrs Angela Moore (Principal),
Miss Suzanne Halliday (Teacher), Mrs Heather Young
Back row: Mrs Lynda Casement (Teacher), Mrs Catherine
McAteer (Secretary)
Inset: Mrs Patricia Fleming (School Meals)
1980's |
1990's |
2004 |
2007 |