Tribute to Rev Dr J Richardson MBE
Dear JR, Dear JR
We know you have to go,
But how will we do without you
We honestly don 't know.
Time for you to take a rest from your busy life.
Put up your feet and just chill out
From all the stress and strife.
Twenty-four years ago, you came into our school
Looking young and fit, we thought you were so cool.
Your hair it was so black, your eyes they were so blue
Twenty-six kids in Hillhall thought the world of you!
You came into our school and taught us to be good
Setting an example, to live the life we should.
You told us Bible stories, you showed us what to do,
You encouraged all the teachers to be patient just like you.
Our teachers came and went, but JR you stayed true Always there
when needed, you always saw things through.
You always put us first - you always saw our need
Never giving up on us a true Chairman indeed!
And so from all us kids, and from teachers too
We'd like to take this chance to say goodbye to you.
We hope you will be happy, in everything you do,
So goodbye and God Bless. Happy Retirement to you.
Mrs A Moore

Sung to the tune of Jingle Bells at the Christmas Concert 2006 to
honour Rev Dr J Richardson MBE on his retirement.

Rachel McCaughey P2
Penguins playing in the snow
Slipping, sliding, watch them go
Penguins sliding on their tummy
Let's admit they do look funny.
Penguins standing on the ice
I'd get cold feet and that's not nice
They never seem to think it's cold
Their feathers keep them warm I'm told.
Penguins swimming in sub zero
But they don't freeze they're all my heroes
In their beak a great big fish
Is their most desired wish.
Penguins in their black and white suits
In my opinion are way too cute
They watch you with a beady eye
They look real smart, but they can't fly.
Jordan Kinnear
P7 2002

I'm Oivia who haunts Springhill
The residents say bring a chillI
I rock the cradle every night
So my children may sleep tight
George lying, gun on bed
I shake him hard but he's quite dead
My husband disgraced the family rare
He was shot but who's to blame?
Behind the trapdoor they find my purse
Could this be some evil curse?
Five bullets and a pair of gloves
Part art of the plot to kill my life's love
My mother watches you on the stairs
This may scare and raise the hairs
The faded mirror shows my face
Forever trapped in this time and space
Marcus Hart
P7 2003
The children work outside to enhance the grounds of the
school for the Best Kept Small School Award. They received a
Highly Commended. 2003 |
Nationals Day 2003 55 |
The Chick
Soft and fluffy
Small and round
A gorgeous shade of black and brown
His beak is black
And also yellow
Which means it is a little fellow.
A quiet boy
His chirp is mild
This little fellow is not wild.
Soft and fluffy
Small and round
A gorgeous shade of black and brown
Kathryn Reid P7 2004

Holly McGrory P6
Inspectors Visit
Dr Shevlin and Mr Ward were their names,
They weren't here to play games.
They came to inspect
Our work - looking for neglect.
They came to see if we were good,
And we showed them that we could
Be first class.
They asked to see our books - en mass.
Asking questions and getting replies,
They said, "Tell no lies �
Are you learning the curriculum?"
We said, "Um hum."
At break we can fool around,
Jumping, chasing in the play ground,
They watched us to see,
Whether we played nicely.
They stayed for two days-
Monday and Tuesday.
They watched us read, they watched us write,
They watched Jordan turning white.
They said we were first-rate,
And they had us to congratulate,
So they didn't stay,
The Extra Day!
Antonia Dougherty
P7 2004

Neil Toole P7 exhibits his puppet Zappy in
front of the backdrop for the end of term Puppet Show 2007. |
Mrs Young takes Circle Time |
Mr Murdoch
There he was again, sitting at the station on his own. He wasn't
waiting for a train, he just liked to sit on that bench listening to his
Ipod, Murdoch Stevens his name is, or so I've heard. He's a strange guy,
about twenty I'd say, a loner, doesn't talk to anyone. Just gives them a
deadly glare with his dark eyes, covered in black eye shadow and liner,
as they walked past them. He looks evil, but I'm sure he's not really
that bad. People tell me he's a drunk and hates life, although I sort of
feel sorry for him, looking at him now. He has no one. Nobody loves him.
He smells of cigarettes, so it's obvious he smokes too. His hair is
dyed red and greasy, and his face is covered in metal studs that glint
in the light. When he walks he clunks and bangs and jingles, all his
heavy chains and his big, heavy boots that weigh him down.
He loves wearing leather, leather trousers, leather jacket and
leather boots; his t-shirt has a picture of a skull on the front of it,
how typical of him. He never ties his shoelaces or brushes his hair,
he's a mess, but I don't think he cares. He doesn't care what anyone
thinks of him, I suppose in a way I respect him for that.
He's covered in tattoos, he'd look so much better without them, but
he's not going to change for anyone. The spiky collar round his neck
looks really tight; I don't know how he keeps it on. I really don't get
him, I bet he takes drugs as well, he's that kind of person, you can
just tell.
Poor Murdoch, his life has been a misery, he ran away from home at
seventeen, everyone told me, he wasn't wanted, his family didn't love
him. So no wonder he's turned out like this.
Rachel Phillips
P7 2006
My Magic Box
I will put in my box;
A thousand snowflakes, snowmen and snow,
A dancing bear on a dazzling night
A hissing snake slithering and sore.
I will put in my box;
The shiniest stars in the dark night sky,
A lion's roar and the leopard's spots,
The softest feather from a baby bird.
I will put in my box;
A winter night with a purple sky'.
A giant turtle with a golden shell,
Horses running on a summer's night.
I will put in my box;
Horses galloping on a golden beach,
My Mum 's laugh,
The most coloured chameleons in the land
My box will be made of
Gold, ruby, silver and lots of silks �
The hinges will be made from a jaguar's teeth.
Tara Armstrong
P6 2004

My Teacher
Mrs Young is the
best classroom teacher. Really good at maths
Super at English,
art and history.
Young and
Untidy dropping
glitter on the floor Nice
Good at things.
Frank Thompson
My School
Happy Hillhall
Intelligent pupils
London Trip
Lego Land
Harrods and Hamleys
Animation at Studio ON
Lisburn Choir of the Year
Jasmin Cobbett
Class of 1997
The Hillhall Rap
This is a rap about Hillhall School,
And just want to say that I know `We Rule",
The teachers aren't bad but I'm not too sure
About our Headmistress � you know her � `Mrs Moore'.
It's the end of the year and I think that you know
That we won't be back � cos we gotta go!
Colin McCall

The good times I've had in Hillhall Primary School are
so many
it would take too long to tell you all of them,
From the everyday activities, the plays, the friendships and the
school trips,
All are great memories that I will carry with me as I move on.
I'd like to say thank you to all the teachers who have helped me
with my education,
Especially Mrs Moore and Mrs Kirk.
These seven years have flown by and I am proud to have
attended Hillhall Primary School,
I hope the next seven years will be as happy for all of us.
Ross McGrory
Seven years ago I set off the School just after the
Easter break,
I had my schoolbag on my back and a packed lunch I did take.
I was with Mrs Millar for the first three years she was very nice,
Especially one day when I was sick and covered her in rice.
Mrs Moore is head of the School and she taught me very well,
Sometimes she had to shout at me for the answers me to tell.
Mrs Simpson and Mrs Kirk, they're a happy bunch,
Mrs Fleming in the kitchen provides us with our lunch.
Robert Gilliland
When I first came to Hillhall School
I thought it would be really uncool,
I soon found out the teachers weren't mustard
And Mrs Fleming served up really cool custard.
My first two years gave me a very good start,
Mrs Millar taught me how to read and write,
I wonder now how she did it all
And we still managed to have a ball.
In P3 & P4 the years were fine,
Mrs Robinson taught me to tell the time.
P5 & P6 stands out in my mind,
For the really good trips and the happy fun times.
Mrs Simpson's been there and everywhere,
She gave us a lot of devotion and care.
We would also like to thank Mrs Kirk,
For teaching us how history and geography work.
Mrs Moore's been teaching us forever it seems
And in those years we've reached our dreams.
P7 is over and it's time to say goodbye,
We will all be sad but we won't cry.
Thank you Hillhall for giving us so much,
Primary School's over, but let's keep in touch.
Clair Lindsay
Now I've been here for seven years
And at this time I'm near in tears.
We've done some concerts and drama too,
We've been to Edinburgh and even the zoo.
We got to learn a lot of things
And about some of them we weren't too keen.
The book man comes and leaves us books
And that's where for me Mrs M knows to look.
Now the teachers say we're not too bad
But to tell the truth we're kind O sad.
For no matter what we do or say
In Hillhall we've enjoyed each day.
We all love Mary and Mrs F
To us they're just our big mates.
So now I've just ran out of rhyme
I think I'll stop while I've got time.
Jennifer Johnston

Yo Angie! this Hillhall's a wonderful place,
With the sound of your laugh and the smile on your face.
As teachers come your really first class,
English, Science, Technology and Maths,
We've had many great trips to Carrickfergus,
Scotland, Seaboard and Navan by bus,
It comes to you easy, you don't make a fuss,
You don't need persuaded to join in with us,
Yo Angie!!!
Jamie Toole
From Left to Right: Clair Lindsay, Robert
Gilliland, Jennifer Johnston, Mrs Angela Moore, Colin
McCall, Ross McGrory and Jamie Toole. |
Mrs Young, winner of the McCord Art Bursary
2005, with one of her promising pupils Evie Thompson. Evie
came 2nd in the Step-in-Time competition run by the
Environment and Heritage Services in 2004. |
London Poem
In the year 2007
A group of children
Aged eight to eleven
To London went.
We heard Big Ben
As it chimed ten;
We went to Legoland
And it was grand.
We went down Regent Street �
It was a real treat.
We went to Hamley's
And saw lots of families.
In Harrods we had our lunch
I had a doughnut to munch.
When I came home I was sad
But when I saw my family
I was glad!
Luke Thompson

Lydia Heath P5

Mrs Moore
I like Mrs Moore because she has a fun way of teaching us maths and
is very good on the bumper cars in Namco.
Olivia Corken P6
Mrs Moore is jolly and is good at teaching us. She lets us have our
opinions on things. Mrs Moore likes to be fair and doesn't have
favourites. She wants us to work hard and is happy when we do. She can
crack puzzles and mind games. She is really good at puzzles and can work
with adults and children.
Becky Phillips P7
She is kind and caring, she is very fun and friendly,
she makes learning fun.
Lauren McGrattan P6
She is kind and caring and always tries to make work
fun. Mrs Moore does lots of cool activities with us. She picks cool
stories to read to us as well. She likes puzzles, crosswords etc....
Luke Thompson P6
Mrs Moore is a very talented and considerate head mistress � very
kind and very smart. She has a very good personality.
Nathan Wallace P5
Mrs Moore is the best Principal in the world and I am so sad I won't
be in her class.
Jonathan Dempster P4
Mrs Young
Mrs Young teaches the P3/4/5 class, including me, and gives us lots
of hard work. Now I will remember that for a very long time.
Ellie Thompson P3
Mrs Young laughs a lot and doesn't take any nonsense. A very good
Rachel McAteer P6
Mrs Young is brilliant at art and when it comes to teaching you - you
only have to look at her and you know you have the best art teacher
Ben Cobbett P7
Mrs Young is a very arty person. She has a great sense of humour.
Rory Hulatt P7
Mrs Young is very good at art and makes everyone laugh. I had a fun
time in Mrs Young's class.
Rebekah Magill P7

Miss Halliday
Miss Halliday is a fun teacher because she is very kind and she
cleans our cuts.
Jonathan Dempster P4
I like Miss Halliday because she is very stylish and sporty and she
always has a different game for us to play. I like Miss Halliday a lot.
Olivia Corken P6
Miss Halliday is very talented and has always-great ideas for plays.
She always gets great costumes for the plays and some of them usually
turn out to look funny. Miss Halliday organises all the plays very well
and tells everyone where to stand and how to act.
Andrew McAuley P7
Miss Halliday is very fit, she is our PE teacher and she is very good
at PE. We play games and rounders, sometimes we get free play, but it is
so unlikely.
James McAuley P4
Miss Halliday is the greatest. She's far too cool for school.
Ben Cobbett P7
Rachel McCaughey P2 |

Mrs Casement
Mrs Casement is brilliant at playing piano and teaching us recorders.
The history she told us about was interesting and sometimes disgusting (Canopic
Rebecca Magill P7
A very good musician, Mrs Casement is fun and generous.
Rachel McAteer P6
Mrs Casement is very nice. She is really good at playing the piano.
Every Monday we sing with Mrs Casement and on Friday we play the
Lauren McGrattan P6
I like Mrs Casernent. She helps me on the computer.
Bailey Morrison PI
Mrs Casement helps us do school plays. I like the songs she teaches
especially `one finger one thumb keep moving'.
Aaron Thompson P2
Rachel McAteer
P6 |
Rachel McCaughey
P2 |
Mrs McAteer
Mrs McAteer is very kind and has a good sense of humour. She will
always talk to you and it doesn't matter how busy she is.
Ben Cobbett P7
A generous and kind person who likes everybody � my Mummy.
Rachel McAteer P6
Mrs McAteer is always making her point, in a nice way. She makes sure
no gets hurt in the playground by doing all she can.
Luke Thompson P6
Mrs McAteer is very kind and caring, she is very nice and makes the
best toast.
Lauren McGrattan P6
Mrs McAteer organises the school trips and outings very well. She
also is very good at keeping us all on schedule. Mrs McAteer makes toast
every Wednesday which is always nice.
Andrew McAuley P7
Mrs Simpson
Mary looks after the school very well. She keeps it nice and tidy and
looking good. Mary also looks after everyone outside and keeps us safe.
Andrew McAuley P7
Mary is a caring person. She helps us when we fall she cleans our
cuts and she is very kind to others. She cleans the school and the
grounds. She tells you what to do. She helps everybody.
Joshua Magill 135
Mary is brilliant at outside. She allows us to go on the grass to
Rachel Reid P4
Mary is very nice she always keeps us right. She tells us what and
what not to do. She is the best caretaker in the world.
Lauren McGrattan P6
Mary is a good caretaker. She cleans up and takes care of us out in
the playground. She does not always let us play football, just to ' make
us safe.
Carter Morrison P5

Aaron Thompson P2 |
Mrs Fleming
I like Mrs Fleming because she always brings us in the toys from the
cereal boxes.
Olivia Corken P6
Mrs Fleming is nice and she has a dog and she is the dinner lady and
she looks after us in the playground and sometimes I pick flowers for
Niall Armstrong P3
She talks a lot but Mrs Fleming looks after us very well.
Rachel McAteer P6
I think Mrs Fleming is the best cook in the world. I also like her
when she gives me extra buns. When she's happy she can be very funny and
she is usually happy.
William Dougherty P7
Mrs Fleming is the dinner lady for the school and is very caring and
helps you if you fall. She is kind to us and looks after us.
Joshua Magill P5
Mrs Carson
Carson is always very nice to us and always is there to help us when we
need it whether it is on the playground or just doing work. She is
always willing to help.
Andrew McAuley P7
Mrs Carson is Miss Halliday's assistant. She reads us stories when
the rest of the school is at swimming.
Ellie Thompson P3
Mrs Carson helps Miss Halliday with the P1 and P2. She has a good
personality and she is very good at helping.
Carter Morrison P5
Mrs Carson is a good assistant and I will always remember her because
she cleaned up my cuts.
Rachel Reid P4
Mrs Carson is kind and helpful. She helps people with their work and
she looked after the children outside at break-time in the playground.
Gareth McCartney P7
