AFTER much trouble and exertion, and after surmounting many difficulties and
disappointments, (not now necessary to explain) the Author has the great
satisfaction of presenting to the inhabitants a work on the Town of Lisburn,
which, for quantity of interesting matter, and correctness of information,
he (without vanity) humbly submits, is superior to any which has been
hitherto published.
It is not without diffidence that this little volume is laid before an
intelligent public; but as it is his first, and shall certainly be his
intrusion, he hopes to meet indulgence; at all events, to escape the penalty
of severe censure. Those of the little tribe, vulgarly denominated CRICKETS,
who quibble and, nibble at every line, would do well to remember, that it is
not quite so easy to write a book as to read one. The fraternity of higher
bred critics, it is expected, will be lenient with the production of one
whose age is on the youthful side, and whose health, means, and time, allow
him very few opportunities of worshipping at the shrine of Literature. The
depressing circumstances under which any work is written, should always
mitigate the rigor of criticism. Ovid at home, and Ovid in exile, wrote very
differently. This volume was produced under many disadvantages. Scarcely a
page of the earlier part but was penned by night, after the labor and
fatigue of the Author's daily avocation. * WHATEVER WAY BE THE RECEPTION OF
To all his Subscribers, and to those friends who exerted themselves in
promoting its circulation, the Author returns his most sincere, most
heartfelt thanks, but particularly to those professional gentlemen in
Dublin, Roscommon, &c. who have, as a personal favor, taken copies of a work
so local and exclusive in its nature. Being for a long time a stranger to "
Kindness, Encouragement, and Co." the present obligations are the more
enhanced and appreciated. And most truly grateful does he feel for the kind
manner in which some senior members of the legal profession have expressed a
gratification at the literary attempts, and a desire to encourage the child
of one (now no more) who, for upwards of forty years, practised in the same
courts with themselves, and who, during a long and busy life, filled several
stations of honor and trust with credit and approbation.
H. B. |
LISBURN, 2d March, 1834. |
* The Law was not considered by Hume as the best element for fostering
and improving a taste or talent for the beauties of Literature. To the poet
it would not be very charming, if after the line-" There was a sound of
revelry by night," came the exquisite, "To have and to hold" in darkness and
light !

The Most Noble, the Marquis of Hertford, |
Charles Cupples, Esq. M.D. |
Regent's Park, London. |
C. G. Boyd, Esq. |
J. C. Boyd, Esq. |
William Caldback, Jun. Esq. |
Samuel Heron, Esq. R. N. |
Henry Sproull, Esq. |
The very Rev. James Stannus, |
Miss Greeves. |
Dean of Ross, |
4 Miss Higginson. |
The Rev. Snowden Cupples, D.D. |
2 |
Mr. David Beatty. |
William Stewart, Esq. M. D. |
2 |
Mr. William Graham. |
William Caldbeek, Esq. |
Mr. William Dillon. |
William Gregg, Esq. Seneschal |
Mr. Samuel Gamble. |
of Lisburn, |
3 Mr. J. Hogg. |
John Birney, Esq. |
7 |
Mr. H. Garret. |
David Legg, Esq. |
3 |
Mr. John Moore. |
Rev. Edward Cupples. |
Mr. John Crossley. |
Rev. Thomas Thompson. |
Mr. Jonathan Richardson. |
Rev. Ralph Bridge. |
Mr. Benjamin Neely. |
Rev. Alexander Henderson. |
Surgeon Wethered. |
William Whitla, Esq. |
Surgeon M'Donald. |
Messrs. Coulson, |
3 |
Surgeon Kelso. |
John Richardson, Esq. |
2 |
Mr. Francis Weldon, |
2 |
James N. Richardson, Esq. |
2 |
Mr. Thomas Pattison, |
2 |
Lucas Waring, Esq. |
2 |
Mr. John Vernon. |
Rev. Edward J. Cordner. |
Mr. J. C. Hill. |
Rev. John Corkan. |
Mr. John Millar, |
2 |
George Stephenson, |
Esq. Mr. Musgrave. |
John Owden, Esq. |
Mr. J. Ward. |
James Greer Richardson, Esq. |
2 |
Mr. A. C. Ward. |
Jonathan Richardson, Esq. |
Mrs. R. Stewart. |
'Doctor Thompson. |
Miss Mussen. |
Mrs. Hogg. |
Miss Agnes Mussen. |
Mrs. William Thompson. |
Miss Hume. |
Mrs. Nicholson. |
Miss Elizabeth Neely. |
Mrs. Floyor. |
Mr. O'Flaberty. |
Mrs. Casement. |
Miss M'Cay. |
Mrs. G. Whitla. |
Mrs. John Hicks. |
Miss Fletcher. |
Mrs. Johnson. |
Miss J. Crawford. |
Miss Ker. |
Miss Cordner. |
Miss Greer. |
Mrs. Trail. |
Miss Jane Reid. |
Miss Fulton. |
Miss Adair. |
William Thompson, Esq. |
M. D. Mr. Henry Mulholland. |
Mr. Henry Mulholland, Castle-St. |
Mr.-H. Bell, |
Air, Baxter, 2 copies. |
Mr, C. Weldon. |
Mr. George Pelan. |
Mr, Scandret. |
Mr, George Major. |
Mr. Megarry. |
Mr. James Brook. |
Mr, E. Farrel, Jun, |
Mr. David Mack. |
Mr. R. Gray, |
Mr. Gillespie. . |
Mr. Frazer |
Mr, Patterson. |
Mr. Macartney. |
Mr. John Pennington. |
Mr. George Wilson. |
Mr. H, B. Magee. |
Mr. William Wilson. |
Mr, Robert M'Clure. |
Mr. Toole. |
Mr. John Reid. |
Mr. William M'Call. |
Mr, Arthur Bell. |
Mr. G. White, |
Miss Singer. |
Mr. Kearney. |
Mr, A, Black. |
Mr. William Barber, Hilden. |
Mr, John Woods, Jun. |
Mrs, J, Barber, Plantation. |
Mr. James Stewart. |
James Watson, Esq. J, P, Brookhill, |
Mr. R. Mulholland. |
Edward Johnson, Esq. J, P, Ballymacash. |
Mr. P, Major. |
Henderson Black, Esq. |
Mr, George Major, |
Mr. Blackburn, Laurel Hill. |
Mr. John Hicks. |
Mr. R, Boomer, |
Mr. Hugh M`Call. |
Mr. Kidd. |
Mr, J. M'Dowell. |
Mr. Joseph Linn. |
Mr, Robert Wallace. |
Mr. Thomas Sheils. |
Mr, George Nelson. |
William Edmund Reilly, Esq. |
Mr, Thomas Becket. |
H, Bradshaw, Esq. |
Mr. C, Alderdice. |
J, C. Moreland, Esq. |
Mr. T. Chapman. |
Mr. Henry Davis, Ogle's Grove, |
Mr. Sitherwood. |
Miss Ogle, |
Mr. Thomas Mussen. |
William A, Moore, Esq. Eglantine. |
Mr, Matthew Mussen. |
Colonel Hawkshaw, Blaris Lodge. |
Mr.. M`Quisten. |
Lieutenant Clark, Shamrock Lodge, |
Mr. George Boomer, |
Mr, Harvey, |
Mr. William Newell. |
Mr, Innis. |
Mr. M'Afee. |
Mr. Skinner |
Mr. R. Thompson. |
Mr, Seeds. |
Mr. Savage. |
Mr. John Heron. |
Mr. John Singleton. |
Mr. William Singleton. |
Geo. Black, Esq. Stranmilles. |
Mr. M'Harry. |
John Montgomery, Esq. |
Mr. Lawson. |
James Stuart, Esq. LL.D.2copies. |
Mr. T. M'Keown. |
Fortescue Gregg, Esq. |
Miss Russel. |
Edward Lindsay, Jun, Esq. |
Surgeon Turner, |
John Boomer, Esq. |
Mr. Robert Alderdice. |
James Green, Esq. 3 copies, |
Mr. Sefton. Edward Pim, Esq. |
John Pim, Jun, Esq. |
Mr, James Thompson. Robert |
S, M'Adam, Esq. |
Mr. Sliman, |
Mr. J. M'Coy. |
Mr. Edward Milliken. |
Mr. J. Sefton. |
Mr. David Milliken. |
Mr. James Sefton. |
Mr. Gardner. |
Mr. M'Gonegal. |
Mr. Conn. |
Mr. Geo. Davis. |
Thomas Walkington, Esq. |
Mr. Bamford. |
Rev. Mr. Hill. |
Mr. N. Beggs. |
Mr. J. H. Hill, |
Mr. John Davidson. |
Mr. Henry Shillington. |
Mr, Richard Thompson, |
Mr. Russell. |
Mr. William Moore |
Mr. William English. |
Mr. John Cuming. |
Mr. T. Sefton. |
Mr. Kennedy. |
Mr. Edward Bell. |
Mr. Servis. |
Mr. Samuel Thompson. |
Mr. Magill. |
Mr. Robert Patterson. |
Mr. Duff. |
Mr. Cinnamond. |
Mr. Henry Boyd. |
Mr. Edward Smith. |
Mrs. Dougherty. |
Mr. William Chapman, 2 copies. |
Mr, Thomas Bullock. |
Alexander Williamson, Esq. |
Rev. John Bradshaw. |
Mr. Shaw. |
Richard Niven, Esq. |
Mr. Knox. |
------- Ferris, Esq. |
Mr. Bradbury. |
Samuel Lucian, Esq. |
Robert S. Wilson, Esq. |
Bell, Esq.; |
J. Agnew, Esq. |
Mr. Turner. |
Mr. M'Comb. |
Mr. Henderson, |
Mr. Neill . |
Mr. Gillespie. |
Mr. John M`Lornin. |
Mr. Collier, 2 copies. |
Mr, George Lackey. |
Mr. J, Brown. |
Mr. Simpson. |
Captain Bell. |
Alexander Montgomery, Esq. |
Mr, William Ferris, |
Rev. G. M. Black, Esq. |
Mr. P. M'Corry. |
Mr. Quin. |
Mr. R. Ferris. |
Mr, J, Ferris. |
Mr. Campbell. |
Mr, Gawly, |
Mr. Turtle. |
Mr. B. M'Lornin. |
Mr. William Ferris. |
Richard Prendergast, Esq. |
John Brown, Esq. |
Thomas Blake, Esq. |
Dr. Cheyne. |
John Lyons, Esq. |
Samuel Hill, Esq |
Andrew Lyons, Esq. |
George Connor, Esq. |
Joseph Hanley, Esq. |
John Moore, Esq. 4 copies. |
John Craig, Esq. |
John Doherty, Esq. |
Rowland Craig, Esq. |
James Davis, Esq. |
J. Murland, Esq. |
John Green, Esq. |
E. K. Overend, Esq. |
George Hargrave, Esq. |
------ Becket, Esq. |
C. Darcy, Esq. |
Mr. A. Neely. |
Henry Ferguson, Esq. |
Martin Callaghan. Esq. |
Edward Mullins, Esq. |
Peter M'Keogh, Esq. |
James Birney, |
Esq. Samuel Potter, Esq. |
Mrs. Birney. |
Peter Fitzgibbon, Esq. |
Hugh O'Farrel, Esq. |
G. Moore, Esq. |
Charles Wakefield, Esq. Moyallen, 2 copies. |
William Denaby, Esq. |
Mr. J. O'Neill, Newtownstewart. |
John Millar, Esq. |
R. Pike, Esq. Beech-Grove. |
William Crawford, Esq. |
Samuel Haughton, Esq. Banford |
William Crawford, Jun. Esq. |
Mr. Alexander Blackburn, Brickfield. |
Miss Crawford. |
Mr. Greer, do. |
George Hatchell, Esq. , |
Mr. Jonathan Boomer, Ballymacash. |
John Lynch, Esq. |
Mr. Peel, Legater |
Peter M'Donnel, Esq. |
Mr. J. Harrison, Deneighl. |
Miss Loyd. |
Surgeon Rogers, Lurgan. |
Mrs. Dalton. |
Mr. Rogers, Coleraine. |
John Woods, Esq. |
Mr. John Mulhollan, Cookstown. |
James G. Plunkett, Esq. |
Mr. Scott, Dromore. |
A. Plunkett, Esq. |
Thomas Dance, Esq. London. |
Miss Plunkett. |
Mr. Alexander Watson, Edinburgh. |
Mrs. J. G. Plunkett. |
Miss Jones, Dumfries. |
Captain Cowell. |
Dr. Dillon, London. |
Miss Ellen Plunkett. |
Mr. Henry Fulton, Everton, Liverpool. |
John Magill, Esq. |
Mr. R. Bell, Dromara. |
John Johnston, Esq. |
Mr. R. Beattie, Donaclony. |
Doctor Davis. |
Mr. John Walker, Gobrana. |
Michael Kearny, Esq. |
M. T. M'Niece, Deetpark. |
Thomas M'Cready, Esq. |
Mr. E. Bell, Jun. |
Mr. S. Fitzpatrick. |
Mr. Samuel Thomson, |
Mr. George Bowyer. |
Mr. H. Baker. |
Mr. J. Egan. |
Mr. Edgeworth. |
Edward Moore, Esq. 4 copies. |
Mr. Deoncourt. |
Neal Davis, Esq. |
Mr, Hooper. |
George Alexander, Esq. |
Mr. William Moffet, 4 copies, |
Andrew Cusack, Esq. |
William M'Donagh, Esq. |
Hugh Morrow, Esq. |
John Morrow, Esq. |
John Cusack, Esq. Attorney. |
Richard Johnston, Esq. |
Mr. Hannon. |
Myles Cosserly, Esq. |
Mr. Heily. |
Gerald Fetherston. |
Mr. H. Mulrenan. |
John Deneney. |
John O'Connel, Esq. M. D. |
Charles Taaffe, Esq. |
William Harrison, Esq. |
Mrs. Neville. |
James Corr, Esq. |
Mr. Ginty. |
J. B. Beech, Esq. |
Mr. Fallon. |
B. O' Connor, Esq. |
Charles Croghan, Esq. |
Mr. James Conry. |
Edward Croghan, Esq. |
Mr. Michael Grealy. |
Mrs. Tubbs. |
Mr. E. Skinner. |
Richard Dillon, Esq. |
Thomas Brenan, Esq. |
James Johnson Kearney, Esq. |
Mr. Gavegan. |
James Kearney, Esq. |
Mr. W. Hopkins. |
F. J. Hadley, Esq. |
Eneas M'Grath, Esq. |

TO the Memory of the late SAMUEL BRENAN, Esq. of
Dublin, who was drowned in 1826, to the unspeakable grief of a numerous
circle of friends.
WILD waves the cypress o'er his tomb,
Whose memory's cherish'd yet;
Swept from Time's path in manhood's bloom
His life-star early set.
Who that knew BRENAN could forget
His virtues manly, warm
The heart where love and honour met,
With friendship's noblest charm.
Man sees the workings of the storm
That rolls across the bark ;
He cannot lift the Future's vail---
His finite eye is dark,
Save to the fleeting things below;
But He who bade of yore the ark
Stand on the mountain's brow,
Takes life or grants it as He sees
Best for his own all-wise decrees ;
This is enough to know. |
DUBLIN, 1st Dec. 1828. |
H. B. |
Lines on the death of Mrs. W- G - G.
"Why should we mourn for the blest?"
---------------------------She was fair
As Eastern sunset when the earth was young;
Nursed in Affection's tender lap, she grew
A being bright and lovely-she was east
In nature's finest mould; and fortune's smiles,
A husband's rapture and a circle's love
Were her's, with all this world could grant to fill
The deep recesses of a woman's heart.
This was a bright and sunny scene to her ---
A world whose dazzling phantoms might have drawn
Less righteous souls within its giddy whirl.
The passing things of time she worshipped not;
Redemption's glorious theme, with all its train
Ethereal, caught her early thoughts, and flung
Angelic joy-beams o'er her latest hour.
Oh ! such a feeling, ere the blood-bought soul
Sprang to its native home, were more than worth
The crown and sceptre of a thousand worlds.
* * * * * *
Death claimed his own-all that of her could die --
The spirit liveth in Eternal Light,
To sing hosannas at her Saviour's throne;'
Hosts of Archangels welcomed the wrapt soul,
And struck their harps till heaven's wide portals rung. |
LISBURN, 7th April, 18:34. |
H. B. |