There were many Huguenot refugees who came to Lisburn who lived quietly without being noticed; they can be traced in Church Records, Marriage Settlements, Letters, Wills, Newspapers etc., Here are some of them:
This is still a familiar name in Holland and Belgium and some of the Alderduis family believe that two brothers came from there with the Williamite forces. It is a name also found in Scotland and England. The first Alderdice in Lambeg is shown in 1678 before the Revocation when John, son of James was christened. There seems to be no way of telling if they were `foreign strangers' or of Scottish origin.
The Book of Irish Pedigrees says that the family came to Ireland before the reign of Louis HIV In 1691 Samuel Amonet was on the rent roll of the French colony.
This family is certainly of foreign Protestant origin, mostly from the Low Countries and northern France, although some are from Paris. The name is also found in records at Norwich, Colchester (Essex) and at Canterbury, A very early record in Norwich states: Peter
Arnoot 1567, caught and burnt by the Inquisition. The Annet of Ulster was probably from one of these colonies, who was sailing to Belfast when he was shipwrecked at Kilkeel and decide to
settle there. In time there were Annets in Belfast, Derriaghy, Lisburn and County Tyrone. In 1774 Mary Annet
was christened in Lisburn and in 1817 Francis Annet was christened in Derriaghy. Mary Annet married Michael Boomer. It is thought that all the Annets in Ulster can trace their ancestry from the shipwrecked
It is difficult to trace the activities of a soldier called Soloman Balmier from Uzes in Languedoc. In 1687 when he was 28 years old, he went to London, where he attended the Church of the Savoy and is next heard of in a Huguenot regiment in 1689. After the campaign he was living in Carrickfergus and afterwards came to Lisburn.
A soldier, James Barbault, who was born in Dieppe, came to England in 1685. There was a Protestant congregation in Dieppe; in fact, John Knox was a visitor there on several occasions. Jacques Barbault came to Ireland in 1689 with Marshal Schomberg's army and served in Colonel La
Meloni?es regiment. His daughter Marie married a Lisburn merchant. After he was discharged from the army, he made his home in Dublin.

Said to be latecomers in the book Irish Pedigrees. In 1760 John Jacob
Battier had four sons, having come from Basle in Switzerland. In 1789 Major John Battier was married in Lisburn, after which there is no further record of the name.
In 1685 Jean de Blacqui?e arrived in England from Limousin and married Marie de Varrenennes, the daughter of a refugee. One of their sons became a London merchant and another joined the colony in Lisburn, where his sister married John Crommelin, a nephew of Louis Crommelin. Their fifth child, John, had a distinguished career, at first in the army where he rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the 17th Light Dragoons, then became Secretary to the British Legation in Paris. He was created a baronet in 1784 and
eventually became Lord Blacqui?e of Ardkill. The family moved to Dublin.
A Huguenot family who came to England and Ireland before the Revocation. The first to come to Ireland was Corporal Blanchard; the name is found in the rent roll of the Hertford estate. The family is still to be found in County Down.
In 1689 Louis Bonet was in the army wintering in Lisburn. The family had escaped from La Rochelle. Widow Bonet is in the rent list at Magheramesk, near
Soloman Boucher moved to Dublin in 1704. It is thought that the first Bouchers came to Ireland after the Massacre of St, Bartholomew from Bergerac via La Rochelle. Louis Boucher was in a Huguenot regiment in 1689 and Ensign John Boucher in 1690. In 1697 Peter and Isaac ate to be found in a Lisburn rent roll. In 1774 William Boucher was a printer, and one branch of the family became involved in the linen industry. There are still Bouchers connected with linen and of Huguenot descent living in Belfast.

Dr Purdon, who wrote a history of the Lisburn colony in the 1850s, lists a family named Boulay. A Boulay made a will in 1666 and in 1685 Peter Boulay appears in a rent list. There is no other mention of them. A Lieutenant La Boulay came to Lisburn in 1690.
Brethet is another name on Dr Portion's list. In 1707 Ann, daughter of
Richard Brethet appears and in 1707 John, son of John Brethet was baptized. In 1735 another John Brethet was named and in 1755 Berbey
Brethet was a churchwarden at Derriaghy.
Blathwayt seems to be of Dutch origin and the first refugee seems to be in Lambeg in 1669 when Reinald Blathwayt was baptised. In 1704 Mary Blathwayt, born in Holland, is named. There are still people called Braithwaite, but apparently no
There is a tantalisingly brief reference to Henry Bringuier, a merchant of Lisburn, who was a friend to Pierre Guerin, who in 1704 married a Mlle
Marie Vidale in Dublin. The family came from Languedoc
A Huguenot family who came to Portarlington in 1694 and later to Rathfriland and Belfast. There was a Camblin in Saintfield in 1770, Lisburn and Ballinderry. George and James Camlin were weavers in 1841. There are now Camlins in Belfast and Counties Down and Armagh. All the Camelins in Co Armagh claim to be related to one another.
There are records of this name in different places and at different times, both before and after the reign of Louis XIV. Most of the Chartres in Ireland are either Anglo-Norman or came with the army of James II, but there is a smattering of Huguenots among them. Some were soldiers and others merchants. In the Lisburn records is an entry of a Baptism in 1692 of Henry, son of Robert Chartres; two years later a son, Arthur. Although there seem to be gaps in the generations, the name reappears. In 1706 Henry Chartres' name is in a Lisburn rent book. The name seems now to be spelt Charters.
The history of the Cloquet family is difficult to trace as many of the
records have been lost or taken to America. Clokeys came to Ireland after the Revocation, but there is an early mention of one in 1620. In time the name became Clokey. The Clokeys in Ireland were famous for their beautiful church windows being stained glass makers. These were highly valued and pains were taken during the 1939-1945 war to remove them from Belfast and store them in the country for safe keeping. In 1719 Andrew Clokey was established in Magheragall where his descendants are still to be found. One of the family fought at the Battle of Ballynahinch. In a street ballad written at the time in 1798 are the lines:
Were you at the Battle of Ballynahinch
When the country all gathered to stand their defence,
When the country all gathered to prove their o'erthrow
When commanded by Clokey and General Monroe |
It was probably after 1798 that some of the family went to America, where Clokeys can be found as far apart as California and New York.

In 1689 Alexander Concance of Montpellier appears in the Blaris records. He was probably one of the few Huguenot soldiers who
died of fever in Lisburn when the troops were wintering there.
There are several mentions of Cordiners in early records of the Linen journal, both in Lisburn and in Lurgan. The
Cordiner family were probably one of the families who fled to Lurgan after the fire in 1707, but unlike the De La Cherois family stayed in Lurgan and are credited with building the house that is now part of St Michael's school. In 1820 James Cordner was an agent for Lord Hertford in Lisburn. In 1829 Rev Edward Cordner was on the rent roll of Lisnagarvey (the old name for Lisburn). He was said by Dr Pardon to have in his possession the original Bible and Prayer Book of the French church, now housed in the Public Record Office in Belfast.
A son of Paul De Leuze was baptised in Lisburn in 1693 and in 1695 a second son, Daniel. There is a Captain De Leuze in the Huguenot Irish
Pensioners' List which says he had a wife and family and served nine years. They were thought to have come from the Low Countries.
Captain Theophilus Desbrisay settled in Lisburn after the Irish Campaign, but when his daughter married another Huguenot, Simon Boileau of Dublin, he moved to be near her. Captain Desbrisay and his lady are mentioned in correspondence from Paul Mangin when they visited him in Dublin. Captain Desbrisay is also mentioned in the Pensions List, and served in Brandenburg, Ireland and Flanders. It also says he had a large family. He died in Dublin and is buried in the Boileau tomb in Merrion Street cemetery. He had a son, Samuel Theophile Desbrisay in 1694, who died in Dublin in 1772. They were a non-conforming family.
Dr Purdon's work gives the name as De Vanny and the Army lists it as De Vagny. In 1685 Noah De Vanny is in the Blaris records, and in 1717 Richard De Vanny's daughter was baptised Elizabeth. There were De Vennys in Lambeg in 1789 when John, son of Robert De Venny was baptised, also Alexander, son of William Devenny. This family is also found in Derriaghy. In 1820 Robert De Venny was a weaver living in Longstone, and Rainey De Venny lived in Track Lane, Lisburn.
Vinchon De Voeux came to Dublin after the Revocation where with the Rev. Peter Droz, another Huguenot refugee, he started the first Literary magazine to appear in Ireland in about 1742. Although he later went to Portarlington, the name is found in Lisburn when Joshua De Voeux married Susan Brown in 1729.
A tradition in the Deyermond family is that Monsieur Deyermond
came to Ireland with seven sons when the Williamite forces landed. Six of them joined the army, but did not return, whether because they had been
killed or settled elsewhere is uncertain. The apparently weak son who stayed behind is the ancestor of the Deyermonds in Ulster and several families in America. There are still Deyermonds to be found in France.
The Deyeamonds settled in Ballynahinch and Lisburn, and are found at quite early dates at Annahilt and Drumbo, where they remained Calvinist. In the mid nineteenth century one of the Lisburn Deyermonds went to America, settling in Boston. When a present day Deyermond went recently to visit his American cousins, he was met in New York by seventy five members of the Deyermond family. Deyermond is also known as Dorman.

Mark Henri Dupre introduced improved reed making into Lisburn, soon after his arrival there at the request of Louis Crommelin in 1704. His family had reached Dublin from Cambrai via Rochelle a short time before. There is an interesting page in the Cathedral records where the Rev. Charles De La Valade has entered baptisms between 1709 and 1736 which contains several Dupres. In 1706 Mark Henri Dupre married Jane Russell of Lisburn. They had two sons, Peter and Mark Alexander, and Jacob Dupre had two sons, John and Lewis.
Another family of Dupre are among the names in Mr Waring's book of Foreign Weavers in Waringstown, but there seems to be no connection between the two families.
Henry Gothard rented a house in Lisburn Walke in 1691. and Roger
Gothard was thought to be his son, who himself had two sons, Alexander baptised in Lisburn in 1694 and Roger in 1698. In 1697 Thomas Gerhard married Margaret Magee and they had a son John, who in 1723 married Charity Smith. There are still Gothards in France, but in Lisburn the name seems to have become Goddard.
The family of Hamon were early converts to Protestantism. They came from the Loire region and several parts of Normandy and were also found prior to the Revocation in the Channel Islands. When the persecution of
the Huguenots began, Queen Elizabeth sent help to the Islands, partly because they were considered to be Crown property, and their defences were inadequate. In 1563 the Island of Sark was uninhabited, so in
order to defend the other islands it was colonised, and several Hamons went there, including Thomas Hamon about 1567 where the name is still
to be found. In due course Hamons went to Ireland, where they are found in Dublin and Portarlington, some went to America and some in 1855
to Australia. There were Hamons in the Williamite army but the earliest known in Lisburn was Lucas Hannon in the 1688 Parish Register. In the rent roll of 1691 Jonathan Hamon lived in Antrim Walke, Lisburn, and in 1699 William Hamon also. In 1765 Frederick Hannon emigrated
to Pennsylvania, and Hamons are found there and in Louisiana to-day. Some Hamons in time became Hammonds, but not all Hammonds came from the Hamon family. In the parochial visitation of 1820 a Captain Hamon lived in Market Square, Lisburn.
Few Herves settled in Lisburn, and those who did were late comers, with two exceptions, Robert Here in Ballinderry in 1685 and John Herve and
his wife and children, John and Sarah in 1686. The Rev. Thomas Herve was a pastor of the Huguenot church of Les Grecs in Charing
Cross Road and his descendants still use the French spelling and pronunciation. The name appears in the Lambeg register of 1772 and 1773 when Elizabeth daughter of David Herve was baptised followed by her brother David. The name was possibly turned into Hervey but there seems to be no way of telling where and how.
In the Hertford rent roll of 1684 there is a John Jardin, and a Captain le Jardin is on the pay list of Colonel du Cambon's Regiment in Lisburn in 1690. Then a gap, after which a Christopher
Jardin made his will in Lisburn in 1850, but the Jardin family seems to have left Lisburn after this time. There are Jardins in Ulster who look for Huguenot ancestors but it seems that they are of Norman stock, gradually coming north and now mainly settled in the border country of Scotland, becoming a clan, the Chief of which lives near Dumfries.
In 1712 Soloman Le Blanc and Marie Barault were married in Dublin. Solomon
Le Blanc was a merchant of Lisburn and first appeared in the pay list of
Schomberg's Regiment of Horse in 1690. There is no further mention of him in Lisburn and it is thought that they went to Portarlington. In 1791 John Le Blanc married Jane Hughes in St Anne's Belfast. There is a possibility that the name Le Blanc was changed to White.
In 1675 Anthony Le Roy was a churchwarden in Lisburn Cathedral and Lieutenant Le Roy is listed in the Huguenot regiments pension list in 1695. It is thought the name is now
The Mangin family were a well known Huguenot family in Ireland. They came from Lorraine where Etienne Mangin, the founder of the Protestant family was born and from there they moved to Meaux en Brie,
ten miles from Paris. His grandson, Abraham, was known as the Merchant of Metz, and Abraham's son Louis (1647-1718) was also born in Metz. He became a banker and married Jeanne Crommelin, a first cousin of Louis Crommelin. About the time of the Revocation he moved to Berlin, but later went to Lisburn to join the Crommelin family in 1715. Louis Mangin died there three years later. His son, Paul, was a soldier who came to Lisburn and married his second wife, another refugee,
Anne Henrietta d'Aulis De La Lande. In the baptismal record of Lisburn Cathedral, signed by Charles De La Valade, are two children of Paul Mangin, Alexander and Samuel Henry, in 1736. They later moved to Dublin, where Paul Margin died, but during his life time Captain Paul Margin always kept in touch with his Lisburn relations. Paul's daughter married Samuel Lewis Crommelin. His son, Samuel Henry Mangin (1736-1798) also became a soldier, becoming a Lieutenant Colonel in the 12th Dragoons. He also married a Huguenot, but their son left Ireland and all links with Lisburn were broken.
There are many families with this name and it is difficult to separate Huguenots from Anglo Norman or English and Irish sources. Dr Purdon shows the name in 1698 and in 1723 John Martine appears in the rent book of the French colony, but after this it is too uncertain to say which is Huguenot.
This family is classified as "Foreign Protestants" and it is thought that they were expelled from Luxembourg before the flow of French refugees arrived. In 1675 James Mussen married Anna Burrowes and had four sons. Their eldest son, James, was born in 1690 and his son, James married Deborah Richardson, who was a Quaker. Their eldest son became the Rev. John Mussen, Vicar of Magheragall, (1825-1845), who in turn had three sons the youngest going to New Zealand. His son, born in Dunedin in 1872, became Sir Gerald Mussen. There are many branches of the Mussen family in Lisburn, Derriaghy, Drumbo,
Dromara, and in Ontario, Canada.
Nobletts were early immigrants, mainly from Northern France, particularly from Paris and Rouen. Some were watchmakers, some musicians, and some became involved in the linen business. The earliest Noblett refugees came to England, then to Dublin, but by 1689 a John Noblett and his son, John, were living in Lambeg. John Noblett also had three daughters, Mary,
Elizabeth and Anne.
Nobletts emigrated to Philadelphia, New York, Virginia, Indiana, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. In Holland the old registers of the French speaking Walloon Churches contain more than forty entries of people bearing the name Noblett, and the American Military Records have also many entries of
In 1709 there is a single entry of a James Fosse in the Lisburn records. However it is believed that the first Refausse came to Lisburn in the Williamite Army in 1689, who later served in Scotland, and then returned to Lisburn to marry. The descendants of this soldier still live in Lisburn.
The name is thought to have come from Rene, some of whom were early settlers in Lambeg. In 1692 George and William Rainey lived in Derriaghy, and later other Raineys came to live in Knockbreda , Lisburn and Belfast The name is found in Presbyterian records, showing their allegiance to the Calvanist tradition.

This name may be traced originally to an Italian family of Seffredinghi, who went from Lucca in north west Italy to live in Provence. There the name changed to Suffredi and in time to Suffren. When Antoine de Suffren married in Aix the family had become French and Antoine sufficiently established to be a member of the local Parliament. He had five children, three of whom were sons. The third son,
Trophine de Suffren, born about 1620 became a Protestant, as his father's sympathies had been
with Henry of Navarre and against the League, (Union of the French Court, the Pope and the De Guise family). Trophine
left France and came to England, being now thought to be the founder of the Suffern families of England, Ireland, America and Australia. Trephine had
three sons, one of them, James, born in 1670 near St Cannat in Provence, came to
the North of Ireland. His brother William founded the American family.
James Suffren's son, also called James, was born in 1704 but little is known of
him except that he had a son Benjamin and was buried in Cumlin. Benjamin built a house that can still be seen near Bellaghy, with a stone above the
door marked `Benjamin Suffrin, June 4, 1789'. His son George Suffren, born in 1780 was a weaver farmer and
his descendants still live in the Maghera area.
Benjamin's brother, James Suffren settled in Antrim and later moved to Belfast, becoming a prosperous merchant. He was one of the people who gave money to build Rosemary Street Presbyterian Church. His descendants now live in Belfast, Australia and America.
In 1690 Captain Tremulette was in Colonel Caillemotte's Regiment and in 1728 Elizabeth Tremulette married Noah Ladrue. In 1732 James Tremodette, a merchant of Lisburn, died. There are apparently no further references to this family.
It is thought that the Vint family came from France before the Revocation and have a history of involvement in the linen trade. In 1668 Robert Vint lived in Magheragall and his daughter Isabel was christened in Lisburn. The family has been faithful to the Calvinist tradition and there are many Vints living in areas around Lisburn, Belfast and Co. Down.
Some of these names I have found only in Dr Purdon's list, so I have included them, as he saw the list of the
original colony.

Alderduis |
present name |
Alderdice |
Amonet |
Ballard |
Balmier |
present name |
Balmer |
Barbault |
Battier |
Blanchard |
Bonard |
Bonet |
present name |
Bonny |
Boucher |
Boullmer |
present name |
Bulmer, Boomer |
Boulay |
Boys |
present name |
Boyes |
Brethet |
Bringuier |
Burdy |
Camelin |
present name |
Camblin |
Chaine |
Chartres |
Cinnamont |
present name |
Cinnamond |
Cloquet |
Colbert |
Concance |
Cordiner |
present name |
Cordner |
Crommelin |
Dalton |
De Berniere |
De Brequet |
present name |
Breakey |
De Cherries |
present name |
Cherry |
De La Cherois |
De La Valade |
present name |
Lavalade |
De Leuze |
De Lille |
present name |
Lilley, Lillie |
Desbrisay |
De Vaques |
present name |
Devanny |
Deyermond |
present name |
Dorman |
Drufan |
Druitt |
present name |
Drewit |
Du Bourdieu |
Du Faure |
Dupre |
Frizze |
present name |
Frizzelle |
Foquy |
Fouguard |
Garrett |
Gaston |
Geneste |
Getaby |
Gillet |
Gothard |
Goyer |
Guerin |
Guillot |
Haddan |
Hamon |
Hannette |
present name |
Annet |
Hautenville |
Hignet |
Jellet |
Labaty |
Le Bas |
present name |
Bass |
Le Blanc |
present name |
White |
Le Roy |
present name |
King |
Maies Mayes |
Mangin |
Martine |
Matchette |
present name |
Matchet |
Menuret |
present name |
Menary |
Mussen |
Noblet |
Perrin |
Pilon |
Re Fasse |
present name |
Refausse |
Rene |
present name |
Rainey |
Reynette |
St Clair |
Saurin |
Soulier |
Sufferin |
present name |
Suffren |
Tenner |
Testard |
Teuton |
Toucher |
Tremulette |
Trufault |
Valentin |
Vint |
Wolfenden |
De La Cherois |
to |
Corni?e |
Blacquicre |
to |
Varennes |
Du Bourdieu |
to |
De La Valade |
Du Bourdieu |
to |
Massey |
Hautenville |
to |
Jaffrey |
Goyer |
to |
Du Faur |
Goyer |
to |
Ferrier |
Goyer |
to |
sevigny |
Rochet |
to |
Maslin |
Rochet |
to |
Du Faur |
Saurin |
to |
La Bretonierre |
Guerin |
to |
Vidale |
Desbrisay |
to |
Boileau |
Mangin |
to |
De La Lmde |
Tremulette |
to |
Ladrue |
Fontaine |
to |
Guillot |

In four generations the French immigrants had become assimilated.
AGNEW, REVD.C., French Protestant Exiles. London 1886.
BARR,W N.C. & KERR, W C.(Ed), The Oldest Register of the Parish of
Derriaghy, 1696-1772, Lisburn 1981.
BEGLEY, DONAL F., Irish Genealogy, Heraldic Artists Ltd., Dublin.
BENN, G,. History of the Town of Belfast, London, 1877.
BURDY, SAMUEL, The Life of Philip Skelton, Dublin, 1792.
CALDICOTT; C E J, GOUGH H, PITTION J P, (Ed), The Huguenots and Ireland,
Dublin, 1987.
CARMODY, REV.W P., Lisburn Cathedral and it's Past Rectors, Belfast 1926
CHILDS, JOHN, History of the English Army of William III.
COLLINS, WILLIAM, Histrory of Europe, HA.L.Fisher 1935
COMBE. REV J.C., Huguenots in the Ministry of the Churches in Ireland, Thesis for
Ph.D., 1970
CRAWFORD, WH., The Hand loom Weavers and the Ulster Linen Industry, Belfast, 1972.
CROMMELIN, LOUIS. Essay towards the improving of the Hempen and Flaxen
Manufactures of the Kingdom of Ireland, Dublin, 1705.
DUBOURDIEU, REV. WJ., Baby on her Back, privately printed, 1967.
ELLIS, PETER BERESFORD, The Boyne Water, 1976.
FFOLLIOTT R., The Pooles of Cork, 1956.
FLEMING, ARNOLD, Huguenot Influence in Scotland Glasgow, 1953.
FUTON,J T., Roads of County Down 1600-1900, Ph.D. Thesis, 1972.
GILL, CONRAD, The Rise of the Irish Linen Industry, Oxford, 1925.
GIMLETTE, THOMAS, The Huguenot Settlers in Ireland, privately published,
Waterford, 1888.
GREEN, E. R. R, The Industrial Archeology of County Down. H.M.S.O., 1963.
GRIBBON, H.D., The History of water in Ulster, David & Charles, Newton Abbott, 1969
GWYNN, ROBIN D., Huguenot Heritage. London, 1985.
HILL, CHRISTOPER, God's Englishman.
LART, C.E., "Huguenot Pedigrees", London, 1924,
Lee, G.L., Huguenot Settlements in Ireland, 1936. Reprint, Baltimore, 1993.
LEHMAN, A.G., The European Heritage, Guild Publishing, London.
LOWRY, REVJ.W S., The French Huguenot, in Ireland Their Strugqles and
Influences, Toronto, 1925.
MACKEY, BRIAN, (Ed.), The Huguenot, & Ulster 1685-1985. Exhibition Catalogue, Lisburn Museum, 1985.
MARSHALL, REY.H.C., Parish of Lambeg Lisburn, 1933.
McCALL, HUGH, Our Staple Manufacturers, Belfast, 1865.
PURDON, CHARLES DE LA CHEROIS, The Huguenot Colony at Lisburn, in Ulster Journal of Archeology, Series
1 Vol.1. 1853. Vol.2, 1859.
ROPER H. TREVOR, The Golden Age of Europe. London.
YOUNG, ARTHUR. "A Tour in Ireland". (1776-1778). Cambridge, 1925.

1 |
At one time a suitor to Queen Elizabeth I of England, and the origin of the jingle "A Frog he would a wooing go". |
2 |
Henry IV's second wife Marie de Medici became Regent The administration was left for some time in the hands of the old Ministers of Henry
IV and the transition went surprisingly smoothly, but 1616 saw the young Bishop
Richelieu begin his rise to power, and his mistrust of the Huguenots was nor propitious. |
3 |
God's Englishman by Christopher Hill. |
4 |
Stouppe was a pastor at the Huguenot Church in Threadneedle Street, London from 1652-1666, when he
was required to leave the country, being suspected of having acted as an international agent
for Cromwell He was probably instrumental in bringing about the Anglo French Alliance between
Mazarin and Cromwell, though he may have acted as a double agent, receiving money from the French. |
5 |
The story of Jean Migault and his family a told by Dr Gwynn in 'Huguenot Heritage" illustrates what happened during the Dragonards to ordinary people. The
Migaults were visited by Dragoon with billeting orders; they made themselves at home and demanded an enormous dinner. Then
four more soldiers arrived, also menacing. Fortunately, a Catholic priest and neighbours, who had no liking for such behaviour connived at the escape of the Migault Family. Madame Migault died, but news leaked back
that their sons had escaped to Germany. Holland and America. They eventually escaped from La Rochelle and reached Holland. |
6 |
History of Huguenot Settlements in Ireland by Rev
Thomas Gimlett |
7 |
To be Found in the linen Hall Library |
8 |
History of the English army of William III. John Childs |
9 |
Despatch in the London Gazette., 1689. |
10 |
History of the English Army of
William III, John Childs. |
11 |
Dr Purdon's History of the Huguenots in the Ulster Journal of Archeology |
12 |
The Boyne Water by Peter Beresford Ellis. |
13 |
The De la Cherois Family. |
14 |
Hilden is thought to be the name of the original home of the weavers who lived
there. |
15 |
The History of Water Power in Ulster, H.D.Gribbon. |
16 |
Lisburn Cathedral Magazine quoted in Lisburn Historical Society
Journal |
