Again, we can sense the spirit of delight
experienced by all present as expressed in the closing words of the
Minutes -
'Thus the meeting ended and Bro. Bailie
closed with the Benediction, it being agreed by those present
that it was one of the most uplifting meetings they had ever

A notable day in the annals of the church took place
one Lord's Day in July, 1932 when farewell services were held for
Mr. Stanley Reid before his departure to Peru as a missionary with
the Irish Baptist Foreign Mission. His service for The Lord in South
Peru lasted for thirty-eight years. He married Miss Kathleen McCord
in 1935. She too, was a missionary to Peru with the I.B.F.M. and
together they made a major contribution to the work serving in Puno,
Juliaca and Tacna, until their retirement in 1970. Mr. Reid
commenced radio ministry in Tacna which was effective in bringing
the Gospel to those listeners who might not otherwise have heard the
way of salvation. He wrote a booklet which is still in print
entitled, `Public Enemy No. 1" in which he warned against and
attacked the evils of strong drink. A tract exposing the errors of
Seventh Day Adventism also came from his pen and was used by the
Peruvian churches.
As a tireless worker he made many sacrifices to
serve the Master he loved and was always ready to help others
engaged in The Lord's service. Following his death a missionary with
another society in Peru wrote - "Reid could never do enough for
weary travellers"
Mr. Stanley Reid, the first missionary from our
church held strong Christian and Baptist convictions and was
"earnest to contend for the faith which was once delivered to the
saints." He was courageous in the face of hardship, steadfast at
times of opposition, and, determined and cheerful in discouragement.
Above all, he loved his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whom he
trusted early in life and served enthusiastically. Even in
retirement in the land of his birth he was still a missionary as a
colporteur and in door-to-door visitation until the Lord called him
home to Himself on 6 March 1980.
Like all churches without a Pastor, our church
relied upon Pastors of other churches and experienced preachers to
maintain the ministry of God's Word at Lord's Day services. We find,
too, that when Pastor William Wilson ministered in Portadown Baptist
Church, he conducted Bible Studies in Lisburn on Wednesday evenings
for some weeks in 1932. Other men served the Lord in this way.
The church also called upon outside help in business
matters. Mr. E. G. Combe, an accountant, one of the original members
of the Haypark Avenue Baptist Church, Belfast, who was recognised as
an able Bible teacher and preacher, was invited to be chairman of a
church meeting on 4 December 1933. No explanation for this decision
is given, but, he continued for some considerable time afterwards to
chair meetings of office-b0earers and the church. Reliance, too, was
placed upon the advice of Pastor Fraser who was then Secretary of
the Baptist Union of Ireland. Two former Presidents of the Union,
Alderman W. J. Chambers, Belfast and Mr J. H. Corbett, Portadown
were helpful in business sessions. So too, was Pastor David Burrows.

The First pastor - A E G Priestley
The need for a settled Pastor was recognised and,
although there are no records leading up to the decision, the
Minutes show that, at a meeting held on 22 July 1934 when seventeen
members were present, a unanimous call was made to Pastor Warke,
who, at that time was Pastor of Phibsboro Baptist Church, Dublin.
The Minutes of the meeting say: -
"The church undertakings were read to the meeting
which included payment of ?50 per annum to the Pastor, all our
instalments to the Loan and Building Fund on due dates 25th April
and 25th October ?12.10.00 each half-year."
A footnote to the Minutes adds that Pastor Burrows
supported by Alderman Chambers had presided. He made it clear that
the cost of the Pastor's removal would have to be borne by the
church. There is no reference to Pastor Warke's reply to the
invitation but, it would seem that a swift answer had been made,
for, at a meeting on 20 August 1934 - less that one month after the
decision to call him -
'It was unanimously agreed to have a Church
meeting on Sunday 9th September. The Secretary was instructed to
write to Pastor Fraser and find if it would be in order to have a
Church Meeting after the service, and, if not, to have one on Monday
10th September, the object being to take steps for the appointment
of a Pastor for the church."
Again, events moved swiftly because:
"A special meeting of committee was held on 22nd
October, 1934 the object being to make arrangements for the
installation of Pastor Priestley."
Albert Eric G. Priestley, the first Pastor of
Lisburn Baptist Church, was inducted on Lord's Day, 28 October 1934.
He was born in Belfast in 1904 and attended St. Mary Magdalene
Parish Church. His conversion took place at a mission in Belfast in
April 1927. After leaving his employment as a joiner in the shipyard
in 1928, he went to America and worked with the Jewish mission in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Later that year he was baptised in a
Baptist Church in New Jersey and, in September of the following
year, was enrolled as a student of the Moody Bible Institute,
Chicago. After graduating in December 1932, he became field
representative for the American Board of Missions to the Jews. It
was on a visit to Ireland in 1934 he was called to the Pastorate in
Lisburn. In December of that year he was married to Miss Frieda D.
Koester in Milltown Baptist Church when Pastor James Shields
It is interesting to note that during his Pastorate
a branch of the Women's Auxiliary was formed in 1938. The Auxiliary
later changed its name to the Baptist Women's Fellowship. So, for
more that fifty-four years the ladies of our church have met
regularly to pray for and support missionaries at home and
throughout the world. Fruitful gospel missions included those of Mr.
James McKendrick, who was then a well-known Scottish Evangelist, in
1935 and Gipsy John Hawkins in 1939.

There was great sadness in the church when Pastor
Priestley died at the early age of thirty-six on 7 December 1940. He
left a widow and two young children - one aged four and the other
three. Pastor Priestley was a faithful Pastor, an eloquent preacher
and a man who loved the missionary cause especially amongst Jews
since he had commenced his service for the Lord evangelising them.
He had scholarly gifts and ability and was proficient in Hebrew.
His memory lingers in the hearts of the now small
number who were present during his ministry in Lisburn
Pastor Priestley's early death brought sorrow to the
church and his pastoral care was sadly missed. There was loving
sympathy and concern for his widow and her two infant children.
Although the membership was small and financial resources were very
limited, the church endeavoured faithfully to sustain them in
obedience the scriptural command, "to visit the fatherless and
widows in their affliction."
Those were days of national uncertainty and
difficulty, the war being in its second year. Food was scarce and
rationed. Clothes rationing soon followed. Most necessities were
scarce and difficult to obtain. Streets were unlit and it was
forbidden to allow even a chink of light to shine put of a window
because of air raid precautions. These conditions and dismal war
news made life extremely difficult - especially for those with young
It is not surprising, then, that Mrs. Priestley
longed to return to America She showed exceptional courage in making
that hazardous journey acros the Atlantic with two small children
when ships were being sunk almost daily by enemy submarines. This
very moving account of her departure from Lisburn is included in the
church minute book: -
On Lord's Day morning August 19, 1942 the members of
this assembly presented to Mrs. Priestley the wife of our late
beloved Pastor, a little gift in token of the high esteem and
respect the Saints held for her. Our Sister, believing it to be the
word s will was going shortly to her native land America. The gift
was handed over by Mr. Coulter. Mrs. Priestley replying (through
tears) thanked the church for the gift. She also appreciated the
Saints for the way which they had received her, though a stranger;
saying also that it was hard to part with all. She could bring
nothing with her but memories. This touching scene was brought to a
close by our brother Samuel Sloan commending our sister and her
children to the Lord's Grace."
In later years, while writing her life's history for
the benefit of her grandchildren, Mrs. Priestley gave the following
account of her experiences among the people of Lisburn Baptist
Church: -
" The congregation was not large; but there was
quality. They were warm friendly people. All of them gladly
accepted the foreigner, and I reciprocated. At the end of our
first year we moved into a home beside the church. I liked it
that close. From our front walk, we looked to the left and saw
the beauty of the land. Off about three miles was a height,
named `Colin Mountain'...
After fifteen months, a baby boy came into our
midst. David was born on a Saturday noon, the 29th of February,
1936. He was "a bonny child" and grew normally. Babies were not
taken to church in Ireland, so the parishioners wondered when I
took mine with me. We did well. Virginia made her entrance
without fanfare on the evening of "Pancake Tuesday" (the day
before Lent begins) - which in 1937 was February 9 ...
Shortly after Virginia was born, we encountered
friends of the Priestley family. The elderly matron stopped
attending the Episcopal church and started to come to our
services in Lisburn. Then she took the fancy to present my
husband with a car. This made pastoral visitation in the
community much easier; and it made it possible for him to hold
tent meetings in villages elsewhere during the summer months...
The Sunday School did not have a Christmas
program, but the custom was to have a "tea" once a year at which
time the children got treats and all received a book of some
sort as recognition for their attendance. A summer fete for the
Sunday School children was to be taken on the bus to the beach
for a day. After their play, they were served a meal and then
rode the bus home to Lisburn. Otherwise, the Baptist churches in
Ireland had no special days."

The need for prayer has always been stressed and so
it is interesting to note that, on 15 January 1941 it was decided to
hold a prayer meeting on Lord's Day mornings from eleven o'clock.
Happily, this Godly exercise still continues.
Discussions and prayer concerning the pastorate led
to the choice of Mr. A. Olley who was inducted on 5 June 1943. His
term was very brief ending just two months later on 15 August.
Pastor Olley tendered his resignation owing to ill health. It is
"The church could do nothing but receive this with
good grace and so closes another chapter in the history of our
A most noteworthy event took place in September
1943. This was the clearing of the debt on the building when the
final instalment of ?28.10s 0d accompanied by a thank offering of
?10.0s.Od was paid to the Baptist Union of Ireland.
Some years earlier the church had severed its
membership with the Baptist Union of Ireland but, in September 1943
this position was reconsidered. Careful thought over the following
months led to a special meeting with representatives from the Union
on Saturday 22 April 1944. The minutes state: -
"The Union were to understand that no
interference would be tolerated in the local government of the
assembly. They were also asked to define their attitude to the
verbal inspiration of God's Word; do they teach it in their
College and what steps have they taken to refute the charges
brought against Principal Spurgeon by A. Olley?"
These questions having been put by Mr. Samuel Sloan,
the Minutes continue: -
A full and satisfactory answer was given to
all and a lot of misunderstanding was cleared up after which our
visitors hoped that the forthcoming May meetings would see
Lisburn Baptist taking her place in the Union of Baptist
Churches and thus help to present a united front to the world.
Our friends also expressed their appreciation of the way in
which they were received and remarked that in Lisburn they had
been received more graciously than in any place they had
hitherto visited."
Afterwards, the business meeting of the church took
place when -
"It was proposed by Mr. Larmour and seconded
by Mr. Totten that we again enter the Union. All the members
agreed with the exception of one who refrained from voting"
The church has since remained in the Baptist Union
of Ireland. A church meeting was held on 9 August 1944 when approval
for support of the Irish Baptist Orphan Society was given. This
Society has continued to receive generous contributions from the
church for its work of caring for widows and orphans in our churches
and is deeply grateful for the long and regular assistance given by
the church at Lisburn. The next church meeting was held on Saturday
26 December 1944, when it was unanimously agreed to support the
Irish Baptist Foreign Mission and the Irish Baptist Home Mission.
Now known as Baptist Missions, with missionaries in Peru, France,
Spain and Ireland, the church is a wholehearted and enthusiastic
supporter in spreading the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in these

The Lisburn congregation in 2001 |
The interior of the original church
building in Tonagh Avenue |
Reaching out With the Gospel
Evangelism has taken a most important place in the
witness of this church and many Gospel missions have been held. When
the church met on Saturday 26 December 1944 at 4.00pm (note the time
and date) the need of a mission was stressed and it was thought
advisable that this should be conducted by Mr. H.H. Orr who was an
evangelist with the Irish Baptist Home Mission. Arrangements and
obligations for the mission were accepted by the church and three
hundred invitations were distributed throughout the district which
was then less densely populated than now. There was blessing in the
mission and it is joyful to record that fruit from the sowing of the
good seed of God's Word by Mr. Orr in the Spring of 1945 still
remains with us.
The Gospel was spread not only by special
efforts, but also by the steady and regular distribution of 250
tracts every month. This was a commendable and worthy example to

The Third Pastor
Although the membership was small the need and
desire for a Pastor was keenly felt, but lack of funds stood in the
way of proceeding in this direction. However, hope that this
difficulty could be overcome was expressed at a church business
meeting on 13 January 1946 when it was announced that a scheme was
being prepared by the Baptist Union of Ireland to assist small
churches by supplying their evangelists to take care of the work on
occasions. It was agreed to write to the Union and ask their help in
filling the pastoral vacancy.
There was a swift response, for a letter from the
Union was read to the church on Saturday 27 April 1946 offering the
services of Mr. Joshua Thompson (whom many of the members had
previously heard) for a period of six months commencing June 1946.
The appointment of Mr. Thompson was approved and passed by the
meeting when the need for special prayer and co-operation by the
members was impressed upon all present.
A meeting to welcome Mr. Thompson to the Pastorate
for six months took place on Saturday 1 June 1946. Pastor John Ravey
presided and after a hymn, prayer and reading from the Word,
introduced Mr. Thompson to the church with words of wisdom and
advice to both. The Church Secretary, Mr. Alex Totten on behalf of
the church, welcomed Mr. Thompson and gave him the charge, reading
from I Timothy 4: 12-16. Mr. Thompson replied briefly giving his
testimony and call to the Lord's work The meeting was addressed by
Pastor H. H. Orr who, in speaking from 1 Corinthians 3 contrasted
spiritual Christians with carnal Christians and urged all present to
avoid carnality in all its forms and to seek at all times to be
When the six months ended, the Home Mission extended
their period of support till the end of May 1947. Also, it was
decided that the Pastor's salary should be raised by ?6 per annum to
?156. The church was asked to raise the full amount of the increase
over the next six months (i.e. ?3). Even allowing for the vast
difference in the value of money today as compared with 1946, Pastor
Thompson's commencing salary of less than ?3 per week was pitiful.
His appointment on a permanent basis, subject to the support of the
Home Mission, was confirmed at a meeting on 16 February 1947.
Special meetings to welcome Mr. Thompson as Pastor were held on
Lord's Day 18 and Monday 19 May 1947.
The Lord blessed Pastor Thompson's ministry of
the Word and his pastoral care of the congregation. Attendance at
the services increased to about sixty in the morning and eighty at
the evening gospel services. At that time a common cup was used at
the Lord's Supper and a second one had to be brought into use. It is
interesting to note too that Deacons replaced a committee early in
1947 and that half-yearly business meetings were instituted. The
Sunday School increased both in the number of pupils and teachers
and our custom of holding anniversary services for the Sunday School
began. Mr. James Armstrong conducted a gospel mission in 1947 with
much blessing and again we gladly mention that fruits from that
mission still remain. Pastor Thompson drew up a Rule Book with hints
to members and part of his work is incorporated in our present one.
The heavy duties falling upon Pastor F. H. Forbes as
Secretary of The Baptist Union of Ireland as well as of The Home
Mission, the Foreign Mission and The Orphan Society imposed a severe
strain upon his health and the need of assistance was recognised.
Pastor Thompson whose gifts were evident was invited to become
Assistant Secretary and at a meeting on 25 June 1949 informed the
church that he would be assisting Pastor Forbes in clerical work in
the office and also in spiritual ministry in the Churches. In
September he announced that his ministry in Lisburn would terminate
in three months. He succeeded Pastor Forbes who died suddenly in
1952 and Pastor Thompson then served for twenty-five years as
General Secretary of the Baptist Union of Ireland. A review of the
year 1949 showed that thirteen members had been added, thus bringing
the membership to forty-one.
Pastor Thompson's Lisburn ministry is recalled
with sincere thanksgiving to the Lord.

Upon learning of Pastor Thompson's acceptance of the
call to serve with the Baptist Union of Ireland, steps were taken
immediately to avoid, if possible, a long pastoral vacancy. Not only
were names of prospective pastors considered, but approaches were
made to some to see if they would consider a call and,
astonishingly, the house at 77 Warren Gardens, Lisburn was purchased
as a manse. The price was ?1,100, but, when it is considered that
total weekly offerings at that time were less than five pounds a
week, we must conclude that the deacons were men of strong faith in
recommending the church to buy the house even though they had no
idea as to when a pastor would occupy it or who he would be.
A special church meeting was held on 6 September
1950, when nineteen members were present. They agreed unanimously
that a call to the pastorate should be given to Mr. George F.
Blayney. The report of the church secretary for the year 1950
referred to these two notable events - the purchase of the manse and
the calling of Pastor Blayney whom he described as "one who will
prove to be a tree of life in our midst" (Proverbs 13:12). Mr.
Blayney, who since 1949 had been on the staff of the European
Christian Mission, became the Pastor in Lisburn in January 1951.
Just over a year later, on 27 January 1952 Mr. Blayney tendered his
resignation having accepted a call from the Ballymena church. After
prayerfully considering all the circumstances he believed this to be
the will of God.
During his ministry he arranged for the first Easter
Tuesday conference which was held in 1952. These conferences became
an annual and well-attended event for twenty-five years. The Minutes
also record that, at a members' meeting held on 22 November 1951,
after stating his convictions concerning who should serve at the
Lord's Table, the church resolved that office-bearers only should do
so. This has since been the practice in Lisburn. During his short
pastorate, five persons were baptised and seven were added to the
membership which stood at forty-seven when he concluded his
pastorate on 27 April 1952.
Two important decisions were made at a meeting held
on 26 February 1953. The first was to sell the manse at 77 Warren
Gardens. The other was to call Mr. John A. McCrea to the pastorate.
Mr. McCrea's letter of acceptance was read to the church on Lord's
Day, 26 April 1953 and his ministry commenced in September of that
He came to Lisburn with a long and wide experience
in The Lord's Service having first served for eighteen years with
the Belfast City Mission, then as Pastor of Kilkeel Baptist Church
and as an Evangelist with The Irish Baptist Home Mission. He
pioneered Baptist witness in County Fermanagh which led to the
formation of Stonepark Baptist Church.
Pastor McCrea was an ardent evangelist with a
passion for souls. He preached with uncompromising boldness and
unwearied zeal and the blessing of the Lord was evident from the
very commencement of his ministry. The following report on his first
year in Lisburn appeared in the "Irish Baptist": -
"Another milestone in the history of Lisburn
Church was passed when the Anniversary and Thanksgiving Services
were held on October 3rd and 4th, 1954.
The services on the Lord's Day were conducted by
the Pastor, the church being filled to capacity. On the Monday
evening, Pastors H. H. Orr and J. Irvine ministered with great
acceptance to a large audience.
In thanking the office-bearers, church members
and friends for their support and loyal co-operation, the Pastor
gave a brief review of the past year. The year, he said, had
under the guidance of God, been one of marked progress in every
department of the work. He was glad to say that over thirty
adults had professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as
a number of young people in the Sunday School and children's
meeting. Twenty-five believers had been baptised and
thirty-seven new members had been received into the church. This
surely was the seal of God upon the efforts put forth in His
Name and called not only for much thanksgiving, but also for
much humiliation and rededication of all their lives to the Lord
and His service. In addition to the weekly activities of the
church, special missions were held in which Pastor Irvine of
Dromore took a large share, and here again the Lord was pleased
to bless and souls were saved. One of the most outstanding
meetings of the year had been the "Women's Bright Hour" a weekly
Gospel Meeting under the auspices of the WA. Under God this
meeting had been a great blessing to large numbers of women as
well as a great asset to the church. "Thanking God for all that
is past we take fresh courage for the future and in His name are
venturing into new fields of activities, including a number of
cottage meetings, to be in the charge of our young people. Our
motive in every effort is the glory of Christ in the salvation
of souls, and that in a small way we might fulfil the Lord's
commission to us, `Go out into the highways and hedges, and
compel them to come in, that My house may be filled."
God blessed the efforts of his servant in Lisburn
and there were sad hearts when he announced that he had accepted a
call to a Baptist Church in Toronto. As he reviewed the three and a
half years of his Lisburn pastorate, he mentioned that, when he
came, the membership was forty-six and had grown to one hundred and
eight; a church hall had been erected, the church had become
financially self-supporting and the Women's Bright Hour Gospel
Meeting had commenced and was established. He declared, "Surely the
Lord has done great things."
His final services in Lisburn were held on Lord's
Day 17 February 1957. Some ten years later when the church was
looking forward expectantly to his first return visit to Ireland the
sad news of his sudden home call reached us.
His ministry was honoured of The Lord and only
eternity will reveal how many came to the Saviour and how others
grew in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Three months after the departure of Pastor McCrea to
Canada, the half-yearly church business meeting was held on 26 June,
1957 when the members considered the recommendation from the deacons
"that Pastor J. J. Baxter should be invited to take over the
pastorate of the Lisburn Church." The record states, "the
proposition was passed". Pastor Baxter who commenced his ministry in
Lisburn on Lord's Day 22 December, 1957 continued until 30 October,
1968 before leaving to become Pastor of Memorial Baptist Church,
Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
A Banbridge man, he prepared for the Lord's service
at the Bible Training Institute, in Glasgow and afterwards worked as
an evangelist in England, Scotland and Ireland. Later he became
Superintendent of a branch of the Railway Mission in Birmingham.
Following these callings he pastored the church at Londonderry for
ten years and, after that was pastor of the Magherafelt church
before accepting the call to Lisburn.
Pastor Baxter loved the gospel and preached with
fervour. As congregations increased, it was necessary to enlarge the
original building by an extension at the rear measuring thirty feet
long and fifteen feet wide. This was known as the Minor Hall and was
used for prayer meetings, Sunday School and Bible Classes and by the
Youth Fellowship. When the present building was erected the Minor
Hall was made into the church kitchen.
That Mr. Baxter was a diligent pastor can be seen
from a report showing that in one month he had visited 145 homes
travelling mainly by foot. Since he never had a car he used his
bicycle or public transport for pastoral and hospital visitations.
It was largely due to Pastor Baxter's foresight that
we now have our present building and car parking facilities. The
need for a bigger meeting place was apparent, but it was he who saw
that the site was too small for a more commodious building. So, when
three houses on Longstone Street with their long gardens running
down to our property came up for sale, he urged the church to
purchase them. This was done in September 1964. The following year
when another adjoining house came on the market he again realised
that the opportunity to purchase should not be missed so that one
day a church building with a frontage to Longstone Street could be
erected. Earlier still, in September 1958 a substantial part of the
ground which is now our car park was acquired through his influence.
Here we can see how the Lord has guided the church.
Business men, banks and shop keepers had not the foresight of Mr.
Baxter and later, they would willingly have bought these four houses
from the church at prices far in excess of what the church had paid
for them.
Again, as we look back further still, the guiding
hand of the Lord can be discerned through difficult and discouraging
times when some thought that the wrong site had been chosen at the
beginning. The Minutes of a meeting held on 26 December 1944 written
by Mr. Alex Totten who was then Secretary have this entry: -
"The site on which the church is built was
deplored by the committee but in the meantime nothing can be
done about it."
Then, in June 1945 he wrote: -
"We were glad to know that the proposed road
was to go ahead, Mr Coulter remarking that he felt quite
relieved seeing he was one of those who had the church where it
is; the way at last opening up."
The development of Lisburn and surrounding district
after the 1939-45 war leading to its greatly increased population
and travelling by cars called for larger church premises together
with adequate car parking facilities. Pastor Baxter should ever be
remembered and his memory honoured for his wisdom in bringing the
church office-bearers and members to grasp the chance to acquire the
site even though so many years were to pass before the new building
was erected.
Sadly, it has to be recorded, unhappy divisions
compelled Mr. Baxter to tender his resignation on 1 September 1968.
A recital of the events preceding that day would be contrary to his
written expressed wish that - "we endeavour to forget those
happenings, but not its lessons, and to seek true unity and humility
born of God."
There was a lengthy pastoral vacancy from the end of
September 1968 until February 1972. Even so, attendances at the
services continued to grow and new members were added frequently. At
that time, Lisburn had been designated by the Government as a growth
area and the church benefited numerically by those who had come to
live in the new housing developments.
Mr. Alexander Russell, J.P., a founder member of the
Portadown church and an ex-president of the Baptist Union of
Ireland, who joined the Lisburn church shortly before the vacancy
occurred, was recognised and received as Elder on 21 November 1968.
His long administrative experience and wise counsel were of immense
benefit to the church especially as an expert chairman of church and
office-bearers' meetings. He sometimes conducted the Lord's Day
services and the mid-week prayer meetings when his ministry brought
spiritual enrichment and uplift to the congregation.
Upon retiring as a colporteur with the Irish Baptist
Home Mission after forty-three years of loving and devoted service,
Mr. H. A. Ferguson took up residence in Lisburn and joined the
church. His deep spirituality and gentle disposition, which were so
evident, made him an ideal choice as sick visitor. He undertook this
work with the conscientiousness and sincerity which characterised
the life of this Godly, Christian gentleman.
It is interesting to note that the very hearty
congregational singing was supported by a very old American reed
organ until 30 June 1969 when a Praise Service was held to celebrate
the installation of a Conn electronic instrument.

Meeting the Needs of Youth
Increasing numbers of children and young people
brought repeated requests from parents for a uniformed organisation.
The deacons gave serious consideration to this innovation and agreed
that, since many of our young people were already enrolled in such
organisations in churches of other denominations, and, that as
others intended to follow their example, it would be prudent to
introduce a suitable organisation.
Long and careful consideration of uniformed
organisations in existence was made and discussions took place with
known leaders in them. It became clear that the Campaigners had a
solid Evangelical foundation requiring leaders who professed to be
born again and, that the organisation's objects, which were
epitomised in its motto, "UNTO HIM", would be admirably suited to
our needs.
A report was brought to the church at the
half-yearly meeting on 28 May 1969 when it was agreed that the
Campaigners should be the uniformed organisation. Then, at a special
church meeting on 27 November 1969 detailed information about the
functions of the movement were outlined and also the necessary
spiritual qualifications and dedication of those who should be
appointed for this new venture. There followed an intensive
programme of leadership training over the next few months.
Prospective chiefs who were church members attended courses in our
former church hall, at seminars and at group meetings before passing
written examinations set by the Campaigners to show that they were
qualified to undertake the leadership of young people.
It was, then, with some measure of nervousness, yet
with confidence, that our first Campaigner Chiefs commenced their
useful work in January 1970. Since then, large numbers of young
people have been influenced by dedicated leaders in their weekly
meetings and annual camps. We record our gratitude to those early
chiefs and to all who have succeeded them and to those who now so
enthusiastically lead our Campaigner Clans. Their reward is in
knowing that some who have come through the ranks of the Campaigners
are now faithful followers of the Saviour, and, that others are in
church membership.

The Search for Another Pastor
The need of a Pastor was contin1ually in the mind of
the church office-bearers - especially so, because the deacons had
undertaken the regular visitation of members and adherents. They
were, therefore, closely in touch with the people and their needs.
Much prayer and thought were given to know the will of the Lord
before making a call to Pastor W. L. Hibbert on 9 June 1970. After
careful consideration, Mr. Hibbert believed that he should continue
in the pastorate of the Castlereagh church in Belfast.
Later in the year a Gospel mission was conducted by
Pastor William Mullan. Members and friends worked wholeheartedly in
preparing for the campaign by door-to-door visitation with personal
invitations over a wide area. The two-week mission ended on 6
December 1970.
Two weeks later the church met again to consider a
call to the pastorate. The one whom the deacons proposed was Pastor
J. Garrett who was then pastor of the Dunseverick church Mr. Garrett
considered this carefully and, in March 1971 informed us that, as he
felt the Lord had still work for Him in Dunseverick, he had to
decline our invitation.
At the half-yearly church meeting Mr. Russell said
that the office bearers were very exercised about the pastorate but,
in view of the two previous disappointments, they wished to be wary.
They were, he said, pursuing the question.
Just three months later the church met again at a
special meeting on 28 September 1971, when a call was made out to
Pastor G. A. C. Cardwell who was then serving the Lord in Windsor
Baptist Church, Belfast. Several members in supporting the call said
that they had been praying that the Lord would lead Mr. Cardwell to
Having been without a pastor for over three years,
the church looked forward eagerly to February 1972 when the ministry
of Pastor G. A. C. Cardwell was set to commence. Not least in the
preparations for his coming was the search for a suitable dwelling
house which would be within easy reach of the church building and
convenient to the homes of the congregation. There was much
satisfaction in the decision of the church at a meeting on 7
December 1971 to purchase the house at 22 Magheralave Park East,
Lisburn at a cost of ?8,150. Looking back, we can see that this was
a wise step taken, we believe, in answer to prayer. It was, too, an
excellent financial investment.
The first sermon of Pastor Cardwell's ministry
was preached on Lord's Day morning, 6 February 1972 from the text:
"The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants
will arise and build" (Nehemiah 2:20). Although spiritual building
was the theme of his first sermon as pastor, it was not long before
it was recognised that a larger meeting place was needed to
accommodate the increased numbers attending the services. When the
half-yearly meeting was held on 20 June 1972, two ideas were
considered. The first was to extend the existing building and the
other to erect a new one as soon as possible. It was clear to all
and agreed that a new building was needed.

Let Us Build Again
Following upon this decision the next three years
were spent in intensive and painstaking work in obtaining additional
ground, the purchase of another house in Longstone Street, the
preparation of site plans, the application for and obtaining of
planning permission and many other necessary legal requirements too
numerous, detailed and boring to be enumerated here. However, a
separate record of these important matters has been kept and they
show the conscientious and earnest endeavours made to go forward
with the erection of a building suitable not only for the pressing
needs of that time, but also that future generations would have a
worthy heritage.
A Building Fund had been in existence for some years
and here it is appropriate that appreciation should be expressed to
those who paid into it at times when a new building was like a
dream. A legacy of ?3,330 out of the Estate of a former member, the
late Miss E. McMillen, was received for the building fund in 1964,
but when the church at last proceeded with plans to build, the total
funds on hand amounted only to ?8,880.
Plans were drawn up by our architect, Mr. N.
Adamson from Lurgan and he had considered in 1973 that a building
for our requirements would cost in the region of fifty to sixty
thousand pounds. Later, however, it was evident that the costs could
be at least twice the amount of this estimate.
Faced with the burden of heavy expenditure and
slender resources, it was considered advisable to ask the church for
an offering of at least ?10,000 on Saturday 3 and Lord's Day 4
November 1973 as a pledge of support for the project. The amount
received was ?10,037.14 with promises of more to come!
Increasing congregations made seating arrangements
difficult and uncomfortable. Chairs in the aisle and porch had to be
used and then an entrance was made into the Minor Hall (the present
kitchen) and this was used for extra seating. Those using this area
were facing the wall behind the pulpit. So, mirrors were fixed at
the doorway into it to enable them to see the preacher and, most
important for him, that he could see them.
Even this arrangement was only a temporary
measure for the aisle was still used for seating. This led to the
appointment of Mr. Desmond Black and Dr J. Cupples to consider a way
out of the dilemma pending the time of erecting another building.
Should we purchase a portable hall or again extend the existing
building? This was the problem. The recommendation of these brethren
was accepted by the church and the wall on the left hand side was
demolished, the building widened and another aisle made. There was
enthusiastic voluntary labour by the men of the congregation whose
hard work late nto the evenings of the summer of 974 was stimulated
by the nourishing refreshments provided every night by he ladies who
catered so tastefully and with an enthusiasm matching that of the
When finished, the extension gave a welcome relief
but not a solution to he accommodation problem. It did, on the other
hand, become the present church hall.
At last, the day came in June 1975 when building
operations commenced. The main contractors were again Glenabbey
Building Works (Kirkland Bros), joined again by our voluntary
workers who did so much, so willingly. so devotedly and so
wholeheartedly. Their abundant labours are remembered gratefully as
so much of the building is a tribute to their diligence in the
Lord's service.
Cold print can never express the delight of those
who assembled on the Forecourt of the completed building o await the
opening service on the afternoon of Saturday 28 May 1977. Many
friends came quite a distance o be present on this glad occasion, is
did local residents and Christian well-wishers from other
denominations. The joyful feelings were like hose of the returning
captives, "we were like them that dream" (Psalm 26:1).
It had been the fervent hope of all, hat the
building would be opened ice of debt, but, no sooner had building
operations commenced than he nation faced an unparalleled period of
inflation, when costs of materials and labour rose at alarming
rates. The church was compelled to borrow from the bank for a short
time when the rate of interest was 18% per annum. Members and
adherents contributed generously and also gave interest-free loans
which made a very great saving. These loans were cleared in 1981.
The total cost of the new building amounted to ?175,328.64.
Just over a year before the work was finished the
church mourned the loss of the Secretary, Mr. Edward Megaw, who died
on 7 April 1976. He was deeply interested and involved in every
department of the church and his great interest in life was the work
of the Lord. He had been a deacon for many years, a Sunday School
teacher, Missionary Secretary, a leader in the children's meeting
and Church Secretary from 1968. His methodical leadership, sound
judgement and careful attention to the sick were treasured by all,
especially when the church was without a pastor. [n recognition of
these qualities the church received him as an elder in January 1975.
A capable and experienced engineer, his advice and wise counsel were
invaluable in planning for the building which, in the over-ruling
will of the Lord, he did not see completed.

The text of that opening sermon of Pastor Cardwell's
pastorate laid the foundation of his ministry of the Word. His
expository ministry on Lord's Days and clear gospel preaching held
the congregations in rapt attention. His series of morning sermons
included such topics as "The Making of a Man of God," "Joshua, the
Man of Conquest," "Great Certainties of the Faith," "Christians in
Crisis" (sermons on 1 Peter) and "Into His Likeness." Then the
studies at the Wednesday evening Bible readings took the hearers
through detailed expositions of the Scriptures when they learned of
"Excellent things in Philippians," "The Church at Prayer," "Five
Smooth Stones - 1 John," and "The Church of the Living God." Studies
in the epistle of James, Paul's epistles to the Romans, Corinthians
and Galatians and in other books of the Bible brought sound and
profitable instruction in the great doctrines of the Faith.
The evangelistic services were used by the Lord to
lead many to Christ and baptismal services were held frequently. Our
Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was exalted in every sermon and Bible
Pastor Cardwell gave of his best and his God-given
gifts were recognised not only in Lisburn, but also in all our
churches, in several of which he conducted evangelistic missions.
After serving in Lisburn for nine and a half years he believed that
he should accept the call to the pastorate of the Newtownards
Church. He left our church at the end of June 1981 revered and
respected as preacher, teacher, pastor and friend, but, above all,
as a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and one led by the
Holy Spirit
When the pastorate became vacant at the end of June
1981, it was the earnest hope and prayer of the church that the Lord
would lead us clearly and early to the man whom He had chosen for
this holy office. In considering their responsibilities in such a
solemn and important matter, the office-bearers agreed that, as soon
as they felt so guided by God, they should inform the church.
Pastor J. K. McBratney was the preacher on Lord's
Day 21 March 1982 when considerable interest was expressed by many
of our members and friends regarding the possibility of his becoming
our new pastor. He was invited to conduct a series of Bible readings
at our Wednesday prayer meetings during the month of June, when his
rich, spiritual ministry and clear scriptural teaching so impressed
all who were present, that, when the elders and deacons met in July,
they believed that they should commend Mr. McBratney for the
pastoral care of the church.
A special meeting was held on 17 August when a clear
expression of confidence in Mr. McBratney was expressed. He was
inducted to the pastorate on Saturday evening, 4 December 1982. The
building was packed to overflowing with members, friends and
well-wishers from far and near. Mr. McBratney had been pastor of the
Ballyclare church before coming to us and had served previously as
pastor of the churches at Limavady and Bethel in Belfast.
Attentive congregations on Lord's Day mornings
benefited from sermons taking them through great subjects such as
the Life of Abraham, the book of Jonah, a series of ten addresses in
which our Basis of Doctrine was expounded and devotional meditations
on prayer and our Lord's cries from the cross.
Mr. McBratney was a faithful and earnest preacher of
the gospel and his messages were full of entreaties to ;inners to
repent and trust in the Lord [esus Christ as well as warnings of the
eternal loss of those who do not do so.
Then, on Wednesday evenings, Bible readings were
given from Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians and he Feasts of
Jehovah, as well as addresses on the Church and the great doctrines
of the Christian faith. In all of these the Word of God was
ministered reverently and sincerely.
Gospel Missions during Mr. McBratney's ministry were
conducted by Mr. William Smylie from 19 February until 11 March 1984
and by Mr. Harold Peasley and a team of helpers from Pretoria, South
Africa in October 1986. Intensive preparations were made and
door-to-door visitations by church members over a wide area were
rewarded by exceptionally well-attended meetings. This was
especially so in the case of Mr. Smylie's mission, when it was
sometimes necessary to use the upper and lower prayer rooms to
accommodate those who could not be seated in our main building.
Closed circuit television enabled them to participate in the
atmosphere of the marvellous services.

A tent mission was conducted by Pastor McBratney at
Ballymacash cross-roads in the summer of 1984 when he was assisted
by members of the congregation. Following upon this mission an
outreach team carried out door-to-door evangelism in this area
weekly and distributed gospel literature. This led to the foundation
of Emmanuel Baptist Church on the Glenavy Road. Other members of the
church helped with the formation of the churches at Lambeg, Crumlin
and Moira.
Mention must also be made of the children's mission
in September 1985 when our church building was filled every evening
for two weeks. The evangelist was Mr Ronnie Gibson who, at that
time, was pastor of the Baptist Church in Haypark Avenue, Belfast.
Those who were present at the meetings conducted by
Pastor Francis Dixon, the renowned former pastor of Lansdowne
Baptist Church, Bournemouth who was well known as a speaker at
Keswick and similar conventions in many parts of the world, look
back thankfully to his week of ministry with us in September 1984.
Testimonies to the spiritual enrichment which that week of ministry
of the Word brought to Christians have often been given. Sometime
later we were gladdened when we learned from an applicant for
membership, that she had been converted on one of those blessed
An announcement was made to the church on 7 December
1986 by Pastor McBratney that he would be resigning as Pastor with
effect from 31 July 1987 to work in a full time capacity with the
New Tribes Mission. He said that this was something which had been
exercising both himself and his wife for eighteen months and that it
would be a major step for them in giving up their home and salary to
go into a `faith mission', depending on the Lord's people for their
prayers and support. Mr. McBratney preached the closing sermons of
his pastorate on 26 July 1987 and a farewell service was held on the
following Wednesday evening when he and Mrs. McBratney received the
thanks of the church for their labours amongst us and left with the
assurance of our continuing interest in their work for the Lord
wherever they might be sent to serve Him.
Throughout the period we are reviewing there were
happenings worthy of thanksgiving and remembrance. First, there was
the Valedictory Service on 6 January 1982 for Miss Christine
Thompson who entered the service of the Lord in Nigeria with the
Sudan United Mission. Christine had been one of our Sunday School
scholars, later a teacher and was one of the first recruits to the
Campaigner Clans and rose to be a Chief. She trained for the Lord's
service at Lebanon Bible College, Berwick-on-Tweed after graduating
as a school teacher from Stranmillis College. She served the Lord in
Nigeria until the end of 1990. Another notable valediction was that
of Victor and Marie Watson as they left with their three children to
take up missionary service in Austria under the auspices of the
European Christian Mission in July 1983. They are still serving the
Lord through that mission in an even wider sphere of influence and
It is interesting to note that the house at 1 Tonagh
Avenue was purchased in July 1985 and, having been fully furnished
through the kind generosity of our members, is now a comfortable
home for missionaries on furlough.

Friday 4 March 1988 marked the fiftieth anniversary
of the founding of the Lisburn Branch of the Baptist Women's
Fellowship. A great rally was held to celebrate this Golden Jubilee.
Ladies from many of the other branches joined with ours on this
joyful occasion of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord. Three former
pastors, J. Thompson, G. F. Blayney and G. A. C. Cardwell, with
their wives, were also present and many links from previous years
were reunited in happy recollections of fellowship and friendship.
Mr. Desmond Creelman, one of our missionaries in Peru, brought the
closing address.
Finally, it was our happy privilege to hold
services on the entering into the pastorate of two of our young men.
Harry Dowds, who had come through our Sunday School and Campaigners
and had served as a Deacon, accepted a call to become pastor of
Craigavon Baptist Church. After completing his studies at Lebanon
Bible College he served as a children's evangelist with the Bible
Club Movement. Our service of farewell took place on 19 May 1988
The following week, 26 May 1988, brought us together
again for the joy of bidding to David Whitmarsh our sincere good
wishes upon his becoming pastor of the Baptist Church in Cheddar,
Somerset. David had trained at the Irish Baptist College after being
in membership with us for some years. During that time he was an
enthusiastic Campaigner Chief and a leader of our Young People's
So, now we close these brief glimpse of our history.
Let us praise God for his loving kindness and faithfulness to
succeeding generations during the sixty-two years at which we have
When the first building was erected the text chosen
to be written on the wall behind the pulpit and which adorns our
present one was "Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the
Father." If each church member crowns Him as Lord and if the entire
church honours and glorifies Him, then we may have a worthy heritage
for future generations.

'These glimpses of our history which first appeared
in our quarterly magazine, "The Longstone Light", told briefly of
some important happenings from the formation of the church in 1926
until the conclusion of Pastor J. K. McBratney's pastorate in July
1987. As we approach the celebration of the seventy-fifth
anniversary of our life and witness through God's grace, it is
fitting that some notable events of the past fourteen years should
be recorded.
Following Pastor McBratney's call to missionary
service, the elders and deacons made the continuance of pastoral
care and the ministry of the word their first priority. The church
members, too, were anxious to have a pastor settled with us as soon
as possible. Although eminently capable men came to the pulpit,
several members expressed their conviction that our former pastor,
G. A. C. Cardwell, was the one whom they believed should be
re-invited to the pastorate. When, after much prayerful thought, a
special, and very happy church meeting, was convened for Thursday 26
January 1989 when one hundred and sixty-seven were present a call
was made in favour of Mr. Cardwell. His induction took place on
Friday 1 September 1989 when the President of the Baptist Union of
Ireland, Mr. Walton C. Balmer, F.C.A., presided. Pastor A. G. Judd
B.D., preached a soul-stirring sermon from John 1: 6 & 7 and Miss
Margaret Ball sang appropriately and beautifully.
Pastor Cardwell has planned to retire at the end of
September in this, our seventy-fifth anniversary year.
Whoever should write the centenary history of this
church will have access to an indexed library of tape recordings of
his sermons and bible studies which bear the fruit of sustained,
diligent, unremitting, careful study under the guidance of the Holy
Spirit. Pastor Cardwell was chosen to preach at the televised
service to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the Baptist Union
of Ireland in 1995. He undertook also ministry to churches and
missionaries in Peru for a month in 1996. Sincere appreciation of
the benefit of this ministry was wholeheartedly expressed. Mr.
Cardwell's pastoral care was thorough, conscientious and dignified.
All confidences placed in him were kept implicitly. He was at all
times a wise chairman of office-bearers' and church meetings.
It is the earnest and loving desire of all, that
Pastor and Mrs Cardwell's recollections of more than twenty-one
years in Lisburn shall always be of happiness to themselves and
family, having left their native Scotland for service here.
Great delight was felt when one of our elders, Mr.
John Woolsey was chosen as President of the Baptist Union of Ireland
for 1993/94. He was again elected to serve in 1998/99. It is an
honour to hold this high office and Mr. Woolsey was one of the few
to be elected twice. Another of our elder held the Presidency in
During the period under review, commissioning or
valedictory services were held for four of our members. Miss Sarah
Morrison, now based at the headquarters of Child Evangelism
Fellowship in Switzerland attends to administration in the office
for the functions of the Fellowship throughout Europe. Mr. Ivor
Thompson, B.Sc., B.D., a graduate of the Irish Baptist College, left
us to work under the auspices of Baptist Missions in Castlederg. Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Henderson, after training in the New Tribes Mission
College in England and the United States of America, are now in
Australia where Keith lectures in the Mission's College and Ruth,
his wife, is the office administrator. Keith too, graduated from the
Irish Baptist College. Miss Gwen Frazer, now married to Douglas
Jarvie, is in service with the Worldwide Evangelism Crusade along
with her husband, in Turkey.
An evangelist, Mr. Roger Carswell conducted a
mission in 1996 from February 25 to March 3. Intensive preparations
were made by the distribution of advertising leaflets and personal
visits to homes in the neighbourhood of the church premises. Coffee
mornings, special meetings apart from the evening services and some
new ventures to attract young people and sportsmen were used with
good effect. It was a well supported mission. Mr. Carswell, who was
highly esteemed for his sincere and devoted service amongst us, is
still remembered gratefully.

The new millennium was hailed by the media as
something to be celebrated. Since evangelism is the lifeblood of our
church, the year 2000 was made a year of evangelism. A committee
drawn from all church departments met regularly and planned special
meetings and events to reach others with the gospel. Guest services
were held. These well-attended meetings included many people who do
not usually frequent church services. Special evangelistic meetings
for women were arranged by the committees of the Women's Bright Hour
and the Women's Fellowship. The Sunday School as well as the leaders
of the Monday and Thursday children's meetings were delighted to
welcome parents and children together on evenings when friendships
were established and new friends were made. The Youth Fellowship,
the Saturday Night Extra and the Bible Class made very special
efforts to reach those in their age groups with the gospel. Much
preparation was needed for the children's mission in September.
During that week, hundreds of children gathered nightly when the
evangelist was Mr. David Cowan of the Child Evangelism Fellowship.
He was enthusiastically supported by an experienced band of helpers
from our own church.
Mr. Desmond Creelman of the Northern Region of the
Association of Baptist Churches was engaged in door-to-door
evangelism in the Tonagh, Knockmore and Old Warren estates for a
week. He undertook similar work for a further week in other areas
using the literature from the trailer. He met and discussed
spiritual truth with passers-by. In all of this he was assisted and
encouraged by a good number who met with him every day in prayer
before accompanying him to sow the good seed of God's Word. It is
the belief of all that the year of evangelism was worthwhile and
that the experience gained and the lessons learned should be built
upon to pursue an even more rigorous evangelism.
It has to be recorded with sadness and deep regret
that the Campaigners which had flourished from January 1970 were
unable to recommence in September 2000 because of lack of staff.
This has happened to uniformed organisations throughout the British
Isles and is a cause for lament. Hundreds of children passed through
our Campaigner Clans. Some of them had no other church connections
and were most enthusiastic clansmen as they met with young people of
our church.
Having now reached adulthood, some former
Campaigners gladly recall happy evenings when, after drill, their
time was spent on campaigns for such things as basket making,
first-aid, gardening, plumbing, handyman, house maintenance and a
host of other useful things of interest either to the girl or to the
boy clans. Badges gained and prizes won are still proudly displayed
and, in some cases, are shown to their children. Two former
campaigners who became missionaries wrote to say that what they had
learned in the Lisburn Campaigners had been put into practice in far
off foreign lands and had been the basis of their work. `Clan C',
which concluded each meeting, was an epilogue with scriptural and
spiritual benefit. It is with joy that we recount that, because of
these closing moments, some were led to faith in Christ. We know of
those who later were baptised and received into church membership.
Great social changes throughout the nation have
transformed and improved working and living conditions far beyond
what could have been imagined when the church was formed in 1926.
Unfortunately, low morality and disobedience to God's law have
accompanied the benefits available. The word `paedophile', unknown
to a past generation, stares us in the daily newspapers and is heard
repeatedly in radio and television news transmissions.
Long and tedious hours were spent by the pastor and
church office-bearers for an understanding of the Children (Northern
Ireland) Order 1995 which the Government introduced for the
protection of children in the care of adults. In this, Miss Diane
McComb, who has expert knowledge of the Order, gave valuable
assistance and enlightening explanations at a lengthy meeting held
on 7 September 1999, which was specially convened for all who take
part in Christian service to children and young people up to the age
of eighteen.
An important decision was taken to purchase the
house at 3 Tonagh Avenue which became vacant. This adjoins the one
already owned by the church, used to accommodate missionaries on
Our original meeting place, which later became the
church hall, had served admirably since 1932. Even though it has
cherished memories for so many people, it was recognised that a new
building was needed. Protracted consultations by a building
committee with architects, professional advisers and builders have
now come to fruition. The old building is demolished. The builders
are at work and we look forward with joyful anticipation to a day,
which we hope will not be too far distant, when a new hall will be
opened to the glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
We conclude our review with thanksgiving to our Lord
for past mercies and trust Him for His unfailing guidance for all
that is to come.
J T Murray
Our Basis of Faith
"The verbal inspiration and the all and sole
sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
as originally given, the Trinity in Unity of the Godhead, the
essential Deity and perfect humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the personality of the Holy Spirit, the depraved and fallen
state of man, the substitutionary sacrifice of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the justification of the sinner through faith in the
Lord Jesus, the personality of the devil, the natural
immortality of the soul, the second coming of our Lord Jesus
Christ, the resurrection of the body, the eternal security of
the believer, the conscious eternal punishment of those who die
impenitent, the binding character of the ordinances of the
Lord's Supper and the immersion of believers as the only
Christian Baptism, and the responsibility of all saved souls to
`live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present age'."
Whilst the assistance of all who contributed in any
way to the production of this booklet is appreciated, the authors
are particularly grateful to: - Mrs. W. Marsden for making available
Mrs. Priestley's account of her time in Lisburn.
Alan Godfrey Maps for permission to reprint the
extract from the 1:2,500 scale Ordnance Survey map of Lisburn in
1902 (County Antrim sheet 68.02).