Presbyterian Church
Short History
Thomas Dunn B.A.
Part 1
my Wife-without whose valuable assistance this book would not have been written.
am deeply indebted to my friend the Rev. J. G. Culbert, B.A., LL.B. of
Ballycastle, who has helped in the preparation of this book for the press.
pray that God's richest blessing may rest on the Maze Congregation and on all
whose lives and affections are bound up with the story related in this book.
2 Breda Park,
Saintfield Road,
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by Rev. J. C. Culbert,
B.A., LL.B.
It gives
me great pleasure to write a line by way of commendation of this little history,
I know
the Maze. My forebears came from there. On father's lips the words "In my
younger. days-" were almost always the precursors of some anecdote
about the Maze and its people. I used to think the places he mentioned had funny
names. There were "the hap'enny gate", "the halftown",
"the gravel hill" and others as well as the Cockhill and Puddledock
referred to in this book. I often heard him speak of " Clergy Stevenson
". There is no getting away from it that he was a personage in the district
and looked up to by everybody. Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Whan are more fugitive and
shadowy shapes. Then came the long ministry of the author of this chronicle, not
spectacular or sensational, but steadfast and solid. As one bends the twig the
tree grows, and in many parts to-day there must be careers that are useful
and characters that are noble, because of direction given to mind and will in
the Meeting House, under Mr. Dunn's faithful presentation of the truths by which
men live and because of the impression made by his quiet and sincere
personality. And as for his partner, I many times heard a kinswoman of mine
speak enthusiastically of her labours among the flock, and she would conclude by
saying "There never was a woman like Mrs. Dunn !"
Mr. Dunn has
accomplished something worthwhile in compiling these records, bringing back
"the light of other days". I'm sure this little volume will have a
good sale among those who have links with the Maze, and it deserves to find
purchasers and readers among those who have not. .1 hope it will help many to a
better appreciation of the past to which we are debtors and also, that
stimulated by the narrative, they will, in dependence upon their fathers' God,
go forward to even greater enterprises for the kingdom.
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Northern Ireland