PREMIER PORT AND GATEWAY OF IRELAND.The situation of the Port and the Modern Facilities afforded
constitute an
Ideal Ocean Terminal and Distributing Centre. |
for all Classes of Ships and Cargoes. |
7 miles of Quays. 13 miles of
Railways on
Quays connecting with all parts of Ireland. |
for vessels up to 48,000 tons gross.Unrivalled facilities for
rapid and efficient Ship Repairs.
Excellent Waterside Sites for Industries.
Extensive Storage
Low Dues and Charges.For further particulars as to
facilities, storage, rates, etc.,
apply to ------
M. J. WATKINS, General Manager and Secretary,
Harbour Office, Belfast. |


Prime Minister of Northern Ireland.
To the prospective visitor this Guide Book holds out a promise of
much pleasure and happiness, which, I am confident, Ulster is able
richly to redeem. A great deal is known about our shipyards and our
linen, thread and ropework factories, all the world has heard of them,
but you may not have been told of the restful beauty of our landscape,
and of the scenic grandeur of our coast and inland excursions. As a
matter of fact the Province offers scenery in infinite variety ; it is
rich in stirring historical associations, and its myths and legends,
still alive, add considerably to the interest of the countryside. Ulster
is predominantly agricultural, but even in the capital City of Belfast,
the industrial centre of the Province, one is never out of sight of the
hills, and it is so compact that from its boundaries it is possible
almost everywhere to step abruptly from town to country.
It is not for me to enumerate or enlarge upon the attractions of Ulster to the holidaymaker ; the Guide will do that for you. It will tell you of wild, rock-bound coasts, of peaceful strands, of sandy shores, of picturesque villages, dignified towns, of Lough and mountain, of glen and salmon stream. My part is simply to extend to you, on behalf of my countrymen and women, a cordial welcome to Northern Ireland, of which you may be assured. Hospitality of the sincere, if not the demonstrative kind, is a tradition of Ulster, and one most precious to its sons and daughters.
Finally, I would remind you who hail from England, Scotland or Wales,
that in coming amongst us you will not have left your home country, for
we form with you the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. You will not, accordingly, be worried with anything in the
shape of Customs' formalities, passports or motor car regulations ; you
will travel under exactly the same conditions as you would in any other
part of the United Kingdom. 
Stormont Castle,

General Information

THE expression " Ulster," prior to 1920, was applied to the Northern Province of Ireland, and included nine counties. Since the passing of the Government of Ireland Act, 1920, the six counties of Antrim, Armagh, Londonderry, Down, Fermanagh and Tyrone, with the County Boroughs of Belfast and Londonderry, have been statutorily constituted as a self-governing area, known as " Northern Ireland," leaving the remaining twenty-six counties comprised in the Irish Free State. To all intents and purposes, however, the traditional name of " Ulster" and the new political term " Northern Ireland " are synonymous in the public mind. This newly created " Northern Ireland " was by the same Act granted a form of autonomous government, but closely linked with Great Britain in the Fiscal Union known as Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We in Ulster�to revert to the more homely term�are therefore subject to the same rates of taxation and financial obligations as apply to our fellow-countrymen in England, Scotland and Wales.
There are no special ordinances to regulate the importation of Motor
Vehicles, nor are there special customs duties to restrict the free
entry of merchandise or postal packets. The same postage stamps and the
same coinage�which, by the way, visitors will find goes a little further
in Ulster than in Great Britain�are used ; in fact, Ulster is in all
respects in the same position as any part of the United Kingdom, and the
trading relationships which exist between Great Britain and Ulster are
exactly the same as those which exist between Lancashire and Yorkshire.
area is 5,237 square miles, and the population proximately 1,300,000.
The capital and seat of government is the City of Belfast, with a
population of over 430,000.
The Parliament Buildings, which were opened on November 16th, 1932, by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, are beautifully situated in the outskirts of the capital at Stormont.
Climate.�The climate is surprisingly mild and equable when compared
with that of other areas in the same latitude, the average temperature
being higher in winter and somewhat lower in summer. the Antrim and
Londonderry coastline is exceptionally bracing, and the County Down
coast, particularly in the Mourne area, is noted for its exceptional
mildness. The rainfall is relatively small, and Ulster is recognised as
the dryer corner of Ireland. Ulster Year Book.�Readers desiring
a complete treatise of the social, political and economic life of the
people of Ulster are referred to the Ulster Year Book, a most
comprehensive volume, which can be had from H.M. Stationery Office, 80
Chichester Street, Belfast, price 1 /- net. (By post, 1/3).
Cross-Channel Services.�The comfort and speed with which Ulster can
be reached from Great Britain are perhaps not sufficiently appreciated.
There are in operation up-to-date and luxurious Cross-Channel steamers,
equal to those to be found anywhere in the world. For times of sailing's
see following list:
Liverpool-Belfast. � Daily (Sundays excepted). Liverpool dept. 10-15
p.m., Belfast arr. 7-30 a.m. ; Belfast dept. 9 p.m. (Satys. 11 p.m.),
Liverpool arr. 6-30 a.m. It is intended to have a sailing from Belfast
to Liverpool at 9-30 a.m. each Saturday from July 6th till August 31st.
Heysham-Belfast. � Daily, Sundays included. Heysham dept. 11-40 p.m.
(Sundays, 11-30 p.m.), Belfast arr., 6-30 a.m. ; Belfast, dept. 9-45
p.m. (Satys. 11 p.m.), Heysham arr., 4-45 a.m. (Sundays 6-30 a.m.).
Additional summer service from Belfast on Saturdays 6th July till 31st
August inclusive. Belfast dept. 10 a.m., Heysham arr. 5 p.m. The
details regarding Cross-Channel Services given above are those available
at time of going to Press, and should be confirmed.
Stranraer-Larne.�(Short Sea Passage). Daily (Sundays excepted).
Stranraer Harbour dept. 6-5 a.m., Larne Harbour arr. 8-15 a.m. ; Larne
Harbour dept. 7-5 p.m., Stranraer Harbour arr. 9-5 p.m. Additional
Summer Service (Weekdays 1st June till 14th Sept. inclusive). Stranraer
Harbour dept. 7-5 p.m., Lame Harbour arr. 9-15 p.m. Larne Harbour dept.
10-15 a.m., Stranraer Harbour arr. 12-15 p.m. The following sailings
will also operate on Fridays and Saturdays during July and August
:�Stranraer Harbour dept. 1-30 p.m., Larne Harbour arr. 3-40 p m. ;
Larne Harbour dept. 3-5 p.m., Stranraer Harbour arr. 5-5 p.m.

Glasgow-Belfast. � (Direct). Daily (Sundays excepted). Glasgow dept.
9 p.m. (Satys. 10-45 p.m.), Belfast arr. 8 a.m. ; Belfast dept. 9 p.m.
(Satys. 9-45 p.m.), Glasgow arr. 8 a.m.
Glasgow-Belfast.�(Via A r d r o s s an). Daily. (Satys. and Suns.
excepted). Glasgow (Cent. Stn.), dept. 10-30 p.m., Belfast arr. 5-45
a.m. ; Belfast dept. 9-45 p.m., Glasgow (Cent. Stn.) arr. 5-20 a.m.
Service from 1st June till 14th September : Glasgow (Cent. Stn.), dept.
8-30 a.m., Ardrossan dept. 9-45 a.m., Belfast arr. 1-45 p.m. ; Belfast
dept. 4 p.m. Ardrossan arr. 8 p.m., Glasgow (Cent. Stn.) arr. 9-6 p.m.
Glasgow-Londonderry.�(Direct and via Greenock) Mondays, Wednesdays,
Fridays and Saturdays. Passengers are respectfully referred to the daily
advertisement in the " Glasgow Herald " for days and hours of sailing,
etc. From Londonderry�Dept. 6-30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays. As the sailing days to and from Londonderry are subject to
alteration, passengers are requested to verify them at the Company's
offices. Passengers may also reach Northern Ireland by the
Holyhead-Kingstown (I.F.S.) route (short sea journey) the service
being as follows : The details given above are those
available at time of going to Press, and should be confirmed.
London (Euston) dept. (Sundays excepted) 8-45 a.m. ; Holyhead dept. 2-30
p.m.; Kingstown Pier arr. 5-25 p m. ; Belfast arr. 9-25 p.m. Euston
dept. 8-45 p.m..; Holyhead dept. 2-55 a.m.; Kingstown Pier arr. 5-50
a.m. ; Belfast arr. 9-10 a.m. (Sundays 8-50 a.m.). Belfast dept. 5-40
p.m. (Sundays 5-10 p.m.); Kingstown Pier dept. 8-50 p.m.; Holyhead arr.
11-45 p.m.; London (Euston) arr. 5-30 a.m. The L.M.S.,
L.N.E.R., and Cheshire Lines Committee connect with Northern Ireland via
Liverpool, Heysham or Holyhead, and the G.W.R. via Birkenhead and
Liverpool. L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. also connect with Northern
Ireland via Glasgow and Stranraer.

Fares.�The following example fares clearly indicate the cheapness
of travelling to Ulster from any part of Great Britain. For further
specific information as to fares, etc,, apply to your Local
Stationmaster or Railway and Steamship Agent.
From |
To |
Via |
3rd Class
Rail and Saloon
on Steamer |
3rd Class
and Steamer |
Heysham |
Belfast |
direct steamer |
30/� |
14/- |
Stranraer |
Larne |
" |
I6/� |
8/- |
Liverpool |
Belfast |
" |
30/� |
14/- |
Glasgow |
Belfast |
" |
26/9 |
12/9 |
" |
" |
Ardrossan |
27/6 |
14/9 |
" |
" |
Girvan, Stranraer and Larne |
26/6 |
18/6 |
" |
" |
Dumfries |
29/6 |
21 /6 |
" |
Londonderry |
direct steamer |
26/9 |
12/9 |
via |
Greenock |
29/� |
15/- |
London |
Belfast |
Heysham |
63/� |
47/- |
" |
Stranraer Larne |
66/6 |
58/6 |
" |
Liverpool |
63/� |
47/� |
" |
Holyhead and Kingstown |
72/6 |
62/6 |
Sheffield |
" |
Heysham |
42/� |
26/� |
" |
" |
Stranraer, Larne |
47/6 |
39/6 |
" |
" |
Liverpool |
42/� |
26/� |
The details given above are those available at time of going to Press and should he confirmed
The foregoing fares refer to Holiday Excursion Tickets which are issued from the principal stations in Great Britain to Belfast and principal stations in Northern Ireland every Friday and Saturday, also on Sundays via Heysham and via Holyhead, and are available to return any sailing day up to and including the Monday fort-night following date of outward journey. In addition to these fares intending visitors, if they wish to stay for longer than a fortnight, can take advantage of monthly return tickets where in operation, or Tourist Tickets, available for three months. Intending visitors should apply to their local Stationmaster or Booking Office for full information.

Liverpool-Belfast : |
Cabin-de-luxe one person |
20/- |
Saloon |
two persons |
30/- |
" |
Single Berth Cabin |
7/6 |
" |
Berth in two-berth cabin |
2/6 |
" |
Berth with made-up Bed |
2/- |
3rd Class |
Heysham-Belfast : |
Cabin-de-luxe, |
one person |
25/- |
Saloon |
two persons |
30/- |
Single Berth Cabin |
7/6 |
Berth in Two-Berth Cabin |
2/6 |
Berth with made-up Bed |
2/- |
3rd Class |
Stranraer-Larne : |
Passengers travelling to Ireland by the 6-5
a.m. sailing can be accommodated overnight on board at
Stranraer (Saturdays excepted). |
Stateroom (two persons) ... |
20/- |
Saloon |
Stateroom (one person) |
15/- |
" |
Single Berth Cabin |
7/6 |
" |
Berth in 2 berth cabin, decks |
"A" & "B" |
3/9 |
" |
"C" &"D |
2/6 |
" |
Berth, with made-up bed |
2/- |
3rd Class |
The details given above are
those available at time of going to Press, and should be confirmed.
CABINS�Passengers may occupy cabins on the voyage Larne
to Stranraer, or vice versa. The charges are 10/- and 6/-. The ordinary
sleeping berth rooms, when available, may also be had for use on the
voyage at a charge of 5/- for a single berth cabin, and 2/6 for a berth
in a two-berth cabin.

Ardrossan-Belfast, Glasgow-Belfast, and Glasgow-Londonderry :
Cabin-de-luxe one person |
..... |
15/- |
Single Berth Cabin |
..... |
7/6 |
Berth in two-berth Cabin |
..... |
2/6 |
On Disembarking.�Passengers who wish to make a
train or bus connection are facilitated by special free Omnibus Services
from Donegall Quay, Belfast, to the Gt. Northern Railway (I.) and London
Midland and Scottish (N.C.C.) Railway Termini and Bus Depots, and to the
Depots of the Belfast Omnibus Co. Ltd., and H.M.S Catherwood, Ltd. The
Belfast and County Down Railway Station is situated at Queen's Quay,
about five minutes from steamers. Passengers travelling via Stranraer to
Great Northern Railway (I.) Stations are conveyed free of charge in
Belfast from York Road Station to Great Victoria Street Station on
arrival of morning Boat Train from Larne Harbour. There is also a free
service in connection with the evening Boat Train from Belfast.
Trains run alongside steamer at Kingstown and Holy-head, also at Heysham
and Stranraer, whilst at Liverpool passengers and their luggage are
conveyed free between railway termini and the ships.
Luggage in Advance.�Luggage may be booked through from stations in
Great Britain to Belfast and stations in Northern Ireland at a charge of
2/- per package, which includes collection and delivery within the usual
cartage boundaries. There is a supplementary charge of 6d. per package
to places served by the Belfast and County Down Railway.
Interavailability of Tickets.�In certain cases tickets issued by
one route are available to return by another, but visitors should obtain
full information on this point before purchasing travelling tickets, as
any misunderstanding may lead to confusion and possibly additional
expense. Shipment of Motor Vehicles.�The Shipping
Companies have the most modern facilities for loading and unloading
motor vehicles, and every care is taken to ensure safe transit. Rates as
undernoted :
Liverpool-Belfast�(Port Dues included).
MOTOR CARS�Weight not exceeding 10 cwts. 60/- ; from 10 cwts. to 15
cwts. 65/- ; from 15 cwts. to 20 cwts. 70/- ; each additional cwt. or
part 2/-. MOTOR CYCLES�Solo, up to 120 lbs. 8/11 ; up to
200 lbs. 11 /- ; exceeding 200 lbs. 13/2 ; Motor Cycle with Sidecar,
19/6 ; Bicycles, 4/5. Motor vehicles must be at the
quayside as follows :�Liverpool 8-30 p.m.; Belfast, Monday to Friday,
7-30 p.m. ; Saturday, 6-30 p.m.
Heysham - Belfast.� Owner's risk�MOTOR CARS (Port dues included)
not exceeding 10 cwt., 56/3, plus 1 /6 for every cwt. or part cwt. over
10 cwt. Company's Ordinary risk�Not exceeding 10 cwt.
63/9, plus 1 /6 for every cwt. over. Company's risk�Motor
Cycles (Port dues included), not exceeding 120 lbs., 7/9 ; exceeding 120
lbs., but not exceeding 200 lbs., 9/6 ; exceeding 200 lbs., 11 /3 ;
Sidecars (detached) 9/6 ; Bicycles 3/8. Motor vehicles
must be at the quayside as follows :�Heysham, 9 p.m.; Belfast, 8 p.m.
Stranraer-Larne.�MOTOR CARS (Port dues included). Owner's
risk�Not exceeding 10 cwt. 45/6 ; over 1 and not exceeding 25 cwt. 60/6
; over 25 cwt. 60/6, plus 1 /6 per cwt. additional for each cwt. or part
thereof over 25 cwt.
Company's Ordinary risk�25% over owner's risk rate. MOTOR
BICYCLES. (Port dues included). Company's risk�Not exceeding 120 lbs.,
5/11 ; exceeding 120 lbs., but not exceeding 200 lbs., 7/� ; exceeding
200 lbs., 8/2. Sidecars (detached), 7/� ; Bicycles, 2/5.

Motor vehicles must be at the quayside as follows :�Stranraer, 1 hour
before sailing time ; Larne, 11 hours before sailing time.
Burns & Laird Lines, Ltd. Motor Cars. |
Not exceeding 10ft
in length |
Over 10 but not
exceeding 12 ft |
Over 12 but not
exceeding 16 ft |
At Owner's risk� |
(a) Glasgow and Belfast |
each |
each |
each |
(direct steamer) |
55/� |
70/� |
85/ |
(b) Ardrossan or Ayr and Belfast |
45/� |
55/� |
70/ |
(c) Glasgow and Londonderry |
60/� |
70/� |
85/ |
Motor Cycle,
Motor Cycle |
with Sidecar |
Bicycle |
(a) |
11/� |
15/� |
3/6 |
(b) |
9/� |
12/� |
2/9 |
(c) |
11/� |
15/� |
4/3 |
Motor vehicles must be at the quayside as follows
:�Glasgow by pre-arrangement with 52 Robertson Street, Glasgow ;
Ardrossan, 9 p.m. ; Belfast, Monday to Friday 6-30 p.m. ; Saturday 12
noon. By all routes, privately owned Motor Cars,
accompanied by not less than two adult passengers holding return
tickets, are charged at the rate of Single Fare and One Half for the
double journey. AIR SERVICES.
Hillman's Airways, Ltd. (Headquarters, Essex Air-port,
Stapleford, near Abridge, Essex), operate daily, except Sundays, between
London, Liverpool, Belfast and Glasgow.
Fares :� |
Single |
Return |
Ex. Baggage. |
London-Belfast |
�5 |
�8 |
9d. |
per lb. |
Liverpool-Belfast |
�2 10s |
�4 |
6d |
" |
Glasgow-Belfast |
�2 |
�3 5s |
6d |
" |
33 lbs. baggage carried free, subject to permissible
load of Air Liner not being exceeded. The above fares
include road transport between Air-ports and the following terminals
:�London, King's Cross Coaching Station (1 hour) ; Liverpool, G.P.O.
Sorting Office, Victoria Street (20 minutes) ; Belfast, Grand Central
Hotel (30 minutes) ; Glasgow, 381 Argyle Street (30 minutes).

Services.�Dept. London, Essex Airport 10 a.m. ; dept. Liverpool, Speke
Airport 11-20 a.m. ; dept. Belfast, Newtownards 12-35 p.m. ; arr.
Glasgow, Renfrew Airport, 1-35 p.m. Dept. Glasgow, Renfrew Air-port, 8
a.m. ; dept. Belfast, Newtownards, 9-15 a.m. ; dept. Liverpool, Speke
Airport, 10-45 a.m. ; arr. London, Essex Airport, 12-5 p.m.
The Railway Air Services also operate a daily service, except
Sundays, between London, Liverpool, Belfast and Glasgow ; London to
Northern Ireland in 3 hours. For further information apply to any L.M.S.
Station or Enquiry Office. Entry from Irish Free State
and Abroad.�All persons disembarking at an Ulster port from abroad
are subject, of course, to the customary British formalities. This also
applies to persons entering Ulster from the Irish Free State, and for
routes of entry see chapter " Motoring in Northern Ireland," "Table of
Approved Roads," also the map at the back of this Guide.
Passengers travelling to Northern Ireland from Great Britain via Dublin
(Holyhead-Kingstown route), in order to avoid the inconvenience of
Customs examination, can have their luggage placed in a sealed
compartment provided on the Holyhead boat. On arrival at Kingstown Pier
the luggage is there transferred to a sealed compartment on the
connecting boat train for stations in Northern Ireland. The sealed
compartment is opened at Goraghwood and the luggage is then available
for passengers detraining at that station, or at Portadown or Belfast,
according to the destination of the owner of the luggage. Similarly, in
the reverse direction, passengers travelling from Belfast, Londonderry
and Northern Ireland stations generally to Great Britain can have their
luggage placed in a sealed compartment provided on the 5-40 p.m. boat
train from Belfast, 6-17 p.m, train from Portadown (with which the 4-10
p.m. train from Londonderry connects), and conveyed direct to Kingstown
Pier, after which the luggage will be placed in a sealed compartment on
the Holyhead boat. On Sundays the arrangement applies by the 5-10 .m.
train from Belfast, and the 6-10 a.m. train from Kingstown Pier.
Sealed vans are also provided for the luggage of passengers travelling
from Belfast via the Great Northern Railway to stations in Co. Fermanagh
via Clones (I.F.S.), the line en route passing through a portion of the
Irish Free State. Importation of Dogs.�No
quarantine is necessary for the importation of dogs from Great Britain
unless a special embargo is in force at the time, but animals arriving
for first importation from foreign countries are subject to the usual
British regulations, i.e., six months quarantine in Great Britain, as
there is no quarantine station in Northern Ireland.
Trans.-Atlantic Services.�There are regular Sailings from the United
States of America and Canada to Belfast and/or Londonderry operated by
the Anchor, Anchor-Donaldson, Cunard, White Star and Canadian Pacific
Railway Lines. The White Star, Cunard, Hamburg-Amerika, North-German
Lloyd and the United States Lines also link up with Northern Ireland via
Queenstown and/or Galway in the Irish Free State
Internal Communications.�There are excellent rail and omnibus
systems operating in Ulster which ensure comfortable and speedy access
to all parts of the Six Counties. Great Northern
Railway Co. (I.). (Belfast Terminus, Great Victoria Street) serves
the Counties of Armagh, Tyrone and Fermanagh and portions of the
Counties of Antrim, Down and Londonderry. This railway links the
important towns of Antrim, Lisburn, Banbridge, Lurgan, Portadown, Newry,
Warrenpoint, Armagh, Dungannon, Omagh, Strabane, Londonderry,
Enniskillen and intermediate stations ; also County Donegal (I. F. S.),
via Londonderry or Bundoran Junction. This is the railway by which one
reaches Dublin and the South and West of Ireland from the North.
London Midland and Scottish Railway (N.C.C.) (Belfast Terminus,
York Road), operates in the Counties Antrim, Londonderry and a portion
of Tyrone, serving the important towns of Carrickfergus, Whitehead,
Larne, Antrim, Ballymena, Ballycastle, Coleraine, Portrush, Portstewart,
Cookstown, Castlerock, Londonderry and intermediate stations.
Belfast and County Down Railway. (Belfast Terminus, Station Street), is
confined to County Down, and serves the important towns of Holywood,
Bangor, Donaghadee, Comber, Newtownards, Newcastle, Castlewellan,
Downpatrick, Ardglass and intermediate stations.

Ulster is exceptionally well supplied with Omnibus Services, and the
aforementioned Railway Companies are extensive operators in
approximately the same territories as covered by their railway systems.
Belfast Omnibus Company, Ltd.�Depot, 128 North Street, Belfast,
operate extensive services in the Counties Down, Armagh, Tyrone and
Fermanagh, and portions of County Antrim. They serve the important towns
of Ardglass, Armagh, Banbridge, Bangor, Comber, Downpatrick,
Enniskillen, Kilkeel, Lisburn, Lurgan, Newcastle, Newry, Newtownards,
Portadown, Portaferry, Strangford, Warrenpoint, and places en route.
Messrs. H. M. S. Catherwood, Ltd.�Depot, Upper Library Street,
Belfast, operate in Counties Antrim and Londonderry�week-day service
only. They serve the important towns of Antrim, Ballymoney, Ballymena,
Ballycastle, Bushmills, Castlerock, Coleraine, Cushendall, Garvagh,
Limavady, Londonderry, Portstewart, Portrush, Giant's Causeway, and
Strabane and places en-route. In addition they have a service operating
in County Down, between Belfast and Newry, to connect with Dublin.
There are a large number of local services operating in
country districts, which link up with the main services
Belfast Car Parks.�For Official Car Parking Places, see Map
facing page 48.
Belfast Taxi Charges.�The driver of a public service vehicle,
seating not more than six passengers in addition to the driver, shall be
entitled to demand and take for the hire thereof the following fares
only : For the first mile or quarter of an hour during
which the vehicle shall be kept waiting by the hirer thereof, or for any
part of such distance or time, 1/-. For every subsequent
quarter mile or 3�minutes during
which the vehicle shall be kept waiting by the hirer thereof, or for any
part of such distance or time, 3d.
Extras� |
(l) For any number of passengers carried exceeding
two for the entire distance, 6d. |
(2) For each bicycle, perambulator or dog, 6d. |
(3) For each packet of luggage carried outside the
vehicle, 3d. |

The foregoing fares shall be chargeable within seven statute miles from
Castle Place (City centre), and shall apply at all times of the day and
night, but shall not operate to prevent any person from making special
terms for the hire of a motor hackney carriage for any period of time.
The fares shall be indicated by a taxi-meter, the reading of which shall
in all cases be taken as correct until the contrary is proved.
The L.M.S. (N.C.C.) Railway, York Road, the G.N. Railway, Gt. Victoria
Street, the B. & C. D. Railway, Station Street, and the Omnibus Depots
of the L.M.S. (N.C.C.) and G.N. Railways, Smithfield, the Belfast
Omnibus Co., Ltd., North Street, and H.M.S. Catherwood, Ltd., Upper
Library Street, are all situated within one mile radius from the
Cross-Channel steamers, with the exception of the G.N. Railway station
from the Liverpool steamer shed, which is l
� miles.
Visitors should bear in mind, however, that waiting time
is an extra charge. Complaints should be made to the Executive Officer
of the Police Committee, 5 Townhall Street, Belfast (Tel. 5130), who
will be glad to investigate immediately. Motoring
Organisations.�Automobile Association, 5 Oxford Street, Belfast ;
Royal Automobile Club, 65 Chichester Street, Belfast; Ulster Automobile
Club, 65 Chichester Street, Belfast. Newspapers.�For
intending visitors requiring information regarding houses, bungalows,
furnished apartments, to let, etc., it would not be out of place to
point out that the following daily newspapers carry extensive
advertising during the season : BELFAST NEWS-LETTER, Ltd.
(Morning), Donegall Street, Belfast.
NORTHERN WHIG, Ltd. (Morning), Bridge St., Belfast.
IRISH NEWS, Ltd. (Morning), Donegall St., Belfast.
BELFAST TELEGRAPH (Evening), Royal Avenue, Belfast.
Important Public Buildings and Places of Interest.
Notes regarding Admission. BELFAST :
Parliament Buildings�Open first Saturday every month, also last Saturday
during summer months, 9-30 a.m.�4-30 p.m. Other Saturdays 9-30
a.m.�12-30 p.m. Ordinary weekdays 9-30 a.m.�4-30 p.m. When the House is
sitting 9-30 a.m.�1-30 p.m.
City Hall�10 a.m.�4-45 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m.�12 noon.
Law Courts�June and July 10 a.m.�4 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m.�12 noon.
August and September, 11 a.m.�1 p.m. Saturdays 10 a.m.�12 noon.
Municipal College�9-30 a.m.�l0 p.m. (except July).
Museum and Art Gallery�l0 a.m.�6 p.m. Wed. and Sat.�10 a.m.�9 p.m.
B.B.C. Concert every Wednesday 3-30 p.m. Admission free.
Public Library�10 a.m.�9 p.m. Tuesday 10 a.m.�I p.m.
Queen's University�Middle of July till middle of September 10 a.m.�4
p.m. Bellevue and Hazelwood Gardens, the Botanic Gar-dens
and other beautiful parks throughout the city are open daily.
Round Tower, Antrim�Open daily from 10 a.m.�8 p.m. Admission 1/-.
Armagh Observatory�Permission may be obtained from the Rev. W. F. A.
Ellison, in residence.
Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge, Ballintoy�Can be visited daily during summer
months. Private toll.
Carrickfergus Castle�Open daily. Admission 6d.
Dunluce Castle, near Portrush�Open daily. Admission 6d.
Crom Castle, Co. Fermanagh�Usually open on Fridays.
Devenish Abbey and Round Tower, Enniskillen�Open daily. Admission 6d.
Giant's Causeway�Open daily. Admission 6d.
Glenariff�Open daily. Admission 6d. Free to holders of return portions
of L.M.S. (N.C.C.) omnibus tickets, also circular tour tickets.
Greyabbey�Caretaker resides convenient.
Helen's Tower�Permission to view granted when shooting not in progress
by applying to Mr. McQueen, Clandeboye, Co. Down.
Jordan's Castle, Ardglass�Open daily. Admission 6d.
Mountstewart�Thursdays and Saturdays 1 p.m.�6 p.m. Admission 1/-.
Nendrum Abbey, Mahee Island�Open daily. No admission charge.
Silent Valley Reservoir, Kilkeel�Permission can be had from Belfast
Water Commissioners, Royal Avenue, Belfast.
Shane's Castle, Randalstown�For permission apply to Mr. R. C. Young,
The Gobbins Cliffs and Paths, Islandmagee�Open daily during summer
months. Admission 6d., unless travelling by rail or L.M.S. (N.C.C.)
omnibuses, when return half of ticket secures free admission.
The Pottery, Belleek�Inspection by permission of the Manager.
The Linen Research Institute, Lambeg�By arrangement with the Director.

Gardens.�Under the scheme organised by The Queen's Institute of
District Nursing, gardens belonging to prominent residents in Northern
Ireland are open to the public on arranged afternoons at a small
admission charge. Monthly lists are issued and can be obtained either
from this Association or from the Queen's Nurses, 16 Donegall Square
South, Belfast. In connection with this scheme a pageant is to be held
at Greyabbey on June 12, 13 and 15, 1935. Angling.�Brief
references are made throughout the pages of this book, but those
specially interested should make application for the Angling Guide
issued, free of charge to visitors, by the Tourist Association.
Shooting.�For specific information, apply to Mr. N. V. Cooke,
Hon. Secretary of the Wildfowl, Game and Fish Protection Society of
Ulster, The Ingles, Greenisland, Co. Antrim. Golfing.�See
special chapter. Motoring.�See special chapter.
Hiking and Rambling.�See chapter dealing with this subject.
Further information can he had from Mr. W. M. Capper, Hon. Secretary of
the Youth Hostels' Association of Northern Ireland, 501 Lisburn Road,
Belfast, from whom the handbook of the Association can be obtained,
price 7d. post free. Archaeology and Kindred Subjects.�See
chapter on "Ancient Monuments." Further information can be had from Mr.
A. Deane (Curator of the Belfast Museum, Secretary of the Belfast
Natural History and Philosophical Society, 7 College Square North,
Belfast, also from The British Association Guides of 1874 and 1902,
available in most libraries, "Ancient Monuments in Northern Ireland,"
price 1/-, obtainable from H.M. Stationery Office, 80 Chichester Street,
Belfast, and " Ulster, its Archaeology and Antiquities," by H. C.
Lawlor. Accommodation.�There is ample
accommodation in Northern Ireland to suit all tastes, and you are
referred to advertisements appearing throughout this Guide. Additional
information can also be had from the offices of The Ulster Tourist
Development Association or from the Clerks of Council of the towns
Litter.�The Ulster Tourist Development
Association appeals most strongly to everyone to refrain from leaving
litter of any description lying around. This reprehensible nuisance is a
problem engaging the attention of all Local Authorities. It is an
unsightly and even dangerous habit which, however, can be completely
solved by the public rendering whole-hearted co-operation.
Local Guides.�More detailed information regarding the holiday
resorts and towns of Northern Ireland can be had free from the Town
Clerks concerned, or from the Association's Offices. Local Guides are
issued by the Local Authorities of Armagh, Ballycastle, Bangor, Belfast,
Carrickfergus, Donaghadee, Enniskillen, Larne, Londonderry, Lur an,
Newcastle, Portrush, Portstewart, Strabane, Warrenpoint and Whitehead.
Slides.�A complete set of lantern slides of Ulster scenery,
together with notes on the slides, can be obtained on application to the
Association's Offices, Belfast, or from Messrs. Thos. Cook & Son's
Offices at Morgan Trust Building, 1455 Union Avenue, Montreal; 232 Bay
Street, Toronto ; 587 Fifth Avenue, New York ; 269 Collins Street,
Melbourne, C.I., and from the Ulster Association, Terrica House,
Adelaide Street, Brisbane. Sets can be had also from the Managers of the
Railway Companies operating in Ulster. List of Events.�A
List of Coming Events taking place in Ulster is compiled by the Tourist
Association, and a copy is enclosed in this Guide.
Souvenir Photographic Brochure. � This attractive publication of
views can be had from the Association's Offices. Price 6d.
Photographs.�Readers in possession of good photographs taken in
Northern Ireland are invited to submit them to the Association for
consideration with a view to purchase. Suggestions or
Criticisms.�The Association would welcome practical suggestions as
to how its literature could be made even more comprehensive by the
inclusion of additional information of interest to visitors.
Hotels in Northern Ireland
and North of Ireland Hotel Association
B. & B.�Bed and Breakfast. |
D.R. �Daily rate. |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 7/6 |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 6/6. |
D.R. from 10/6 |
B. & B. from 8/6. |
D.R. from 16/6 |
B. & B. from 7/- |
D.R. from 10/- |
B. & B. from 8/6. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 13/- |
B. & B. from 11/6. |
Bedroom (single) from 7/6 |
Bed and Breakfast from 9/6 |
B. & B. from 9/6. |
D.R. from 16/- |
B. & B. from 8/6. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from 8/6. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from 8/6. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from 8/ |
D.R. from 14- |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 13/- |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 13/6 |
B. & B. from � |
D.R. from � |
B. & B. from 6/- |
D.R. from 8/6 |
B. & B. from 6/6. |
D.R. from 10/- |
B. & B. from 8/- |
D.R. from 13/6 |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
11. & B. from 9/6. |
D.R. from 18/- |
B. & B. from 9/- |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from 7/-. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B & B from 6/- |
D.R. from 10/- |
B. & B. from 9/6. |
D.R. from 16/- |
B. & B. from 7/-. |
Daily rate, Summer, from 14/- ; Winter, 12/- |

B. & B. from 8/- |
D.R. from 14/- |
B. & B. from 8/6. |
D.R. from 14/- |
B. & B. from 8/-. |
D.R. from 14/- |
ENNISKILLEN (Rossclare, Lough Erne). |
B. & B. from 9/-. |
D.R. from 14/3 |
GARRON POINT (Antrim Coast). |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 9/-. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. front 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/- |
B. & B. from |
D.R. from |
B. & B. from 5/6. |
D.R. from 7/6 |
B. & B. front 7/6. |
D.R. from 13/6 |
B. & B. from 10/6. |
D.R. from 18/- |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 9/-. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from 8/-. |
D.R. from 14/- |
B. & B. from 7/-. |
D.R. from 14/- |
B. & B. from 6/-. |
D.R. from 10/- |
B. & B. from 6/-. |
D.R. from 10/- |
B. & B. from 6/-. |
D.R. from 10/- |
B. & B. from 10/6. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from � |
D.R. from � |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/- |
B. & B. from 7/- |
D.R. front 12/- |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 7/6 |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 11/6. |
D.R. from 15/- |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/- |
B. & B. from 7/-. |
D.R. from 10/- |
B. & B. from 7/6. |
D.R. from 12/6 |
Where Daily Rate is quoted, same is offered for a stay of not less than one week. Meals served in Bed or Sitting Rooms are subject to 25 per cent. increase. Intending visitors are advised to give earliest possible notice to Hotel they intend to patronise.