It was a. particularly poignant time as those fire-fighters who died in New York on September 11, 2001 were among those remembered.
The Fire Services National Benevolent Fund, the Fire-fighters' Memorial Charitable Trust and the Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers' Association hosted the inaugural International Fire-fighters' Day-of Remembrance.
The National Act of Remembrance took the form of a Service
at St. Giles Church in London to which two local fire-fighters
were invited.
That was followed by a march to the fire-fighters' national memorial adjacent to St. Paul's Cathedral where a wreath laying ceremony took place. .
The Northern Ireland Fire Brigade was represented along with officers and fire-fighters from brigades across the United Kingdom.
To mark the occasion in Northern Ireland a quiet and-dignified wreath laying ceremony was held at the commemorative sculpture at Seymour Street.
Crews in fire stations across the province joined the act of remembrance by observing a one minute silence at 3.30pm.