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This Meeting House, with Burial Ground adjoining, lies at the foot of Bradshaw's Brae, on the south side of the road from Belfast shortly before entering Newtownards.

In 1779 Lisburn Monthly Meeting appointed Wm. Rogers and Jacob Handcock to visit Newtown Meeting.
In 1780 Ulster Quarterly Meeting recommended a Meeting House to be built at Newtown.
In 1783 Robert Bradshaw and Ambrose Mahan attended Lisburn Monthly Meeting as representatives from Newtown.
In 1795 Ulster Quarterly Meeting appointed a committee to lease ground and collect subscriptions to erect a Meeting House.
In 1806 Lisburn Monthly Meeting appointed Jonathan Richardson and John Barcroft to have it completed.
In 1809 Thomas Shillitoe in his journal says, "Rode to Milecross, the meeting was held in the unfinished Meeting House, a considerable number of people attended".
In 1811 Stephen Griellet and George Richardson, in their respective journals, record having attended meetings.
Between 1830 and 1840 the meeting ceased to exist.
In 1972 the building, a simple room of approximately 30 ft. x 20 ft. with a semi-circular vestibule, remained roofed, but otherwise derelict, but may be incorporated as a social hall as part of the development in the area.


Consists of about half a rood of land, with a passage leading thereto, and situated in the Mill Quarter, Lower Grange, near Toomebridge, Co. Antrim.

Originally held under grant of 1696 subject to a yearly rent of one shilling if demanded. There were no documents later than the original grant, and as Friends held undisturbed occupation the property was included with several other properties belonging to Ulster Quarterly Meeting in the deed of 1891, which purported to vest it in the trustees then appointed. In 1913 they conveyed it to the Ulster Quarterly Meeting Trustees of 1905.

In 1924 Ulster Quarterly Meeting decided to hand the property over to representatives of families who claimed burial rights. The Conveyance was submitted to the Quarterly Meeting held in Sixth Month, 1924, and the Trustees were authorised to sign it. Friends were thus relieved from any further liability or responsibility in connection therewith.


This property contained about one rood eight perches of ground at Lower Grange, near Toomebridge, Co. Antrim. The original grant in 1793 was for "the public service of the people called Quakers, and no other use". A rent was reserved of one shilling per annum if demanded.

In 1904 the property was sold for £75 by direction of Ulster Quarterly Meeting.


This property was situated on the outskirts of Cootehill, in the Townland of Drumvale, in the Parish of Drumgoon, in the Diocese of Kilmore, in the County of Cavan.

The Meeting House was certified at the Quarter Sessions of the Peace held at Cootehill, 28th March, 1848, as being registered as a place for dissenters to meet together for religious worship.

The Mission Hall was built about 1876 by subscriptions and a portion of the proceeds of the sale of Antrim Meeting House, and was sold to John Whitfield, junior, 11th of Fifth Month, 1903, for 100 and a rent of £1 per annum.

Ulster Quarterly Meeting, held 17th of Third Month, 1924, approved of the disposal of the rest of the property, including the £1 per annum rent, to John Whitfield, junior, and the Trustees were authorised to sign the necessary documents when prepared at the expense of the purchaser, who paid £10 in settlement, and received a copy of the Quarterly Meeting Minute; but so far no Conveyance has been made in legal form.