The end of an era for buses
DECEMBER 30, 1972 marked. the end of an era for public transport right across Northern Ireland,
It was announced that the 200 traditional, double-decker buses which were used throughout the Province for numerous years were to make their final journeys.
There was a special run to commemorate the end of the buses as new, more spacious buses were introduced.
The special run left Belfast's. Oxford Street station and went through Newtownards, Bangor, Comber before finishing at Newtownards depot.
Housing plans for Lisburn
IN November 1972 another big housing programme was started in Lisburn.
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive had just given approval for the provision of 374 houses, a tenants' club-room, an estate maintenance office and three shops at Ballymacross, about two miles from the town centre.
The development was to cater for a population of 1,737 and provision was made for 395 cars.
In the, proposed scheme approximately seven acres of the 42 acre site had been allocated to open spaces, the largest of which was to be three and a half acres at the highest part of the site and was to incorporate mature trees and slopes gently to the south affording excellent views over the Valley with distant views to Mourne Mountains,
Looking back at news from Lisburn's past
The old Stewarts Mill building in Antrim Street, a familiar sight on the Lisburn skyline, which was demolished in January 1985
Homework not liked but needed
IN November 1958, The Ulster Star reported that a former teacher had described homework as a `necessary evil'.
Mrs Wallace said that homework was not liked by pupils and it certainly was not Red by the teacher, who had to do all the correcting, but that it was necessary.
She said the theory was that all the work covered by homework could be completed in school, but personally she did not think that was so as the curriculum was overloaded. If children were going to work all the time under supervision and be told exactly what to do, it was not going to develop the self-reliance and independence that was going to stand to them when they went to the university.
Children were going to be behind, said Mrs. Wallace, if they did not get all the benefit they could from school education. It was going to be in the future a race between children they were educating now and the children who were being educated in Moscow and other places in the world. They were going to be behind unless they took the full advantages that they had and made the most of them.
Referring to the handling of food in shops, Mrs. Wallace said legislation in that aspect was very much needed. They were "a bit behind the times" in Northern Ireland in that respect and she said she would like to see a campaign against "finger-lickers and bag-blowers".
at Lagan Valley Hospital were to receive a new deal and Lisburn citizens
were being asked to contribute.
Plans for the new deal - a £30,000 training, leisure and recreational centre - were released in November 1969.
At that time no real facilities existed for the 120 nurses who worked at the hospital.
But a Trust fund to finance the new centre was set up and this was being administered by a committee.
Approximately 90 nurses from the age of 18 upwards were undergoing training at Lagan Valley Hospital. They came from all over Ulster and often found themselves at loose ends in the evenings, it was reported.
A number of local residents and businesses had stepped in with their cheque books and now the appeal was to go all over the province to ex-patients of the hospital.
This ad appeared in the Star in 1958, but the message could be the same today for this famous flour brand.
Plans for the centre were drawn up and it would be large enough to cater for badminton, indoor bowls, dances and variety shows.
No definite date was suggested for the opening but work was to be as soon as possible. A list of fund raising ventures was drawn up with a variety concert given by local school children in Fort Hill School.
Showing support for the scheme was a matron called Bella Millar who said: "It's the most wonderful thing to have happened. We must offer our nurses something because we have no accommodation at."
Present ideas for families in 1958
SANTA was set to arrive on his sleigh at Manor House, according to the Ulster Star in 1958. The route was set to cover most of the streets of Lisburn so children could get a good view.
One place where children could be sure of seeing him was at the Co-op in Castle Street where he would be welcomed by the branch manager. Presents for fathers, it was suggested, were easily dealt with something from the following list: shirts, ties, scarves, pyjamas, socks, pullovers, cardigans and wallets. Mothers 'would be delighted' with an item from the following list : gloves, nylons, underwear, housecoats, slippers, knitwear stoles, gift boxes and cosmetics.
The variety of toys on display at the Co-op was said to be nothing short of startling. The old favourites were there, but were having to take their place beside the latest products of man's ingenuity and the revolutionary materials now available. Make believe played a large part in a youngster's life, and there was a really wonderful section of toys available 'for the 10 year old housewife or the teenage spaceman or cowboy'. On the Little Miss side, 'some extremely comprehensive sets for the time honoured pastime of playing shop were to he had'.
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Ulster Star