Civic and General Information
Contact for Co. Antrim:
Kilpatrick House, 38-54 High Street, Ballymena, BT43 6DT. Tel:
Contact for Co. Down:
Knockbreda Crown Building, Upper Knockbreda Road, Belfast. Tel:
Sub-Office for both contacts:
135 Longstone Street, Lisburn. Tel: 3839 (Down) and 77660 (Antrim).
Advice on Tree Planting and Forest Recreation:
Forester's Office, Belvoir Park Forest, Belfast. Tel: 645540.
Advice on Urban Drainage:
Area Drainage Office, 157 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn. Tel: 72317.
Emergencies Contacts:
Newtownards 814729 or Portavogie 71518.
Ulsterbus Limited operate bus services within Lisburn Borough and
throughout Northern Ireland. Tours are operated throughout the
Summer season and long distance express services operate via the
Larne Stranraer ferry to London, Leeds, Manchester, Blackpool and
other centres.
Enquiries to the Depot Manager, Ulsterbus Limited, Smithfield
Square, Lisburn, BT28 1 TH. Tel: 2091 /2.
Located at Bridge Community Centre, Railway Street, Lisburn. Tel:
2251 .
Open as follows:
Monday - 10.00 to 12.00 and 2.00 to 4.00. Tuesday- 10.00 to 12.00;
2.00 to 4.00 and 7.00 to 9.00.
Thursday-10.00 to 12.00 and 7.00 to9.00. Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday-10.00 to 12.00.
The Civil Representatives provide liaison between the general public
and Police/ military/Government Departments in matters which may
arise through the security situation (e.g. investigating Army Search
Damage Claims).
For Dunmurry/Twinbrook Area: Contact: Civil Representative, c/o Army
Camp, Woodbourne, Belfast. Tel: 617700.
For remainder of Lisburn Area:
Contact: Principal Civil Representative, c/o HQ 39 Infantry Brigade,
Thiepval Barracks, Lisburn. Tel: 5111 (Ext. 3002).
Advice on matters relating to industrial
development and industrial sites from: Factories and Sites Division,
Chichester House, Chichester Street, Belfast. Tel: 34488 (Ext. 426).
Advice on Consumer Protection, Trading Standards, Weights and
Measures and the Trade Descriptions Act from:
Trading Standards Branch, 176 Newtownbreda Road, Belfast. Tel:

Meals-on-Wheels Service and Alderman
Sarah Crothers Senior Citizens' Centre: Community Service Council
Chairman, Councillor Mrs. Maureen McKinney, 'Calhame', Clonevin
Park, Lisburn, BT28 3BJ. Tel: 6631.
Advice and assistance to the public
in their day-to-day contacts with governments and public agencies.
(Department of the Environment, N.I.) At the Town Hall, Castle
Street, Lisburn, BT27 4ST. Tel: 2259.
(Department of the Environment, N.I.) Vehicle Inspection and Driving
Test Centre, Ballinderry Road, Lisburn, BT28 1TN. Tel: 3151.
Enquiries concerning grants for sports,
recreational and community facilities: Department of Education,
Londonderry House, 21-27 Chichester Street, Belfast, BT1 4RL. Tel:
For information on schools and institutes of further education:
South Eastern Education and Library Board, 18 Windsor Avenue,
Belfast, BT9 6EE. Tel: 661188.
Deputy Electoral Officer, Bedford House, Bedford Street, Belfast,
BT2 7DS. Tel: 45353.
For Lisburn, Dunmurry, Dundrod, Drumbo, Hillsborough, Stoneyford
areas: Lisburn Electricity Office. Tel: 74123/5. For Moira, Aghalee,
Glenavy, Ballinderry areas:
Lurgan Electricity Office. Tel: 3661. For Dromara area:
Banbridge Electricity Office. Tel: 22408. A Freefone service is
available through the operator for fault reporting outside office
hours, ask for Freefone 724.
Northern Ireland Electricity Consumers Council, Stranmillis
Embankment, Belfast, BT9 5FN. Tel: 661825.
The Department of Manpower Services provides the employment and
careers service.
Employment service for adults and young people at Bow House, 71 Bow
Street, Lisburn, BT28 1 BJ. Tel: 72214.
An employment body set up to rehabilitate and train unemployed
Area office at 2 Bridge Street, Portadown, BT62 1JD. Tel: 36697.
Information Centre:
Lindsay House, Callender Street, Belfast, BT1 5DT. Tel: 42752.
Fire Authority, 43 Castle Street, Lisburn, BT27 4SP. Tel: 4221. For
emergencies dial 999.

Gas Department, Bridge Street, Lisburn. Tel: 2239.
See under 'Social Services'.
Community Health Department: The Health Centre, Linenhall Street, Lisburn. Tel: 5181.
Lisburn District Offices:
The Health Centre, Linenhall Street, Lisburn. Tel: 2733.
Lagan Valley Hospital (General), Lisburn. Tel: 5141.
Killowen Hospital (Adult convalescent and Geriatric), Lisburn. Tel:
Lissue Hospital, (Child Psychiatric), Maze. Tel: 62151 1.
(Department of the Environment, N.I.) 1 Connsbrook Avenue, Belfast,
BT4 1 EH. Tel: 653251.
Construction, maintenance and management of publicly owned
dwellings; housing allocations; improvement/conversion/ intermediate
repair grants to privately owned dwellings; insulation grants to
publicly and privately owned dwellings; house purchase and
improvement loans; re-development and clearance areas; demolition
and closing orders; tenant welfare; grants under Land Acquisition
and Compensation (N.I.) Order 1973 (formerly resettlement grants);
liaison with Borough Council on housing management matters and
assessment of future housing needs; sale of dwellings owned by
Housing Executive; adaptations to publicly owned dwellings for
handicapped/disabled tenants.
In Lisburn Borough Council Area there are 3 District Offices:
Lisburn District Office:
1 Knockmore Square, Lisburn, BT28 1SQ. Tel: Lisburn 77324/5 for
Lisburn Estates, Old Warren, Knockmore, Aghalee, Glenavy, Hillhall,
Hillsborough, Lower Ballinderry, Maghaberry.
Dunmurry District Office:
1st Floor, Kingsway Shopping Centre, Dunmurry, BT17 ONP. Tel:
Belfast 610014/5 for Dunmurry, Ballycoan, Derriaghy, Dromara,
Drumbeg, Drumbo, Hilden, Lambeg, Stoneyford, Whitemountain.
Poleglass District Office:
2 Glasvey Park, Twinbrook, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 OBD. Tel: Belfast
626231 for Twinbrook, Poleglass.
These District Offices should be contacted by those wishing to apply
for housing, to make requests for maintenance, to query matters
concerning rent, or to make payments of rent if the tenant does not
wish to pay at the Post Office or by standing order. Initial
applications to buy a Housing Executive dwelling should also be made
to the District Office.
Please note however that due to difficulties with suitable
office space, queries concerning housing applications and
allocations, for the Dunmurry area, should be directed to the
Housing Excecutive's Office at 38 Castle Street, Lisburn. Tel:
Lisburn 78222,
For grants to privately owned dwellings, and for insulation
grants for publicly and privately owned dwellings please contact:
The Grants Office, 38 Castle Street, Lisburn. Tel: Lisburn 78222.
The South East Regional Office which is responsible for
administering these offices is located in Newtownards:
South East Regional Office, Town 'n Country, Regent Street,
Newtownards. Tel: Newtownards 810440.
For general advice on all housing matters, both in private and
public sector, please contact:
Housing Advice Centre, Adelaide Street, Belfast. Tel: Belfast 40558.

Emergency Service:
Emergencies occurring between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. should be
reported to the District Office. At other times tenants should ring
the Special After Hours Emergency Service at Belfast 46111.
This service should not be used to deal with routine repairs.
(South Eastern Education and Library Board):
Chief Librarian, Library H.Q., Windmill Hill, Ballynahinch. Tel:
Branch Libraries:
27 Railway Street, Lisburn, BT28 1XP. Tel: 6749.
Upper Dunmurry Lane, Dunmurry. Tel: Belfast 623007.
Gardenmore Road, Twinbrook, Dunmurry. Tel: Belfast 619515.
(Department of Commerce)
Eastern Area Office, 21 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 BAB. Tel:
The Square,
Hillsborough, BT26 6AH. Tel: 682477.
Sub-Office: Town Hall, Castle
Street, Lisburn, BT27 4SP. Tel: 2259.
District 'A':
Glenavy, Magheragall, Moira and Tullyrusk. Alderman R.D. Campbell,
A.C.I.I., 5 Moneybroom Road, Lisburn, BT28 2QP.
Councillor J.C. Clenaghan, 4 Station Road, Upper Ballinderry,
Lisburn, BT28 2ET.
Councillor J. Dillon, Ballyknock House, 64 Ballyknock Road, Moira,
Craigavon, BT67 OPT.
Councillor J.H. Wells, B.A., Dip.T.C.P., 296 Albertbridge Road,
District 'B':
Ballymacbrennan, Dromara, Drumbo, Hillsborough and Maze.
Councillor Wm. G. Bleakes, 8 Drumbeg Road, Ballyaughlis, Lisburn,
BT27 5TR.
Councillor S. Dorman, 85 Tullyard Road, Drumbo, Lisburn, BT27 5JN.
Councillor T.W. Lilburn, B.Sc., (Econ.), 'The Old Manse', 344
Ballynahinch Road, Hillsborough, BT26 6BT.
Councillor J. McCann, 219 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT27 5JR.
Alderman C.B. Poots, Glengard House, 22 Gardners Road, Lisburn, BT27
District 'C':
Blaris, Hillhall, Knockmore, Lagan Valley and Old Warren.
Alderman Wm. Belshaw, 12 Warren Park Drive, Lisburn, BT28 1 HF.
Councillor S.A. Close, D.B.S., F.A.A.I., 48 Saintfield Road,
Lisburn, BT27 5BE.
Councillor R. Dunsmore, 16 Victory Street, Lisburn, Co. Antrim BT27
Councillor D. McCarroll, A.I.B.I.C.C., 18 Downs Road, Ballycairn,
Belfast, BT8 8LB.
Councillor Wm. G. Watson, B.Ed., Dip.Ed., 'Rosguil', 169
Ballynahinch Road, Largymore, Lisburn, BT27 5LP.

District 'D':
Hilden, Lambeg, Lisnagarvey, Magheralave and Tonagh.
Councillor G.A. Boyd, B.Sc., 42 Kennedy Drive, Harmony Heights,
Lisburn, BT27 4HZ.
Alderman I. Davis, 29 Roseville Park, Lisburn, BT27 4XT.
Councillor Mrs. M.L. McKinney, L.R.A.M., L.T.C.L., 'Calhame', 30
Clonevin Park, Lisburn, BT28 3BJ.
Councillor R.J. McNeice, 9B Thornleigh Park, Lisburn, Co. Antrim.
Alderman S. Semple, M.B.E., J.P., F.R.S.A., Cedar Croft, 16 Belsize
Road, Lisburn, BT27 4AW.
District 'E':
Collin, Derriaghy, Dunmurry and Seymour Hill.
Councillor Rev. W.J. Beattie, 65 Carricknadarriff Road,
Hillsborough, Co. Down.
Councillor J.I. Davis, 8 Eagle Terrace, Lisburn, BT27 4TH.
Councillor Wm. J. McAllister, 13 Pine Cross, Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17
Councillor Wm. McDonnell, 9 Collin Brook Park, Poleglass, Belfast.
H.A. Duff, Esq., F.C.A.
Building Regulations (N.I.):
Enforcement of regulations relating to construction and erection of
buildings, alterations and extensions to existing buildings,
execution of works and installation of fittings, and change of use
of existing buildings; dangerous buildings; subsidies for new
District Building Control Officer, Building Control Office, Town
Hall, Castle Street, Lisburn. Tel: 2259.
Environmental Health:
Concerned with food and food premises inspection; monitoring of
water supplies; atmospheric pollution control; consumer safety;
nuisance and pestcontrol; shopand office health and safety
standards; dwelling inspections (under Rent Order).
District Chief Public Health Inspector, Borough Offices, The Square,
Hillsborough, BT26 6AH. Tel: 682477.
(For cinemas, entertainments, petroleum, street trading, hoardings).
Chief Administrative Officer, Borough Offices, The Square,
Hillsborough. Tel: 682477.
Technical Services
Concerned with street cleaning; refuse collection; public toilets;
maintenance of parks, playing fields and cemeteries; local amenity
schemes; litter prevention; motor car removal; petroleum
inspections; postal numbering schemes and provision of street name
Chief Technical Officer, Borough Offices, The Square, Hillsborough,
BT26 6AH. Tel: 682477.
Recreation Services:
Development of community services, arts, entertainment, sport,
tourism, museum and general recreation.
Chief Recreation Officer, Borough Offices, The Square, Hillsborough,
BT26 6AH. Tel: 682477.
Community/Activity Centres:
The four Activity Centres and Swimming Pool operated by the Council
cater for a wide range of sporting, cultural and community activity.
The Lisburn Museum which is open to the public free of charge mounts
temporary exhibitions of various art forms as well as having on view
its permanent exhibition. The Bridge Community Centre caters for a
wide spectrum of art, craft and community activity as well as being
the base for the Community Services Officer. West Lisburn Community
Centre caters largely for localised community interests in the Old
Warren area of the town and is controlled from the Bridge Community

Bridge Community Centre, 50 Railway Street, Lisburn, BT27 1XP. Tel:
Brook Activity Centre, 25 Summerhill Road, Twinbrook,
Dunmurry, Belfast, BT17 ORD. Tel: 620848.
Glenmore Activity Centre, 43 Glenmore Park, Hilden, Lisburn, BT27
4RT. Tel: 2830.
Grove Activity Centre, 15 Ballinderry Park, Knockmore Estate,
Lisburn, BT28 1ST. Tel: 71 131.
Kilmakee Activity Centre, 52A Rowan Drive, Seymour Hill, Dunmurry,
Belfast, BT17 90A. Tel: 629545.
Lisburn Museum, The Assembly Rooms, Market Square, Lisburn, BT28
1AG. Tel: 72624.
Lisburn Swimming Pool, Market Place, Lisburn. Tel: 2306.
West Lisburn Community Centre, 59 Drumbeg Drive, Old Warren,
Lisburn. Tel: 3987.
(Department of the
Environment, N.I.).
Contact for Co. Antrim:
Local Vehicle Licensing Office, County Hall, Galgorm Road,
Ballymena. Tel: 3333.
Contact for Co. Down:
Local Vehicle Licensing Office, Mount Crescent, Downpatrick. Tel:
2358. Both offices open to public 9.30 to 4.00 Monday-Friday.
For postal applications for licence renewals:
Vehicle Licensing Control Office, County Hall, Coleraine. Tel: 4133.
Ulster Star (Fridays).
Dromore Leader (Thursdays).
The Commissioner for Complaints investigates complaints made by the
public against District Councils and other public authorities whilst
the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration investigates
complaints referred to him by the public through their M.P. against
Government Departments.
Office: Progressive House, 33 Wellington Place, Belfast. Tel: 33821.
Ordnance Survey Shop, 83 Ladas Drive, Belfast, BT6 9JF. Tel:
58225/54580/ 56286.
Applications for planning permission including change of use,
mineral working and tree preservation orders, enforcement of
Planning Control, applications for consent to display
advertisements, preparation of development plans.
Town and Country Planning Service, (Department of the Environment,
N.I.), Rathdune House, New Bridge Street, Downpatrick, BT30 6EA.
Tel: 3721. Planning Appeals Commission, Carlton House, 1 Shaftesbury
Avenue, Belfast, BT2 7LB. Tel: 44710.

The Lisburn District is served by 6 Police Divisions.
Lisburn Sub-Division:
Serves Lisburn, Ballinderry, Stoneyford, Aghalee and Hillsborough
Police Stations - Lisburn 77421: Hillsborough 682222: Aghalee 212
(open 9 a.m.-11 a.m. and 5 p.m.-7 p.m.).
Dunmurry Sub-Division:
Serves Dunmurry area. Police Station, Dunmurry, Belfast 622711.
Newtownards Sub-Division:
Serves the Drumbo and Boardmills area. Police Station, Newtownards
2777: Carryduff 812222: Ballynahinch 562222.
Banbridge Sub-Division:
Serves Dromara area.
Police Stations, Banbridge 3636: Dromara 532202 (open 9 a.m.-1 1
a.m. and 5 p.m.7 p.m.).
Lurgan Sub-Division:
Serves Moira area.
Police Stations, Lurgan 5144: Moira 61 1222 (open 9 a.m.-1 1 a.m.
and 5 p.m.7 p. m.).
Antrim Sub-Division:
Serves Glenavy and Dundrod areas. Police Stations Antrim 2222:
Crumlin 52223 (open 9 a.m.-11 a.m. and 5 p.m.7 p.m.
Andersonstown Sub-Division:
Serves Poleglass and Twinbrook areas. Police Stations, Andersonstown,
Belfast 614330: Woodburne, Belfast 619637. For emergencies dial 999.
The main office is at 2 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, BT28 1AA. Tel:
3339 (Postal Queries); 2379 (Counter Queries).
Open 9.00-12.30 and 1.30-5.30 (Mondays to Fridays); 9.00-12.30
Town Sub-Offices (all in Lisburn) are:
46 Grand Street, BT27 4UD. Tel: 2441. 5 Knockmore Square, BT28 1 SZ.
Tel: 79139.
139 Longstone Street, BT28 1 ET. Tel: 77016.
1 Pond Park Road, BT28 3LH. Tel: 2173. 27
Sloan Street, BT27 5AG. Tel: 3579. Open 9.00-1.00 and 2.00-5.30
(Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays); 9.00-1.00 (Wednesdays
and Saturdays).
Northern Ireland Railways operate passenger services from Portadown
through to Belfast Central and Bangor; and from Lisburn to
Ballinderry, Glenavy, Crumlin, Antrim and on to Londonderry via
Coleraine. The intercity 'Enterprise' connects Belfast with Dundalk,
Drogheda and Dublin. An express parcels service, 'Railfast' operates
through Lisburn and provides express parcels deliveries to all
stations on the system.
Head Offices: Belfast Central Station, East Bridge Street,
Belfast. Tel: 35282. Passenger Service Enquiries - Belfast 30310.
Local Stations - Lisburn (Tel: 2294); Dunmurry; Moira; Glenavy;
(Department of Finance)
Rating Office, Bow House, 71 Bow Street, Lisburn, BT28 1 BJ. Tel:
District Valuer, 16 Bow Street, Lisburn, BT28 1 BN. Tel: 77527.
Town Hall, Castle Street, Lisburn. Tel: 2259.

Roads and bridges, traffic management including signs, lights and
pedestrian crossings, street lighting, footpaths, car parking,
private streets, access to public roads, overhanging hedges and
grass cutting.
(Department of the Environment, N.I.)
Main Office: English Street, Downpatrick. Tel: 3211.
Section Office: Benson House, Antrim Road, Lisburn. Tel: 75331.
(For minor complaints and emergencies) Emergencies outside office
hours - Tel: Seaforde 619.
Senior Road Safety Education Officer, S.E. Education and Library
Board, 44 Ballylesson Road, Belfast, BT8 8JS. Tel: Drumbo 404.
For local road safety matters:
Lisburn Borough Road Safety Committee, Town Hall, Castle Street,
Lisburn. Tel: 2259.
Social Security Offices, Bow House, 71 Bow Street, Lisburn, BT28 1
BJ. Tel: 77621.
Home helps, meals-on-wheels, blind and handicapped, craft
instruction (handicapped), adoption, child care, child fostering,
family counselling, residential care of elderly.
District Social Services Officer, Lisburn Health Centre, Linenhall
Street, Lisburn. Tel: 518 1.
Emergencies out of office hours - Tel: Belfast 668246.
Old People's Homes:
Drumlough House, Moira Road, Lisburn. Tel: 6228.
Warren House, Woodland Park, Lisburn. Tel: 79235.
Kilwarlin House, Hillsborough. Tel: 682275.
Seymour House, Dunmurry. Tel: Belfast 617829.
Children's Homes:
Glenmore House, Hilden, Lisburn. Tel: 2081.
Terrace Hill, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast. Tel: 642453.
Wallace Avenue Day Centre, Lisburn. Tel: 781 1 1 .
Home for Mentally Handicapped:
Hillhall Home, Lisburn. Tel: 79364.
School for Mentally Handicapped:
Parkview School, Wallace Avenue,
Lisburn. Tel: 6197.
Hostel for Mentally III:
Ballymacoss Hostel, Lisburn. Tel: 76277.

Northern Ireland Tourist Board:
Tourist Development Officer, 176 Newry Road, Banbridge, BT32 3NB.
Tel: 23759.
Tourist Board H.Q., River House, 48 High Street, Belfast, BT1 2BE.
Tel: 31221.
(Department of the Environment, N.I.)
For Lisburn, Dunmurry,
Dundrod, Stoneyford areas:
Sub-Division Water Office, Harmony Hill, Lisburn. Tel: 2606/3518.
Emergencies outside office hours:
Belfast 746581 (water); Lisburn 2086 (sewerage) or Belfast 757414.
For Hillsborough, Dromara, Killaney and Drumbo areas:
Sub-Division Water Office, Derryvolgie House, 15 Belfast Road,
Hilden, Lisburn. Tel: 73325.
Emergencies outside office hours:
Belfast 746581 (water) and 641465 (sewerage) or Belfast 757414.
For Moira, Aghalee, Ballinderry, Glenavy areas:
Sub-Division Water Office, Goban Street, Portadown. Tel: 32397.
Emergencies outside office hours: Lurgan 5781.
Provision of facilities in conjunction with other agencies,
provision of social, physical and cultural activities and assistance
to voluntary organisations.
Provision of advice and resources (South Eastern Education and
Library Board) Lisburn Youth Office, 29 Railway Street, Lisburn,
BT28 1 XP. Tel: 74069.
The Council wish to thank the undernoted individuals and
organisations who contributed material and in other ways assisted
with the production of the Guide. Their help is warmly appreciated.
Canon J. Barry, M.A.
District Development Office, Lisburn.
Rev. S.E. Long, L.Th., R.D., J.P.
Rev. J.B. Lowe, M.A.
Mr. T. Neill and Lisburn Historical Society.
Northern Ireland Tourist Board.
Town and Country Planning Service, Department of Environment.
Ulster Architectural Heritage Society. Lisburn Camera Club.
Graphics Unit, Department of Environment. Ulster Star.

Wallace Park |
Industrial and Commercial Lisburn
The following entries, referring to some of the industrial and
commercial concerns whose advertisements appear within this
publication give ample evidence of the business enterprise and
initiative that exists within the Borough.
The Borough Council, however, is not responsible for the accuracy
of the statements contained within this section and their inclusion
does not imply any recommendation by that Council.
ADVANCED WATER TREATMENT LTD. is a relatively new chemical water
treatment manufacturing company based in Lisburn and which, during
its short period of operation, has won an impressive proportion of
the water treatment market in Northern Ireland. It supplies and
services chemicals and plant to treat industrial water - including
boiler water conditioning; the prevention of fouling in cooling
systems; corrosion prevention and the clarification and purification
of process waters including portable supplies. The company, whose
local manufacturing to their own chemical formulations means local
prices and improved service, also supply all types of water
treatment plant tailored to suit the needs of clients.
Based at Lagan Mills, WALTER ALLEN & COMPANY LTD. are electrical
and radio wholesalers, importers and distributors. An old corn mill,
the building has 24,000 square feet on three floors and here
everything electrical is stocked - from a single bulb to a beautiful
chandelier. Selections of the finest light fittings are displayed
and visitors come from Great Britain and overseas - this has very
much put Lisburn 'on the map' for decorative lighting. Supplies come
from the 'cream' of manufacturers in England, Scotland, Denmark,
Germany, Italy and Spain. Even in these difficult times chandeliers
in excess of �1,000 are purchased by discriminating customers.
Lisburn has been an important centre of the linen industry for
the greater part of 200 years and BARBOUR THREADS LIMITED have been
making quality linen sewing threads on their Hilden site since 1823.
They are now the largest linen thread factory in the world and have
developed a comprehensive range of synthetic threads suitable for
every possible sewing application. A wide variety of plaited cords
('Braids') is now also produced at the Hilden factory. The company
have always been in the forefront of developing new threads and
manufacturing techniques and have always been extremely innovative
in their product development policy, amply justifying the company
slogan 'Ahead in Thread'.
BODEL DISTRIBUTORS LTD. set up seven years ago in Belfast, soon
found a more advantageous home in Lisburn with its easy motorway
links to all of the province. Bodels stock and distribute to the
trade, electrical appliances, kitchen accessories and bathroom
equipment dealing with such household names as Chloride Shires of
England, Robert Bosch of Germany and Franke of Switzerland. Now
employing ten people, mostly from Lisburn, the company feels that
its move to Lisburn, as an ideal distribution centre was the correct
CAMERON LANDSCAPES LIMITED, whose Garden Centre is well stocked
with exclusive plants and sundries, specialises in landscaping and
environmental improvement. Its work for local authorities and
industrial concerns has been very successful and in 1981 it
completed work for the Westlink Motorway, Kilroot Power Station,
Shore Road Park and Musgrove Park Hospital. It has a first class
operating base in the midst of 46 acres of developing nursery.
At Bow Street in the centre of Lisburn is the well known store,
established in 1931, of W.J. CHITTICK. It specialises in mens, boys
and ladies up-market fashion and has an extensive range to choose
from - of quality merchandise at reasonable prices.

On a twelve acre site in the beautiful Lagan Valley at Lambeg,
COCA-COLA BOTTLERS (ULSTER) LTD. have put the province into the
major league of soft drink manufacturers by building one of Europe's
most modern bottling plants that produces 75 million bottles of
Coca-Cola and allied brands every year.
Coca-Cola was first introduced into Northern Ireland in 1938 but by
the sixties it became obvious that the original Belfast plant could
not cope with the ever increasing demand. Thus, in 1968, the new
Lambeg factory was opened and is now a major employer in the Lisburn
area. Involvement with the community has always been important to
the Coca-Cola organisation and many sponsorships involve young
people and their sports and recreational pursuits.
One of Northern Ireland's fastest growing storage and
distribution companies, Coy-Lowry Ltd. has seen increased business
since it moved to Lisburn in 1980. This the company attributes to
its policy of providing real service to its customers including a
quick and reliable service at an economical price to and from the
British mainland. Its "proof of delivery" system, allied to the fact
that it also delivers at evenings and weekends, means that it can
capture a great deal more distribution traffic. Its warehouse, at
the Young Street Industrial Estate, is manned by a 24 hour security
and fail-safe automatic alarm system.
Stained and decorative engraved glass is made by CWS DESIGN, a
company established in 1976 and now in premises at Hilden. Here it
offers a unique design service for stained glass, leaded lights and
sandblast engraving. Restoration of stained glass is an important
part of CWS work and they have recently completed a �40,000 contract
in this field. Recent, too, is the engraving of crystal and
glassware and its skilled craftsmen produce logos and personalised
engraving for special occasions. In 1978 the firm received the LEDU/Allied
Irish Bank award for Ulster's best new craft and enterprise company.
Discount furniture and carpets are the concern of SEYMOUR DUGAN
whose grandfather founded a plumbing and gas fitting business at
Chapel Hill in 1898. In 1967 Seymour Dugan established his furniture
and carpet shop at these premises and ten years later expanded by
opening an additional warehouse, for carpets and vinyl, at Graham
Gardens. In late 1981 work started on building a large shop and
warehouse at Chapel Hill and this offers a more comprehensive stock
of both furniture and floor coverings-the new premises were opened
in September 1982.
GRACEY BROTHERS LIMITED are leading distributors of frozen foods
to the retail, catering, cash and carry , and home freezer trades in
Northern Ireland. They are sale distributors for such well known
brands as Ross and Youngs and also distribute frozen fish,
vegetables and potato products under the labels of Merit, Bluecrest
and Witch respectively. They also have an extensive range of freshly
prepared salads under the Masterpiece label. A long established
public cold storage company, Gracey has almost one million cubic
feet of sub-zero storage space as well as modern warehouse
facilities in individual units. Equipped with the most modern plant
their egg processing department supplies the bakery and catering

THE HILLSIDE is not only delightful bar but also an attractive
restaurant. Lunch downstairs in the bar is extensive but expensive
with a varied choice of hot dishes and a cold cabinet filled with a
selection of delicious cold dishes and fillings for baked potatoes.
In the upstairs restaurant are more formal lunches with a menu that
varies daily. In the evenings the restaurant, which opens at 7.00,
is well suited for couples and small gatherings; the menu is changed
twice a week and the food is prepared from fresh seasonal produce.
An extensive range of plant machinery, hydraulic and industrial
supplies is marketed by IRISH PLANT & HYDRAULICS LTD. a company
formed in 1970. Products sold include hydraulic rock breakers, mini
excavators, dumpers, water pumps, poker vibrators, vibrating plates,
compressors, concrete mixers, space heaters and portable site
cabins. Hydraulic and industrial components of varying kinds ranging
from hose and hose fittings to road signs and steel tubes are
supplied to the industrial, engineering and agricultural trades. As
well as its Hillsborough depot, the company have others at Naas in
Co. Kildare and Mallow in Co. Cork.
J. H. IRWIN AND SON (FUELS) LIMITED. The business was started in
1937 by Mr. J.H. Irwin (Senior) and has progressed steadily since
that time and is now a large family business with its own oil depot
at Lambeg, engaged in distributing to many areas oils for home,
industrial and farm use.
A landmark in central Lisburn for many decades (it was founded
over a century ago) are the premises of REDMOND JEFFERSON LTD. who
are timber, hardware, seed and implement merchants. The company also
sell building supplies to customers that range from farmers to
builders and do-it-yourself enthusiasts. The supply and erection of
hay sheds has also long been important and, throughout Northern
Ireland, large numbers of Jefferson-built sheds are to be found,
some well over fifty years old.
In 1971 Neville Johnston, convinced that there was scope for a
motor car dealership in Hillsborough, founded NEVILLE JOHNSTON
(GARAGES) LTD., a business that has flourished and proved its
founder's ideas to be right. The firm, who are Northern Ireland
distributors of Toyota vehicles, have developed the Hillsborough
garage which are situated in an attractive rural setting close to
that town. The skilled staff give a friendly welcome and a high
degree of service - you can even see your own car actually being
worked on - all part of the professionalism offered.
The building and contracting firm of W. J. LAW & CO. was founded
in 1905 and has, through the years, been responsible for building
many houses in the Lisburn and Belfast areas and a wide range of
other buildings throughout the province. Among these have been the
Nurses Home at Lagan Valley Hospital; the Lisburn Herald offices and
Woolworths at Lisburn.
Today's premises in Moira Road, Lisburn, are the centre of a
flourishing firm which, as well as building, has plant and civil
engineering departments and a sawmill which has carried out
contracts for the Department of Agriculture and Harland and Wolff.
Over 400 private houses have been built and sold in South Antrim and
North Down in the last fifteen years and an unusual task in recent
years was the conversion of the Quarry Hole at Donaghadee into the
Copelands Marina for 70 boats. This job involved digging an entrance
out of solid rock.
Also based at Lisburn's Moira Road is the business of W. A. H.
LESTER (ENGINEERING) a general engineering firm that makes anything
from gates and railings to fire escapes and bulk bins. Over the last
two years the firm has specialised in welding such difficult
materials as aluminium's, stainless steel, cast iron and magnesium
alloys and the fabrication service now includes these materials.
Lesters also have a quite sophisticated metal cleaning centre with
automatic shot blasting machines for the general cleaning of metal;
and bead blasting machines for the fine finishing of aluminium.
LISBURN SECURITY SERVICES LTD. are members of the worldwide
International Professional Security Association whose members
conform to established standards of integrity, competence and
performance. The association, which produces pamphlets for those in
industry and commerce, needing a security service, has its
representative in parliament who is pressing for the introduction of
tougher measures to stop the so-called 'Cowboy outfits' from
operating in Northern Ireland.
almost a household name in the domestic heating business and a
highly reputed company in the fields of industrial heating and
plumbing. In the past 18 years many major contracts have been
carried out- including the Geriatric Unit at Lagan Valley Hospital
and the Wallace High School in Lisburn. The firm have also developed
their own property to include a new office block, extensive stores,
prefabrication workshop and a retail outlet that sells to the public
and to small plumbing contractors. Despite trends elsewhere, Littons
workforce grows and several major and minor contracts have recently
been won.
JOHN McGOWAN & SONS LTD. have, for over thirty years, been making
prefabricated timber buildings at their Moira Road premises. They
build both standard and purpose-made timber buildings for the
government; sports and social clubs; church committees; industrial
firms; education and hospital authorities and private customers. A
technical and design staff is employed and the firm specialises in
'package deals' whereby the customer receives a building that
includes all services and, if necessary, all furniture and fittings
and is thus ready for immediate use. As well as industrial buildings,
the company make garden buildings, garages and home extensions and
also manufacture kitchen and bar furniture, wall benching and
classroom fittings.
Founded nine years ago, MORGAN & STEWART LTD. of Lisburn's Castle
Street have progressed to be major insurance brokers handling life
and pension business, motor and general insurance. A new mortgage
and finance department was opened in 1980 when the firm became the
agent of the Bradford and Bingley Building Society. As well as
residential mortgages the company offers commercial mortgages and a
new pension loan scheme is available for business and professional
people wishing to expand or develop their business.
PAUL CONSTRUCTION LIMITED are builders and civil engineers who
carry out industrial, commercial and institutional building,
restoration and refurbishment, civil engineering and associated
work. Development work is also undertaken and a warehouse
development is planned alongside the Company's office.
PLANTONA LTD. who have modern offices, stores and workshops at
Lisburn, are a subsidiary of J. S. Lister Ltd. who trace their
trading origins back through three decades. The company has three
divisions. The Construction Division has franchises for leading
makers of earthmoving and compaction equipment and distributes
contractors plant and equipment throughout Northern Ireland.
Compressed air equipment is supplied to the quarry industry. The
Lister Machine Tools Division combines the activities of metal
cutting and forming and the supply of metrology equipment, engineers
tools, machine parts and service. Lastly the Welding Division offers
to industry a complete range of manual, semi-automatic and fully
automatic welding equipment. This division has been associated with
many major industrial projects throughout Northern Ireland.
Formerly the Railway Hotel and built in 1848 to serve both rail
and carriage travellers, the ROBINS NEST BAR AND LOUNGE offers
excellent lunches and snacks during the day with evening
entertainment that includes a resident disco or popular band.
TEXAN LIMITED, based at the Blaris Industrial Estate, are
stockists and distributors of such engineering items as gearboxes, vee belts, adhesives, transmission chains, pumps, gasketing
materials, sheet and rod plastics. Texan also make roller shutter
and folding sliding doors, fire doors, rubber doors and PVC strip
curtains. They also design and install conveyors for handling
products that range from ice cream packs to complete fork lift