In attempting to produce a Borough Guide it is
almost impossible to provide as much detail as one would like and at
the same time ensure that the material makes interesting reading.
This guide neither attempts to be a comprehensive reference book nor
to provide a chronicle of all events that have been associated with
the area but does attempt to supply some basic information which
should be of interest to the visitor, the student, and the citizens
of the area. It is hoped that all who read it may be encouraged to
take a greater interest in the various aspects of life in the

The Borough of Lisburn is a much enlarged area since
October 1973 when local government was re-organised. The present
Borough includes the old Borough of Lisburn and a number of
villages, including Moira, Dromara, Glenavy and Dunmurry (see map,
centre pages). The Borough has a population of approximately 81,000
and is one of the fastest growing areas in Northern Ireland.
The old Lisburn Borough was an unincorporated Borough until 1885 and
an Urban District from 1899 until 1964 when a Royal Charter of
Incorporation was granted elevating Lisburn to Borough Status. On
the 30th September 1973, the Borough of Lisburn as then constituted
ceased to exist and a new Council was established, the members
having been elected in May 1973, in accordance with the Provisions
of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 to administer
the new enlarged Borough of Lisburn.
The area is a region of contrasts from the up-and-down drumlin
country of Down and the hills around Dromara to the calm of the
Lough Neagh shore at Sandy Bay with its potential for fishing,
boating and bathing to the hustle and bustle of the urban area of
the Lagan Valley. Beautiful views across Lough Neagh to the Sperrins
can be seen from the countryside above Dundrod (Bohill) and
Glenavy's Crew Hill, a place where the ancient kings of Eastern
Ulster were crowned.
As a residential area Lisburn Borough is most conveniently situated
being on the outskirts of Belfast and yet right in the middle of the
Lagan Valley straddling the main routes North and South and to the
centre of the province. The area is also adjacent to Aldergrove
Airport, the main airport in Northern Ireland.

Lisburn Borough Council
Borough Offices, The Square, Hillsborough, Co.
Down. Tel. 682477.
Senior Officials of the Council
J. F. Allen, A.C.I.S. |
Finance |
H. A. Duff, F.C.A. |
Town Clerk |
M. S. Fielding |
Administration |
D. R. G. Knox, B.Sc |
Building Control |
W. D. Middleton |
Environmental Health |
T. R. McDowell Tech. C.E.I., M.S.C.E.P.
Technical Services |
H. F. White, B.A |
Recreation |
A sub-office of the Borough Council is located in the Town Hall,
Castle Street, Lisburn, Tel. 2259, where enquiries may be directed.
(a) Building Control Enforcement of
Building Control Regulations relating to construction of new
buildings and to the alteration, extension and change of use of
existing Buildings;
Dangerous Buildings: Subsidies for building new
houses other than farmhouses (for farmhouse grants see Department of
Agriculture) Contact: Building Control Office Town Hall
Castle Street Lisburn BT274ST
Tel. 2259
(b) Environmental Health Examination of
food and inspection of food premises and vehicles, hairdressing
establishments, etc. The sampling of water supplies; The
Control of atmospheric pollution from domestic premises; The
enforcement of Health, Welfare and safety standards in offices and
shops; The abatement of nuisances and pest control
investigations. Contact: District Chief Public Health Inspector
Borough Offices The Square
Hillsborough BT266AH
Tel. 682477

(c) Licences
Licences for:
Cinemas, public entertainments, petroleum spirit, street trading and
Contact: The Town Clerk
Borough Offices
The Square
Hillsborough BT266AH
Tel. 682477
(d) Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Contact: The Registrar
Town Hall
Castle Street
Lisburn BT27 4ST
Tel. 2259
(e) Technical Services
Street cleansing;
Domestic and trade refuse collections;
Maintenance of burial grounds, parks and playing fields;
Public toilets;
Provision and erection of street name signs;
Minor works and local amenity schemes;
Removal of derelict motor vehicles and litter prevention.

(f) Recreation and
Community Services
All aspects of social, cultural and recreational
provision, including public parks and open spaces;
Community buildings and swimming pool;
Management of playing fields and provision of
sports, community and tourist facilities.
Contact: Recreation Officer
Borough Offices
The Square
Hillsborough BT26 6AH
Tel. 682477

The reorganization of Local Government in October 1973 brought with
it fundamental changes in the form and functions of Local
Government. One of these changes was the new role given to local
authorities in relation to the provision of a wide range of leisure
The Council is responsible for the following functions:
1. To secure the provision of adequate facilities for
recreational, social, physical and cultural activities in the
Borough as defined in Section 9 of the Recreation Et Youth Service (N.I.)
Order 1973 and Section 18 Local Government Act (N.I.) 1966.
2. To provide tourist amenities, entertainment or activities as
defined in Section 10 of the Development of Tourist Traffic (N.I.)
Order 1972 and Section 26 of the Development of Tourist Traffic Act
(N.I.) 1948.
3. To provide lectures, exhibitions, information centres, as
enabled under Section 109 and 110 Local Government Act 1972.
The Council maintains playing fields in Lisburn, Harmony Hill,
Dunmurry and Hillsborough. A major recreation scheme will be
completed at Warren Park, Lisburn, during 1976. This scheme, Lisburn
Recreation Centre, will provide parkland and outdoor sports
The outdoor facilities will comprise children's play areas, pitch
and putt course, a putting green, a rugby pitch, three soccer
pitches, two hard porous pitches, one with floodlighting, a running
track, a bowling green and tennis courts. These facilities will be
served with car parking space. The next phase of the scheme is
pavilion and storage accommodation.
It is the Council's intention to construct a Leisure Centre on this
site. Such a facility may include multi-purpose sports provision,
community and arts facilities and should provide a range of
accommodation which is much needed in the Borough.

Moira Demesne, 44 acres of land outside Moira, is being
developed for the Council by Enterprise Ulster. Walk-ways have been
created, water features developed and pic-nic sites made. A car park
within the Demesne will provide visitors with the opportunity to
bring their cars into the Demesne but will also ensure that the main
area of parkland is kept traffic free. Pic-nic areas and facilities
for children's play will be sited close to the car park. The Council
has agreed to provide public lavatories and a transit caravan site
with facilities for fifteen caravans.
Duncan's Reservoir and the land surrounding is being
developed for recreation purposes. Pathways through the wooded area
are being constructed and there will be provision for children's
During 1976 the Council will construct an Activity Centre at
Glenmore, Hilden. This building will include an activity hall 60
ft. by 30 ft. with changing and showering accommodation, a committee
room, coffee bar, toilets and storage facilities. There will be
sufficient accommodation provided at this stage to ensure that the
necessary changing facilities are available when the next phase of
the development is complete. During this second phase two soccer
pitches, children's play areas and probably a boating pond will be
The indoor accommodation will provide valuable activity space for
the people of the immediate area and will also be available to
people from the Borough at large.
Lisburn has probably the busiest two pool complex in the province
and during 1974 a quarter of a million swims were taken in the
pools. Further information may be obtained from the Manager of the
pools - Tel. Lisburn 2306.
Development of Sport
Lisburn Borough has a wide variety of sports clubs and a list of the
sports available in the Borough appears on page 19.
The Lisburn Sports Advisory Council continues to play an
important role in the community and is active in the promotion of
sport in the Borough.
Development of the Arts
The Council has recognised that the Arts must not be neglected and
has in consequence given its full co-operation to the Arts Council
of Northern Ireland. Exhibitions of paintings, drama and orchestral
performances have been arranged in association with the Council and
in co-operation with schools in the Borough.
In recognition of the need to involve local people in the
promotion of the Arts and cultural activities in the Borough the
Lisburn Arts Advisory Council was formed. Through this group it is
hoped to co-ordinate and promote art activity in the area and try to
ensure that cultural activities of all kinds are fostered. A
programme of future activities has been developed which will ensure
that many more activities will be available to the people of the

The Council has recognised the tourist potential of the Borough and
the many assets which it has to offer, and it is understood that
tourism benefits everyone. A folder, 'Lough Neagh - Ulster's Inland
Sea', is available from the Borough Council.
A transit caravan facility, referred to above, will be provided
at Moira, close to the M1 interchange. This facility should prove
invaluable to tourists coming into and going from the province and
should benefit the village of Moira in particular.
Community Development
The Borough Council owns one community centre in West Lisburn. This
centre is extensively used and provides a base for a wide range of
social and educational activities.
The Council has provided services to Community Associations in
the area since October 1973 but will extend this service from April
1976. The Council will be enabled to provide financial assistance
for a variety of community services.
The main categories of recurrent expenditure in which the Council
will become involved is as follows:
(a) Running costs of community centres
(b) Seeding grants and grants to community associations for
administrative expenditure
(c) Running costs of resource centres.
Capital projects relating to the provision of community buildings
will be dealt with by the Borough Council. Where a community centre
is provided by a community association, grant to the association
will be paid by the Borough Council. The number and extent of
capital projects will depend on the amount of money available from
the Department of Education.
District 'A'
Glenavy, Magheragall, Moira and Tullyrusk
Councillor J. Maze
Ivyhill Farm
3 Ivy Hill Lisburn BT28 3SLCouncillor G. E.
McCartney, J.P.
60 Main Street
Moira BT67 0LQ |
Councillor P. Ritchie
47 Main Street
Crumlin BT29 4UR
Councillor T. C. Wilson, J.P.
Lurgan BT67 OEA |

District 'B'
Ballymacbrennan, Dromara, Drumbo, Hillsborough and Maze
Alderman Mrs. E. Kelsey
Trench House
8 Trench Road
Hillsborough BT26 6JC
Councillor J. Lilley
Hillsborough BT2 66EE
Councillor H. McKeever
Brae House
Lisburn BT27 5PN
Councillor C. Poots
Glengard House
22 Gardners Road
Lisburn BT27 5PD
Councillor D. G. Titterington, |
J.P. Drumbo
BT27 5JX |
District 'C'
Blaris, Hillhall, Knockmore, Lagan Valley, Old Warren and Tonagh
Alderman Wm. Belshaw
12 Warren Park Drive
Lisburn BT28 1 HFCouncillor N. Bicker
Drumbanagher House
3 Springburn Park
Hillsborough Road
Lisburn BT27 5OZ |
Councillor S. A. Close
3 Derrin Place Lisburn
BT28 1 DTCouncillor J. McKeown, J.P.
32 Plantation Avenue
Lisburn BT27 5BL
Councillor G. Morrison
39 Hertford Crescent
Lisburn BT28 1 SO |
District 'D'
Hilden, Lambeg, Lisnagarvey and Magheralave
Councillor I. Davis
29 Roseville Park
Lisburn BT27 4XTCouncillor W. L. Henry, B. Comm. Sc.
F. C.I.I.
2 Tullyvar Park
Lisburn BT28 3HJ
Alderman S. Semple,'M.B.E., J.P., F.R.S.A.
Cedar Croft
16 Belsize Road
Lisburn BT27 4AW |
Councillor R. W. C.
Kirkwood, B.Sc.(Econ.), A.L.A.
4 Marnabrae Belsize Road
Lisburn BT27 4LDAlderman Dr. G. W. C. McCartney, M.B.,
B.Ch., M.R.C.G.P.
10 Clonevin Park
Lisburn BT28 3BL
District 'E'
Collin, Derriaghy, Dunmurry and Seymour Hill
Councillor J. E. Cousins
13 Cloona Crescent
Upper Dunmurry Lane Dunmurry
Belfast BT17 OHGAlderman J. M. Gilchrist, B.Sc., J.P
5 Church Avenue
Belfast BT17 9RS |
Councillor W. Groves, J.P.
16 Beech Grove Dunmurry
Belfast BT17 9PUCouncillor R. J. McNeice, M.I.T.E.,
46 Bachelors Walk
Lisburn BT28 1XN