Ecce Homo—By Reni. This well-known and impressive picture of Our Lord, crowned with
thorns, is by Guido Reni, an
artist of the Bolognese School. Reni was born at Calvenzano in 1575,
and studied under Calvert
and Carracci in Bologna. He spent five years in Rome, where he came
under the influence of Caravaggio. He died at Bologna in 1642. "
Ecce Homo " hangs in the National Gallery,
London, by whose permission it is here reproduced.
The Annunciation--By Lorenzo di Credi. Copyright, W. F. Mansell.
The picture represents the visit of the Angel Gabriel to the Blessed
Virgin with the salutation, " Hail, full of grace." This salutation
is reserved for Our Lady alone, for rightly she is called full of
grace who alone obtained a grace merited by none save herself. The
feast of the Annunciation is celebrated on March 25. Lorenzo di
Credi was an exponent of the Florentine School. He was born at
Florence in 1457, and died there in 1537